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January 11, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-11

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"Yeah - I'm Still In"

Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth ,WiiI Preval"' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This ius t be noted in all reprints.



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Human Relations Commission
Sports Commendable Record

4-'f 3 4
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Soviet Peace Drive
Aimed at'Summit'
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
SOVIET PREMIER Bulganin's lastest peace offensive barrage has
painfully obvious motives. The No. 1 aim is to force some sort of
meeting at the "summit" which would create a new "Geneva spirit."
The West can meet this challenge, and probably can top it, if it
faces frankly and honestly the hardly debatable conclusion that the
last "spirit of Geneva" turned out to be a haunting specter for Western
The 1955 summit meeting of the three powers' government chiefs
with the Russians opened the doors for a determined Soviet diplo-
matic offensive. Once the "spirit" was established at Geneva, where
President Eisenhower and Communist boss Khrushchev attempted

American cities to attempt to solve com-
nity problems with much emphasis on
isical plans for the "ideal neighborhood,"
using developments, and expensive commun-
centers. Ann Arbor has begun work on an
)an renewal program to save rapidly-deteri-
ting areas of the city, but at the same time
ther group, the Human Relations Com-
ssion, has been studying a problem which is
ic in any physical re-development program.
?oint A of the city ordinance outlining the
ectives of the Human Relations Commission
ds as follows: "Promote mutual understand-
and "respect among all racial, religious, and
tionality groups, and work to discourage and
vent discriminatory practices against any
h group."
A Master Plan designed to better living
aditions of citizens is not complete without,
attempt to find some common meeting
und for all racial, religious, and national
ups. Mayor Eldersveld is to be commended
proposing. a Human Relations Commission
t spring. And, judging from recent programs,
Commission's members are doing a com-
ndable job.
In addition to the handling of specific uses
the area of human relations the Commission
recent weeks has been working on the
lowing projects: I
L) The Human Relations Commission's
ising subcommittee has asked the city at-

torney to investigate the possibility of a no-
bias law concerning the purchase of property.
TME SUBCOMMITTEE reports that there are
"restrictive covenants" in many parts of the
city. They cite as an example the following
portion of an Arbordale subdivision deed: "No
portion of the land herein described shall be
occupied by persons other than of the Cauca-
sian race except as servants or guests."
2) The Human Relations Commission has
planned to survey the opinions of minority
groups and workers, and at the same time a
survey of neighborhood reactions to new
minority neighbors will be taken.
3) A television program and a monthly
lecture are also planned to acquaint the citizens
of Ann Arbor with the work of the Human
Relations Commission and the problems of
minority groups.
Also,.-an educational booklet is being planned
to list the goals of the Commission and the
local, state, and national Civil Rights Laws.
4) Postcards will be sent to employers who
have hired or who might hire minority groups,
in order to find out their opinions.
5) And, especially significant to the Uni-
versity, a plan to question apartment owners
who discriminate against minority groups is
being considered by the Commission. Foreign
students from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
have long faced the problem of finding living
quarters in Ann Arbor.


QXrN i - nAS 4 LCrO Pm"G


Some tayed Home

with two new Regents was not appealing
enough to seven of the eight East Quadrangle
presidents to tear them away from their home-
work, or dates, or whatever occupied them last
Thursday night.
Evidently the seven vice-presidents of the
houses also didn't care enough, not only to meet
the two Regents,,but also to assume some re-
sponsibility and gain some experience from the
meeting to put in an appearance.
This prompted Herb Sigman, East Quad
President, to apologize to the IHC members
present for what Sigman said was a very
disappointing performance. He was surprised
at the failure of seven hduses to send anyone
to the meeting and could give none but con-
jectural explanations. He placed all of the
blame on East Quadrangle for IHC's failure to
have a quorum, which it must be said is the
first time IHC has failed to have one this
semester. '-
But although not in the grand manner of
East Quad, five other houses in South and West
Quadrangles were not represented by either
$heir president or vice-president, which passed
unnoticed last night and in general would
not be considered a bad average by those who
know IHC. One non-voting member of the
South Quadrangle represented his house, but
he would have had to be there anyway, and
so he put forth very little special effort.
IT WAS BROUGHT OUT at the meeting that
the Presidium had to settle what was going
to be done with the IHC Assembly show. Some
had assumed that IHC was going to sponsor a
show with Assembly while others pointed out
that IHC had never officially decided to hold a
show, and thus the question could not be
decided without a quorum. This was possibly
a natural difference of opinion compounded by
a few possibly natural oversights, but it is
significant that when a straw vote was taken
to determine which day and which time next
week was most convenient for a special meeting
to be held to decide 'the question, only 10 said
they could make it at the most convenient
time, 7 p.m. Monday night,
Although admittedly the meeting is only a
few days before finals, the IHC-Assembly show
can be a moneymaker for IHC, which needs the

