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September 19, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-19

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Si r
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 t

See page 4






J-CIO Group
tLdIls Hoffa
rt Practically Reads Tearnstef
if Large Labor Organization


The AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Commit-
ead Teamster Union boss James R. Hoffsa

Flu Blamed
For Deaths
Of Fifteen
LONDON (P) - Asian flu was
blamed yesterday for the deaths
of 15 adults and four children in
the Midlands and northern Eng-
Hundreds of thousands of Bri-
tons were stricken in the spread-
ing epidenic and confined to bed..
Some industries were crippled
by the absence of m2'npower,
schools were closed and hospitals
were sorely over-burdened.
No total casualty figures were
compiled by health authorities but
towns and cities in the affected
areas reported influenza' victims
running into tens of thousands at
different places.
Dr. Cx H. Shaw, deputy medical
officer in the steel town of Shef-
field, skid he attributed 14 recent
deaths 'there to epidemic."
'IU' Students










a laurl -m . . /
a report linking Hoffa with what it called a rogue's
1-hitting report served on tfie Teamsters found the ,one
million-member union, the nation's largest, to be dom-
rrupt eaders.
Teamster Union Failure ,
offa, union President Dave Beck and Wesf'Coast Team-
ank W. Brewster in that category and sternly pointed
to what it said was a TeamsIer's
Addressing a trade association
Union failure to give any ade-
Ild News quate answers to Senate Rackets:
Committee disclosures,
The findings, due for formal
undup approval by the AFL-CIO Execu-
tive Council in New York next.
Associated Press week, strongly hinted that the 15-
million-member foundation will
C-Secretary of State kick out the Teamsters if Hoffa
Dulles said yesterday is retained in any office of his
ing to 'keep America union, much less its presidency.
>ing small "clean" Hoffa, 44 year old Detroitra-
ch ou bidn uldp te tional vice president of the union,
is running for Beck's job as
y "Soviet diplomacy Teamsters president. Beck, after
da" demand an end being enmeshed in union scandals,
tes nuclear tests, Sec. has announced he won't stand for
in an article in the re-election at the Teamsters con-
eign Affairs. vention starting Sept, 30 at Miami
ry predicted the time Beach, Fla. /
America and its free Hoffa's Grip Weakened
will have an arsenal Hoffa's strong grip over Team-
which could hit spe- sters 'affairs has weakened some-
targets with a mini- what in the wake of August hear-
~active fallout. ings. into his affairs by~the Senate
* Rackets Committee.,".,
- King Phumiphon Chairman John L.McClellan
night invested Thai- (D-Ark.) said yesterday,,. Hoff a
rongman army Mar- 'committed flagrant, willful and
'hanarat with legal contemptible perjury" by testify-
mentd the member- ing he could not recall matters.
h named Sarit mill- raised at the Rackets Committee
n of Bangkok. Sarit hearings.
military junta that Addressing a trade association
emier P. Pibulsong- convention in New York, Sen. Mc-
night. Clellan did not mention Hoffa by
3 Premier disappear- name but described testimony
were reports that the only Hoffa had given.
s inviting him back The detailed report of the five-
omises for his, per- man Ethical Practices group,;
headed by President Al Hayes of;
* * the MAchinists Union, amounted
CK, Ark.-Constitu- to an ultimatum to the Teamsters
our anti-intpegration Union to rid itself of Beck, Hoffa,
57 Arkansas Legisla- Brewster and others named in the1
t stake in a hearing report, or suffer ultimate exile+
-judge federal court from the AFL-CIO family of un-
avene here today. ions.

Also Re](

To Receive
Flu Vaccine
Asian Influenza innoeulatipns
will begin sometime in the near
future, according to Dr. Morley.
Beckett, Director of Health Serv-
Beckett reports that, although
3,500 University students and per-
sonnel received preventative shots
last-week, the innoculations cannot
be resumed on an all-campus basis
until all registration work is com-
pleted and there is an adequate
supply of vaccine on hand. He
hopes to be starting again next
Also scheduled to resume after-
classes begin is the polio innocula-
tion program, which was begun
last year.
Although an Asian Flu epidemic
could result in three or four days
of illness for 50 per cent of the
University popuslation, the Michi-
gan State Medibdl Society, has
called for a de-emphasis on the
seriousness of the oriental disease
in light of current available in-
Medical Society president, Arch
Wall, M.D., of Detroit, said that
"experience with the disease in
the United States shows that the
disease itself has been mild, re-
covery has been quick and the
complications rare.


-Dally-David Arnold
ACTIVATING A REACTOR-Nuclear physicists are shown attaching a fuel element on the crane preparatory to lowering it through
twenty feet of water in the nuclear reactor at the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory on North Campus. The fuel element, two feet long and
four inches square, is composed of aluminum and uranium. About eighteen elements are required to activate the giant device. The
physicist in the background is operating the crane while his colleagues are attaching the element. Having been moved through the
water, the fuel element (arrow) is slowly lowered into the fgel rack at the bottom of photo. Pipes leading from the fuel rack to the
wall of the pool are used to channel the neutrons out of the reactor and into the laboratories when--they can be used for research. The
41,0400 -gallon pool is surrounded by high density concrete walls six feet thick at the base.

