Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
See page 4
Quits Hockey League
SL ULeave ;.. <
Michigan's rumored withdrawal
)m thegWestern Intercollegiate
ckey League became official
The Wolverine icers joined
chigan State University and the
iversity of Minnesota in drop-
ig out of the seven-team league.
Prof. Marcus L. Plant, Michi-
n's faculty representative to the
g Ten sent a letter of the with-
awal, effective in six months, to
ague Secretary Prof. William A.
ngacre of Michigan College of
ining and Technology at Hough-
Word of the expected with-
awal, finally announced by Uni-
rsity Athletic Director H. 0.
isler, first appeared in the Dec.
1957 issue of The Daily.
Reasons for dropping out Vere
scribed in Plant's letter. "At the
ne that the WIHL was organized
was our hope and expectation in
ning it that the problems in-,
[ved in hockey, competition
tong institutions fromseveral
fferent conferences, having sub-
ntially different rules as to
gibility 9f players, financial as-
tance akd conduct of the game,
ght be solved through this new
eying league..
There have been repeated
arges at Michigan that many of
See PLANT, Page 6
-Daily-Wesley Kar
BREAK 30-YEAR JINX-Michigan State defensemen, led by
Bob Jasson (4), surround a Michigan man in last night's 4-2
Spartan triumph.'
Wol1verine"Hckey ,Team
T ripped 4=2 by Spar tans
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING-Michigan State's inspired hockey team over-
came 36 years of frustration against Michigan last night when it
defeated the Wolverines, 4-2, before 2,378 fans.'
The victory was the first for the Spartans in 35 gaines against
The loss virtually eliminated Michigan's chances of qualifying for
the NCAA playoffs to be held in March.
Delayed by Fight
Midway through the second period the game was delayed for 20
minutes when a fight broke out between players from both squads.
Four men, two from each team, received five minute penalties for
Michigan State's Bruno Pollesel and Richard Hamilton, and
Michigan's Barry Hayton, who has the most penalty minutes in the
To Study
Bias Rules
Student Government Council
last night established a commit-
tee to study progress in removing
fraternity and sorority member-
ship restrictions.
The committee, to consist of two
members of both Panhellenic As-
sociation . and Inter-Fraternity
Council and three SGC members
will report back to the Council on
March 26.
The vote in favor of the com-
mittee was 10 to five, with one
Trost Objects
The composition of the com-
mittee was altered from six Coun-
cil members to the final plan on
an amendment by Lois Wurster,
IFC President Rob Trost, '58,
objected to the motion on the
ground it did not specify what in-
formation the committee would be
seeking. Ron Gregg, '60, co-spon-
sor of the motion, suggested that
the committee could study
changes in the bias clauses over
the past five years, as well as
progress in changing attitudes
through education.
A motion concerning the edu-
cational value of final examina-
tions asking that they be gener-
ally available to students, was re-
ferred to the Education and So-
cial Welfare Committee, which
will discuss the matter before next
week's meeting.
Progress Report Heard
SGC also heard a progress re-
port from Student Book Exchange
Manager Phil Zook, '60. Zook said
collections of books would be made
from Jan. 20 to Jan. 25 In Mason
H all and the Student Activities
Bldg., with the SBX open for two
weeks beginning Feb. 3, in the
SAB basement.
Treasurer Scott Chryslei,
'59BAd., reported to the Council
on the Student Health Insurance
program. At present, 4,683 stu-
dent policies have been issued. In-
surance will also be available for
the period from March to Sep-
tember on a pro-rated basis, he
Labor Goals
lDiscussion Set
For Tonight
A panel discussion on "The Eco-
nomic and Political Aims of Or-
ganized Labor" will'be the feature
of the Political Issues Club meet-
ing at 8:30 p.m. today in Rm.
3KLM of the Michigan Union.
Panelists will be Edward Cush-
man, Lawrence Rogin and Frank
Marquart who are all experienced
in the field of labor relations.
According to Ned McClennen, '59,
the club's publicity director, the
trio will discuss various aspects
of the current problems and as-
pirations of organized labor.
Cushman, a University alumnus,
is Vice-President in Charge of
Industrial Relations for American
Motors Corp.
Rogin was an official observer
at the recent AFL-CIO convention,
on which he will comment.
Marquart is Director of Worker
Education of United Auto Work-
ers, Local 212.
