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January 14, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-14

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Sixty-Eighth Year

then Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The Opportunity
To Learn from Our Mistakes

"I'll Let You Know What You Oh
j a
4' s.

iight To Look Into'

Vienna Choir Boys
Show Fine Musicianship
WHEN THE 22 middy-bloused Vienna choir boys scurried into their
places for Sunday afternoon's concert, they were continuing a
tradition that dates from 1498. Since 1926, they have sung the same
four-fold concert on their international tours.
The first part of the program traditionally contains unaccom-
panied motets and other early music which is designed to show the
boys' ability. Sunday's concert opened with three such pieces by the
16th century composer Jacobus Gallus.
This is typical 16th century church music, which is shown to its


A GREAT WASTE is going to occur during
the coming two weeks, as it has during every
finals period for years.
Approximately 100,000 final examinations
are going to be taken, representing a prodigious
outlay of effort by both students and faculty
members. After hours of studying, writing,
reading and marking, however, all but a small
percentage of those examinations will be
throw in the wastebasket. All the errors, mis-
conceptions and even insights on them will be
quickly noted by instructors and just as quickly
forgotten. The students responsible for all that
brilliance and all that stupidity will have no
more than a letter grade -- and often nqt even
that -by which to assess their performances.
Final examinations, for all the effort, can be
justified on educational grounds. They help
direct energies toward review of material at
the end of a course, and they can challenge
students with new ways of looking at the ma-
terial studied. But they can also provide a
valuable guide to progress, a check on misin-
formation and a means of assessing the validi-
ty of conclusions drawn - but only if they are
returned to the students, graded and criticized,
or at least, if they are discussed in a special
clas session or in a mimeographed sheet sent
to interested students.
Exams could be returned by making them
available, as in a few departments now, in the
departmental office sometime after the exam.
But the biggest objection to any system of re-
turning final examinations is that criticizing
them in enough detail to make them valuable
can involve a great deal of work on the part

Who's. Killin
f1 HR

IE ONLY thing that hurts more than taxes
is the thought of more taxes.
Particularly sensitive to pain during an elec-
tion year, state legislators are screaming that-
Gov, G. Mennen Williams' proposed $21 mil-
lion yearly boost of intangible taxes would "kill
the goose tiat is laying the ,golden eggs," or
"punish thrift" and drive people out of the
By doubling the present tax on bonds, bank
accounts, dividends and other intangibles, Gov.
Williams hopes to help make up the.$35 mil-
lion deficit he expects will result from the
present business decline and the resulting "un-
forseeable" drop in revenues. An additional $10
million would be recaptured from other state'
If this isn't done, the Governor says, the state
soon will not have enough money to pay this
year's bills.
EVDETLY the Governor has discovered a
few more bills, because previous to the com-
mencement of the legislative session he had
announced plans to have the various state de-
partments and agencies make voluntary cuts
in spending.
Later, he decided that expected savings
would not hold the state above red ink spend-
ing and borrowed the first report of state uni-
versity economists to the Legislative tax com-
mittee suggesting intangible taxes could pro-
vide additional revenue.
In this tax, only one of the many being
studied by the committee headed by Prof. Har-
vey E. -Brazer of the department of economics,
Gov. Williams may have found a partial meth-
od of easing the state's financial anguish.
But in turning to something painful-for those
who have to pay, he seems to be forgetting his
own previous proposal that those who get to
spend should cut down expenditures.
Dismissing secretaries, shortening coffee
breaks and conserving supplies"is always pain-
ful to those running the state's myriad of
That, and efficient work, seems to be some-
thing which must be avoided at all costs .. .
except to taxpayers.
And justifiably, legislators are wary of ap-
proving any tax increase until the Governor
answers their request to give the best estimate
of success or failure of. his proposed economy
program and presents a breakdown of savings.
possible in the major departments.
t "We feel economy should be practiced on a
year-round basis, not resorted to as a political
expedient," Speaker of the House George M.
Van Peursem (R-Zeeland) said.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON .......r.....,.. Personnel Director
rAMMY.MORRISON ................ Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY..................Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG................. Activities Editor
CAROL PRI'NS......... Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BAAD .................. Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT......... Assoiate Sports Editor
JOHN HILL ER.......... .. Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES CURTISS ............ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
ROBmRT WAR .Busin es Mnq.L

