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August 12, 1922 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1922-08-12

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:43 tt t I



Staging and Costuming Above Aver
age; Play Ilas Many Difficul-
ties For Amateurs
(By Jack Br1iscoe)
It is sorrowful that the play pro
duction class plays have received s
much advanced heralding for thei
play "The Rivals," presented las
night at University hall auditorium
The presentation had streaks of fin
acting and taken as a whole was wel
done considering the small number o
people Professor Hollister has tc
choose from. One or two of the actorE
behaved as if they were at home oar
the stage and the others at least show-
ed that they tried hard to be finished
But this was the trouble; several
tried too hard and it was overdone
'The main one at fault was Miss Deiss
-who took the part of Lydia Lanquish.
She had a great many hands and made
one feel that she did not know what
to do with them. She also had a coy
way of holding her head which de-
tracted from her part. Miss Frances
Gordesman as Julia has a fine voice
and good stage presence but also fail-
ed miserably in controlling her hands,
which did wierd antics as she talked.
Servants Overdo
The servants with the exception of
C. Julian Riley, who took the part of
Thomas, and did some clever work all
4overdid their parts, some atrociously.
Watson as Fag had some clever lines
Tbhut did not handle them as well as
R1ley, who was far more humorous
:without being foolish.
By far the most finished perform-.
ance was given by H. L. Ewbank, as
Capt. Jack Absolute. He was perfect-
ly at home all of the time and made
.the audience forget that he was H. L.
dEwbank, while he was on the stage.
Emma G. Leonard as Mrs. Malaprop
and Gail E. Densmore as Sir Anthony
.Absolute had difficult parts and handl-'
+ed them well for amateurs but did
mot have the finish of the professional
as could hardly be hoped for. At
ttimes they were especially good and
,deserve praise for certain scenes,
which ones however I fail to remember
tts I was mixed up after the first three
or four of the fourteen scenes.
Eighteenth Century Setting
At times several of the actors got
lost in the maze of their lines which
with their rather difficut phrasing and
subtle humor were hard to put across.
Taking place in the city of Bath in
1775, the play concerned the love af-
fair of Lydia Lanquish, an exceeding-
ly rich young girl, who lived with
her old widow aunt, Mrs. Malaprop.
She was in love witha young man who
she supposed was named Beverly and
was poor. He turned out to be Cap-
tain Absolute and son of Sir Anthony
Absolute with whom her aunt had
planned to arrange the marriage of
the two. She was unaware that the
man her aunt was forcing her to marry
was her lover and he was afraid to

let her know at first for fear she would
not care for him when she found out
he had money. Other lovers entered
into the complications which were
straightened out at the end. It seems
-that a play somewhat easier might
(Continued on Page Four)
U. S. Plan Accept^d in Cuba
.Havana, Aug. 11. - Congressional
leaders accepted in part the American
plan for solving Cuban finances. Clv-
11 service will be suspended for three
months to permit reorganization in
the interest of honesty and efficiency
and a project for a foreign loan to
liquidate $50,000,000 in unpaid current
obligations was accepted in principle,
one per cent sales tax is provided.


