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September 21, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-21

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



. .

I, No. 4




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imsters Must
pear i.n Court
[Rion Rig Conspiracy Charge
v Cause Postponement by Judge
NGTON (A) - The International Brotherhood of Team-
; officers were ordered yesterday to appear in federal
Sept. 27 to answer charges that they have conspired to
n's election in favor of James R. Hoffa .
States District Judge F. Dickinson Letts directed them to
why the election scheduled for the Teamsters convention
each next month should not be delayed by a temporary
year-old judge, a former Republican congressman from
on a petition filed for a group of rank and file Team-
- sters in the New York Area by
- 7 . T Atty. GodfreyP. Schmidt.5

its ISlast

S Mid-East
ei Gromyko told the United'
ns yesterday tlat the Soviet
a cannot remain an "impas-
observer" while the United
s and other, Western powers
turn the Middle East into a
e Soviet forei'gn minister out-
his country's position on the
le East, 'disarmament and
East-West issues in a policy
Ii of 11/2 hours to the 82-na-
'Denies Charges
denied charges leveled by
d States Secretary of State
s Thursday that the Soviet
n was risking war by threat-
.Turkey and sending arms
omyko challenged the United
s to raise the charges before
Inited Nations. He called on
United Nations to "condemn
ately the dangerous policy"
,id was being pursued by the
ern Powers.
blamed the NATO powers
reating a tense situation in
Viiddle East that bears upon
t security.
'Can't Stand By'
he Soviet Union cannot place
in the position of an impas-
observer while the Near and
le East, an area close to the
ers of the Soviet Union, is
turned into a permanent
ed of military conflicts," he
owing concern in the United
in over the Middle East was
;ted ina proposal put before
ssembly by Foreign Minister
k Aiken of Ireland that a UN
aission be named for "promo-
Af reconciliation and econom-
tterment" in that troubled

Opposed Hoffa
Schmidt, former counsel for the
New York State Labor Depart-
ment, successfully staved off Hof-'
fa's attempt to swing a New York
Teamsters Council election two
years ago.
In his court' appearance yester-
day, Schmidt claimed Hoffa -
Midwest Teamsters vice president
and leading contender for the
$50,000-a-year presidential' post
being relinquished by Dave Beck
--has combined with Beck and
others to rig the Miami Beach
Opens Sept. 30.
The convention starts Sept. 30,
with the elections due on Oct. 4
or 5.
Schmidt, referring to the
Teamsters officials as a "swindle-
bund," told Judge Letts they ex-
ercised dictatorial control over
the 11/2-milliori-member union.
He said the convention dele-
gates have been handpicked,
elected without the membership
vote required by the Teamsters
Of issile
Canaveral, Fla. ( -) -- A huge,
flame-trailing missile was launched
from here yesterday in what was
believed to be the first successful
firing of the Air Force Thor.
Authorities confirmed only that
a missile had been fired-the third
in two days-but their tone indi-
cated they were satisfied with the
The projectile rose with a flam-
ing tail, traveling upward on an
even keel for perhaps 15 or 201
miles before turning in a morel
horizontal direction.
Observers three miles away
heard the sound 20 to 30 seconds
after the missile was airborne at
9:25 a.m. -
It came as a heavy roar like
the sound of bombers flying high
overhead. Windows rattled in
downtown Cocoa 15 miles away.
The Thor, 65 to 70 feet in length
and designed to travel 1,500 miles,
is an intermediate-range missile
developed for the Air Force. ,

