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December 19, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-19

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SGC Drops Campus Chest

Plans Bi

Student Government' Council
last night discontinued the Cam-
pus Chest fund drive.
SGC also tableC until next meet-
ing a motion establishing a com-,
mittee to study progress in fra-
ternity and sorority membership
The Council voted to calendar
a maximum of four drives a year.
It removed from the same motion
a proposal "That the Council or-
ganize a Campus Chest Fund
Drive for those. groups desiring
. participation."
Wouldn't Stop Drive
However, the motion would not
have eliminated other drives, as
had been sought originally by
Campus Chest.
Administrative. Vice -President
Maynard Goldman, '59, moved to
delete the section of the motion
creating a Campus Chest drive.
This would leave two major drives
(Galens and the Fresh Ai; Camp)
and two) or three smaller ones
whidh could unite for one drive on
etheir own, he said.
However Campus, Chest Board
Chairman Joe Sherman, '58, toll
the Council he favo'red continua-
tion of the drive. Sherman pre-,
sented a- report on this year's
drive, pointing out its weaknesses.
Ask Students
To Finance


"The.plans for the drive did not
get under way soon enough,". the
report said. It also cited as hind-
rances lack of manpower and no
previous experience with a drive
on the part of the board.
Duane Comments
Inter-House Council President
Drake Duane, '58, thought the
reaction to this year's drive in
the men's residence halls had been
more favorable than last spring.
Daily Edito'r Peter Eckstein, '58,
also said the drive was gaining
He pointed out that this year:
Campus Chest collected double
last year's total, neglecting the
$900, gained last spring from the
sale of late permissions.
However, League Presidento
Marylen Segel, '58Ed, noted Tues-
day's Women's Senate vote
World News
Roun du
By The Associated Press
JAKARTA, Indonesia ()-Pre-
mier Djuanda, told newsmen yessa
terday the government has offi-
cially taken over major Dutch
industries in Indonesia and if the
Dutch want compensation they
must turn over Dutch West New
But, he said, whether West New
Guinea is yielded to Indonesia or
not, the Dutch never will regain
the powerful e.onomie position
they had held in Indonesia.
WASHINGTON - America's
atomic boss yesterday personally
denied, unofficial British charges,
that the United States has barred
Britain from announcing a big
step toward harnessing the' H-
bomb for peace.
Adm.- Lewis L. Strauss, chair-
man of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission, also said the achieve-
ment of H-power " is still remote."
ST. LOUIS-A dispute between
a white girl and a Negro girl over'
the ownership of a sweater trig-
gered a walkout yesterday by 50'
white students at Central igh
School here.
The principal, A. B. Jordan, said
however, that 45 of the students'
returned to their classes within
several hours.
* .* *
Out-of-season tornadoes ripped
into Mount Vernon, Ill., and*
dipped down on rural areas in
southern Illinois and eastern Mis-
souri Wednesday.

against Campus Chest continu-
And Union President Don
Young, '58, said the Campus Chest
designation had aroused more ani-
mosity than goodwill in its two
SGC Treasurer Scott Chrysler,
'59BAd, said the small drives could
save themselves by combining to
hold one drive, without the Cam-
pus Chest designation.
On the restrictive membership
motion, Inter-Fraternity Council
President Rob Trost, '58, said
there was no need of a study com-
miittee, since IFC ahd Panhellenic
Associatioh could supply SGC with
whatever information it wanted
on the policies of houses and pro-
gress made in removing member-
ship restrictions.
Hi'e cited statistics that 30 of the
34 fraternities on campus which'
had restrictive clauses in 1944 had
removed them by this year. He
added that the presidents of the
two predominately Negro houses
on campus had told him they were'
pleased with the present arrange-
Eckstein Cites Suspensions
However, Eckstein said that Phi
Gamma Delta and Theta Xi 'fra-
ternities and Sigma Kappa sorori-
ties did not have written restric-
tive clauses, but chapters of those
houses at other campuses had been
suspended by their nationals for
pledging Negroes.
Roni Gregg, '60, said the motion
did not contain any threat of cow
ercion, but the committee would
merely seek to get' a comprehen-'
sivecpicture of progress in the last
six years.
Sigma Kappa
Won't Divu e
uture Ige
.The University's Sigma Kappa
chapter yesterday would not di-
vulge its plans for nextyear's na-
tional c6nvention in relation to the
national's possible violation of the
University's regulation against re-
strictive membership clauses.
Local President, Pat Miller,
'58Ed., told The Daily that the
local is making plans for next
year, but would rather not say
what those plans are. "We feel
we've haj enough publicity," she
Student Government Council
last February: gave the national
until September, 1958 to take ac-
tion to remove its "discriminatory
membership policies" or lose Uni-
versity recognition.