of the instructor and might largely meet with
apathy on the part of the students. Perhaps
the best way to handle the return of exams
would be for students to turn in manila en-
velopes, stamped and self-addressed, with their
final examination paper and postcard. If only
a handful of students were interested in see-
ing their papers returned, then instructors
would be forced to make detailed criticisms
only on a few papers. At any rate, the effort,
would be directly related to the intefest of
the students and therefore not wasted.
Such a procedure would be impossible in
courses which repeat the. same multiple choice
or true-false test every year. But, with the op-
portunities for test-stealing quite real over the
course of several years, the solution would seem
to be rather to design new questions or rotate
from a large body of questions rather than
penalize honest students, as many of the re-
peated examinations now do. The case of the
fraternity house alleged to have a copy of
the "top-secret" History 49 final is just one ex-
ample of the inequity
The great effort put into finals this and
every semester would be more fruitful, then, if
instructors during the next two days volun-
teered to mail to students any test with which
a self-addressed envelope was included. And
interested students might be so bold as to Sug-
gest the procedure at the end of the period
(perhaps just after the applause), that they
might benefit more fully from the ordeal which
lies ahead.
the Gooses.
THERE IS as much validity in his statement
as there should be inclusiveness. For, in ad-
dition to the urgent need to prod the Governor
into tightening his administration's belts and
purse strings, avoidance of political expedience
throughout the state capitol is made imperative
by financial pressures upon the state.
Automatic shouts by legislators that the in-
tangible tax (or any other one that happens to
be mentioned) will drive people out of the state
is, honestly, just so much hot air.
While a danger exists and may already have
been realized that industries are shunning
Michigan because of it "unfavorable climate,"
the minuteness of the intangible tax makes the
automatic verbal reflexes of certain lawmakers
appear as ridiculous as they seem insincere.
At present, according to Prof. Brazer, the
tax rate on dividends is three and one half per
cent. Gov. Williams proposes to raise the level
to five per cent. However, the tax would be ap-
plicable only if a person receives at least $575
a year in dividends. And because of exemptio'ns,
he would only pay $30 on the first $1,006. The a
present tax on bank deposits is 40 cents per
$1,000, and Williams' proposed increase would
bring it to one dollar per $1,000.
Perhaps this level of increase may be enough
to "drive people out of the state," as some sen-
sitive legislators say, but where would they
go? The governor's proposals would only bring
Michigan's intangible tax rate to the level 'h
Ohio . . . the state which supposedly is steal-
ing Michigan's business.
IT MIGHT be comforting for legislators to
know that Michigan is not alone in its fi-
nancial problems. A Commerce Department
survey of last year's state legislative sessions
shows there were 21 rate increases applied to
income, sales, gasoline and cigaret taxes. Also,
throughout the states, revenue has been falling
off since July, indicating more state tax boosts
may be likely.
Perhaps one should sadly expect to hear
politically expedient but realistically meaning-
less statements during an election year. But
with a growing state's increasing needs for
education, mental health and hospital facili-
ties, it would be nice if the 1958 legislative ses-
sion provided a pleasant surprise of being more
concerned with problems, not politics.
The pain of economizing among Gov. Wil-
liams' administration and instilling open-
mindedness among legislators may be hard to
bear during an election year, but at least it
may keep Michigan's sick financial condition
from killing the state's remaining vigor.

New Books at the Library
Barkan, Hans . . . ed.,-Johannes Brahms
and Theodor Billroth: Letters; Norman, Univ.
of Oklahoma Press, 1957.
Boulle, Pierre-The Test; N.Y., Vanguard
Press, 1957.
Dykeman, Wilma and Stokely, James -
Neither Black nor White; N.Y., Rinehart, 1957.
Fisher, Vardie-Peace Like a River; Denver,
Alan Swallow, 1957.
Frank, Jerome-Not Guilty; N.Y., Doubleday,
Hutchison, R. G.-March the Ninth; N.Y.,
Rinehart, 1957.
McCracken, Henry N.-Old Dutchess Forever!
N.Y., Hasting House, 1957.
Nisser, Peter-The Red Marten; N.Y., Knopf,
I .'7