State of Union Report
Soviet Type
Of Research
The bunching of all research
under one government agency and
the sharply defined areas of juris-
diction of each individual insti-
tute under the department, are
two marked characteristics of
Soviet research, according to Prof.
Henry J. Gomberg, assistant direc-
tor of the University's Phoenix
In a speech last night to the
Phi Kappa Phi national senior
honorary society, Prof. Gomberg
went on to say the agency respon-
I ighway,
costs Rise
WASHINGTON R) - Theesti-
mated cost of -the nation's 41,000-
mile superhighway program has
jump5ed 10 billion dollars, Con-
gress was told yesterday.
This could mean an eventual in-
crease in highway user taxes or a
delay in completing the program.
In making the report to Con-
gress, Secretary of Commerce Sin-
clair Weeks said he is not propos-
ing any tax changes'at this time.
Neither did he call for taking
more time' to carry out the vast
" expressway plan.
Instead, Weeks suggested these
matters can wait a few years un-
til more miles of new roads are
built and cost estimates based- on
greater experience become more
Weeks said the cost of the in-
terstate road network is now esti-
mated at 37/2 billion dollars and
indicated the figure may go high-
er. This compares with an esti-
mate of 272 billion when Con-
gress set up the program 19
months ago.
The original plan was to build
the roads in 13 years, with the
federal government paying 90 per
cent of the cost.
SGC Appoints
Student Government Council
appointed members to five self-
evaluating committees last night.
The committees will look into
areas in which SGC could be
strengthened, as suggested in the
trial period report of last spring.
Maynard Goldman, '59, Ron
Gregg, '60, Drake Duane, '58, Roy
Lave, 158E, and Jerry Prescott,
'59L, were appointed to the com-
mittee on size and composition of
the council. Duane will serve as
The Elections Committee will
consist of Jo Hardee,, '60, Chair-
man, Bert Getz, '59BAd, Jean
Scruggs, '58, Marilyn Houck,
'58Ph, and Herb Sigman, '58,
The committee on the role of
the Board in Review will include
Leonard Wilcox, '58L, chairman,
Linda Rainater, '60, Joe Collins,
'58, Pete Eckestein, '58, and Gene
Teetor Calls
For TaxmCut
To Halt Dip,
WASHINGTON ') - A former
administration official told Con-
gress yesterday that confiscatory
federal taxes are a major cause of
the present economicf slump..
He called for an immediate tax
cut to check any further business
Lothair Teetor, assistant secre-
tary of commerce for domestic af-
fairs from 1953 to 1955, said Con-
gress should not wait too long be-
fore tax reform is decided upon
and put into effect.
"There is grave danger we will
wait until a recession gets deep
to do something about it," he de-
Teetor, now an Indiana busi-
nessman, testified as spokesman
for the Indiana State Chamber of
Commerce before the House Ways
and Means Committee which is
studying possible tax law revision.
He contended federal income
and death taxes are leading a
drift into socialism by drying up
sources of business and risk capi-
"We are economically strong to-
day, but there are unmistakable
signs of weakness in our country
that must be recognized and dealt
with before the weakness becomes
a deep-seated disorder," he said.
"First of all, we think there
should be an immediate and sub-
stantial reduction in the highly
progressive income tax rates as a
move to check the recession and
restore business confidence."
Neither the administration nor
congressional leaders favor tax
reduction at this time. New de-
fense spending and the prospect
of a possible budget deficit this
year have all but canceled out tax
cutting plans.
Pace Honored
In Little Rock
<WIHL, and Ross Hudson were
automatically ejected from the
game. Hudson also drew a 10 min-
ute misconduct penalty.
Michigan State dominated the
action from the start, but because
of the outstanding play of Michi-
gan goalie Ross Childs, it was not
able to score until 16 minutes of
play had gone by.
MacKenzie Scores
Bill MacKenzie, a junior from
Calgary, Alberta, scrambled for a
loose puck in front of the Michi-
gan net. He finally gained posses-
sion of it and shot it past Childs
who' was completely screened out
on the play.
The Wolverines looked exceed-
ingly stale throughout much of
the first period, showing the effects
of an 18,day layoff from compe-
An indication of the flare-up
that was to occur in the second
period came three minutes after
the first MSU score.