Faubus TV
Talk Begins
Soon After
He Will Comply,
But Plans Appeal
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. ()-Gov.
Orval Faubus last night ordered
the National Guard troops away
from Central High School a few
hours after a federal court ordered
him to stop interference with the
school's integration plan.
The guard left at 6:25 p.m.
Faced with the injunction, Fau-
bus said, "I will comply."
Presumably the nine Negro stu-
dents who have been barred from
the school by the troops since
they attempted to enter Sept. 4,
will attend classes Monday. Sev-
eral had said they would go if
Guardsmen would not bar their
Closes Chap -
The action of the governor ap-
-parentlycloses one chapter of the
historic struggle between state and
federal power but Faubus said he
would exhaust all avenues of
appeal to overturn the injunc-
At President Eisenhower's New-
port, R. I., vacation headquarters,
press secretary James A. Hagerty
said there would be no comment
on the action Friday night. ka-
gerty said the President was told
of the troop withdrawal by Atty.
Gen. Brownell, who telephoned
from Washington.
Faubus spelled out his stand on
a three-station television hookup
in Little Rock at 6:30 p.m., given
minutes after Lt. Col. Marion
Johnson had appeared at the high
school and called out the guard.
Dramatic Climax
It was a dramatic, climax to a
swift - moving chain of events
which started with U. S. Dist.
Judge Ronald N. Davies' injunc-
tion against Faubus following a
five-hour hearing during which
the governor's attorneys walked
out saying, "We're through."
The had challenged the federal
government's right to question
Faubus' actions and then left. The
hearing continued and at the end
the judge ruled that Faubus had
thwarted the order of the court
for integration by his use of the
troops and directed him to stop.
"Ignored Law"
Faubus in his speech said Judge
Davies "ignored the law" in re-
fusing some of the motions made
by the governor's attorneys yester-
day. He did not say specifically
which ones.
He said, "I have instructed my
attorneys to exhaust every legal
remedy to appeal this order. How-
ever, so long as this order is in
effect and until its certain rever-
sal on appeal, I will comply."
The governor then said even as
he talked the guards were leaving.
He appealed for order and peace
in Little' Rock and said, "now is
the time for the utmost precaution
and forebearance on the part of
all persons."
He said he hoped the National
Assn. for the Advancement of
Colored People would "not be so
reckless as to push integration
..until a cooling off period has



Dies at 91
HELSIKI (A) - -Jan Sibelius,
91, the great, brooding Finnish
composer, died last night from
a brain hemorrhage at his seclud-
ed woodland home outside Hel-
He was best known popularly
over the world for the sweeping
sonorities of his tone peom "Fin-
landia" and to musicians for the
craftsmanship of the dark, mysti-
cal music that challenged both
their wonder and the critical pow-
Left a Mystery
Sibelius left a mystery for the
musical world to puzzle over. His
last published works came out in
the late 1920s and he is believed
to have done some major compos-
ing since. He died without saying.
The craggy-faced giant long
had been regarded as among the
world's foremost composers.
Shaven - headed, his brooding
face lined with age, he remained
out of the world spotlight the last
20 years. He had published no
musical works after 1929. But the
whole world joined in a swelling
outburst of praise and gifts for
the maestro on his 90th birthday,
Dec. 8, 1955.
Joved Cigars
He was showered with mes-
sages, recordings and flowers, and
loaded down with his favorite
cigars and claret.
He once said: "Cigars are my
great passion. I smoke them night
and day."
Sibelius was poverty stricken
early in his career. But his genius
became so compelling that by 1925
the Finnish government granted
him a pension amounting to $2,000
a year.
Wrote 'Finlandia'
It enabled him to spend all his
time composing and to find relax-
ation puttering about in the shrub
garden of his villa about 13 miles
from here. He built the house him-
self 53 years ago. A big white
rustic house under the trees, he
slared it with his wife Aino, for
whom the house was named.
Great works flowed from his
pen. The "Swan of Tuonela," with
its dark brooding philosophy of
Hades and death, became second
to "Finlandia" in the repertories
of the West. His symphonies,
especially those in E and in D,
were: widely played.
. His Karelia Suite, his hymns for
male choirs, his piano pieces and
violin concertos, all made their
mark in the world's music.
Continue Sale
Of Insurance
For those still interested in pur-
chasing student health insurance,
representatives from the Detroit
Insurance Agency will be at the
Student Activities Building Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, ac-
cording to Scott Chrysler, '59.
If interest is sustained,, Chrys-
ler said, representatives will also
be available Thursday and Friday.




-Photo Courtesy4University News Service.
TOP PRIORITY -- The Pediatrics Unit of the Children's hospital has first priority in the Regent'm
1958-59 request of $3,526,500 for University hospital construction. The University is seeking $1,219,-
000 to begin work on the building.