money for educational projects, and ho'use
presidents should realize this.
It would seem from these facts that many of
the presidents of the various houses lack
responsibility to Inter-House Council, to the
dormitory system as a whole and to the
members of their individual houses, whom the
presidents are supposedly representing as best
they can.
The Regents saw only that IHC did not have
a quorum; they did not see the "circus," as one
member put it, that went on after they left,
but simply the lack of a quorum would possibly
be enough to make the Regents wonder how
interested house presidents really were in resi-
dence hall problems, and how much IHC's
opinion was thus really worth.
IN MUCH the same manner two legislators
and several University officials were. openly
surprised at the poor turnout for the IHC
symposium on living costs. Although the event
was poorly publicized, we did see one house
president who came in only long enough to
see what was going on,"and we cannot see how,
any house presidents, assuming they had any
contact with IHC at all between meetings, could
fail to know the time of the symposium. But
because they, at least, were not there, two of
the legislators most sympathetic to students'
problems could not help but be given a poor
impression of student leaders' concern for the
problems that face residence hall men. The
presidents might well ask themselves how they
can ask busy men to concern themselves with
residence hall problems when they are un-
willing Ito show much concern.
But most of all it has made us wonder why
house presidents cannot realize that together,
as Inter-House Council, is the only way they
will be able to have any say in the important
things that face the residence halls. Too, the
more intelligent interest and part they take in
IHC the more say they will have, and the
higher they will stand in the estimation of the
people with whom they must work. House
presidents should realize that they are the
important part of IHC, and thus IHC is only as
good as they make it. We only hope Monday's
meeting, and succeeding meetings in the nextj
semester, will show that they realize this.

SINCE President Eisenh
health got shaky mor
two years ago, he has disl
with handshaking at the r
Tuesday meetings with the
legislators, usually confinin
self to a formal "Good mo
But as if to emphasize t
was feeling his old self aga
gave a special greeting to ea
publican leader as Congress
vened. He waved his am
claimed cheerily,, "Well,
back again," then wenta
the table shaking hands wit
,caller, beginning with GOF
Leo Allen of Illinois.
Eisenhower remained in
spirits all during the meeti
said he had been reading a
"nonsense" about theZ
States lagging far behind R
added that he wasn't "w
about such criticism. It wa
tically inspired, he said, or
from sources which didn't
the facts.1
"We are in excellent shr
missiles and all other pha
military science to mee
emergencies that may aris
* * *
Ike's optimism waned
when Senate GOP leader V
Knowland and House lead
Martin predicted that th
posed $74-billion balanced-

Ike Remains Unworried
power's would have tough sledding in men out of work in M
ethan Congress. 2, he recalled that J
pesd~* * chaired the UnpreparE
regular THE BASIC problem of the lnittee for two years
e GOP Democratic party -- one-man ing anything about -n
g him- domination of its policies - was that its was Symingt
orning, raised even before Congress con- souri and Jackson of
r vened, by a freshman senator, Pat who had been the
hat he McNamara of Michigan. He wrote warn the nation long
in, Ike Senate Democratic leader Lyndon ing our missile lag.
ch Re- Johnson a blunt letter reminding So theblunt-spo
recon- him, in effect, that Democratic from Michigan who
exn- Senate caucuses were supposed to as a pipe-fitter's ax
we're be democratic with a small d, Lyd asw
around 'not dictated to by one man. Lyndon: * *
h each The public doesn't know it, but "THE CURRENT
P Rep. not since last January have Dem- looks at our prepar
ocratic senators held a caucus. ress, a the lack of
good Under previous Democratic lead- resortack of
erscaucses ere eld very are important," he sai
ng. He ers, caucuses were held every minimizing the impo
lot of month or so to decide policy. ever, I am very disap
United When the late Alben Barkley was the 'briefing' is the or
Russia; Democratic leader, he held cau- e
orried" cuses every couple of months. e oneaenda of
s poli- Lyndon Johnson, however, doesn't rare conference of
came relish discussion, decides party satos"n's as ;
r cameat Johnson's failure to
know policy largely on his own. ocratic caucus for a
So when Senator McNamara re- Johnson promptly
ape in ceived Senator Johnson's notice Namara in Detroit,
ases of that a Democratic caucus had other problems, suci
t any been called to "brief" the Demo- ployment and inflati
e," he crats on the work of Johnson's up for discussion at
Senate Preparedness Committee, Johnson went furth
itaraised some hackles on McNa- them on the agend
mara's neck. they were never disco
a bit No. 1, he figured there were week's closed-door me
Villiam other problems facing the Demo- be interesting to see
er Joe crats than being briefed on John- calls another meetin
e pro- son's Preparedness Committee - them.
budget among them more than 100,000 (copyright 1958 by Bell S

