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December 19, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-19

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s tudents Given Lecture Vote > 9E0
(Continued from Page 1) Saturday... . 1 1 A
SGC initiated a forum program "It's great
on May 28 with the intention of
f 20th CEI
securing speakers to discuss edu-
cational and cont roversial issues. 0 A ma insett
*At the Oct. 30 meeting, SGC de-$_<wk 214 West Herron,
cided to invite seven speakers to ______________
the University, including Daily r
Worker Editor John Gates and
Detroit News Columnist Russel
Barnes to debate "Future Role of
.;COpmmunism in America." W il<l'
H1ousing Study Beginsf4:
Bias ifn local housing camne un-
der attack as the Ann Arbor Hu-
man Relations Committee on July4w
16 initiated a study of problems.
Collection of available information FLINT COLLEGE DEDICATED-The University's expansion was
-Daily-Norman Jacobs on housing problems began and illustrated as President Harlan Hatcher symbolically unlocked the
%NTA-Vernon Williams, a native of Texas, played Tuesday, the group decided to ask door of the M1tt Memorial Building.
a group of children at the psychology department the city attorney's opinion on a___
y yesterday. The party was held for members of "no-bias law4 pertaining to the an average of over 200 patients a
and students and their families, purchase of property. day until the epidemic begin ebb- Like Musical Comedy?
.e . Expands. ing about the end of October. GUYS and DOLLS
..n styEpns . ..G~ n e~
Claus Surises The Regents approved initial poets,Peace-Makers eomin
plans July 12 for the University's The University's Maize and Blue
" " Dearborn Center. When classes carpt maed stretchedout Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
begin in September, 1959, four
buildings will have been completed varied group of celebrities trooped
to house an expected 2,770 enroll- into Ann Arbor town(
riadea surrise ent;Poets e e. cumings. (March WV
2ade a surprise ment.
chology depart- want for Christmas" but his only "East Campus" will be a two 20) and CarlSandburg (Nov. 5)
students-faculty response was a loud wail. year school, at the junior and delighted audiences with their
yesterday. Coffee,'cider and cookies kept senior level, offering courses in readings while United Nations C
the adults busy while they dis- engineering, business administra- supporters Ralph Bunche and Mrs.CS
zite beard was a cussed the forthcoming holiday tion and literature, science and Eleanor Roosevelt made observa-
f the children of tions on the Middle East and BRIDGE SUPPLIEC C
acuty 'members. season. A Christmas tree, com- the arts. - tBRDES PLSC
clmebnhs plete with decorations, stood in The University's growth was Russia. Sandburg and Mrs. Roose-
i orders for his the corner of the room and added also illustrated this fall by the velt appeared during the Interna- rd
tr ad lis to the holiday cheer. October 2 dedication of the Uni- tional Week festivities, which was Kern Cards
"We decided to have the party tversity's Flint Senior College. prede by Architect Fran Congress Playing Cards
oungster, a boy here in Mason Hall this year and North Campus engineering facili- Lloyd Wright, r nt Bridge Tallies
invite the, guests to bring their ties and the Student Activities Tt
' families," Marshall Greenberg, Building were also officially dedi- town on Oct. 21, and fired barbs Bridge Scores
Claus' presence G s ted at architecture and art schools.
nother encour- Other visitors include philoso- CRIBBAGE BOARDS
Santa what you had the party in the Union as a Flu Bug Bites . . . pher Martin Buber, Clement At-
i______watyudate affair." 'Asian Flu swept across the world lee, George Kennan, and Senator CHECKER BOARDS
The part of Santa Claus was into Ann Arbor during September William Knowland. GAMES
chicehu portrayed by, Vernon Williams, and October. On Oct. 5, Health One hopeful traveler, a replica Mt
Grad., an out-of-state student Service Director Dr. Morley Beckett of the Vanguard Satellite appeared Portable Typewriters D
