See page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
No. 74
enators Probe
Navy Chief Burke Testifies America
Rules Seas but Future Uncertain'
ASHINGTON (P)-Admiral Arleigh Burke, chief of naval opera-
testified Monday the United States Navy now has command of
is but the future is uncertain.
'en now the task would not be easy, he told the Senate Prepared-
ships and it would take time-it would be a
veral Navy witnesses who testified Motiday in
n of the Upited States missile and satellite
irector of undersea warfare, Rear Admiral C. E. Weakley,
enators the Navy is maitaining an around-the-clock 'alert
to hN s in the face of a threat to Sea com-
munications which he described as
"without parallel in the peacetime
.S 1history of the world."
Navy Alerted
F c With Russia possessing the larg-
t Falls est submarine fleet in the world,
Weakley said, the Navy is tackling
S! undersea problems with the utmost
I or da" "urgency.
"We have aircraft and ships on
an alert status 'ready to investi-
ANAVERAL, Fla. (P) - gate any submarine when or
>rce failed yesterday in where," he said, "This is a 24-hour
ed effort to fire Ameri- duty."
est weapon, the Atlas Burke estimated that Russia has
ental ballistic missile. about, 500 submarines and is build-
down" on the Atlas, the ing 100 a year. He said this coun-
ssile designed to haul a try has 110 and is building five to
bomb across the seas at 10 a year.
peed, was started early I Sviets Working
For hours, the "Big A" In reply to a series of questions
seen towering on its from Sen.JohnStennis(D-Mis.,
platform like a huge that Russia now has nuclear-
powered subs, although he said the.
and the missile ceased Soviets have been working on them
md' he mssie cesedfor several years.
)rt spread among "bird Earlier in yesterday's hearing,
along this island's white Asst. secretary of the Navy Gar-
hes that the big shoot rison Norton. told the senators,
"scrubbed," or put off "Our number one business is to
zer time. get a missile with a warhead which
a, like everybody else, can land on target."
ig but rumors to go by. "Nothing should dilute that," he
ng of official informa- said. "We are very close to get-
s after the widely pub- ting it."
lure of the Vanguard Sen. Lyndon P. Johnson (D-
et on Dec. 6 has been Tex., subcommittee chairman, and
nd effective. others have suggested that the na-
y, the Atlas never has tion should look beyond the build-
ibed in any detail, but ing of missiles to "the issue of con-
ved to be 70 feet long trolling outer space."
LONDON ()-The Moscow radio
broadcast yesterday a prediction
by a Soviet scientist that the Soviet
Union will send anrocket to the
moon within the next 18 to 24
Prof. K. Stanyukovich of the
Soviet Commission for Interplane-
tary Travel said the necessary ve-
locity to escape the earth's gravi-
tational grip, a Velocity of about
seven miles a second, can be
achieved by adding one or two
stages to modern ballistic rockets.
The two Soviet Sputniks now
circling the earth were launched
at a velocity of about five miles a
Stanyukovich wrote in a maga-
zine article quoted in the broad-
cast that the first moon rockets
probably willcarry a powerful ex-
plosive whose flare on the moon's
surface could be seen from the
Physicists Say
British Make
Big Advances
PALO ALTO, Calif. (') - Two
University of California physicists
said Sunday the British have made
"significant advances" toward us-
ing the power of thermonuclear
Commenting on the British de-
velopments were Dr. Edward Tel-
l1r and an associate, Dr. Stirling
Colgate. Colgate returned recent-
ly from Great Britain's radiation
laboratory at Harwell.
The British scientists' progress
is "extremely good news, Teller
"The British have mWade a sig-
nificant contribution 'to the ulti-
mate uttainment of thermonuclear
power," said Colgate, who is with
the California Radiation Labora-
tory at Livermore.
Teller and Colgate said they
could not disclose just what prog-
ress theEnglish made because of
security regulations. They spoke
at a press conference.
"We are flying all sorts of
kites," Teller said. "The British
have something. They have a good
kite, but I won't explain what
kind of a kite."
Notices Ready
Announcements for the Janu-
ary graduation exercises will be
distributed from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
today in the Student Activities
Muilding, according to Carol Ran-
kin, '58N, Senior Board repre-
She said this is the last time an-
nouncements will be available.
Ike Vou
Cite Issues
Bretton Urges Reply
To Bulganin's Letter
Prof. Tnis L. Claude of the poli-
tical science department called
yesterday's proceedings at 'the
NATO conference, "not at all un-
"Obviously our Western allies
are quite concerned. They are
looking for reassurance and this
is merely an expression of that,"
he said.
