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January 14, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-01-14

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raxcel Aailable to 'LST: Gld twisted'rope braeet, be- GIRL STARTING nursing course Janu- LSIIDAVRISN AIS EAR JANUARY CLEARANCE WANTED: student antor.Phone Y. W. E
~foignsuettween Mason Fial and University ary 27, desires room and board or RATES c.. O228 o frhrifra 70'x5, $657
\mPlete all risks high School, Thursday, January , light housekeeping rooms. References LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS SPECIAL HI1-Fl Drese of all kinds including eve- C.A..On 2-51 o}urhr )F6 $20.95,d-
bestcosteAiray atnde 100nd51:15.Senimenalt echaned.criteLeurineWprin- 2 .80 .00 .96 ompoentnyste-MageticCarnnin condcockail ypeseRedctioductions___________o____'monNeyoneydww
NQ2721 "M value. Reward. Call NO -9669. )A97 steen. Azaiae, Michigan. )L24.9 2.0 35 tdgPrmpwhSearanin to 32 off original prices. 14.95 to- AND KARLA
IS_°-72__M73_96-2.0_.5________pitSeke ad n $49.95. Sizes 7 to 15, 10 to 44, 12%A to: JIM: . ALrHces
LOST:: Lady Elgin watch, grey :strap. ESSRIE 4 1.12. 2.80 4.14 closure $119.95. 241, tall 10 to 20 TWe masquerade isoer, 1ow about Cr -Main aes:
A T1I Reward. Mr.; Burd, 221 Angell. Ext. BUIES ERIS Figure 5 average words too line. MUSIC CENTER abuoauncng your engaemeat. on
CHOCOLATEPAMALTED)A96 classified deadline, ..diy 0 ouhmyrN -50Elizabeth Dillon Shops gratulations! Offended "Friends."
Bods WILL THE PERSON who fouhd a Zo- Dagwood iner Phone NO 2-3241 )X-34__________on___ Forest_________off______S00.Sut.
Boeyd, rom.ology 11 laboratory' notebook in the 30.S. Ashley )J85 _________________ upn
Ry.2U'7;2204 Natural Science Library December 17, ______________ EXPERT. SERVICE. SKIS WANTED-Heads or Harts, 7.ft. ROOM AND BOARD.:..
)M2 please return- or mail it to Jan- NO 2-0025 after 6:00 p.m. Tom Rose. - - --CTDSTAP
'Miller, 2059 Stockwell. Reward! )A91ilIA I USED CARS on Radios, Phonographs, )F162 WOMEN nteresed An co-
r a small home for D RY C.,LA~N ING..- and Televisions,.. op housing for te spring Friendly servie
:br. Salary plus full LOST-Silver wedding band. Reward. i~VLSAO ANY FUR STYLE mad quickly. Your semester sol cna las tire, batte
N3-39 A215 OKWGNolCotc aned ntenance could cco-NO3-39.)A2DC'IAL Two do ea ih etr 60fur or ours. Accessories for sale. I1ter-Co-operative Con- W~Ite
ing of next se- T*K&ELrylteigstRe .JLPIL. miles. o New dwt condition. a.10 European MARGARET SHOP cl, Room 256,Student fothbstp
cosieed'Hs ward. Please call NO 2-4951... )A80 SUT-DRSE(pan model completely ~Americanized.) USED TV SETS FOR SALE- 56E iet F ci'te ulh O8 ie.Ra e
ofTS tDRnnganSe-ES____(plain)___________ 6872. Room and board is $235 per duty.
e onsibd5 ler . FOHSAEeTPCOTS:ligtweghtp3-448aytiea. $2,875CHEAPl!N Jog B WATED-Any kind, between s- semester end 'five hours. worktr er You epect n
moy ed25ful ldtie:and s___FOR______SALE_____ metes starting Jan. 21. -Engineer week. '', El1218 n
SKI-.1& , spe, ki-re bidig.56 VOLKSWAGiONF,Excellent condition. ga.)F369 NO3021et"57 ___________N______
7'8",.NO____SKI - 02atsens-ree6bining.13102J R. & H., other accessories. Call NO)19 ROOM .snd boardnor board only at91,RNNesnA. ot NO3-Hu
-'".NO2005.ftr6:0. )B, 2-506 or ome to 1415 Wells.: )N9.AnlAnbr di-V$CIe WANTED-Youi used books. Make your
'5izFORD-HARDTOP. 12l7Suhuiest own'deal SEX, ground floor, Student land e. Phope NO 8506 for frtherx
ne_______wMEndS kIanit ns sizse 1-ate.Nd'6FR HRTP1 SuhUieriyAtviB. )16 inf~rmation. sk for. Nancy or Chris. FOR FAST WV
hare apartment for nehn kiGmnslkdseae.aOn B~ . ~Dros - 55 FORD 4-DOOR Across from the ,Campus Theatre Ac-te lg F6 )E2 t
