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June 19, 1922 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1922-06-19

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Published every morning except Monday during the Summer
ssion by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
iblication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news published therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secondr
as matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.5o.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signa-
re not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
id notices of events will be published in The Summer Daily at the
scretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Summer Daily
fice. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No
anuscript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the senti-
ients expressed in the communicatonis.-
Telephone 2414
ity Editor..............................James B. Young
ight Editors-
Howard A. Donahue George E. Sloan
Julian E. Mack
porting Editor-...........................Jack D. Briscoe
Vomen's editor......:........ ".. "....... "..... Dorothy Bennetts
ditorials.......... --.... -.. ---......--HerbertBS. Case
[umor Editor ......... ...................Donald Coney

formula, "It is true?"-will insure the University
from the greatest of all injuries, slander. How
great a detriment a "false report can become, can
only be understood when it is remembered that the
influence of this University reaches to almost every
corner of the globe. Like the leak in the dike it
grows to great proportions unless stopped in time.

Gifts for Graduation


The world measures a man not only by what he
is, but by what he does, and how he does it.
Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State, since
the first time he ever came into the public eye has
fulfilled all of these standards, all of the so-called
requirements which make for success. He has
gained for himself a name as world leader, a man
who is recognized as a diplomat and statesman of
the highest rank. When the great nations gathered
at Washington for the Disarmament Conference,
it was Hughes who threw the gauntlet of defiance in
.the ring, when each country faltered and hestitated
to make the first move in the permanent assurance
of a world peace.
Commencement has usually drawn to Michigan
many great speakers, but none of greater fame and
renown than Hughes has ever addressed a Univer-
sity audience. His accomplishments have received
national and even international recognition, for to
him has been intrusted the major portion of the task
of securing an amicable settlement of the country's
after-war problems, and the restoration of the land
to a sound, normal, progressive basis. The Class
of 1922, and those others who attended the gradua-
lion exercises, should consider themselves indeed
Jortunate to have had the opportunity of hearing
Secretary Hughes.'
Now Thomas Edison is creating another little
tempest all his own with a new set of unanswerable
questions. If nothing else, Mr. Edison is a great



W. B. Butler

Leona Horwitz

G. D. Eaton
Telephone 960
Advertising..................-...........Townsend H. wolfe
Publication.........................George W. Rockwood
Accounts ..............................Laurence H. Favrot
Circulation .... ......... .....~... "....Edward F. Conlin
Ass fants
Elizabeth J. Forsythe X. Clark Gibson Katherine E. Styer
Philip H. Goldsmith
MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1922
(From a Senior's Point of View)
For four yearse, Commencement has loomed be-
fore us as a dim, distant goal, almost unattainable,
and hence, little thought of. Today, when it is a
reality, we are little perturbed. The momentousness
of the occasion is characterized only by the thought
that the day seems little different from others.
The youth of today-if a college graduate will
suffer himself still to be called a youth-is a rather
curious combinaton of easy nerves, one day, one
occasion is to him no different from any other. He
prides himself upon his ability to obviate all aston-
ishment from his make-up. He takes things as
they come-is glad or sorry-but rarely excited.
,And so, it is a difficult matter to crystalize in
words our reactions to Commencement. Perhaps,
after it is all over, after we have felt the pangs
which come with the thought of leaving old friends
and of meeting new ones, we shall feel little dif erent
.for having attended the exercises. We like to think
that we should hardly care if we didn't go at all, yet
within the heart of each graduate this morning, there
is a littte th-rill-a quiet one, perhaps, but a thrill,
neverthless. It is one of satisfaction-of gratifica-
tion, that we have not failed in the task we have as-
sumed and perhaps the greatest enjoymient of Com-
mencement for us will come from the knowledge of
the feeling of regret wlich might have come had
we faltered.by the-way.

"Safe now in the wide, wide world."

(As the Undergraduate Sees It)
After leaving college there is a tendency to think
that one duty to one's alma mater consists in re-
turning to it for class reunions, talking about it oc-
casionally, and forgetting it the rest of the time.
This is not the-attitude which Michigan alumni.have
taken to any considerable extent, as evidenced by
the continual support which the University receives
from all parts of the world.
"College spirit" should not end with receiving the
diploma. The period after college is so much long-
er than the college years that helpfulness should
increase proportionately, for the University needs
material and moral support as long as it continues
to exist. Striking examples of this devotion are
numerous here on the campus. Hill auditorium, the
women's dormitories, Alumni 'Memorial hall, the
Law dormtiory, and the Michigan Union are but a
few of these. That the college where one is trained
for business or profession should benefit by one's
prosperity is and deserves to be well appreciated.
But there is another duty owing this institution
which is not so readily seen. This is moral backing
at all times, and on all occasions, and which does
lot mean continual rah-rahing or boosting with
tories of this wonderful institution, Michigan. Rath-
r, it means probing, and intercepting the -reports
o often disseminated to the detriment of the Uni-
ersity, and its administration. The continuous ap-
Ralion of the test of value-President Burton's

Nw w Ofsu p....... 6. ...~r.U ... ... r... . ........ . ..
-i-a flash in the Pan."
The Present Generation
An alumnus stood on the Union steps
Smoking a bad cigar.
A senior of youthful mein he lamped
And laughed a low "har, har !"
"My boy," he quoth, "you need advice
For the world is a sink of sin.
He reached him out a horny hand
And snaffled the senior in.
"When I left Ann Arbor's walks and towers
I resolvedto journey far;
So I sold beef tea-from Tennesee
To the Sanjak of Novi Bazaar.
"But at Irkutsk I hocked my boots
And I had to soak my clock,
For I bought some shares ina doughnut mine-
Boy, never buy mining stock!"
"And I've got a plan for the good of man-
"I'll let you in on the ground."
As he spoke of his scheme with eyes agleam
The alumnus lost his ground.
And the elder knew when he came to
That he'd fell for the senior's line.
For he'd bought unafares at least ten shares
I a Peruvian doughnut mine !
"But you've no idea," burbled the clerk, "how
easily the ink flows in our improved fountain pens."
"Perhaps not," replied Lucretius, blotting his
trousers, t'but I have an inkling."
"I can sing in any flat if I have the proper key."
remarked Front-door Jimmy, the virtuoso of Sing
'-and this," we said, waving gracefully toward
the most recent acquisition of the campus, "is the
new Clements Library." We paused for effect.
"With a crane it it," we added by way of explana-
The Old Altimnus stroked his whiskers. "Oh,"
he said, "I thought all along it was a training school
for the marine engineers, with a mast so as they
could practice with sails. Excuse me."
Cockide Quatrainss I
I like to carve peculiar words
Into pretty paragraphs.
Thus hoping that some carefree birds
Will bust into some lowbrow laphs.
"You made me what I am today, I hope -
"Well, you can't say you are a .self-made man,

The Fishing Season Opened Friday, June 16th
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the Summer Vacation
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Nickels Arcade 23ELierty
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j reetings to visiting Alumni as well as the Summer Visitors.



Phone f08-Corner S. State and N. Univ.-G. Claude Drake, Prop.

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