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January 15, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-15

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


See Page4







o Plundered
's Attack

A, Cuba (R), Fidel Cas-
s swept down out of the
yesterday and sealed
ustling sugar shipping
anzanillo in a daylight
of pillage and plunder.
ey slipped away before
men set fire to sugar
s, smashed equipment,
tomobiles and buses, at-
ins and seized prisoners.
e first time in Castro's
guerrilla war against
nment that his forces
tted the outskirts of
Then Retreat
ftly Castro pulled back
rather than risk an open
th government troops.
y long has awaited a
meet the vastly out-
Castro rebels in an open
e pullback, the eastern
y returned to normal.
irs the rebels had the
00,000 blockaded. They
1 burned cars and buses
r's gates in a search for
and army officers
y Castro as enemies of
hicles were allowed to
'ter their occupants were
and searched. But oth-
-riven off by the rebels
d. Some occupants were
ff as prisoners.
Burned Bus
els burned a bus after
s passengers and taking
corporal prisoner.
-ies from Manzanillo
rebels controlled all the
I highways leading to
ands attacked passenger
d" held up buses bound
a and Santiago de Cuba.
outskirts, Castro men
e supply centers and de-
ousands of dollars worth
sed equipment.'
miles to' the southeast,
ds attacked the rural
t at Yara and occupied
At nearby Campechuela
ebel group attacked an
impment and forced the
rI lee.
nment source said the
,ny may have been feed-
> enough rope to hang
'he source said the army
tro and his men to come
of the Sierra Maestra
)n Rveals

t ~-Daily--Fred Shippey
SOON TO OPEN-The Undergraduate Library's doors will open to Universitystudents at 7:55 a.m.
tomorrow. University President Harlan Hatcher willbe on' hand to greet the first to enter the new
- building.
New Library Opens Tomorrow



University President Harlan
Hatcher will officially open the
ne Undergraduate Library at 7:55
a.m. tomorrow.
President Hatcher will turn the
key unlocking the doors of the
$3,105,000 structure andrgreet the
first students to enter, according
to Erich A. Walter, Assistant to
the President.
Other University top adminis-
trators will also be on the scene
for the opening ceremonies.
From its .opening day, the Un-
dergraduate Library will maintain
its regular schedule of hours, saic
Roberta C. Keniston, Undergrad-
uate Librarian. The only change
will occur Saturday, Jan. 18; when
S to Provide
Rent Contracts
Upon Request
The University is preparing to
offer students and Ann Arbor land-
lords rental contracts it was an-
nounced yesterday.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said
the "rental agreements" will "spe-
cify periods o occupancy, condi-
tions of quarters and other mat-
ters." The forms will be available
on a -oluntary basis.
Re-establishment of a housing
bureau in the dean of men's office
was also announced. It will pro-
vide "better service to household-
ers and men living in off-campus
The contracts will be available
to any householder who has been
certified by the city as com'plying
with the state housing laws and
city ordinances.
Certificates Issued
Certificates of compliance are
issued by the Ann Arbor Depart-
ment of Building and Safety En-
gineering. About 130 off-campus
housing units with rooms for four
or more men students have been
certified to date.
Owners of these units will be
invited to participate in the pro-
gram. Assistant Dean of Men Karl
D. Streiff, who will direct the hous-
ing bureau, said the certified
housing has a capacity of 400 to
450 students.
He noted there are some 3,600
students living in off-campus
housing which is not normally
certified by the city. These stu-
dents are living in what are called
non-multiple dwellings.
Initiates Action
The city initiates action to cer-
tify only those housing units clas-
sified as multiple where four or
more non-family people are rent-
ing space.
Dean of Housing Peter Ostafin
said he believed non-multiple
dwellings could be certified if their
owners requested it. This would
permit owners of this type of
housing to participate in the
rentalagreement program.
Initially the bureau will be con-
cerned with rooms and not apart-
ments. Streiff said the University
would like to have apartments
brought under the program in the
He did not say when this would
be possible.
Householders and student tenA-
ants each will have copies of the
agreement and one copy will be
kept at the housing bureau. Should
any disagreement arise between
the parties, the office will assist
both involved in the problem.
Dean Rea emphasized the bu-