- (By Kat1grige E, $tyer)
London, Aug 11.-The Washington "Gosh, it's hard to thing of leavin 94
government for 14 years has been ex- this pJace ai4 ggn' backt o De- pl
pending its share of the Boxer in- Natioiutsts ;sAke Crafif V0,o n f tr it' sa- l oye g gster, hg hasot
demnities from China for the benefit Leading ShdaerssFromy
and support of Chinese students in the Boats it hlf qu jJ ya tha Univer- br
D United States. Japan has now comeyg
forward with a aimilar proposal, and CUTTING OF CABLES -MAES lake near Plf eyf fi
Great Britain may follow suit. COWMUN1CATION PIFVIULT Three hundred small boys fron le- ai
A department committee, of which I troit and other cities in Michiga Have e
Sir John Jordan, former British min- known all of the joys of outdoor life
ister at Peking, is chairman, is con- (By Associated Press) this surnmer, at the expense of Mich-
E sidering the idea of Great Britain fore- Dublin, Aug. 11.-Cork and Queens- igan students and alumni. Swim- bo
going her indemnity installment, due town are virtually In control of the ming, beating, Ihiing, games and ge
this year, provided China expend it Natioalists today. Only isolated above all the f'edo of the out- fo
for educational purposes at home. The ;bands of irregulars in both cities are doors, have been a part pf the "great"I
government is thought to be favorably opposing Free State troops which en- vaatin time, which many of the boys hu
inclined. Japan also has said she was tered the cities yesterday after a suc- have neyeyj before eperienced. th
prepared to forego her share of the ccssful coup in landing troops from the Good "cpp ' precise, and sun- an
Chinese money under the same stipu- sea It is considered only a matter of shine Kaye brough t c-j an4 a1
lation. days now until the faction opposlug healthy tan into their cheeks. I
There is no question of foregoing by forc acceptance of the Irish cn. Jatness In Eviden M en
o the right to the Boxer indemnity, eith- stitution' will have capitulated. order and disciplin rule supreme
r er by Japan or Great Britain, and if Reports of the fighting are meager, at t, cemp. 5s aye W shd, teeth to
t the present proposals materialize the due to cutting off of all communication are brushed, and a dip in he ise i§ Po
, two governments would see that the except by water. Fragmentary ac- taken eah o ding before breakast. bQ
e money is actually used by the Chinese counts, howeve, make it virtually cer- After ofirst gss'' the p s fall in for kn
1 authorities for the stipulated educa- tain that the Nationalists have attain- personal fuspecti. 'hey receive sk
f tional purposes. ed control of both cities, which suffer- merit marks for personal geatness ha
o The Boxer indemnities were exacted ed enormous damage, as the irregulars and for the 9,4 appearanpe of theirr
s in 1901 by the powers for the attacks dynamited or burned ayost of the pub- tents.sli
n in China in 1899 and 1900 upon for- lic buildings. The damrnge may reach The daily program, composed of pe
- eigners and native Christians. A total $15,000,000. hikes, swims, ball games, bg hunts, Th
of 11 countries, including Great Brit- Thousands of refugees fled as' the at- and fishing is planned by Frank Bai- r'
ain, the United States, France, Italy, tack began. ley, '21.. Mr, Bailey has been princi- Ni.
I Russia and Japan, receive yearly al- Only feeble resistance was Atemlt- pal of the Harbor Springs high school stu
lotments. The extinction date of the ed by the irregulars, explosives and for the past year, He also oaciates '
indebtedness is 1945. fire being used to cover the retireme.t. as song leader, and has taught the th
. while here and there small bands bar- boys camp songs and Michigan airs. tu
ricaded themselves in buildings and Sam Psko, '22, is director of
UNYFSIY poured their rifle fire into the ranks games and camp cheerleader. M. H.
of the Nationalists. Goldberg, '20, is filrst aid doctor, and1
RiTIONSR ESUME Fighting still is proceeding In the is kept busy plying salve and iodine
suburbs of Cork and a strong force to blisteW shoulders and scratched
of irregulars has been gathered to feet.
cover the retirement into the inter- Louis Reiman, '6, is general di-
COLJMABIA PROF. GIVES FIRST ior of Kerry Cpunty. rector of the camp asisted by Rev. NE
FORMAL EXCHANGE LEC A considerable amount of territory Lloyd Wallick.
TUJRE SINCE 1914 to the northwest and north of Cork Nature Study Interests Boys
,A-sstill is under control of the irregulars, One of the much frequented tents
Berlin, Aug. 11. - South Americans but the loss of Cork, their principal in the camp is that of "Dad''' ( I. E.)
are past masters in the art o poli- source of revenue from confiscated Lockwood. Mr. Lockwood has amde a
tics," declared Prof. William R. Shep- customs, was a blow which it is be- lifelong study of birds and animals.
herd, of Columbia university, today in lieved the Irregulars can not with- He conducts insect hunts with the of
an dr. b he ner sity ofestand. boys and explains the habits and na- sta
}Berlin. Dr. Shepherd urged greater The Nationalists now are advancing ture of the animals which they cap- ate
appreciation of the, importance of toward the remainder of the Irregu- ture. The quarry collected by the ooo
Latin-American nations in the coun- lars from the north and south. At campers ranges from rattlesnakes to sta
sels of world powers, discussing the headquarters here it is believed there birds and insects. Mr. Lockwood's m
subject "The Republics of Spanish is no escape for them. Eamonn de collection of every sort of wild life is tie
and Portuguese America and Their Valera was reported in Cork Wed- a source of wonder and interest to A
International Relations. r nesday. He is believed to be with the the boys. ga
eeture s was thne fir4.st fmal body of irregulars fleeing into Berry A favorite pastime at the camp is Io
event of its kind since 1914. It was County. enforcing the law. When some mis- of1
attended by a distinguished company The rebels are reported making creant breaks a rule, he is uncere- 11,
of some 400 persons, including the a stand in the ruins of Patrick street moniously dumped into the lake re- sta
Amrs;ernandtJaes e mbssat In Queenstown. All public buildings' gardless of what clothes he is at- an
dors; representatives of the South have been burned. tired in. This pnishment is meted the
American diplomatic agd consular ofd The Free Staters apparently con- j Lut, voluntarily by the boys them- La
flees; members of the government, and trol not only Cork and Queenstown, se.lves, and in dull moments it is quite let]
a number of noted professors of the but Clomal, Cahir and Dungarvan as cownmon to find a group sleuthing %
university. The latter comprised an well. abou, t for some one who has broken cre
imposing list of famous educators - __baxirom_srkr
who have appeared in American uni- a camp axiom. - sm
versity lecture roms, such as Profes- lar
sors Friedlander, Bonn, Brandl, KNOW YOUR UNITERSITY CARLTON ASKS USE bal
Penck, Vogel, Spranger, Sternfield, OF SEALED CABLE tur
Brinkman, Sering, Hegmn, and Koeb- Celebrated Michigan alumni are to co
ener. be found in every conceivable field of New York, Aug. 11.- Newcomb tie
Given Hearty Reception work and in all parts of the world. Carlton, president of the Western Un- sta
Professor Shepherd was given a A few examples of this will be given ion Telegraph company, announced con
hearty reception when introduced by in this and tomorrow's issue, today he had wired President Harding sta
Dr. Walter Nernst, Rector Magnificus Joseph Ripley, '76, designed t;he for permission to use, in the emerg- sta
of the university. Dr. Shepherd locks for the Panama Canal. So:me ency caused by seizure of cables by mo
roughly outlined the historical devel- others who have become prominent in Irish irregulars, the cable landed by A
opment of the Latin-American nations scientific work are Charles F. Brush, the Western Union at Miami, from the the
from the close of the eighteenth cen- '69E, inventor of the arc light; Rob- Barbados and sealed by the govern- in
tury when there existed "the greatest ert S. Woodward, '72E, president of ment pai
colonial empire ever struck off by the the Carnegie instiution; and Howard Mr. Carlton gave assurance that, if $30
hand of man, the Empire of Spain." Coflin, '3E, automobile engineer and permission were granted, the Miami scr
Decades upon decades, he said, the chairman of the war aviation board. cable would be used for European bus- nio
countries to the south of the United Justice William Rufus Day, '70, iness only.
States have been neglected by Euro- heads the roll of prominent judges Front Miami, messages could be T