tmpus. Phone NO 2- 8-7525 after 5:00. )B95 I'.4'5CERLTado O8-92)X3 Mgzn e rc eual
" Q15.CLEANERS '55CHEROLE_2-oor__'N_8-942..)X3HELPzieWANTEDce eguaAl
C15ARMY-NAVWY type Oxfords :.$7.25; Palmer Ford Sales in'Chelsea ________________ Atlantic Mio. $2.75- 8 mo. $750 yr.HEP ATDRA
-socks 39c; shorts, 89; military sup-. 214 S. State: 1115S. Univ. GR 5-3271 Ladies Home.
to share four room plies Sam's Store, 122 18. Washington. )J88 )N19 PREINVENTORY Journal $3.85-22 mo. $3.50 yr. PART TIME. SELLING DISTINCTIVE GO
deugr. Callno5-5.Tw )B11 WATE SALE Reader's- U. OF MICHIGAN INSIGNIA. NORD
in.)t 05C0 DRY CLEANING SPEd AL We pay top dolArsNorod usdcofnwadse Digest '$1.89-is m. $3.00 yr. 6o. P BOX 92, FOREST HILS, N.Y.-' SERVIC
TT,_L_'_________E___.:St. Ee Post .9-0wk$60 yr. )269 601 Packard
[MA' E wanted for, or 544 Detroit St. NO 3-8141 or stringed instruments FnteseGrads our : . . Lglarwseos tkTE upbdier,.fl rhr
ant. NO"-9273 een- U. t 5Q~f0 01.1 ' SKIRTS N36 AllreTime, Newptlyorker.e Studentw Yorke.dStudet t~tme.aApplym.113pply11 AshleyhleyArbor.Ar EXPEEXTETFOREIC
on.N'-23ee-u o5 f KrT 1954 CHEVROLET (Bel-Air) b w competnttepaime, NO 2-3061, 9-9 P.M. Open all during Yellow and Checker Cab Co. hone ice NyeMMoto
Oall golf equipment in stock, 2"SPORTS SHIRTS Ineiradmaiclprsi e A exams!- )F168 NO..8-9382. - )135 Ington. NO 3-9
Q room. Private en- including sports clothing, etc. or ngor cndtion carand newto.Sell- 58E.Wlla N -32
Bob0 Applegate's' Winter Pr Golf Shop o 2SWAESIng because of graduation. $800. Call )3
______-,--- orany combination of 2'NO-2844131N-
sla20tN.eorthAve. (corer Ann St. r___N_2-841.___N94______________ "
utd to share eight Ph ROADSTER, Complete a t.Wo6The. M ichiga
other students. Call N 8920 ors 1-a. oCommp157Mletdskwhelstock of * . f -IL
-60.. )C0'B0 r. and+ h. Serviced regularly. $2,175. COLUMBIA, MAGNAVOX,
Fon SALE-Couches $10, chairs $3 Cash and Carry Call NO 3-9655 after 3:30 P.M. )N95 STROMBERGCARLSON,
Hille Foundation .coffee table $8, large bk. case $15, Goldandr
lme' vacancies for electric stove $2Q, kitchen table $7,dman- Bros. PETS AND :SUPPLIES PILOT-_ __ __________________________
]sable decker ;som, / lamps $1, drapes $3, dishes $3, radio _____________$__9.95_____ rcod per_
her meals can be .sio, ek $7. NO 3-2522.: )8107 'CLEAN ERS ROIALFSH amtrs4onesu
n person 1429, Hill- 214 S. State 1115 '8. Univ. TPCLFSHmses okesI E
.. )99 ISCLLAEOUSClohin, sze 1-12 ; tc.MUSIC CENTER°
Modern desk ,card table, sun lamp. 328bEatoLibetyhNOy30224O 28
AL______AREA._________- (Open daily and Sun. afternoons) 30ihaerN-2250rE)A
' ~20 LOT PILOT, amplilfier. Almost new. ANN ARBOR'S /BB (Closed Thursday) )T13,.bdomart s_$10acfl t$5.N3-9. Read and Use
broom apart- C BABYPARAKEETS and breeders. Ca-
. To 'see call NO _______________ EMPLOYER'S- PERSON NEL naries. Cages and supplies. AKO a f o aoc ra daW rd 1
s NO 2-8583. /UT~CUBUE Beagles. 305 W. Hoover. NO 2-2403. Dal Cas fi d
PHOTron SE UGPIS, T If you are interested in econotm~y tranisprtation
>oCO } A.A. Camera, Club Bpresets Jean NOs56107 )J12 NEW CARS NEW CARS. you owe it to yurself to investigte b rp bying.°>
cond emestr-two Elwell, top salon exhibitor. Lecture--..;.,'
E. Huron. >C96 p~m., Wed., Jan. 15. visitors' wel-COSDRTEEFA FCS
come. )D37 PRINTING
dyolittoom furihe Specialties - 24 hour Service 1.I 9i qaiy built-trouble free-family type European cr spc icolly desig
0.o NO ,$-7261 after 6 'ROILLS OF PIL4 VAIA'i1ED AT News Letters - Stationery truhteyastwtsadrge.ldehr d'yn-vreaigIl
')C97 _ $1.53 EACH: Fraternities - Sororities 7to persons in these little crs) .
GIVEN FREE: WITH THE PURCHASE Inies-Prgam- 2. It gives trouble free'operation at lowst cst per mile.,
1E ROOM for Grad- Posters- Tickets..