the library will extend its closing
time to midnight.
The regular hours for the Under-
graduate Library will be: 8 a.m.
to 12 midnight, Monday through
Friday; 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday;
and 2 p.m. to 12 midnight Sunday.
The charging desks will be open
until 9:45 p.m. Sunday through
Friday, and until 5:45 p.m. Satur-
The general card catalog will
be located on the main floor, near
the Reference Librarians' section.
There will be additional files lo-
cated on all three floors of the
library, which will list the books
located on that particular floor.
Reserve books, periodicals and
newspapers will be accessible on
the open shelves. Reference librar-
ians, said Mrs. Keniston, will be
available to answer any questions
about the facilities of the library.
To facilitate c. ecking on the
books charged froti' the collec-
tions, there will be one general
exit area, on the north side of
the main floor. Also located on the
lower floor is a film preview room
and an exhibit area, which will be
arranged by the Museum of Art.
Group study rooms for students
to discuss assignments and public
telephones will also be available
on each floor, according to Mrs.
A special feature of the library,
the student lounge, will be located
at the north end of the lower
floor. In this room vending. a-
. -
Motion Asking
. t
Exam Return
A motion asking that final ex-
aminations be returned to stu-
dents will come before Student
Government Council at its meet-
ing at 7 p.m. today in the Coun-
cil room on the third floor of the
Student Activities Bldg.
The motion suggests that finals
would better serve as an educa-
tional process if they were made
available to interested students.
It was originally discussed last
week and tabled until tonight's
Appointments will be made to
the Membership Restrictions
Committee, which will consider
recent progress in removing fra-
ternity and sorority restrictions.
The committee, which will con-
sist of two representative's from
Panhellenic Association, two from
Interfraternity Council and three
from SGC, was authorized last

chines will provide coffee, tea,
chocolate, milk, cold drinks, and
Smoking will be permitted
throughout the entire building,
stated Mrs. Keniston, due to a
complete air-conditioning system.1
After; the beginning of spring
semester, the Undergraduate Li-
brary will house the Education
Library on the second floor, the
Engineering Library on the third'
floor and the Transportation Li-
brary on the fourth floor.
Bias. Study
Interfraternity Council's presi-
dent, Rob Trost, '58, last night
questioned the necessity for Stu-.
dent Government Council's newly-
formed committee to study fra-
ternity bias clauses. He said "sb..
called restrictive membership;
clauses should be removed through
self-education of the fraternities
by tes
He cited University President
Harlan Hatcher and former Uni-
versity President Alexander Ruth-
yen's'veto of moves by the StudentI
Legislature and the Student Ac-
tivities Committee to remove bias
They both advocated self-edu-
cation, Trostrcontinued, and since
1954 12 out of 16 fraternities with
bias clauses have removed them.
t. Speaking at the Fraternity Pres-
ident's Assembly, he said Kent
Vana, '59, of Delta Kappa Epsilon,
and Mal Cumming, '58, IFC exec-
utive vice-president have been
recommended as the two frater-
nity representatives on the com-
Also at the meeting, the presi-
dents approved a move to increase
fines for violation of rushing and
pledging regulations from $100 to
$500. The vote was 26 to eight.
Cumming explained that in the
past the Executive Committee,
IFa's judiciary body, has been
limited to either .assessing just
$100 or Jumping to social proba-'
L ion or denial of rushing.
The Assembly also voted to
change the procedure for nomi-
nating officers for IFO.
Under the new system, the Exec-
utive Committee will screen appli-
cants to see which are qualified to
hold office. Nominations for, the
offices will come from the floor on
the night of elections.
Formerly, the committee made
nominations and further nomina-
tions could be made from the

Army Fires
First Stage
Of Jupiter
Redstone, Missile
To Launch Satellite
The Army launched a Redstone
missile-the first stage of its forth
coming satellite-bearing space ve-
hicle-at 8:25 p.m. EST last night.
The Redstone will be used as the
first stage of the Jupiter-C vehicle
with which the Army plans to
establish a small earth satellite in
The tall weapon, bigges"in the
Army's missile arsenal, rose pon-
derously from its concrete launch-
ing pad. A fiery wake made it
visible for miles up and down the
beaches of the Florida east coast.
The roar of its rocket engine
did not reach watchers on the
beaches four or five miles from the
launching area until fully a minute
after the takeoff.
For a minute or more after the
missile vanished into the clear
night it could be heard, stillroar-
ing on higher and higher toward
the southeast.
A series of more than a dozen
bright flashes, like the popping of
photographic flash bulbs, marked
the trail of the Redstone through
the avenues between the stars.
First there were three flashes in
a row, about one and one-half
minutes after the takeoff and
while the red light of the missile
was still plainly visible.
Dr. Wernher von Braun, father
of the Redstone, reportedly flew
here from the Redstone Arsenal at
Huntsville, Ala., to witness the test
launching. Von Braun is chief of
development testing at the Army
ballistic missile agency at Hunts-
The Redstone is being built by
Chrysler Corp. at a government-
owned plant in Detroit. It was the
first medium range missile to go
into full-scale production and is in
By The Associated Press'
yesterday named- a successor to
Lt. Gen, James Gavin, who an-
nouned his retirement last week
after publicly criticizing Pentagon
The Army's new chief of re-
search and development will be
Lt. Gen. Arthur Gilbert Trudeau,
now commander of an Army corps
in Korea.
* * *
CARACAS, Venezuela-Students
demonstrated yesterday against
the newly revamped government
of President Marcos Perez Jim-
An undetermined number was
arrested. The largest of several
outbreaks occurred four blocks
from national security headquar-
.* * *
JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Impor-
tant political leaders were reported
yesterday to have met in Sumatra
and discussed founding a new In-
donesian state under popular
Mohammed Hatta, who has broken
with PresidentSukarno.
The Nationalist party newspaper
Suluh Indonesia hinted the pur-
pose was to set up a national
government rivaling the central