No Icing
A Spartan defenseman shot the
puck from deep in his own zone
across both blue lines. Hudson,
one of the Wolverine defensemen,
touched the puck against the end
boards in the Michigan zone for
what he thought would be called
But neither official signalled ic-
ing, and while Hudson attempted
to tray the puck against the
boards, Terry Moroney, one of the
See SPARTANS, Page 3
-Daily-'Robert Kanner
... explains Russia science
sible for the research, the Acad-
emy of Science in Moscow, is not
only in control of all Russian
research, but it is second in power
only to the Communist Party, as
He explained that in Russia re-
search in any area is clearly de'-
fined, highly organized, and speci-
fically assigned.
Prof; Gomberg, who visited
Russia last spring, emphasized
that this, along with unlimited
funds and manpowe. allows the
Soviets to specialize intensely on
particulAr research projects.
"As a result they can and are
undertaking difficult and extensive
experiments and completing them
with amazing speed," he contin-
He said, however, that this has
caused an "almost complete lack
of competition between scientists,"
as well as explosive results when
two agencies of top scientists dis-
agree violently on what course to
In extreme instances "whoever
loses the argument or jurisdiction
may be purged," he noted, "and
if the winner happens to be wrong
a great deal of time is lost getting
back on the right track."
Russian Summit Talks
Pointless Says ulles
WASHINGTON (M-)-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told
congressmen emphatically yesterday there is no point now in holding
new summit talks with the Russians.
Both Democratic ahd Republican members of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee seemed to agree with Dulles on this point after a
three-hour secretbriefing, which also touched on most other major
internationial issues.
Committee members gave reporters a partial fill-in on the testi-
mony. It was apparently a harmonious meeting. Dulles will appear
before the Senate Foreign Rela--
tions Committee today.r
The oft-criticized secretary facedi
little hostile questioning from ' emeso eterprydrn
members of either party during
his appearance before the House Cit
group, those who attended the
asked about troubles simmering A ,
within the Republican family. ,pi t ions
Stassen Criticized
Rep. Fulton (R-Pa.) said he By JAMES BOW
made a firm request to the secre-
tary that Harold E. Stassen, Pres- Primary elections will be held
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's dis- in two of Ann Arbor's five wards
armament adviser, "either fish or ,Feb. 17 to select candidates for the
cut bait and stop running a cam- City Council election April 7.
paign for governor out of the Twelve candidates are cam-
White House." . paigning for five two-year terms
Fulton said it was unfair to other on the Council. Petitioning closed
candidates in the GOP race for Dec. 31 with contested candidacies
Pennsylvania's governorship for in the First and Fourth Wards.
Stassen to be "issuing political Arbie B. Clever and Richard
pres releases from his platform Dennard, incumbent, are running
in the White House." for the Democratic nomination in
Dulles 'Interested' the First Ward. Clever, operator
The Pennsylvania congressman, of a coal and construction com-
not a candidate for the governor- pany, was a City Council member
ship hinself, said Dules "seemed from 1934 to 1940. Dennard, a cus-
plenty interested" in his request. todian at Tappan Junior High
Dulles has reportedly been at School, was elected to the Council
odds with Stassen over what Amer- for a one-year term last year and
ica's position should be on nego- is the Council's representative on
tiations with the Russians. How- the Ann Arbor Human Relations
ever, others present said Dulles Commission.
did not answer the Fulton request Seek Republican Seat
because of interruptions and com- In the Fourth Ward John P.
ments by other committee mem- Reynolds and John H. Schneider
bers on the samesubject. are seeking the Republican nom-
' ination.Reynolds, 34 years old,
is an industrial relations super-
IA Td it visor and was unsuccessful in the
Republican primary last February.
In his campaign statement, Rey-
U.S. Students nolds advocated industrial ex-
pansion in order to broaden the
city's tax base
The General Assembly of the cn det , base
International Students Associa- Schneider, 29 years old, is the
tion last night amended the ISA owner of a gas station in Ann Ar-
constitution to permit American bor.
studnts o bcomemembrs.The two Republican candidates
students to become members. areseeking the Council seat which
The new constitution now goes will be vacant when Ronald E.
before Student Government Coun- ine nARrnl
cil for approval, and becomes ef- Hinterman resigns in April.
fective immediately afterward. 'U' Staff Represented
Under the terms of the amend- There is an even balance of
ments, American students may Democrats and Republicans seek-
hold full membership in the Asso- ing Council nomination and in
ciation. This includes the right to the three wards where the party
hold office, the right to vote in nominations are not being con-
elections and the right to partici- tested the candidates will move
pate in all ISA activities. directly to the spring election.