Satesman in reply to an open LANSING (R)-A plan for stu-
letter by the British philosopher dent financing of a $100 million
Bertrand Russell, an earl who construction program for state-
never uses his title supported' colleges and univer-
sities was proposed today by a
Z NaRep. Willard I. Bowerman Jr.
(R-Lansing) has a joint. resolu-'
To SBX Post on drawn up for presentation
(1 { the t1958 legislature calling for a
constitutional amendment author-
Student Government Council izing the state to borrow to fi-
last night appointed members to nance the plan,
two committees- and boards and If approved by the legislature, a
named Phil Zook, '60, Student public vote on the proposal would.
Book Exchange manager for next follow at the November, 1958, elec-
year. tion.
Each student at a state-support-f
SGC named Mayn4rd Goldman, ed college or university would be
'59, chairman of the Course Eval- required to file a promisory note
uation Committee set up last for payment of $30 a term or $45
week, with Ron Gregg, '60,; Mort a semester. This would be in addi-
Wise, '59, Daily City Editor Vern- tion to the regular fees.
on Nahrgang, '58, and one mem- The riotes would be payable five
ber yet to be named. Council also years after they were issued 'and
appointed Linda Rainwater, '60, would carry three per cent in-
Daily Editor Peter Eckstein, '58, terest.
Gregg, and Wise to the College The proposal would add $360 to
and Department Policy Commit- the cost of a four-year education
tee. at a state-supported institution.

Ofn Contier
Leaders Unaniniow
On Russian Talks
'Nuclear Stockpiles
PARIS () - Atlantic allia
leaders agreed unanimously
terday to gird Europe for pt
button rocket warfare.
This victory for Pr-eside
Dwight D. Eisenhower's stral
of nuclear stockpiles and inedhi
range missile bases in Britain
on the Continent was a it!
summit conference compromis
The United States gave Its C
sent to cautious and guar
overtures to the Kremlin to se
any success might be achleved
fresh negotiations with the So
r -Split Dissolves" .
Thus the United States. and
on these .issues whe i the 15-
tion conference opened Mon
found themselves in agreemen'
not completely satisfied, with ,
one day's talks remaning.
President 'Eisenhower and.
retary of State John.Foster
will report to the American pei
on the summit conferende o
30-minute radio-TV broadi
from Washington -at 8:30 i
EST, Monday.
President Eisenhower plans
board his plane for home late
day and 30arIve in Washl iI
about :30 a.m. tomorrow '
'Dulles will tmake ashort isii
Spain before' returning to ,
United States.
Stamped Approval
NATO Secretary General I
Henri Spaak Aaid President Ei
hower, British Prime Mini
Harold Macmillan, ,West Ger
Chancellor Konrad Adena
French Premier Felix Gaillard
other alliance leaders stam
their approval on the military
diplomatic programs today.,"
"There is no Atlantic crii
Spaak told a news conference
"Everything goes well, and
heads of government have reac
final agreement on ,almost
points. Some details on some
things hate to be completed
Among these, he said, was
ting 'Is' and crossing T's
where and when to "sound
Moscow about a new parley.
Give Go-Ahead
But, the Belgian statesman a
ed, the government' chiefs l-
already given a definite go-ali
-to French Foreign Minister Ci
tian Pineau's suggestionV
Western foreign ministers try
separate new disarmament t
with the R1ussians. These woul
attempted if 'the United Nat
negotiations, broken off by R
sia, can't be restarted.
Norway; Denmark and Ie]
reportedly, do not -want to b1V
the United Nations so long
there is any chance of using
disarmament machinery.
Consider U.S. View
This is also the United St
view. 4
Norwegian Premier Einap C
hardsen convinced the deleg
they should make it clear to
whole world the only reasonwi 1
arms was because Soviet weap4
bradishing in those fields fo
them to. This, informants
will be embodied in the comm
que to be issued today.

Denver Humbles 'M' Hockey Team, 3-2,

A sudden death overtime goal by Deny er's Jim Brown beat Mich-
igan, 3-2, last night before a noisy crowd at the Coliseum.
After the Wolverines went ahead in the third period, Denver's
Barry Sharp tied it up at the 12:35 mark, with a back handed shot
which deflected off Michigan Goalie Ross Childs' pads.
With but five seconds remaining in the third period, Ed Switzer
seemingly scored the winning goal for Michigan, however the ref-
eree overruled the goal judges decision, by saying that the puck never
crossed the red line lying in front
of the nets Zemrau teamed up to make five
Last night's loss lowered the successive saves on shots from
Wolverines further below the .500 Switzer and McDonald.
mark, their record now stands at Michigan's inability to get a
one win and three losses in WIHL real attack going all period, forced
play. the Wolverines to remainon the
Both Defenses Stay defensive all period.



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