[ichigan. No.
Johnson had
,edness Coin-
without do-
missiles; and
ton of Mis-
senators to
ago regard-
ken senator
started life
pprentice in
_a letter to
edness prog-
it, certainly
id. "Without
rtance, how-
pointed that
ly item list-
an extremely
a direct dig
o call a Dem-
whole year.
phoned Mc-
assured him
;h as unem-
on, would be
the caucus,
er and put
a. However,
ussed at this
eeting. It will
if Johnson
g to discuss
Syndicate, Inc.)

valiantly to out-smile one another
matter of months, the "spirit of
Geneva" became a mocking ghost
for the West.
At the 1955 meeting, Khrushchev
appeared to have satisfied him-
self that the West, with the United
States calling the shots, would go
to any lengths to avoid the risk
of a new total war. Khrushchev
was able to gauge the political
climate, and he appeared to have
done so with uncanny accuracy.
*k * *
THE FIRST "summit meeting"
seemed to have satisfied Khrush-
chev that a determined Soviet
offensive in the direction of the
Middle East involved no real dan-
ger of touching off World War III.
Two or three months after the
"Geneva spirit" was established,
Egypt closed a deal for Commu-
nist arms, Syria was dickering for
them and the USSR was prepar-
ing the way to arm Yemen, which
could harass Great Britain on the
Arabian peninsula
Soviet policy hardened by the
Fall of 1955, and a foreign minis-
ters' conference on outstanding
international issues got nowhere.
Now it is time for Khrushchev
to test the world atmosphere once
again. This time, he would widen
the summit conference, for a
variety of reasons, to take in a
number of other nations and make
the meeting a perfect sounding
board for Red propaganda. This
gambit would havenothergoals,
k * k
to the' Soviet Union's strides in
scientific weapons indicates a crash
program in the West, under Wash-
ington's leadership, to retain over-
all military superiority. Soviet
propaganda is trying to head off
that program.
In addition, the Russians are
attempting to build fires under
non-Communist governments
throughout the world by joining
with all left-wing forces in a move,
as the Communist party news-
paper Pravda frankly puts it, to
"compel the parliaments and gov-
ernments of many countries to
resist the aggressive policy of the
imperialist circles."
The drive, Pravda says, must be
aimed against growing military
Bulganin's latest note, which
obviously was dictated by Khru-
shchev and his Communist lead-
ers, asks for such things as agree-
ment between West and Commun-
ist East Germany on prohibiting
storage of nuclear weapons on
their territory, and participation
of the Chinese Communist gov-
ernment in talks on international
sians seek the implicit recognition
of East Germany as a sovereign
state by the West Germans, and in
the other, the implicit recognition
of Red China.
The West has responses to these
moves. Actually, the United States
itself could propose and set the
date for a big summit meeting on
its terms. This time it could go to
the summit meeting forewarned
in the light of the 1955 experience.-
It could take the offensive in
firing challenge afterchallenge
to the Russians. It could be first
with the challenges, instead of
simply reacting to Soviet moves.
It could lay down its terms for
peace in clear, unmistakable terms,
while making it plain to the Rus-
sians that the West is prepared to
resist aggression of all sorts.