Previously, these rights were de- Three members of the Univer-
nied American students, although sity faculty and staff are seeking
ISA did have some 40 "honorary" Council seats and eight of the
American members. twelve candidates are under 40
"Many Americans were enthusi- years of age.
astic about ISA," Aktay said, "but The following are the eight can-
under the terms of the old consti- didates definitely slated for the
tution they couldn't become full Council election in April:
members." 1) Russell J, Burns, incumbent
and mayor pro-tem, is the Repub-
lican candidate from the Fifth
Ward. Burns, 42 years old, has
served six years on the Council
1,0 peak and is employed a a professional
r' T olSpeaksrelations representative for a
medical supply company.
Incumbent Seeks Term
2) Clan Crawford, Jr., incum-
bent, is the Republican candidate
for the Second Ward seat. He won
Y a one-year Council term ,last
spring and in his present cam-
paign statement he noted a need
for more industry and for capi-
tal improvements.
Crawford, 30 years old, is an
& 4 Ann Arbor attorney and gradu-
ated from the University law
school in1952.
>: ' See LOCAL, Page 6
Talk Slated
For National
TV Sytems
Probably Will Ask
$40 Billion To Insure
Defense Supremnacy,
clamor in Congress about the na-
tion's defenses, President Dwight
D. Eisenhower will deliver today!
a State of the Union message that
could be as crucial as any in
United States history. The annual
report will be delivered in person
at 12:30 p.m. today.
In delivering his message, Eisen-
hower Will speak for perhaps 45
minutes. His address will be tele-
vised and broadcast by all the
major networks. The Senate and
House will meet jointly to hear
Defense Emphasized
All signs indicate the President
would strive to assure the free
world that the United States de-
fense. position is not nearly as bad
as some crlitics picture it, and that
all needed steps will be taken to
win the race with the Soviets.
It has already been established
that President Eisenhower plans
to ask for around 40 billn dollars
to spend on defense next year.
This compares with 38 billion
budgeted for this year, which now
stands to be increased to .39%
- Nixon Speaks
Vice-President Richard M.Nixon
provided what could well be a tip
that President Eisenhower will take
a reassuring position when he
speaks of what must be done.
Nixon said in a speech at Phila-
delphia that it makes no sense to
say that America is weaker than
Russia, that the Strategic Air
Force is obsolete, or that this
country's scientists are inferior.
He said that a smug and over-
confident America could fallsbe-
hind Russia, and then added: "But
I can assure the American people
that under the leadership of Pres-
ident Eisenhower we are not going
.o let that happen."
Gavin - Gets
WASHINGTON (f')-Wilbur M.
Brucker, secretary of the Arn r,
announced yesterday he is reluc-
tantly approving" Lt. Gen. James
M. Gavin's request for retirement
from the Army.
The Pentagon official said he
had tried once more to get the
general to change his mind, even
after Gavin had informed the
Senate Preparedness subcommittee
today that his decision to retire
was final.
Gavin had announced last week-
end that he planned to retire be-
cause he was in basic disagree-
ment with several Defense De-
partment policies.
He told the Senate subcommittee
yesterday the Army's position is
deteriorating rapidly and "I can't
get anything done" about it.
Speech Set
Prof. Wolfgang Stolper of the
economics department will- be the
featured speaker at the political
Science Roundtable at 8 p.m. to-
night in Rackham Assembly Hall.
Prof. Stolper will discuss "West
Germany- and Competitive Co-
Eugene Kinkead of 'The New Yorke
"I am interested in people and why they act the way they do,"
Eugene Kinkead, who will speak on "brainwashing," said
Kinkead, an editor and a writer for "The New Yorker," arrived
in Ann Arbor yesterday to speak on "brainwashing" of the American
prisoners of war by the Chinese in the Korean War in connection with
an article he wrote for the Oct. 26, 1957 issue of "The New Yorker."
He will speak at 8:30 p.m. today in Aud. B, Angell Hall. The
editor will also participate in a panel discussion on the same topic
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Aud. B, Angell Hall as part of the Psychol-
ogy Colloquium series. Both are open to the public.
Although not a professional psychologist, Kinkead said he was
interested in why 21 American prisoners defected to the Communists,
and felt the matter should be investigated. He approached the Army
and asked for full cooperation. Kinkead received this cooperation
after a wait of one year, and it took him another year to gather all
his information.
National Roundup
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