Regent s Liberalize Rules
Governing Loan .Funds

See. Benson
fHikes ,Corn

) Se eks

Daily Editor
The Regents yesterday liberalized the regulations governing stu-
dent loans in order to increase their-use by students.
At the same time, however, they heard a report indicating that
an economic squeeze on students has already done much to put long-
dormant loan funds into circulation.
The revised regulations permit an extension of the period of
time covered by a loan and lift the former limit, $250 a semester or
a total of $500, to an unspecified figure based "upon a number of
factors which the committee -
(will) take into account."
Interest rates of three per cent aN e
were retained.
The new regulations were pro- H l
p0 nvrre 1 wStudent Help
.posed by the Committee on Stu- 4u etdn onwihudroka
dent Loans, which undertook an
extensive study of the problem Michigan's campus humor maga-
last February, a time when many zine, the Gargoyle, will not be
loan funds were not being used. published this year unless addi-
Vice-President for Student Af- tional student support is shown
fairs James A. Lewis expressed by an increase in the number of
concern that the present supply staff members.
of loan funds might not "carry us Last May, the Board in Control
through the year." Vice-President of Student Publications decided to
for Business and Finance Wilbur "postpone" the appointment of
K. Pierpont assured the Regents, Gargoyle senior editors for this
however, that there were other school year, explaining their ac-
available funds "within the tion did not reflect upon either the
framework of the University." outgoing editors or the new peti-
65 Per Cent Used tioners for the vacated positions.
Committee figures showed that Nor is the Board's action to be
the last academic years saw $637,- interpreted as a ban on the humor
000 or 65 per cent of the funds magazine itself, Maurice M. Rin-
available, put into use. This con- kel, secretary to the Board, ex-
trasted with 50.5 per cent of the plains.
funds in use the previous year. A tryout meeting for the Gar-
Lewis said that many of those goyle will be held-Thursday
students who had b o r r ow e d
money in the spring have not NEW U.S SYSTEM:
been able to pay '.t back this fall, "_____________
due to a worsened summer job
picture, and that applications are R ar H u
Radar Hiw
heavy for funds this fall.r
Medical and engineering school
funds have been practically ex- WASHINGTON )-The Air:
hausted, the Regents learned. try's first major breakthrough in
Commenting on the general intercontinental ballistic missiles.
problem of student economic wel- It is a superradar system car
fare, University President Harlan figuring the precise course of a we
Hatcher expressed concern over niles away.
an attitude which would raise mie" wy
tuition in public institutions on Gen. Thomas D. White, Air7
the premise that "'a student is new development in ,space warfare
buying himself the capacity to claims of having successfully test
produce in the future" and there- reaching any target on earth.
fore should pay the full cost. Workir
"Social Necessity" White, declaring Communist
The ability to receive a college neutralize our retaliatory capabilit
education, President Hatcher de cally new radar system will be ope
clared, should not be based solely The Air'Force then said it is p
on one's ability to pay or willing- mile-range radars would be install
ness to go into debt. -Canada and either Labrador or Gre
Inexpensive public education, two more sets. Together these c


WASHINGTON ( W),- Secretary
of Agriculture Benson moved yes-
terday td strengthen corn markets
in an attempt to head off what he
called unwise expansion in the
production of hogs and other live-
He announced that 1957 crop,
corn, not heretofore eligible for
government price support, will be
extended such assistance. This is
designed to keep corn prices from
,dipping to levels which might en-
courage farmers to produce ex-.
cess ,livestock.
In Chicago The president of the
world's, largest grain market-The
Chicago Board of Trade-termed
the action "planned insanity."
Robert C. Liebenow said, "The
department has given the old
'double cross' ' the poor innocent
farmer who complied with federal
acreage controls this year."
Corn grown in a designated
commercial area comprising 894
major producing counties in 24
Midwestern, Eastern and South-'
eastern states by farmers who did
not comnply with federal acreage
allotments will be eligible for sup-
ports at an average of $1.10 a