DESPITE the fabulously complex
growth of the United States
economy, no major study of the
country's monetary system has
been undertaken for nearly 50
years .. .
Early this year Congress turned
down President Eisenhower's ap-
peal for such a study, and almost
every previous Congressional in-
vestigation has turned into a par-
tisan political probe.
Recently, the Committee for
Economic Development announced
receipt of a $500,000 grant from
the Ford Foundation for the- first
full-scale inquiry into United
States monetary policies since the
Aldrich Commission of 1908, which
laid the foundation of the Federal



Arab-Israel Debate Continues


things began to pop. Within a

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thurs., Jan. 16, only
from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00,
p.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service.
All students whose 2nd or 3rd shots'
are due around this time are urged to
take advantage of this special clinic.
Students are reminded that it is not
necessary to obtain their regular clinib
cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the base-
ment where forms are available and
cashier's representatives are present.
The fee for injection is $1.00.
January Graduates may order cape
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop on
North University.


Eighth Annual Conference on Teach-
ing of High School Mathematics, au-
pices of the School of Education and
the Department of Mathematics. Sat.,
Jan. 11. Sessions at 9:30 a.m. and 1:15
p.m., Natural Science Auditorium.
Regulations for the 1959 Hop, Feb. .
1) Dancing must cease at 2:00 a.m.,
and the lights will be out in the Sports
Building at 2:30 a.m.
2) There shall be no spectators; the
only persons admitted to the hall shall
be those bearing tickets issued by the
Hop Committee.
3) No corsages shall be permitted to
be worn at the Hop. Committee ex.
4) There shall be no decorating of in-
dividual booths, except by the Hop
5) All charges for taxicabs in excess
of the rates authorized by the city
ordinance should be reported to the
6) Control of lighting shall be in the,
hands of the Hop Committee and not
delegated to the orchestra leaders.
7) The Hop Committee shall be re-
sponsible for the proper conduct, while
in the gymnasium, of all those attend-
ing the Hop. The use, possession, or
showing the effects of intoxicants will
not be tolerated. Offenders will be
ejected from the hall and their names
reported to the Joint-Judiciary Coun-
8) Smoking in the booths or on the
floor of the hall is absolutely forbidden,
and is permitted only in the place pro-
vided for the purpose.
9) No person shall re-enter the build-
ing after once leaving.
10) violations of the regulations ot
the Hop traceable to any group, but not
to individuals, shall render the entire
group liable to penalty. The responsi-
bility for the maintenance of proper
conduct in any booth and for the ob-
servance of the rules by the members
of a group having a booth, shall rest
upon the president or highest officer
present of said group.°
11. The furniture for the booths may
be taken into the Sports Building only
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12
noon on Tuesday, February 4. Four men
from the group must be present Wed-
nesday, February 5, at 10 a.m. to aid
the cartage company in removing the
furniture or the group will be subject
to forfeiture of the booth deposit.
Women's Housing and Hours
12) Arrangements for housing women
over night during J-Hop period, in
Men's Residences must be separately
approved at the office of Dean of Wo-
men. For fraternities occupied by wo-
men guests, a chaperone-in residence
must be approved by the Dean of Wo-
men. The chaperone selected is to be ,
in residence for the entire period and
is not to attend the Hop.
13) Fraternitiesthaving over night
women guests must vacate their houses
by 1:00 p.m. Monday, February 3, aft-
er which the wome-n guests and chap-
erones shall move into the houses and
regular men's calling hours will be in
effect Monday afternoon and Tuesday.
On Wednesday morning the houses will
be opened to men at 10 a.m. to return
furniture from the Hop.
14) Occupancy of houses by J-Hop
guests shall not exceed that which is
approved by the University Health
15) Women have 2:30 a.m. permission
for following parties on February 3 and
4:00 a.m. permission following the J-
Hop on February 4. Regular calling
hours in women's residences will not
be extended. This includes fraternities
which are housing women if no party
Is scheduled.
16) Fraternities housing women
guests must remain open during the
hours of the Hop. and the chaperone-
in-residence mustbe at the house.
Regulations for Parties
17) Student groups wishing to have
parties during the J-Hop period are
instructed to seek approval from the
Office /of Student Affairs following
usual procedures. Requests for approv-
al for specific social events should be
filed on or before Friday, January 17.
Chaperones are subject to the approv-
al of the Dean of Men. Two married -
couples, 26 years of age or older, or one
such couple and the chaperone-in-
residence are required as chaperones.
Exception: For dinner precedingand
breakfast following the J-Hop dance,
only one qualified married couple or
the chaperone-in-residence is required.
It is suggested that chaperones be se-
lected from such groups as parents of
students, faculty members, or alumni,

