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January 11, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-11

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Scholarship Established
For Journalism Students

Acceptance of the gift was an-
nounced yesterday by the Regents
of the University.
Fund trustee Chesser M. Camp-
bell, president of the Chicago
Tribune, for which Bennett work-
ed, made an original contribution
of $4,000, to be supplemented in
future years, for use in "grants or'
loans to deserving undergraduate
or graduate, students in journalism
who possess superior ability."
Journalism department faculty
members will choose recipients of
the scholarship, which will be
divided to benefit as many worthy
students as possible.
Bennett attended the University.
from 1889 to 1892, and received an
honorary Bachelor of Arts degree
in 1909. He became interested in
literature while enrolled here, ac-
cording to the Tribune, and left"
school "to publicize a group of
Shakespearean players."
Joining the staff of the Chicago
newspaper in 1914, Bennett served
as cprrespondent in London. "His
first foreign story was an unfor-
getable picture of the reaction of
Englishmen to the declaration of
war," according to the Tribune.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, chair-
man of the journalism depart-
ment, expressed the pleasure of
the department at receiving the
"This is the 10th special schol-
arship fund that has come to the
Department of Journalism in re-
cent years," he explained, "and
the resources will be used to assist
superior or above average students
intending to enter the newspaper

LARGEST $104,500:
Contributions to 'U' Total $270,149
A total of $270,149.21 in giftsi
grants and bequests was accepted tion, which is valued at approxi- A donation of $1,525 wa
by the University Regents yester- mately $6,100. At the request of by the Western Electric C(
day. the donors, $2,500 will be used to
Three gifts totalling $104,500, suport a predoctoral studentsin Crn n y carshn
thelarestconribtio, wre ivmathematics or the physical sci- Clinton County cancer uni
e la es Uohnicomgany ences, $2,500 for a graduate 'stu- tributed $1,510 for the Can
Kalamazo. Up ohn manyMe- dent in engineering and $500 for search Institute Fund.
morial-Phoenix Project, the Uni- a high school teacher to study Other Gifts Accepted
v ,st' rgamfrrsac in science and mathematics for a
versity s program for research ngy, re full summer at the University. Additional gifts not in th
ceived $100,000 of the amount. Scholarships for students from of money were also acce
'the Middle or 'Near East Arab the Regents.-
An anonymous donor also con- Books, pamphlets and
tributed $20,000 to be used'to de- countries were provided by $5,000 scripts valued at $2,150 we
fray expenses incurred in the in- from the American Arabian Oil tributed by Dr. Joseph E.
stallation of color television in the Company.aGof Joliet, Ill. These.will
Medical School. played in the William C:
Give for Engineering A total of $3,525 was given by Library.
The Regents received $ Parke, Davis and Company of De- A painting valued at $8,0O
from h4or0 troit to be used for the Parke, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. W
from the General Motors Corpo- Davis and Company Tissue Cul- Birmingham, and a tapest
ation, Detroit. The College of En- tore Study fund and the Parke,udat$,0frmM.a
gineering received $5,000 of the Davis and Company Pharmacolo- e at $1,000 from Mr. a
sum for the Industry Program. Das dCopyPhrao- Benjamin Wheeler, Dexter
Another $4,525 was for the Gen- Research Fund. J h contributed to the Museum
eral Motors Scholarship Fund and Gannett, Clevelands0., an addi
the remaining $4,000 grant was tional gift of $3,000 was received Coming Next Weel
to establish a General Motors for the Gannett Scholarship Fund Jan. 16, 17, 18
Doctoral Fellowship in Automo- for Engineering.
tive Engineering, witha $875 grant For the corporation's scholar- One of the most hilario
for the corporation's national ship in aeronautical engineering, loved, and siuccess ful mac
scholarship fund. $3,000 was granted by the.Curtiss
For the Journal of ConflictW CorgranT he Cgetscovedies of ourtime
Resolutionfo th Fund, the o New WorldWrgtCpotonThRens
Foudation ndhcago'mdewWradalso accepted $2,500 from Mrs. . Y.oRAMA CRITcs'PIoEnMUM*
Foundation of Chicago made a H. I. Lillie, Rochester, Minn. for
grant of $7,500. The grant was the Harold I. Lillie Scholarship
made to further the study of the Fund.
relationships between people and industries Give
nations and the avoidance of war.
A bequest of $7,500 was accept- A grant of $2,500 from the Com-
ed from the Alice B Groesbeck mittee for Economic Development,
estate. This amount willbe in- New York, was contributed to the -based on a stor and
cluded in the Clarence E. Groes- Michigan Business Executives Re- characters by Damon Rur
beck Memorial Scholarship Fund. search Conference Fund. To con- Book by: Jo Swerling o
Barbara Backus Jewett "nd Ed- tinue the company's fellowship In Abe Burrows
ward H. Jewett II, Lapeer, contri- chemical engineering, the Contin- Music and Lyrics by:
buted 200 shares of the common ental Oil Company, Okla., contri- Frank Loesser
stock of the Burroughs Corpora- buted $2.500.'

Character Weakness Hurt War Effort

that the system of rewards and
punishments seemed to fall down.
Men 'Shocked'
The third phase considered the
problems of apathy on behalf of
the prisoners and the cruelty of
the Americans to each other.
Food, medical treatment, and gen-
eral facilities were very bad, ac-
cording to Prof. French.
Kinkead, referring to his article,
said that the men were shocked
when they saw the deplorable con-
ditions. The morale breakdown
contributed much to the failure
of the American officers to control
the group. The prisoners devel-
oped an 'I don't care what hap-
pens next' attitude, he said.
Although the food contained the
basic body requirements, the
soldiers would not eat it because
they were not used to foreign
cooking. Some mild coercion on

the part of the officers might have
helped, Prof. Newcomb said.
The fourth stage dealt with the
actual placement in the prison
camps. The poorest attitudes of
the prisoners showed themselves
Because the officers were iso-
lated from the enlisted men, the
men felt depressed and abandoned,
thus developing beliefs which
could be swayed away from the
American point of view, Prof.
Walker said.
jAfter this is accomplished, there
is more isolation coupled with
threats and also rewards for in-
forming on one's fellow prisoners.
Kinkead said that had our men
been trained properly, the situa.
tion might not have existed in the
prison camps. He also said.that
almost no soldier was free of some




Tonight at 7 and 9 P
Sunday at 8 P.M.
rr d~idfpin'.



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