WASHINGTON - John Foster
Dulles, almost 70 years old
and miraculously recovered from
a serious cancer operation, began
the year 1958 by laying before
President Eisenhower his resigna-
tion as Secretary of State.
It was-a sincere, courageous, but
personally pathetic gesture.
Being Secretary of State has
been the crowning ambition of
Foster Dulles' life. As a small boy,
he looked forward to the day when
he could follow in the footsteps of
his grandfather, John Foster, Sec-
retary of State under President
Benjamin Harrison, a Republican.
As a young man, he served as as-
sistant to his uncle, Robert E.
Lansing, a Democratic Secretary
of State under Woodrow Wilson.
* * *
THE FIRST thing Dulles did
when he finally achieved his great
ambition was to call all State
Department personnel together
and tell them how he was follow-
ing in the footsteps of his grand-
father and uncle.
Since then, Dulles has shown
flashes of great personal bril-
liance. Diplomats who talk with
him say he has a great personal
grasp of foreign affairs. But he
has failed to get teamwork. He
has failed to build morale. He has
paid more attention to GOP iso-
lationists on Capitol Hill than to
leadership abroad.
And slowly, American prestige
has sunk to one of its lowest ebbs
in history.
As Dulles went to see the Pres-
ident, French Foreign Minister
Pinaud was telling a group of
Americans that American policy
would be based on "quicksand" as
long as John Foster Dulles re-

mained in office. The biggest con-
tribution Dulles could make to
allied unity, he said, would be to
Dulles didn't know about this
statement, but he did exactly that.
He. offered to resign. He told
Eisenhower he would be 70 years
old in a few months, had been
Secretary of State for five years.
"Now that the Russians have
launched their Sputniks," Dulles'
friends quote him as telling the
President, "I know the Democratic
attacks' on me will increase. So
perhaps you should look for a
new, younger Secretary of State
who will not be a liability to your
foreign policy."
Eisenhower told Dulles what he
has told, several other people
about Dulles, that he considered
Dulles "the greatest Secretary of
State in history."
According to Dulles friends, he
added: "No one is going to force
me to fire you."
Eisenhower also said he didn't
know where he'd get another Sec-
retary of State. Dulles finally
agreed to carry on, but told the
President that if his health got
worse, he would quit at the end
of the congressional session, with
enough notice so the President
could find a successor.
* * *
SOMEONE in the Kremlin has
been stealing the Madison Avenue
techniques used by the White
'It's a rule of thumb for any
good public relations man to re-
lease news when there's a vacuum,
and to try to blanket out the op-
position's headlines with head-
lines of your own. That's why Jim
Hagerty saves certain White

House stories and breaks them
when the President is at Gettys-
burg or Augusta.
Some people alsd wondered why
Jim broke the story of plans for
an American Earth satellite in
July, 1955, when it was supposed
to be secret. But just at that time,
a member of the Cabinet, Secre-
tary of the Air Force Harold Tal-
bott, was under Senate investiga-
tion for a conflict of interest. The
White House needed competing
headlines to drown out the Senate
Again the President's second
"chins up" telecast was shoved
forward to November 7, because
White House strategists wanted
him to be able to answer the Rus-
sians if they broke any big news
on November 7 - their 40th an-
* 4 *
TODAY, however, the Kremlin
is reversing these tactics. Just as
Eisenhower was ready to leave for
NATO, Premier Bulganin sent
European nations, a series of peace
notes. They partly undermined
our plans for the missile-arma-
ment of Western Europe. A
Then, on the day Ike was to
deliver his State of the Union
message, Bulganin dropped an-
other note in the peace hopper.
This one not only proposed a non-
aggression pact but enclosed the
text of the proposed pact.
Bulganin's timing was so per-
fect that his note got more head-
lines in Western Europe than Ike's
speech. While Eisenhower was
proposing "works not words," Bul-
ganin sent the draft of a concretd
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)



Greatest Secretary of State'