pean immigration and European cap- who attended Michigan. He was sec- transmitted to Pernambuco, where C
ital, two factors which he denied fun- retary of state under McKinley and the Western Telegraph company of men
damentally vital to the progress of chairman of the board of peace com- London has ample facilities for for- tion
New World lands. missioners after the war with Spain. warding them to London. van
These two elements have been re- Attempts of the Western Union, dur- rep
quired by the United States to bring FRAYER ILLNESS PREVENTS ing the Wilson administration, to land Gr
it to its present flourishing condition, HISTORY LECTURE DELITERY on the Florida coast without an exec- Istr
Dr. Shepherd said, adding that when - utive permit, led to the dispatch of tho
they had obtained by the nations to Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- warships to prevent the landing, and mil
the south the future of those lands tory department, was unable to d.eliver was followed by extensive litigation. mo
would be assured. his Summer session lecture on "His- The government held that to permit str
Stresses Latin States' Power tory and Citizenship: a New Examin- landing in the United States of a line
The speaker urged greater consid- ation of an Old Subject," at 5 o'clock connecting with the British cable to
eration for the status of the Latin- yesterday afternoon, due to P slight Brazil would serve to enlarge the N
American states in world politics. He illness. Professor Frayer is expiect- monopoly held by the British company ric
expressed the belief that "the quanti- ed to resume his duties at the begin- in that country. regi
tative method of determining actual ning of next week. Finally, in order to permit depart- Bo
worth is just as unfair when applied No announcement has been mada as ure of the cable ship, the government ele
to nations as to individuals." to whether the lecture will be given allowed the cable to be spliced, but-im- go'
(Continued on Page Four) later, Mediately placed in under seal. ing