Regnts OI
Long Rang
New Construction
Will Accommodate
Future Enrollment
Resubmitting its building j
gram to the Legislature, the !
versity will request a 1958-59c
ital outlay appropriation of $
517,000 for educational facili
and $3,426,500 for University A
Announcement of the req
was made yesterday as the
gents approved a five year cal:
outlay program totaling $125,4
987 to meet the needs of proje
rising enrollments.
Limited Funds
At the last egislative sess
lawmakers rejected attempts
start the University's future b
ing program wl1Ile appropri
seven million for educational
ciiities and $1.4 million for 1
versity Hospital. TlI funds v
sufficient only to complete bu
ings already under construct
In attempts to start its
year building program, the t
versity will request for 1958.
1) $1,175,000 to finish the I
unit of the Medical Scienc'e Bu
2) $2,500,000 to begin a ,
School of Music building at N
Fluids Engineering
3) $1200,000 for the second 1
of the Fluids Engineering Bu
ing at North Campus.
4) $1,500,000 for Physics and
tronp my Buildings.
5) $1,700,000 for a North C
pus Heating Plant and Ser
Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-pr
dent in charge of business and
nance said risingbuilding e
will make the buildings nines
cent more explnsive to the s
than if the funds were grante
the last session of the legislat
Matching Funds
The appropriation request
$3,436,500 includes $846,000 fc
Mental Research iBuilding,'
Federal'Government had grar
a matching amount but the I
versity was unable to pick it
without the legislative approp
Pierpont said the size of
federal grant can't be incre
and the nine per cent rise in b
ing costs will have to be bornm
the state.
Since the legislature appro
ated no money for planning
new buildings, the University
quests for 1958-59 will also inch
1) $368,000 to plan the se
unit of the Medcal Science bu
2) $370,000, to plan a''63
building costing $8,895,000.
Education School
3) $175,000 for a School
Education building at North C
4) $194,000 for a College
Architecture building, also
North Campus.
,5) $'175,000 to begin plani
a mathematics and compu
6) $240,000 to plan a NC
Campus materials and metall
Additional planning funds
also be requested in succeed
years of the five year prograrn
Of the total program, $102,9
000 will go for educational fa
ties and $22,479,987 will go
University Hospital and Med

fe Access
r Children

Stone School Parent Teacher
ganization is' considering four
thods of providing safe access
ross to the school for children,
inton Heimbach, chairman of
egroup's transportation com-
ttee, said last night.
The four plans consist of con-
ucting a walkway' either along
ckard Rd. or through the city
Columbia Ave., purchasing or
rting a bus, or forcing the
hool district to provide one,
imbach said.
The problem arose when Stone
hool was incorporated into the,
in Arbor School District last
ar, and the district refused to
>vide bus service for children
ring the present school year.
; parents sought an injunction,
prevent the Board of Education
>m ending service. The injunc-
n is now pending in circuit
A meeting will be held at 5:30
n.. Tuesday to consider the plans

SGC To Review Several Programs

The fate of the Campus Chest
will be one problem of Student
Government Council in the near
future, according to Joe Collins,
'58, SGC president.
The rCampus Chest, a give "once
for all" charity drive Was insti-
tuted on campus last year. A con-
flict with Galens, medical honor-
ary. and some dissatisfaction of
council members with the drive,
have kept it from being calen-
dared again until further consider-
Another important area for the
Council, Collins said, would be the
Southeast Asia Delegation plan
and comparable programs. An SGC
committee has drawn uD a vros-

be expansion of the cinema guild
Greater utilization of the SAB
is another goal of the Council,
Collins said. Right now -the group
is considering some kind of pro-
gram with the University Bureau
of Placement office.
Rising enrollments and the costs
as well as quality of education is
another area of concern for the
Council. A rising enrollments, com-
mittee is studying the problem,
and will report back to the Coun-=:
cil with suggestions for treating
the problem. The committee is
made ,up of students, faculty and
Academic Interest
Interest in academic areas is

honor system program (non-proc-
tored examinations) and making'
efforts to extend library hours.
The Council is also looking for-
ward to further work and. study
of the school calendar, Collins
remarked. A committee, requested
by the Council, has been at work
on calendar revisions.
Re-evaluate Projects
The Council also plans to re-
evaluate projects it has assigned
to other campus organizations.
This includes such things as the
Student Book Exchange and the
Air-Flite to Europe, as well as the
rushing study program.
Extension of leadership pro-
grams is another program for the

ats Missiles
Force yesterday revealed this coun-
efforts to set up ,a defense against
pable of detecting, identifying and
eapon speeding through space 3,000
Force chief of staff, disclosed the
e and linked it directly to Russian
-fired a ballistic rocket capable of.
hg Soon
progress in airpower "does not
ty," said the complicated and radi-
rating in the near future.
probable that the first of the 3,000-
ed in Alaska and that north-central
eenland could serve as locations for
ould cast an electronic detection






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