The Space Race

T IS UNUSUAL for the leader of the oppo-
sition to make a statement, like Sen. John-
son's on Tuesday, just two days before the
President delivered his message on the state
of the union. But the circumstances are unusual
in that the President, when he \ faced the
country on Thursday, had, for the first time in
his experience, an audience which does not
accept his military judgment on-his own say-so.
The two speeches he made after the Sputniks,
and the various comments that have emanated
from Mr. Hagerty and others in his official
family, have only added to the mood of skepti-
cism and doubt. He cannot now tell the country
what to believe. He had to convince it.
Besides presenting a summary of the issues
and problems which Congress will expect the
President to deal with, the Johnson statement
makes a point of principle which has in it the

Sen. Johnson, who has plainly learned much
from some of the best minds among us, puts
this point of principle as follows: "We have,
for many years, been preoccupied with weapons.
We are, even now, concerned with what some
currently regard as the ultimate weapon. But,
when we perfect such a weapon for ourselves
we may still be far behind. The urgent race
we are now in-or which we must enter-is
not the race to perfect long-range ballistic
missiles," important as that is. "There is
something more important than any ultimate
weapon. That is the ultimate position-the
position of total control over earth that lies
somewhere out in space."
Sen. Johnson, it seems to me, has weakened,
has diluted, the truth he had got hold of by
setting up the notion that the conquest of
outer space would now lead to physical, mili-

Retort . .
To the Editor:
TO READ statements such as
those written by Isam Bdeir in
his recent letter to The Daily
might not be quite so shocking if
it were not for the fact that Mr.
Bdeir, a graduate student, should
be presumed to at least possess
a minimum of respect for the in-
telligence of the student body as
a whole.
It is one thing to shout innuen-
does at thousands who have been
taught to live on false promises,
an another entirely to shout the
same innuendoes at thousands
who have been taught to examine
what they hear in terms of the
facts of the situation.
Mr. Bdeir states that the Par-
tition Plan awarded to Israel land
comprising 56.47 per cent of the
total area of Palestine. He then
glibly states that its Jewish in-
habitants owned but 9.38 per cent
of the land.
* * *
BUT SURELY Mr. Bdeir is
aware that over 83 per cent of the
land was under government own-
ership, and that by the United
Nations decision, was turned over
to Israel. He also fails to mention
the fact that every inch of Arab
land is still held for them by the
Ministry of Lands of the govern-
ment, even though they left it of
their own volition and in defiance

seek to. I only point out that it
,would be a good idea if Mr. Bdeir
examine the hands of the Pales-
tinian Arabs before he points to
blood on the hands of the Jews.
But most irritating of all is Mr.
Bdeir's closing point. First he
states that "the Arabs of Pales-
tine found themselves facing an
unequal rival militarily. On that
basis they asked for help from the
Arab states."
Why, Mr. Bdeir, was there any
reason to consider the situation
in military terms? Israel is a com-
pletely democratic country. The
Arabs still there (over 200,000)
have their own political party, and
representatives in the Knesset.
Were the Palestinian Arabs who
left afraid to live under a demo-
cratic system?
From the looks of the govern-
ments surrounding Israel, I don't
doubt it, but the facts seem to in-
dicate a different conclusion. The
war started from outside of Israel,
and you need only read the state-
ment of your own Arab leaders at
the time of the partitioning to
verify this.
, There never was a government
of the Arab half of Palestine, so
who, in your wildest imagination,
asked for help from the other
Arab nations? Did all the Arab
residents of Palestine write let-
ters to the heads of their neigh-
boring states?
*T * *

sein to give up Trans-Jordan
which he has annexed? This, if
you remember, made up the ma-
jority of your "Arab state."
Reality has made it impossible
for both Arab and Israeli to roll
back history to 1947. The two
groups are faced with many intri-.
cate problems at present, fore-'
most of which is the 900,000 Arab
Israel has repeatedly offered to
sit down and negotiate about
them - The Arab bloc, led by
Egypt, has refused to even talk
about it except in propaganda
I can have little respect for a
country which uses starving
people for its own purposes, and
is perfectly content to keep them
starving so long as it will help.
One last thing, Mr. Bdeir.
Would you please go to the li-
brary and find out what Zionism"
is before you talk about it so
much. Remember now, you're
talking to intell-igent people.
-A. Gross, Grad. L
High Time . .
To the Editor:
ENCLOSE January 2, 1958
Sports Edition, Los Angeles
It is true that payoffs are made
on the score, but the score does
not reflect the true situation. The
outcome of the game was really a

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