Many and ingenious are the meth-
Ls of weilding a knife an4 fork dis- AN R H RD G
ayed by the boys in the mes tent.
he central issue seemed to be tq "get
ttside" of the steaming potatoes,
-ead and milk. As a proof of cnsist-
Lt good appetites, one of the camp
ilcials remarked that eight pounds REPLY IS "OONDITIONA ACET
butter are cgns?,ned by the boys at lM E ME" OF STRIKE SEC
ph mlealjeiit pg
]Reye ffeathy AppetoL--
After supper and retreat, when each LEE BRANDS SANTE FE
ys comes to attention, there, is a STRIKE UNAUTHORIZED
neral hurry and bustle to prepare
r campfire. Telegraphs Brotherhood Members to
In a hollow at the water's edge, a Follow Regular Procedure in
ige log firp is built eaph night where
e entire camp gathers for stories
d songs. (By Associated Press)
Promptly at 9 o'clock lights are out, New York, Aug, 11.-A committee
half hour of forbidden whispering representing the railway executives
sues, and the camp is asleep, tomorrow will wait on President
Amusing nick names have been con- Harding with a reply to his proposal
rted from the variety of Hungarian, for settlement of the rail strike that
)ish, and Slav proper names. One was described by one railroad official
y whose name is Cyszpanski, is, as a "conditional acceptance.'
own as "$uspenders," another whose What the conditions were, he did
in is pealing as a result of sunburn not state,.
s been dubbed "Skin disease." The announcement was made by an
piepgsa this summer aggregated official in close touch with the execu-
ghtly less than one dollar per day tive. He declined to permit his name
r boy, according to Mr. Wallick. to be -used or to amplify the phrase
e figure last year was slighly high- "conditional acceptance."
than that for this season. About The terms upon which the rail ex-
4f pf the camp fund was donated by ecutives agreed to accept Harding's
idents and the remainder by alumni. plan were unofficially said to be as
The camp will break up Monday for follows
e summer and the boys will be re- "First-That the President's re-
rned to their hmes quest that the strikers be taken back
would be interpreted that the roar
would rehire only as many of the
strikers as would be needed to re-
trieve the present forces to normal,
O NEI "Second-Thatsuch strikers as are
taken back return unconditionally
their seniority rights, later to be es
:W HAWKEYE STANDS TO HOLD tablished by the railroad labor
42,000 PEOPLE WHEN COM- oard."
PLETED Two Thousand Passengers Stalled
Los Angeles, Aug. 11. - Twelve
(By Associated Press) transcontinental trains on the Santa
owa City, Ia., Aug. 11.-Completion Fe were stalled at Desert Point at
the first extension on the football noon following the refusal of train-
nds at Iowa field which will ultim- men to proceed, according to a If-
ly have a seating capacity of 42,- given out at the general offices here,
, gives the University of Iowa a There were no avallabl figures of
dium which at present can accom- the number of passengers involved,
date 25,000 fans at a gridiron bat- but railriad men said that if the to-
or a track meet. tal was averaged it would run from
klumni and former students of 2,000 to 2,500.
ne, scheduled with the University The number will be increased to-
wa, returning to the homecoming day by accumulating west-bound
Minnesota on Armistice day, Nov. trains. East-bound service has been
will be greeted by a new style a-f annulled.
nds, built of steel and conceived by Company officials said that passen- -
Iowa professor, B. J. Lambert, of gers would be cared for as well as
college ofengineering. Professor possible in the trains until some
mbert is chairman of the Iowa ath- means could be found for moving
Ic board. them.
When it was found that the old con-
te stands at Iowa fields were too Santa Fe Walkout Unauthorized
all to accommodate the increasingly Cleveland, Aug. 11:-W. G. Lee,.
ge crowds attending Big Ten foot- president of the brotherhood of rail-
1 games here, the athletie board road trainmen, today telegraphed to
ned to Professor Lambert. After general chairmen and general secre-
siderable study he decided steel taries of the Santa Fe coast lines at
rs could be erected behind the old Los Angeles, Cal., that the walkout
nds on either side of the fields, at of brotherhood members on the Santa
siderable less cost than concrete Fe lines was unauthorized and that
nds. The result was the present the regular procedure in settling dis-
dium either side of which extends putes should be followed before any
re than 100 feet in height. suspension of work. The telegrams
tbout $90,000 has been expended on were also sent to General Chairman
extension since work started early Duffy and General Secretary Has-
April. The improvements will be , Los Angeles.
d for by a bond issue of $100,000, Make No Announcement
,000 of which has already been sub-
ibed throughout the state for alum- Washington, Aug. 11.-After sever-
of the university. al hours' conference behind closed
(Continued on Page Four)

Turks Report Greek Retirement
Constantinople, Aug. 11. - Retire- WATCH FOR IT!
rnt of Greek troops from some posi- IA
ns in their recent threatening ad-
ne toward Constantinople has been Wath for The Summer Daily's
orted by Turkish gendarmerie special feature issue tomorrow!
eeks are reported retiring from the How to pass blue-books without
ranja area toward Adrianople and taking them--what the society
se west of Tchatalja, to Silviri, 40 editor, er, beg pardon, editress,
es west of here on the Sea of Mar- thinks of the Summer J.Hop-
re. On the Poreali line they are what temperature you can expect
iking tents. for the finals, and a review of the
football situation at ItIhcigan,
Russian Made Priamur Ruler and the prospects for next fall-
New York, Aug. 11-General Died- all in tomorrow's issue. And as
once war mInister of the Czarist an added attraction, watch for
,hm ne w a , m is der f th e fC a rst th e " R ea d 'E m an d W e ep " a rticle,
gime in Russia, commander of anti- prepared by authorities to light-
lshevist troops in Siberia, has been en the burdens of the gSummer
cted supreme ruler of the Priamur j session student body.
vernment at Vladivostok, accord-
+ o eh- ram

I$ W 4 'il3 ,I

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