Amherst '

Scientists Activating Nuclear Reactor)

e n
re v
a i
. pry
f f
e at

Phi Gamma Delta national fra-
ternity suspended the right of its
Amherst chapter to initiate new,

val Faubus and other
t the State Sovereignty
:, set up by one of the

* , *
an Legion alled on Presi-
night D. Eisnhower yester-
take the lead in seeking
1 of status-of-forces agree-
with foreign governments,
our considered belief," the
said, "that injustices to in-
,s have arisen froin the
stration of these treaties
reements and will arise in
ure unless pertinent provi-;
re modified."
Jniversity Calendar Evalu-
nommittee has recommend-
University President Har-
,cher that two class days
ped from the school calen-
nts had been concerned;
calendaring for Christmas'
a because they had to re-
school for classes on Fri-
in. 3, requiring an extra
ys at school for one or two
committee discovered from
is of student opinion, that
80 per cent of the student
eferred resuming on Mon-
d more than 51 per cent
students polled said they
t return to school before
7 anyway.
is estimated that 75 ner

Commission Resoes Case
Involving Beating of Negro,


The ch
gro in M
The A
erning b
the suspe
the natio
chapter I
Phil Bi
out that
gelled wi

last June.
hapter had pledged a Ne-
rchons, seven man gov-
ody of Phi Gam, based
nsion on several charges.
er, the officers of this
believe there is a close
an between the action of
nal and the fact that the
pledged a Negro.
urt, '58, president of the
on this campus, pointed
no chapter can be ex-
Ithout a four-fifths vote,
next summer.
hi Gam national action
t affect the status of its
on this campus because
n was established here
are 1949.
at year a regulation was-
I which prohibited recog-
any organization prac-
scrimination in member-
use of race, creed or col-
RATER :TY, Page 2

At one a.m. today the University
was preparing to activate its mil-
lion dollar nuclear reactor within
"a few hours," according to Dean
Ralph A. Sawyer, Director of the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Pro-
'Officials Plan
Game Routes
Plans for handling automobile
traffic for the University's six
home football games were made
yesterday at a luncheon in the
. Attending officials decided the
following football Saturday road
1. Saline will be one way north
from the expressway to the stadi-
um from noon until game time
and one way after the game. This
action is expected to expedite De-
troit traffic.
2. Traffic entering from the
west will be routed via Stadium
Blvd. It is hoped that at least one
lane of the new U.S. highway 23
around Whitmore Lake can be
used to handle traffic from the
Representatives at the luncheon
were hosted by the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Assembly of the fuel core began
Tuesday morning and engineers
worked well into this morning in
their antiseptically clean, brilli-
antly lit, windowless room on
North Campus to achieve the cul-
mination of years-of work.
Fuel elements, rods of aluminum
and uranium two feet long and
four inches square, were moved by
a crane from their storage rack
underwater into a rack twenty
feet below the surface of the 41,000
gallon pool.
Within the rack is a "trigger,"
a small source of atomic particles
called neutrons. When a fuel ele-
ment is lowered into the rack, the
neutrons strike it and give rise to
more neutrons. These in turn split
other uranium atoms. Thus, each'
time another fuel element is added
to the rack more neutrons are
With the addition of a fuel ele-
ment, safety and control rods were
slowly removed, and the increase
in neutron production was calcu-
lated and measured.
When the amount of neutrons
produced- reaches the "critical
point," the reaction becomes self-
sustaining and a nuclear reactor is
The process is extremely pains-
taking, the average time for addi-
tion of one fuel element being.
more than forty-five minutes. An
estimated twenty fuel elements
were to be added before the reac-
tor became critical.


A "relatively satisfactory" solution has been arrived at in the be held n
city Human Relations Commission's first case. The Ph
The matter under consideration involved a Negro Ann Arbor man, could not
who suffered a broken ankle after being arrested by sheriff's officers chapter
Au t 11 hi Gam
August 11. long befo
According to the victim, Clinton Brantley, his car was stopped In tha
and he was accused by one deputy of drun- driving. Wheh he de- instituted
nied this, calling the deputy a liar, he was hit in the face, and a sec- nition of
and deputy beat him with a club, he said. ticing dis
The committee investigating the matter reported to the par- ship beca
ent commission Tuesday night that all charges had been dropped See F
against Brantley, a deputy, L. U.
Gunnerfield, hadhbeen dismisse ADDRESS -420 MAYNARD:
and that the Sheriff would rec -_________________20___________
ommend that his department pay
Brantley's medical expenses.
.Te deputies, Fr ,Mra Di y 7 e s N
and Gunnerfield, maintained that
Brantley became belligerent when The address is 420 Maynard. as of this
he was ordered into their car. The name is The Michigan writ :s.
At a public meeting on the case Daily. What i
August 27, Sheriff Erwin L Kla- Inside. are the most modern of members
ger told the commission he was printing presses. Fine linotfes Tbat's
substantially in agreement with and special equipment fill the shop you hav
Brantley's statement. Previously, in the basement. There are even- blood-or
his 'office had conducted its own
investigation of the incident.
Brantley, the report said, was
reasonably satisfied. It termed
this a "relatively satisfactory" so-
lution. t a o
The investigating committee,
headed by Prof. Albert H. Wheel-
er of the Medical School, also rec-
ommended that the sheriff recon-
sider employment procedures in
his department, and include a