government of Sukarno. Sukarno
now is away on an extended for-
eign tour.

illiams May Give
StateN Budget Soon
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, under fresh attack yesterday by
legislators, is expected to deliver his budget message this week.
Lansing sources say the, Governor will probably face the Repub-
lican-controlled Legislature tomorrow with his. 1958-59 budget. His
recommendations, which he already his said will be "somewhat
higher" than the current $341,300,000 budget, will include the Uni-
versity's appropriations.
University officials indicate they have already learned there will
be some cuts in their requested budget of $37,274,000 for ollerating,
funds and $11,517,000 for capital*
outlay but say they are unable to
reveal the exact amounts.x
May Announce Candidacy
Meanwhile, Gov. Williams is >
momentarily expected to announce
his candidacy for a sixth term as
governor instead of opposing Sen.
Charles Potter (R-Mich.), who is
up for re-election this fall.
Remaining governor of one of
the nation's largest states instead Y

of becoming a freshman senator
would put Gov. Williams in a
better position to seek the 1960
Democratic Presidential nomina-
Gov. Williams apparently has
postponed his announcement until.
the controversy over his proposed
intangible tax increase simmers
down, observers say.
Last night, Rep. George W. Sal-
lade (R-Ann Arbor) joined earlier
attacks on the Governor's plan to
increase the tax on bonds, bank
deposits and dividends, calling it
"so blatantly unfair as to insult
the intelligence of the average
citizen." .. %
Penalty on Thrift
"An additional levy by the gov-
ernment on bank' deposits in effect
puts a penalty on thrift," he told
a meeting of the Tecumseh Rotary
"If the need for more funds for
government exists, it should be
demonstrated. It seems impossible
to believe that an industrial state
of such wealth and resources as
Michigan could be, constantly on
the edge of financial chaos.
"In private business, if such a
situation continued to exist, the
stockholders would have long since
fired the management," he said.
Other state legislators expressed
opposition to "any new tax unless
its need is proved beyond a doubt."
Employment .
Drop Reported
WASHINGTON W) - The gov-
ernment reported yesterday that
3,374,000 Americans were unem-
ployed last month despite holiday
The jobless figure was 186,000
higher than in Novemberk,
The monthly joint report of the
Commerce and Labor departments
also indicated a far bigger jump
in unemployment may be in
store this month.

Increase of

$5 Bilo


In National Debt Lim



-Daily-James MacKay
...totaltarian Utopias
Brown T0alk s
On Zamiatin,
Orwell Books,.
Although a totalitarian state
may seem satisfactory, there is
a constant feeling for freedom on
behalf of the individuals, said Prof.
Edward J. Brown' of Brown Uni-'
versity last night- at Rackham
Prof. Brown, speaking on "Za-
nmiatin and George} Orwell: A
Regimented ;Paradise," :compared
and analyzed Orwell's "1984"- with
"We" by Zamiatin, a Russian
,The Slavic languages department
sponisored lecturer pointed ' out
that both works contain the idea
of life in an l'organized single
state/ "Everybody' is a number.
There is no individuality~, family
life or love." The people cannot
decide anything for themselves."
However, the idea, of freedom
was never completely suppressed,
Zamiatin said. He illustrated the
point by contrasting the state with
the 'individual's innate desire, to
retain his individuality.
"We" is a conflict between hiar-
mony and equilibrium which leads
to a static society and the tortur-
ing perpetual 'motion, which
prompts evolution and revolution-
ary change, he continued.
Zamiatin concluded with the.
idea that true happiness can only
be attained when the individual
has the freedom to* choose for~