fullest advantage when sung by
the V i e n n a Choir Boys pos-
Both in the Gallus and in the
following Palestrina "O Bone
Jesu" they constantly demon-
strated their absolutely faultless
breath control and complete sub-
mission to their director's dynam-
ic indications.
The "solo" listed on the pro-
gram turned out to be a. det of
Mendelssohn, well sung and ac-
companied by two anonymous
Knaben and Director Trask. This
charming little song, full of early
19th century romanticism, con-
trasted pleasantly to the first
THE MAIN WORK of the pro-
gram, a traditional performance
in costume of a comic opera, this
(year was 'The Village Barber" by
the early 19th century composer
Johann Schenk. This is full of ut-
ter nonsense, horse-play, grand
opera. take-offs, and is completely
delightful. The boys have a com-
pletely uninhibited time on stage,
the mood of which is contagious.
The young man who played the
barber, "Lux," has one of the best,
full, alto voices yet heard in such
an immature person. This same
young man, who bore the brunt of
the whole opera, showed also the
greatest aplomb and self-assur-
ance of any 13-year-old I have
ever seen.
The Lieder, part three of the
traditional plan, consisting of two
Schubert songs, "Die Nachtigall"
and "La Pastorella" (the latter
sung in Italian) were typical
Schubert, and full of what would
be "schmalz" in anything but 19th
century German music. The vocal
calisthenics were ably executed
by the very high voices.
Travels" consisted of one each
from Sweden, Germany, and
South Africa. The Strauss "Em-
peror Waltz" was performed with
the lilt and subtle rubati that only
a Viennese waltz can respectfully
command. Director Trask, again
in the role of accompanist, was a
very able substitute for the Vien-
na Symphony in this number.
The choir was called back to
perform three encores, two Vien-
nese folk songs, and one "audience
pleaser" (in this case more of an
audience disperser), Leroy Ander-
son's "Sleigh-ride," auf English.
The Vienna Sangerknaben in
this concert again demonstrated
their excellent musicianship -
pitch, rhythm and diction.
-Allegra Branson
to the
East Germany * :*.
To the Editor:
Brauchitsch (Sunday's Daily),
although not unfamiliar to the
residents of divided Germany, are
'different from the travels of Amer-
ican abroad plus passport.
The Free World refuses recog-
nition to the state of East Ger-
many and rightly so. The. puppet
governmen, -will do anything to
secure that recognition. Presently
they are featuring propagaida
stating that our people (visa .
travellers through East Germany)
have thus recognized them and
that our government, which is
entirely unrepresentative, will not.
Diplorhats of Western states ob-
tain Russian visas instead of the
normal East " German ones when
travelling through, in order that
no recognition is implied.

traveller found a trip through the
Soviet-controlled zone both en-
lightening and enjoyable. At the
border outside Hamburg, manned
by both Soviet and German sol- A
diers, we were ushered into a com-
pletely dark room where we were
asked questions in German by an
officer of the "Deutsche Demok-
ratische Republik," feeling un-
comfortable until we were able to
discern (our understanding of
German was limited to welcome
and directions), that the lights
were out due to a recently blown
With little ado we were on the
road to Berlin. One of the most
prominent features of the country
was the complete lack of machin-
ery on both farm and road; the.
highway (if one could call it that)
had a dirt siding prepared for
hnrse carts. the nnly mean nf

such pure and light voices as
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edt-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Feb. 21. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Feb. 12.
Women's Hours: Women students will
have 11:00 p.m. permission beginning
Wed., Jan. 15 through Wed., Japt. 29.
J-Hop Hours: Women students will
have 2:30 a.m. permission on Mon.
Feb. 3, and 4:00 a.m. permission on
Tues., Feb. 4.
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for tu --
dents will be held Thurs. Jan. 16, only
from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00
p.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service.
All students whose 2nd or 3rd shot
are due around this time are urged to
take advantage of this special clinic.
Students are reminded that it is not
necessary to obtain their regular clini.
cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the base-
ment where forms are available and
cashier's representatives are present.
The fee for injection is $1.00.
Non Veterans Notice: Those non-vet.
erans on a mid-year program should
file Form SSS 109 imediately to con-
tinue their student deferments. Forms
can be obtained from the respective
offices and ' they should be submitted
at Window A in the Administration
Building for certification.
Architecture and Design, 335 Archi-
tecture;tBusiness Administration, 150
Business, Administration;, Education,
1439 University Elementary School; Lit-
erature. Science, and the Arts, 1513 Ad
ministration; Music, 101 School of Mu-:
sic; Natural Resources, 2039 Natural
Science; Public Health, 3520 School of
Public Health; Social Work, 113 Ad-
January Graduates may order caps
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop e
North University.
Sat., Jan. 25. 1958, 2:00 p.m.
TIME OF ASSEMBLY- :15 p.m. (except
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
in Room 2054, second floor, Natural
Science Building, where they may
Regents, Ex-Regents, Dean and othe?
Administrative Officials at 1:15
p.m. in the Botany Seminar Room
1139, Natural Science Building,
where they may robe.
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges in Natural Science Building
as .follows :
of auditorium, west section
EDUCATION-front part of audi-
torium, center section
ARCHITECTURE-front part of
auditorium, east section
of auditorium with doctors at
west end
SOCIAL WORK-Room 2004 (be-
hind Public Healtil)
2082r r
Room 2071
LAW-Room 2033
PHARMACY-Room 2033 (behind
DENTAL - Room 2033 (behind
2033 (behind Dental)
MUSIC-Room 2033 (behind Nat-
ural- Res.)
1:45 p.m. Academic Dress
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen: All
manuscripts must be in the Hopwood
Room, 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m.
on Wed., Jan. 15.
Application blanks for Phoenix Pro-
doctoral Fellowships for 1958-59 are
4vailable in the Graduate School 'Of
fice. Applicants should be,- well- ad-
vanced in their graduate studies anW,
should present plans for research or
graduate study leading to resach in
some field dealing with the applca-
tions or implications of atomic energy.
Competition will close Feb. 1, 1958.

