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January 10, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-10

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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0 T"r isA tl-10


VIII, No. 81




rovernor Urges
ricrease in Tax
Williams Says Speedy Action Alone
Can Avert State Financial Collapse
ANSING (P) - Gov. G. Mennen Williams, saying only prompt
n can' avert a state financial collapse, yesterday. urged the 1958
lature for speedy approval of an increase in the intangibles tax
ts retention for next year.
Jnless new revenues-are found from this or another source by
he said, the state is threatened with a plunge 35 million dollars
:n a message to a joint Senate-House session outlining his 10th
al Legislative program, Gov. Williams for the first time passed
demand for a new state tax on corporation profits.
ks a reason he gave a Legislative study of the state's entire tax
ture, now in progress, and the unlikelihood of any major tax
+ -enactments until the study is com-

f Germany
Fot Likely'
e reunification of Germany
t very likely under present
nstances Prof. Wolfgang Stol-
f the economics department
nented as he addressed a poli-
science roundtable last night.
eaking on "West Germany
Competitive Co-existence,"
Stolper stressed the basic
)mic divergencies of both

He served notice that his pro-
posed 1958-59 "austerity" budget
will call for expenditures above
the 341 million dollar general fund
appropriat'ion level fixed for
Need Inescapable
The need for this, he said, is in-
escapable as a result of rising
school enrollments, new state hos-
pital staffing requirements, com-
mitments already made for the
support of Wayne State Univer-
sity and similar demands.
Reaction of majority Republi-
cans generally was skeptical, al-
though some said they saw no way
of avoiding a. higher spending
level next fiscal year.
Saying the stat'e must learn to
live within its income, Sen. Elmer
R. Porter added "The Republican
leaders have been concerned with
killing the goose that laid the
golden egg."
Expenditures Will Increase
Rep. Allison Green (R-King-
ston) GOP majority leader in the
House, and Rep. Arnell Engstrom
(R-Traverse City), House Ways
and Means Committee chairman,
said increased expenditures ap-
peared inevitable.
Rep. Harry J.Phillips (R-Port
Huron), declining to be pinned
down, said "In my personal life, I
have to cut' the cloth to meet the
situation. I think the government
will have to do the same thing."
As to the need for a 21 million
dollar increase in the intangibles
tax, opinion was widely scattered
and in some quarters violent in
Requests Solution
Rep. William Romaho, (D-Van
Dyke), vowed he would never vote
for such a proposal regardless of
party considerations, and called
for. a more "equitable" solution.
After receiving the Governor's
message, the lawmakers quit until
Monday night.
Gov. Williams devoted the first
half of his message to reviewing
the state's present financial plight,
and the bleak outlook for 1958-59.

Sees Strong
Miss ile Plant
don B. Johnson (D-Tex. said
yesterday the Senate investigation
of the nation's missile-space flight
program is showing "many
strengths-presumably still secret
weapons-as well as weaknesses.
Sen. Johnson, chairman of the
Senate Preparedness subcommittee
conducting the inquiry, told
reporters: "In emphasizing our
shortcomings and deficiencies, it
is well to bear in mind that we
have done some things our folks
don't know about. We have many
strengths that should and will be,
emphasized, too."
He declined to elaborate.
His statement came after his
subcommittee had devoted most.
of the day to hearing testimony
from the top Air Force missile
officer who said, among other
in outer space within "a foresee-
able time."
The testimony was given behind
closed doors by Ma. Gen. Bernard
A. Schriever, commanding the Air
Force Ballistics Missiles Division,
and announced by the subcom-
The subcommittee released a
terse three-paragraph statement
on Schriever's testimony at an
afternoon session, including his
opinion on outer space combat.
It quoted Schriever as saying,
"The Air Force has had a 'space
program' for more than a decade."
IHC Hears
New Regents',
New University Regents Donald
Thurber and Carl Brablec agreed
last night there should be no ad-
ditional financial hurdles placed
in the way of the out of state stu-
However, Regent Thurber point-
ed out that the University was
subsidizing out-state students to
a greater degree than most mid-
western universities. The two re-
gents took part in a brief informal
question and answer period at last
night's Inter-House Council meet-
Both Regents stressed that
neither they nor the other Re-
gents wanted to be isolated from
the students. They said it was part'
of the function of student organi-
zations to make known their ideas
and opinions to the Regents.
Seven of eight East Quadrangle
house presidents were absent,
which brought an apology to the
14 voting members who were preS-
ent from East Quadrangle Presi-
dent Herb Sigman, '58.