By one o'clock this mornink,
most of the visitors who had spent
the evening tensely waiting for
the reaction to become self-sus-
taining had left.d
Initially, the reactor will be
operated at a low 'rate of power,
giving the scientists time to check
our the instrument at each level
of production before attaining the
full million-watt output which will
make the reactor the largest in the
college field.
"We have waited years for this
day," Dean Sawyer said in antici-
pation of the critical point. "It is
truly an historic occasion for the
University and the State."
The reactor is the University's
program onthe peaceful uses of
atomic energy andis" dedicated to
University dead of World War II.
Construction of the reactor was
begun in 1955, and last week per-
rmission was received from the
AtomicEnergy Commission to be-'
gin operation.
SGC Extends
Sign-up Time
On In'surance,
Growing interest in Student
Government Council's health and
accident insurance program has
lengthened the time in which stu-
dents may sign up for the plan.
..According to Scott Chrysler
'59E, chairman of the health com-
mittee, representatives of t h e
American Casualty Company of
Reading, Pennsylvania will remain
here today and Friday from 9 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. in the main lobby of
Student Activities Bldg.
Chrysler estimated that approxi-
mately 4,000 students have already
~signed, up" for the program. He,
said "the plan' has been received
very favorably."
With each day's mail' approxi-
mately 200 to 250 more 'accept-
ances are received by the commit-
tee. Number of people signing up
at the Student Activities Bldg.
has averaged around 100 a day ac-+
cording to Chrysler.
Poljcy provides .protection to all
'U' students applying for coverage
24 houirs a day on and off the
campus for the full 12 months be-
cause f~f accidents or sickness.
The policy will pay actual cost
of hospital room and board. x-rays.

Department of Sta
Hints Leniency for
If Rules Observed
Department announced yeste
it will seize passports of 42 y
Americans who went to Cl
when they return to American
A formal, department r
charged they "wilfully violate
government travel ban-bytoo;
the China mainland as guest
the Peiping Communist regirr
'The department announced
move at the same time it disci
a final decision against rene
the passport of William Wo
who visited Red China last Dec
ber in his role as a correspon
of the Baltimore Afro-Americ
'Didn't Abide By Regulatioi
Worthy's application has
rejected; the department
mainly on the grounds he
refused to promise to abide
A State Department spbkes:
hinted, however, that the 42 ;
Americans as well as We
might regain their passport
they pledged never to violate
strictions again.
All were given an opportunit
appeal the department's ac
They may turn to State DeI
ment passport officers'for a re"
or prepent their case to the apx
Warning Foreshadowed Seizu
The move to seize the.passr
had been foreshadowed by a w
ing given last month by rUn
secretary of State Christian ,
ter. The 42 tourists, then att
ing the World Youth FestivE
Moscow, were told their visit w
help Red Chinese propaganda
The department said the-
dents will be given formal ,nc
cation letters once they em
fropn Red China.
The practical effect-of Wed
day's action in the case of th
student visitors is this
Those who do not have I
passportsmade clean on appe
that is, expunged of the stip
tion that they are valid only
return to the United States-
not travel again to any for
country where passports are
Can't be Renewed
The invalid passports could
be renewed or be replaced by
Those whose passports are
celed, because "they have not c
home within 60 days, conceal
could stay abroad indefinitely
this would be impractical i
Those who appeal will Y
their cases deferred pending ac
in the appeals.
Strike Slow s

eIW Staffers; Forms Tryout Plans

year-brand new type-
it needs now are staff
where you come in. If
printers' ink in your
if you think your veins

might be receptive to the stuff-
try out for the Daily.
For those who want to get in
on the writing end of it, tryouts
for the three editorial staffs will
be Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 7:15

p.m., and Thursday, Sept. 26, at
4:15 p.m.
Tryout meetings for the business
staff wi!1 be Wed., Sept. 25, at 4:15
p.m., and Thurs., Sept. 26, at 7:15
The address for all' meetings is
the Student Publications Bldg. It
is located behind t' e Administra-
tion Bldg. and Betsy Barbour dor-
Experience is unnecessary; you
will get that at the Daily. There
are fully trained and qualified per-
sonnel who will teach you all the
various facets of newspaper pub-
lishing, from reporting and writing
to editing.
On the business side, you will
learn all theaspencts of advertis-

Phone Serv


Long distance service in th
is being delayed by a strike o
Communications Workers of A
Pickets appeared before the
telephone company office y
day, as part of a nationwide
by Western Electric equipme,
Seventy long distance oper

m. . . . . . . . . - . . .

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