[ y from Texas. "Vern is about the announced the number of cases on on campus Feb. 20 for a display.
P 6dav only Santa Claus I know who has campus had reacied epidemic Sk AffetSmith-CoronaElectric
a Texas drawl,'i Williams laughed. proportions. Extra doctors were
Regets app rvdsalshmet ofhlypi
fprmance of the Additional entertainment was loaned from University hospital At last Friday's meeting, the Hermes
lianni Schicchi," provided by Arthur Saxe, '59, as part of the emergency measures In
at 4:15 p.m. to- Saxe, a past president of the folk- designed to cope with the long nology atte the University to helh Ral
:ia Mendelssohn lore society, strummed Christmas lines of victims and the overflow- meet uhenveduational chel-saoiRoya
nusic school and carols on his guitar. ing wards. Health Service treated lenge.
tment. Under a plan drawn up by a 48-HOUR SERVICE ON'PERSONAl
acomo rPuccini, it 4"special Science Advisory Commit-
the great comic A rab qCl unscusses Issue tee which President Hatcher ap-
etto by Forzano- pointed Nov. 6, the Institute would Since 1908
by Prof. Josef Of N eutrality a K e to Peace help meet the critical need for St9R
of the University highly trained scientists and en-
stra. Prof. Blatt gineers. The Institute would serve
c director and "Neutralism is the answer to lems and it is in the national as a center for education and
s pewrformance, world peace," three of the five interest to be a neutralist. It is a research.
hi is based on speakers said at) yesterday's meet- realisti and pragmatic way to
nte's Inferno" ing of the Arab Club. uplift the economy."
program are the Neutralism, defined as consider- Robin Barlow, Grad., said the
briei Played by ing each world situation in the Western World's attitude toward
brieiPye y light of the circumstances leading neutrality needs overhaul. "The
lUnierty "Synm- up to it rather than evaluation on either-or policy of being pro-West1
"ude the "Sonata the basis of pre-determined com- or pro-communist is unrealistic,"
"eaCaonmittments to -one power bloc or L o o k for"onta theesad
and "Sonata Oc- another, was debated by citizens he said.
from India, Egypt, Syria, Eng-
land, and Ceylon. [' J.D ..
"It is difficult for the .West to Center ifPlS tIPublic Service m an
understand neutralism," said .
Chandra Ahooja, '58E, of India. t livt'n O Tour
"ln "Friendly talks and peaceful ex-
pression of views, instead of de- on Cam pus
struction is the answer to world There are still openings on the
orpeace," he continued. International Center Chicago
Archibald W. Singham, Grad., tour, Helen Tjodis of the Center
of Ceylon, declared the present reports.
gy, has brought neutralism policy was a ". ., play- Points of interest include theell Be Gl dT See You
to the entire Ing of both sides against the mid- Museum of Science and Industry, B
lean student con- dle.' Marshall Field and the Housing
He qualified the accusation, Authority projects. The tour par-
n debated was"however, with ". . . it is often ticipants will be guests at a cock-
civilization as overlooked that these nations tail party given by the Chicago
eit .will be a lasthv eru eomno CocoFri Rlis. ...pr..-.C.un.....n.F.r..g......t..ns.

tipn: was George IN1pV
of Egypt,. who Ends il1 iil DIAL It will be well worth your time to look for the represen-
merican civiliza-
ation in he true Thursday II 1"' 1 i 1iit NO 2-2513 tative from Public Service Electric and- Gas Company
d, but rather, is w
tage of becoming when he comes to your campus
)wing from other . "*""1 " & n*PIImnini, «
was Jochen Fro- - -
sermany, on the
He said that al- .
civilization is a _
luropean civilza- TECliLRj
it has brought -. . ":?
is to a new sense._d
r many different - ~c~%' S .
ether, but Amer- TOM . JERRY COLOR
has made the CARTOON:.
ther with a kind.;__ __ _
er found in Eu-
grad, of England, Q1 DA
said that Amer- Startsp°" a I 7DIAL
certain qualities TODAY °°p NO 2-3136 . ,

Sulam ; - , . ;- , . .
.W Y,

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