Court Rules Government
Must Produce Documents
WASHINGTON (AP)-The United States Court of Appeals ruled
yesterday the government must produce material documents, in-
cluding FBI reports, in proceedings before federal boards.'
A three-judge panel agreed unanimously that the fundamentals
of fair play which apply in federal courts also govern administrative
The ruling specifically applied to the government's seven-year
effort to require the Communist party to register with the Justice
Department as a tool of {Moscow. The decision means the Subversive
Activities Control Board must conduct still further proceedings.

When the case gets back to
order the-Justice Department to




e board it must decide whether to
ing in certain reports maele to the
FBI by Mrs. Mary Stalcup Mark-
ward, or delete her testimony en-

University President Harlan
Hatcher has created a new five
member committee to develop a
University calendar, according to
Erich A. Walter, assistant to the
This committee will replace the
present committee chaired by Prof.
John Kohl of the electrical en-
gineering department, which has
been "trouble shooting" the pres-
ent calendar since early in 1957.
This will be the fourth group to
carry out work on the calendar
since 1953, when the committee
which planned the present pro-
gram was established.
The five members of the com-'
mittee who will be announced to-
day will be representatives of the
literary college, the engineering
school. the athletic department,
the Office of University Relations
and one student.
Prof. Kohl had asked to be re-
lieved because of many other
pressing obligations. He is chair-
man of the Faculty Senate and a
member of other University com-
The new committee was estab-
lished, according to Walter, on
the basis of review within the
present calendar committee, and
study of the problems the group
It was believed .that the group
had been too large and unwieldy
to do any intensive work. Prof.
Kohl noted that it was a major
problem to find a time when most
of the committee could meet.
The new, smaller committee will
be able to work more intensively
and a report is expected from, it
I Prof. Kohl's committee had
dealt with two problems in the
present calendar. After hearing
student complaints of having to
return to school on Friday after
Christmas vacation this school
year, Friday and Saturday were
dropped from the calendar.,
After faculty complaints about
starting classes the day following
registration, the schedule was
altered for next year so there
would be a day between registra-
tion and classes.

"If this were a civil action in a
court, or if it were a criminal case,
the party would be entitled to the
production of these reports,"
Judge E. Barrett Prettyman wrote
for the court.
"We hold that, where the gov-
ernment places on the stand a
witness who testifies about an
event long past, and it is shown
that this witness at or about the
time of the event made a written
report to the government concern-
ing that event, and the testimony
is material, and the credibility of
the witness on her testimony upon
this precise point is attacked, the
government upon demand must
produce the report made by the
IFC Election
May Change
The Executive Committee of the
Interfraternity Council last night
recommended a change in the
procedure for nominating candi-
dates for IFC offices. 4
If passed by the Fraternity
President's Assembly, men wishing
to run for office would file peti-
tions with the Executive Commit-
tee. They would be interviewed by
the Committee and recommenda-
tions made by them to the fra-
ternity presidents on the basis of
the candidates' qualifications.
These recommendations would
be studied at district fraternity
presidents' meetings and the fi-
nal candidates will be nominated
from these on the floor on the
night of elections.
Previously, the Executive Com-
mittee has screened the applicants
and then placed a slate of candi-
dates before the Fraternity Presi-
dent's Assembly.
Also at last night's meeting, the
committee rescinded the $25 fines
levied against Alpha Delta Phi,
Psi Upsilon and Zeta Beta Tau'
for failure to put enough time into
rush counseling during fall rush-
The committee explained that
the fraternity houses were fined
on the basis of records which
were apparently in error.

LABOR PROBLEMS--Lawrence Rogin of the Institute
Relations and Frank Marquart of the United Auto
discuss the implications of automation and the large-sca
ployment accompanying it.
UA W Speaker Finds
Labor Pflan Inadequ
Organized labor faces problems which cannot be solve
union action, Frank Marquart of the United Auto Work
Political Issues Club yesterday.
Agreeing with the statement of fellow panel membe
Rogin that the recent convention of the AFL-CIO marked
nation of changes adjusting the unions of 20 years ago to
industrial society, Marquart called the social-legislativei
the labor organization "inadequate."
Rogin is Director of Labor Education of the Institu
and Industrial' Relations, a joint program of the Uni
Wayne State University. He was