Prof.hHenry L. Bretton, also of
the political science department,
said that "governments concerned
are under domestic political pres-
Cites German Problems
Referring specifically to Gei-
many, Bretton added that "Aden-
auer would be willing toaccept
U.S. proposals but he is not pre-
pared to force this issue upon an
unwilling parliament."
Referring to himself as "an out-
sider looking in," Prof. Bretton
said "NATO members are of the
opinion that the United States
possesses adequate military power
to retaliate Soviet aggression"
This is inclined to create a feel-
ing that an atomic stockpile in
Europe is unnecessary, since the
Strategic Air Command is the pri-
mary weapon to date, Prof. Bretton
"If the Strategic Air Command
is our only weapon at this time,
we have traveled with an empty
suitcase." The purpose of the meet-
ing would appear, therefore, to be
that of a "morale builder."
U.S. Policy Criticized
Commenting on the Macmillan
proposal that a reply should be
made to Bulganin's letter Prof.
Bretton said, "In principle, I be-
lieve we should reply to the Soviet
letter. A position should have been
,taken by the United States prior to
the dispatch of the Bulganin. let-
Similarly Prof. Claude said, "We'
are under pressure from Western
allies to show that we are willing
to test the seriousness of the Rus-
sian proposals."
Though both professors advo-
cated the renewal of peace talks
with the Soviet Union, the admin-
istration formally denounced Bul-
ganin's White House addressed
letter as repetitious propaganda.
In the past the United States has
often received similar notes from
top Russian officials but in gener-
alal they have been ignored.
'Meeting Indicates Unity'
"NATO has been in need of re-
building for at least a year,"'said
Claude. "I believe this to be an;
opportune time for such a con-;
ference, however, we can negotiate
seriously without necessarily gath-
ering foreign ministers."
The meeting in itself is indica-
tive that there is a great urgency
among Western allies. Prof. Claude
said, "We have good reason for1
creating the feeling that peace is
not just around the corner."
Indonesia Cautions
Against Intervention,
JAKARTA, Indonesia WIP-Indonesia warned anew last night that
intervention by NATO in this government's dispute with the Nether-
lands would "widen the cleavage between the Western and Eastern
Secretary General Suwito Kusunowidagdo of the Indonesian For-
eign Ministry said NATO nations should be careful "not to be carried
away" by Dutch moves in NATO against Indonesia's claim to Dutch
West New Guinea.
"If the Dutch succeed in getting NATO to intervene in our present
crisis," the secretary general said, "the Afro-Asian nations will have
to consider what further actions
.. . former pharmacist
d 82 feet in diameter. In two
rlier. tests, Atlas missiles wob-
ecrazily in takeoff and were
liberately exploded before they
4 flown out of sight.
The Atlas, a three-stage weapon
wereq by rocket engines, is de-
ned to deliver a hydrogen war-
ad to ,a target 5,000 miles or
re away at an average speed of
000 m.p.h.
Lii' Secrecy
WASHINGTON (0P) -- The Air
rce said yesterday its instruc-
ns not to talk about Air Force
ojects in terms of space flights
attempts to fly to the moon
yve been suspended.
The House Government Infor-
ition subcommittee, which says
ere is too much government se-.
ecy, found the Air Force memo-
rdum and made it public Satur-
y. It was issued before the first'
issian satellite was put into or-
Air Force spokesmen yesterday
id the memorandum was never
ended as more than guidance.
ey said it was suspended by
rd of mouth well over a month
ounci P icks
s oard
rhe nine members of the new-
formed Ann Arbor Citizen's
creation Board were officially
proved yesterday by the City
Board selections were made
ntly by Board of Education
esident Frederic B. House and
n Arbor Mayor, Prof. Samu'el
Eldersveld of the political sci-
cedepartment. The original
oposal riAor a Citizen's Recrea-
n Board was passed by the City-
uncil last Monday and ap-
oved by the school board on
Settle New York
Transit Strike
NEW YORK () -- The worst
subway strike in New' York's his-
tory ended last night, after eight
days of vast transit confusion'
above and below ground.
It had persisted in defiance of
state law and court order.
More than 1,500 striking subway,
motormen gave approval of a
b a c k-to-w o r k recommendation
from their leaders. The impact of
their strike, tremendous at the
outset, had faded greatly in re-
cent days.
'ITheir union, the Independent
Motormen's B e n e v o 1 e n t Assn.,
failed to win the full union recog-
nition for which they struck Dec.
Dies Sunday
Harvey A. K. Whitney, former'
University chief pharmacist, died
at University Hospital Sunday at
the age of 63.