its NO -5746. )C94 OFAPLRO-CMR ROACH PRINTING - Ph. NO 848131OF ,PLRHCMA 3. It's powered by a4 cyinder engine ny mechniccn repai.'.5 r
MODEL 80 "- $72.75 415 De .rot (opposite Farmer's .Market) .." .'.
for boy. On campus )J 4. It's easy to get into-paork--drive.
furised.~700 HEQUARY5. It's low priced-low down pyment-low monthly pymenf's.
-6757 bctore, 5 .M. 320 A. State St. NO 3-1991
______)D36_______ oUWaitSevc 6. Many other outstanding features you hve to see to iapprcite.
I' r'male graduate At"DTI kC ANFORD SSete$10fmiy4dorsdn
Sprivileges. RoubleALE TIN See the famous Multiple-Seats 6-converts to roomy4-door satin wago
i$,, One-half block LE T US convet your double breastedGeyorhtclad-Suspesd . '. N See the beautiful station wagon.
7. Liberty. C1 si rtxd t igebepe Shoes repaired and shined -ti....2.
suiortuxdoossinlerete Fine Tailoring, 119 East Ann Street
EN CS - TRAILER odl orol 1500coll blewi breasted Phone: Business NO 8-6966
tuxedo toshe ~~I,MPO D.JRT1E D CARSSLES 1AND SERVICE l ,
rtwtran od acing for only $22.00. Wide lapiel opost cur ~ose II5 314 Detroit St., Ann Arbor Phone NO 5-5226 .
siEle brrpo, o u edo teda ollewar ihz'Nslk3eersiwam oato mEnglish-Built F '
~f An Abor Mic- sngl braste ~onewstyl narow)J3 I~1.sV ~*""'Open 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.=our service s backed by
Rd. Onton Mobile lapel for o$11ch.EeTiorkg- one of this areas best service departments.
MichigaIn. )C1 nnhp.Mi oMihesTalrnZ00% WOL CARPETING, wall to wall Ou o vredgurtesavn.
_________Co. 1425 Broadway, Detroit 26, or installation. This includes rubber face ' A Ford Product
3-08. tosaelreat-hn ~dad357. )4padding, deluxe installation and f or
ampus. NO -4068 only $8.95 a square yard. A saving of*UpT35MlsPrGlo
)C0 E AS$3.75 a square yard. EaUPao35kilasdPeriGalln _____________________________________
Bfurnished apt, With Triumph SMITH FLOOR COVERING *n as arig adDiig
fan,-laundry-facli- T R 3' 207 E. Washington NO 355J89 Room lnside for the Entire Famly ..
le. Phone NO 3-8069_Esat Sedan agons____________
AslwCs$1810eierdin n:ro LINOLEUM, wall tile, shades, venetian *1, Smart Styling
O~OM for -seconds- European Cars .blinds installed properly. Murphy Advanced Integral Body Frame Design
street from campus. 303 S. Ashley NO 5-5800 Brothers, 320 E. Liberty. NO 8-6725.
')Clo )V .)J35
'---... -fRE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes 12 Models Now On Display"
reoe.Let us save your clothes.1
W IWeave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels :Arcade. ____________________________
E RO M H U SWITHBETTER MEALS!!ER / OR Free Pick-Up and Delivery
Quality meats, and the freshest ___________________________________
' vegetables and packaged foods at
idaily- evenings and Saturday by appt FREEMAN FOOD MARKET , -~,' \ 1- l-

tand lie
Is our 1b
rles' and.
rice -
mare troi
versit a
IN and 5l
sales Inc,
geed do'
alians P

csfoam rubber supplies, and complete f 709 T P~xSackaSVIExprd NO )J2-3175 ' IL V. LI f \L.V ,f lfl C
reu Yorpholstery service. I"h mln rsmn
reasonable rates. NO 2-6083. ) J93"TeSingIsh-,U ' ldex
_______________ /Lincoln - Mercury - English Ford
GERMAN 34 ahea d:
ndl' poseyTUTORING Phone NO3, Washt Oenawd.
71LkveA. FOR BEGINNER AND ADVANCED NO349 pn830AM o9PM vi atthe
Liberty, one mile beyond Stadium Blvd. h REASONABLE RATES
I PHONE NO 3-1470
-/Student Book Exkchan
to Capezio's flight-hearted SET YO)UR OWN PRICE
skimmers, add a whimsical _____________________
wardrobe of toe-clips
k. ,a shoe full of fun 'Ground Floor
.a for young minded gaiety..-
black, navy or red kid; STUDENTT ACTIVITIES
blacksuede. 8.98 RI II l kt'


shoe ornaments.

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