Plan Gains
Ike Asks Speed-Up
Of Missile Program,
SPentagon Shake-Up
WASHINGTON (P)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed
yesterday a program of "safety
through strength" and issued to
the American people and an ap-
plauding Congress a confident,
ringing "call for action."
This was the essence of Presi-
dent Eisenhower's answer, in his
annual State of the Union mes-
sage to Congress, to what he ac-
knowledged are real, growing,
space age dangers from a Com-
munist imperialism "waging total -
cold war."
President Eisenhower set forth
avid urnold an eight-point program, and sum-
of Labor moned the country and Congress
Workers to rally behind it with sacrifices
ale unem- and understanding. Many Demo-
cratic leaders promptly lined up
with Republicans in expressions of
supprt and praise.
Calls for Step-Up
The President called for a step-
ped-up missiles program, a shake-
ate up in the Pentagon to halt harm-
ful rivalries, greater economic aid
to countries facing "a .massive
economic offensive" from the
d by trade- And, bypassing Soviet leaders
ers told the completely, the chief executive ap-
pealed directly and dramatically
r Lawrence to the Russian people to help the
i the culmi- world "turn, the corner" toward
our modern lasting peace.
program of The chief executive conceded
that "most of us" failed to antici-
fLaborpate the "psychological impact
te i of Labor upon the world of the* launching
versity and of the first earth satellite" by
Russia. He said the consensus is
that at the moment.. America
matte probably is "somewhat behind the
Soviets in some areas of long-range
ballistic missile development."
relalBelieves Missiles Possible
"But," he added, "It is my con-
viction, based on close study of all
relevant intelligence, with the best
information that the scientists can
bring me, that if we make the
g establish- necessary effort, we will have the
ntal honors missiles in the needed quantity
arts college and in time; to sustain and
y the Union strengthen the deterrent power of
our increasingly efficient bombers."
by a\27 to 16 His audience of senators and
referred to House members gave him a round
ent Council of applause for that - and also
when he told them that while the
nors system nation has made gratifying prog-
during ex- ress onmissiles, "we must still do
cent of the more."
lasses. "rhe This was considered one of the
ed randomly most important messages Presi-
mbers would dent Eisenhower ever delivered to
ct the trial See SEN., page 2
present the
arts college YStar
early next 1V1fla
firmation. If
ee approves
ito effect in yer
is year. Des
ing for more sofCancer
passed 20 to
at it would University All America diver
mphasis on John Murphy, '58, died yesterday
ttract from in University Hospital following a'
lengthy illness.
for plus and!} Death was attributed to cance.
sed on final Murphy, who finished third on the

quent grade high board and fifth on the low
. That is, a board last March in the NCAA
grade points diving finals to spur the Michigan
1 3.3. swimmers to the national title,
a motion re- had beep hospitalized for the last
make final two mofhths.
to students. His illness dates back to the
r the return summer of 1956, when it was first
to the Stu- learned that the champion diver
n of the in- had the disease. At that time
Murphy underwent treatment and
it was thought that the disease
had been arrested. In the succeed-
s ing year, however, new symptoms
eii were discovered.
Despite this,.dMurphy elected to
remain in school and enrolled for
his senior year last fall. In Novem-
ber he was forced -to, withdraw
(} . " from school.

-Daily-Eric Arnold
... speaks on Germany
states as a.primary' season of why,
' under present policies, this would
be nearly impossible.
Capital 'formation, unification
with a prosperous Western world
and the general economic rise of
the Western world have given
rise to the undisputed lead of West
Germany over the Eastern sector
of that'country.
In contrast, capital formation
has been low in East German, '
and "shameless exploitation .1
their resources" by Russia h: ve
been contributing detriments, he
said. ,
Lack of a labor supply and a
forseeable decrease in capital
formation in the Western zone,
due to an expected enlargement
r in its armed forces, however, are
factors to be scrutinized, Prof.
Stolper continued. -
He remarked that the fact that
West Germany has been trading
with a prosperous free world while
East Germany has been trading
with a less prosperous one has
been influential in the West's ob-
vious economical superiority.
Six One-Year
SGC Positions
Opening Soon
Petitioning for the coming Stu-
dent Government Council election
will begin during the second or
third w.eek of the second semester
according to Sue Rockne, '60,.
Council ublic relations chairman.
Six SGC positions will be open
for full year terms with the com-
pletion of a year in office by Ron
Shorr, '58; Jean Scruggs, '58;
Scott Chrysler, '59; Nelson Sher-
burne, '59; Ron Gregg, '60; and
Lois Wurster. Miss Scruggs and
Shorr will not run again as they
are seniors. Chrysler, Gregg and
Miss Wurster plan to be candi-