Whitney received his pharmacy
degree from the University in 1923,
began teaching pharmacy here in
1925 and became chairman of the
department in 1927.
He established the first intern-
ship program for hospital pharma-
cists here in 1929, and was instru-
mental in the establishment of the
American Society of Hospital
Pharmacists, becoming its first
president in 1942.
The Harvey A. K. Whitney Lec-
ture Award, set up by the Michi-
gan Society of Hospital Pharma-
cists, was established in honor of
his outstanding work in the field.
Whitney was vice-president of
the American Pharmaceutical As-
sociation, president of the Michi-
gan Board of Pharmacy and repre-
sentative of the National Associa-
tion of Ioards of Pharmacy.
He was also a member of Rho
Chi, pharmaceutical honor society,
the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, the
American Pharmaceutical Associa-
tion and the American Society of
Hospital Pharmacists.
Whitney is survived by his wife,
Hildreth Katherine Whitney, a
son, Harvey Whitney, Jr., '59Ph,
a daughter, a brother, a sister and
two grandchildren.
Cypriots Stage
De monstration
NICOSIA, Cyprus P) -- Greek
Cypriots staged demonstrations
and walked out of schools, shops
and factories yesterday protesting
the United Nations refusal to ap-
prove their bid for self-determina-
Some islanders said strikes and
shutdowns met with only partial
success because they were inspired
by leftists protesting the shooting
of a worker Sunday in a clash
with British troops.
to take against the colonial pow-
At yesterday's opening of the
NATO summit meeting in Paris,
Dutch Prime Minister, Willem
Drees called attention to "the very
serious situation in Indonesia." Al-
though he did not ask specifically
for NATO intervention he remind-
ed the conference that the NATO
Permanent Council gave the Dutch
"much valued assurances of soli-
darity" 10 days ago.
At that time, a Dutch spokes-
man said measures for solidarity
could man anything from supply-
ing ships in order to evacuate the.
Dutch from Indonesia to "freezing
or blocking Indonesia, deposits in
NATO countries."
Drees accused the Indonesian
government of "unprecedented
acts of spoilation," and said it'
was clear why countries like In-
donesia "had the full support of
the Russiian and Chinese Commu-
In her pressure campaign to win
possession of Dutch West New
Guinea, Indonesia has ordered all
nonworking Dutchmen -out of this
country. The government also has
started a takeover of Dutch firms.
Honor System
Meeting Today
Tlie proposed literary college
honor system will be open to the
student body for discussion to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor
conference rm, of the Union.
"The purpose' of the meeting is
to give all students an opportunity
to learn more about the proposal
and to comment on the feasibility
of such a program in the literary
college," literary college Steering
Committee chairman Leslie Dietz,
'58, said.
Speakers will include Prof. Ro-
bert Blood of the sociology de-
partment, Prof. Elton McNeil of
the psychology department and
Ron Gregg, '80, of the Student
Government Council. Miss Dietz
will be the moderator.
The proposed honor system has
as its aim the gradual abolishment
of proctored examinations in the
literary college. The student body
will soon be given an opportunity
to vote on whether or not to re-
quest the Administrative Board of
the literary college to agree to a
trial program.
Students will be given an oppor-
tunity to voice their individual
opinions after the proposed honor
system has been reviewed by the
guest speakers. Refreshments will
also be served.
See Farm
WASHINGTON (P)-A group of
economists, yesterday foresaw nd
early improvement in the present
farm economy of overproduction
and low prices.
They generally were optimistic
about agriculture's long range
- - They told a Senate-ousse eco-
nomic subcommittee that popula-
tion increases, a higher per capita
consumption of food, and diet
changes may reasonably -be ex-
pected to bring supply and demand
near balance in another 20 years
or so.
Surpluses Called Chronic
For the next five or 10. years,
however, they viewed farm produc-
tion surpluses as a chronic rather
than temporary problem unlikely
to yield to present remedies.
The farm economists were wit-
nesses at hearings on agricultural
policy and general farm problems.
James T. Bonnen, Michigan
State University economist, said
total food consumption may be
expected to increase about 20 per
cent in the next 10 years while
farm production goes up 25 to 30
per cent.
Predicts More Production
The possibility of even bigger
farm production within the next
two decades was put forward by
Glenn L. Johnson, another Michi-
gan State economist.
"Despite the surpluses which are
in prospect for the next few years,
farm output will have'to expand
25 to 40 per cent in less than 20
years," he testified.
"This expansion exceeds, in ,ab-
solute terms, any previous expan-
sion of the United States farm
economy for any similar period of
time. And at the end of these 20
years the farm economy will have
to be prepared to continue to ex-
pand its output.".