Applications for Phoenix 'Project Re-
search Grants: Faculty members Who
-wish to apply for grants from the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project
Research Funds to support research in
peacetime applications and implications
of nuclear energy should file applica-
tions in the Phoenix Research. Office,
118 Rackham Building, by Mon., Feb.
10, 1958. Application forms will be
mailed on request or can be obtained
at 118 Rackham Building, Ext. 2560.
Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Slavic Languages and Literatures,
entitled "Zamiatin and George Orwell:
The Regimented Paradise," by Prof.
Edward J. Brown, of the Russian De-
partment at Brown University, at 8 p.m.
Tues, Jan. 14, in the Rackham Amphi-


Tu rningBack the Clock

TE WERE feeling sore beset by
the impending doom and its
concurrent studies, so we decided
to escape to the past. For our time
machine we chose a bound sheaf
of Michigan Daily magazine sec-
tions, circa 1921-22.
Laugh? Yes. But what to our
wondering eyes did appear but
culture, of all things. The Univer-
sity of Michigan was a very jolly
place as the Twenties roared in,
and we present random gleanings
to prove the point:
On October 2, 1821, movie re-.
viewers sounded pretty much the
same as today's crop. Witness this
bit from a review of DeMille's
The Affairs of Anatol, "It is a
hackneyed tale, which if it were
less well done would prove exceed-
ingly boring." The ads indicate a
change in clothing styles through
the years, but reviewing style
seems to have maintained a status
tober 9, 1921, concerned a short
story contest sponsored by a liter-
ary mag called Michigan Chimes.
The jokester who wrote the story
had quite a style. To wit: "Can
frahmn -al n a nn ncf9Ta l_

One knows more about the
scribe of the following dramatic
episode: In the edition of Sunday,
November 27, 1921, a daring young
reporter quizzed tenor John Mc-
Cormack about popular music with
this fabulous question-"Don't you
think the 'popular' songs like
'Mother Machree' and 'Little Grey
Home in the West' are debasing
the tastes of the American people
for classics?"
Who wrote that query, fraught
with intensity? Well, that man
was, as they say on the radio, .. .
Thomas E. Dewey! THE Thomas,
E. Dewey, who was blithely enjoy-
ing his undergraduate years at the
time. Now ask yourselves what
sort of President he would have
made, asking questions like that.
Mother Machree, indeed!
MUSIC STORE advertisements
clearly heralded the culture of the
age. Here is one we dearly love,
which must have set many Ann
Arbor hotbloods afire: "Don't the
music of these modern popular
orchestras thrill you and make you
hanker to get hold of some instru-
ment and play?
44mX711hv nTi- Q A ZnTr'C VV.

find no review, but no doubt MUS-
KET could look into the matter.
Poetess Amy Lowell took a lot
of guff from The Daily that year,
as two articles indicate. The first
is a review of the then-beginning
quarterly BROOM, which boasted
Sherwood Anderson, Vachel Lind-
say and Miss Lowell among the
The devil-may-care reviewer
makes the following, enigmatical
comment: "'Lilacs' by Amy Lowell,
I can't even read-and I rather
like Amy Lowell, I think that she
must have smoked an especially
vile stogie before writing it."
Students talked funny in those
* * *
BUT MISS LOWELL was in for
more strange comment in an
article concerning the discussion
of modern poetry held by a cam-
pus club called the Whimsies
(Who knows why?). The guest
at the meeting was Robert Frost.
In those days, when they had
guests they had GUESTS.
Anyway, Mr. Frost spoke about
his fellow poets to the Whimsies.
The article elaborates with this
gem: "He told of a visit to the


Student Recital: Robert Reynolds,
student of French horn with Clyde
Carpenter, at 8:30 p.m. Wed., Jan. 15,
in Aud. A, Angell Hail, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the


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