Panhellenic Questions Study
Of Affiliate Bias Practices
Panhellenic Board of Delegates yesterday discussed the committee
established by Student Government Council Wednesday to study pro-
gress in removing fraternity and sorority membership restrictions and
determine possible council policy in this area.
Marilyn Houck, '5Ph, Panhel president, explained the decision
and her feeling that such a committee is unnecessary. She said that
progress has been made, the situation is clear now and that problems
could arise from the publicity.
She reminded the delegates of the 1949 National Panhellenic
Conference ruling which says that no questionaire or requests, oral or
written, may be answered by a sorority member until they have been
reviewed by the NPC Committee
on Research and Public Relations
and information has been released KINKEAD-REVEALS I
as to their validity.
Delegates questioned possible
accomplishment by such a study
and suggested that if a study of
attitudes about discrimination
were to "be undertaken that in-
dependent as well as affiliated
attitudes be polled.
Dianne Duncan, '58Ed, first{
vice-president, reported on the
Rushing Study Committee, set up
by SGC last year to determine j ~ "'~~ -
whether spring or fall rush is more.
beneficial to campus.
Their first questionaire will be
distributed today to 500 freshmen

an official observer at the recent
Joseph Cross, Director of Indus-
trial Relations for Detroit's Huron
Portland Cement Company, de-
clared that the -problems of auto-
mation is the problem of manage-
The AFL-CIO will now be a
political force, Rogin said, despite
need for continued work on cor-
ruption, internal democracy and
discrimination since the Execu-
tive Council under President
George Meany is willing to take a
moral position.
Marquart pointed out that the
aims of organized labor are not
indicated in the program of the
Democratic party, which it sup-
ports. "In Britain the Labor Party,
would make large scale layoffs
such as have occurred in Detroit
impossible," he declared.
New WOmen's
Senate Head
The League Council Reevalu-
ating Committee recommended at
the council meeting yesterday that
the President of the League no
longer head the Women's Senate.
It was believed that the presi-
dent had too many responsibilities
to spend enough time on the Sen-
ate. The report suggested that the
chairman be chosen through peti-
tioning and intereviewing and that
previous experience would not be
However, members said that the
chairman should be a member of
the League Executive Committee.
They thought this experience was
very necessary. The report also
recommended that the two sen-
ators-at-large be eliminated.
It was suggested that the Sec-
retary of Senate, the Parliamen-
tarian and the Judiciary Chairman
be eliminated from membership on
League Council.
At the Board of Governor's
meeting on Tuesday the possibility
of returning the responsibility of
T 1'.ff a M A1,ccnhn +thawtre t +n he

Union S(
Honors I
A motion requestini
ment of an experime
system in the liberal
was passed yesterday b
The motion, passed x
vote, is now officially
the Student Governm
for action.
The experimental ho
would be administered
aminations to 10 per
liberal arts college c
classes would be select(
and then the class mer
vote to accept or reje
SGC is expected to
proposal to the liberal
steeering committee:
semester for final conf
the steering committi
the plan, it will go-in
the fall semester of th
Another motion, ask
precise grading, was y
19 over objections th
place "too much er
grades which would su
course content."
The proposal calls f
minus marks to be ut
grades with a' subse
point equivalent of .3
B minus will equal 2.7
and a B plus will equa
The Senate passeda
questing instructors to
examinations available
The bill also called fo
of the examinations
dents at the discretio

on Causes Korea Turncoats
The Chinese Communists employed indoctrination and not
"brainwashing" in causing many American prisoners of the Korean
War to turn to the Communistic doctrine, Eugene Kinkead remarked.
Kinkead, an editor and writer for "The New Yorker," said in a
speech yesterday that "brainwashing" is the process of destroying
the thinking processes of a normal individual. The Chinese did not
destroy the mind but conditioned it to their way of thinking.
The indoctrination consisted of two phases, mind conditioning
and the suction stage. "Mind conditioning made the prisoners believe
such ideas as Wall Street starting the war in order to get rich," Kin-
kead noted. This would cause the prisoners to hate America, he said.
The suction stage which followed was divided into repetition,
harassment and humiliation. The repetition process consisted of the
memorization of various Communistic doctrines, he said. After the
dnetrines were memorized, the nrisoners were constantly harassed so

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