Two Department of Agriculture
economists shared an optimistic
view of long-range farm prospects
but only if farmers can work their
way out of the present surplus
Carl W. Heisig, director of the
Farm Economics Research Divi-
sion, said the possibility of in-
creased demand may be expected
during the next generation, but
added that "the current problems
of unbalance may continue to be
acute, at least during the next
five to ten years."
Student Fined
For Drinking
Mike Jackson, '58, president of
the literary college and of Senior
Board, was fined $45 yesterday by
Judge Francis L. O'Brien on a
driving-after-drinking conviction
following a five-car accident at
1:30 a.m. Sunday.
Jackson will appear before Joint
Judiciary Council, Assistant Dean
of Men John Bingley said yester-
To Considei
U.S. Offer
Adenauer Opposes
Immediate Deeisioi
On Arms Problem
PARIS () - President DwI
D. Eisenhower yesterday off
America's European Allies m
um-range missiles and ate
The long, tense first closed
sion of the NATO summit c
ference then quickly split0
how to deal with his proposit
Atone point not directly rea
to the Eisenhower offer, Brit
Prime Minister Harold L.Iac,
lan said the West should look'
recent proposals from Soviet
mier Nikolai Bulganin,
German Objects
Chancellor Konrad Adenau
West Germany was a topobje
to Eisenhower's weapson .:f
urging that any decision, on
military problems be postpone
least until next spring,
Irime Minister Ma c r'nil
whose count.y already is an'
dependent nuclear power and
a missile base agreement with
Unite$ States, did not refer
the Eisenhower subject.
Instead, Prime Minister ld
millan urged that the West I
seriously the latest letter f:
Bulganin proposing new E
West talks. The United States
already termed the Bulganln n
Norwegian Suggests Talk.
Norwegian Prime Minister EJ
Gerhardsen went further
said: 'If necessary,the Un
States' and the Sovietn
should"'have two-power talks
end the cold war. This was
first time a Western Europi
leader made a suggestion 1
would see issues vitally affec
them settled over their heads
The American plan, prese
jointly by the President and S
retary of State John Foster I
les, also pledged efforts to ob
congressional approval to
the' Allies build and run at
Its main point:
To participate in a N
atomic stockpile. Within this
tem the United States would
ply an atomic stockpile to NA
according to the Atlantic A
ance's defensive planning, an
agreement with the nations
rectly concerned.
Nilxon Says
U.S. Retains
Arms Lead
dent Richard M. Nixon
yesterday the United. States
possesses an over-all military
Referring to weapons now
hand and missiles earmarked
future delivery, he said: "We 1
not lost the over-all military
vantage which we have enjo
do enjoy and will continue to
joy for sometime in the futur
Nixon spoke as a seminar
missiles and satellites, set up
the Air Force Association for ne
men. Various companies sent
A cost figure for ballistic z
siles was supplied by J. R. De
sey, manager of the astronat
division of Convair. He ges
that intercontinental ballistic i
siles would cost about two mil
dollars each and an intermedi
range missile between half
three-quarters as much.
Nixon said the United St
can spend all we need to spend
Board To Discuss Problems
Of Separate College Annuals
The Michiganensian committee of the Board in Control of Student
Publications will meet Friday morning to discuss individual colleges of
the University publishing their own yearbooks.
The law school has published its own yearbook for several years,
according to Ensian Managing Editor Carey Wall. Last year the
medical school also published one,
but they, unlike the law students, IHC SYMPOSIUM
still published some senior pic--__HC _SYMPSIU_:_
tures in the Ensian.
This year the medical studentsH end
plan to include the nursing school P rof. - tH endk Ti oudinld
in their book. This would include
undergraduates in a yearbook
outside the Ensian, a 1 t h o u g h
senior pictures from both schools
would stil lappear in the all-cam-
pus annual.
The Ensian staff is against this
policy for two reasons. First, ac-
cording to Miss Wall, they feel the
, Ensian should be an all-under-
graduatesyearbook covering the
whole campus. Also there is an
economic value in a large volume
because 'the staff has more money
person Compares College, Living Costs
"'The cost of going to college has increased more rapidly than the
general cost of living," Prof. Algo D. Henderson said last night at a
symposium on "The Student and the Increasing Cost of Education,"
sponsored by the Inter-House Council,
Prof. Henderson asserted that the bulk of this additional expense
was caused by the high cost of room and board. Part of the solution
might be the expansion of public community colleges, he said.
Rep. James Warner (R-Ypsilanti) said, "The basic problem is
not whether tuition costs = are too high or too low, but where the
additional money to pay for higher education is going to come from.
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