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September 19, 1957 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-19

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W orked

d rather empty commu- than 1000 students at the 10th with other national student or- of the administration or other
e end of summer school, National Student Congress. ganizations. authorities should not be criteria
Ii became the center of The youths heard renowned Students' Right in the selection or promotion of
ational gathering of stu- speakers, debated among them- Students, the top policy-making educators.""
i ideas. selves and concluded with major body for the United States Na- Responsibilities Added
days at the end of Aug- resolutions on, academic freedom, tional ,Student Association said, The student, the Congress said,
University hosted more military manpower and relations should have the right to question, "has the right and responsibility
criticize, and dissent from ideas, . . . to participate fully in inde-
free from outside pressures re- pendent inquiry and criticism."
DAY AND NIGHT stricting the pursuit of knowledge. A reinstatement of all benefits
CLASSES FORMING In its resolution on academic that contribute to an individual's
10 RTHAN 11 rerdtereelo md-trysrie -redi h
uses ABC'S - freedom, the Congress: education during and after mill-
6 wo 1) Ordered the repeal or modi- tary service was urged in the
fication of college and university Congress' resolution of military
3' Oregulations restricting operation manpower.
of partisan p o l i t i c a l student "Compulsory reserve programs
groups on campus. integrated with Selective Service
,et 400 schools in U.S. will assist you in review or placement. 2) Criticized limitations 'on and compulsory military training
ENROLL TODAY IN NEXT CLASSES campus speakers as "inconsistent must be viewed as temporary
SIwith the educational responsibili- measures and undesirable as per-
MILTONB USIN ESS COLLEGE ties of the university." manent institutions within our
ded 1915 Phone 8-7831 State & William Sts. 3) Declared "the personal phil- country," the youths said. They
'__ osophies or opinions of members urged strict enforcement of aca-

demic standards for those who at-
tend college with the aid of mili-
tary benefits.
IUS Criticized
The Congress heavily criticized
the Communist-dominated Inter-
national Union A' Students (IUS)
one of the two sponsoring organi-
zations for the World Festival of
Youth in Moscow last summer.
It said:
"The NSA observes that the IUS
has maintained its partisan poli-
tical orientation and its unrepre-
sentative character, being large-
ly composed of partisan or minor-
ity groups which are consistently
made to appear in IUS publica-
I tions and meetings as of a repre-
sentative character.
"USNSA also takes particular
notice of recent changes in IUS
policies and actions . . . but re-
alizes these changes do not con-
stitute a basic shift from partisan
political objectives."
Proposals Welcome
However, the Congress said it
would welcome- proposals for
practical cooperation with nation-
al anions of students throughout
the world, especially those made
through the International Stu-
dent Conference.
The Conference was established
by the NSA and other national
unions of students in 1950, and is
supported by more than 50 na-
tional student unions.
In the keynote address, the
Congress heard the president of
City, College of New York say the
struggle for democracy in racial
matters is the key issue facing
America i# the second half of the
20th Century.
Keynote Address
Buell G. Gallagher, a director
of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People for 23 years, said, "In the
long run, opposition to integra-
tion, whether in the North or
South will be seen as the last dy-
ing rattle of an order that is pass-
He urged students to be simi-
larly active in following their
ideals on campus.
"What we need in our colleges
and universities is more persons
of strong character who have a
healthy maladjustment to con-
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_r.. .. .. . ...


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