Defnse Cosi
May Prompt
Bill Passage
Committee Schedule
Anderson,: Brundage
For Public Hearing
ministration asked yesterday f
a five-billion-dollar increase in t
national debt limit, to $280 billb
First reaction in Congress poin
ed to' approval, as a matter
regretful necessity in view of ti
ever-climbing costs of national d
The debt has already pressed
within less than 750 million dolla
of the present 275-billion limrait
Introduce Bills
Chairman W. D. Mills (D-Ark
and Rep. D. A. Reed (R-N.Y.)
the House Ways and Means Qot
mittee introduced a bill to car
out the request from the Treas
for lifting the ceiling.
They expressed regret in a jaoi
statement that even a tempora:
increase might be needed, but sa.
Congress would have to give co
sideration to the request und
"present world conditions and i
realities of managing our natior
fiscal affairs on an orderly basis
Mills said the committee wol
hold public hearings Friday, wi
Secretary of the Treasury Ande
son and Budgeti)rctor Perclva
Brundage 'as the first witnesses.
To Hold Hearings
Chairman Harry Byrd (f-Va
said the Senate Finance Commi
tee would take up the matter
soon as the House acted and ho:
"full and open hearings."
Sen. Byrd has been the stuni
est advocate in Congress of a de
limit, but Indications were th
would go along with, some Incrow.
at this time.,
"We will take action that
proper and right in the light
military needs and the best 'i
terests of the United'States," I
Congress set the 275-billion ce
ing in 1946, but granted tempo a
increases during the fiscal yea
1955 and 1956 to 281 billion do
lars. For the fiscal year ending la
June 30, the limit was temporari
setat 278 billion, reverting aft
that to 275 billion.
W ill Initiate
New Courses
Courses designed for ad anc
and superior student will be Insi
tuted next semester by the Ur
The history department Is i
troducing History 127, Europe
Intellectual History, as part of s
expanded offering in intellectu
history. The course is a study'
the- main developments in Eur
pean intellectual history frc
mid-17th century through the e
of the 18th century, organi
around the theme of the Enligl
It will be taught by Prof. Car
line Robbins of Bryn Mawr C
1ege, the first Alice Freeman P
mer Visiting Professor.
Prof. Robert Crane will head
course in History and Social $C
ences (History 202), dealing wi
the dynamics of human socletie
The main objective of the co
will be to apply the techniques a
methods of the social sciences.
a comprehensive study of rece
In addition, the course will su

ply historical background to r
search work on the social scienc(
Prof. Crane said some soci
sciences tend to be static becau
they do not 'go back far enou
into the history of the culture th
are stndving.


five per cent of the women
out dormitory rooming ap-
na request a roommate of a
at nationality and race,
f Women Deborah Bacon
sterday in clarifying wom-
sidence hall rooming poli-
ussing .a Congregational
is Guild petition which
for a review of residence
oming policies, Mrs. Elsie
assistant dean of women,
e Residence Hall Board of
ors that there was only a
percentage of students of.
it races to integrate.
Fuller said this may have
hy a survey irinted last
z The Daily showed that
cent of the women iii
,ce halls roomed with, wom-
their own race and na-
y- .
Not Considered
Fuller said that religious
nce is not considered in
roommates, unless the
ual requests that it be con-
. The only way the religion
pplicant can be determined
,he applicant indicates a
nee, she said.
ral residence hall policy in
ea has been that each stu-
nay have preferences in
of roommates, and insofar
iinistratively possible, the
ee halls should respect

Stirton Stresses Education's Duty to Students

University administrators and legislators alike are preparing to
come to grips with "meeting the increased needs of higher educa-
tion in a climate of fiscal restriction-and political uncertainty."
The words came from University Vice-president William Stirton
as he sat in his office reflecting on the immediate and long-range
needs of higher educational communities.
Basically, he believes, educational institutions must recognize
their primary educational responsibiilties "as an integral and indis-
pensable part of the inheritance of the youth of the state which
must not be withheld."
Undertake New Responsibilities
But while the universities must conduct themselves first a uni-

bonds, he asked? The schools
might pledge a certain portion of
tuition fees but this could imply
higher fees, and, since more stu-
dents would mean more fees,
larger enrollments and possible
increased competition between
schools for students might result.
The legislature might be asked
to pay off the bonds, he said, but
would this mean the legislators
would appropriate less money each
year for university operations?

building are an absolute necessity.
He noted that the legislature last
year adopted a hold-the-line at-
titude in appropriation of new
building funds.
No Construction Funds
As aresult the University was
not given any money to being con-

struction or planning of new build-
ings. The only funds appropriated
were for buildings already under
construction. A similar situation
existed at other schools in the
Stirton said "The measure of
the greatness of educational in-
stitutions in this state is in their
ability to accept new or intensified
needs while not neglecting the
basic responsibilities entrusted tot
Further.-the greatness of a uni-

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