Ml liliatBally
Sixty-Eighth Year
"Let's Look At It This Way.
It Takes Us Off The Hook On This Mess."
hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Cannin Play
Presents Problems
ALTHOUGH THERE are problems with the speech department's pro-
duction of ". . . and we have all the fun .. .", and although it raises
more questions than it answers, the Beverly Canning treatment of
minority group relations-now at Lydia Mendelssohn-does encourage
self-examination of one's codes of life.
Built around a small women's dormitory at a small but seemingly
exclusive college, and thought in terms any sophomore would instantly
understand, the play brings its people to face with society in the form
of society's rules and regulations.
But ". . . and we have all the fun . . ." is unrealistically concerned
with these codes. The dorm residents think only in terms of obeying the
Are a Conscientious
Objector's Convictions Misguided?
4DERAL COURT Judge Ralph M. Freeman's
decision granting conscientious objector
er Horst, '57, exemption from military service
both gratifying and disturbing. Horst, al-
ugh not a member of any religious organiza-
i based his case on a love of God that made
mpossible for him to take up arms against
fellow man. Judge Freeman, in rendering his
ision, said he need not be a member of a
gious organization, nullifying the National
ective. Service Appeal Board's case against
ut the judge also added, "I feel that this
ng man is badly misguided. It is fortunate
all of us that his opinions are not general
ong all the young men of our country." It
bvious that America would have been over-
long ago if her countrymen had not been
ing to bear arms against their fellow men.
are the men who are unwilling .to bear
is misguided? Is any man misguided when
believes in the commandment, "Thou Shalt
Not Kill?" Or is he misguided if his philosophy
of life is based on a love of God? These ar
questions that Judge Freeman should hav
considered before he offered his generalization.
PERHAPS THE JUDGE might have men-
tioned the real misguided persons -- the
Caesars, Napoleons, Hitlers or Stalins -- who
popularized a tradition of power by force as
opposed to Peter Horst's belief in the power of
This is not to discredit the men who have
fought and died to protect America. For there
is no alternative but to fight when preventive
action has not been taken and the only. attempt
at a cure is war.
It is indeed a tragedy that a man who stands
by his conviction should be considered mis-
guided. For war, although an over-tried method,
has never been a solution to the problems of
men, the power of love has never been given a
SGC: Bury the Galens Hatchet
CAMPUS CHEST this fall collected $4,050, ac-
cording to a report submitted by the Campus
Chest Board. Galens last weekend collected
$6,985, according to the medical honorary's
president. .
Conditions for the two drives were similar.
Each lasted two days; each utilized seventeen
buckets. The primary difference was that Cam-
pus Chest solicited in the area, while Galens
was permitted to conduct its drive only in the
city area outside the main campus.
In addition, Campus Chest sponsored an auc-
tion as an additional source of revenue, which
accounted for about $300 of its intake. It also
solicited in the housing units of the Universityt
collecting $2,400 from this source. Galens had
the benefit of neither device; it suffered an ex-
tra handicap of conducting the second day of
its drive in a steady snowfall.
Despite these apparent disadvantages, Galens
drew in approximately $3,000 more than Cam-
pus Chest. From its bucket drive, it took in
several times as much. This suggests that either
students are more niggardly than permanent
residents in contributing to charities, or that
the Galens drive was far better organized.
WHILE THERE may be some truth in the
theory that students are less affluent, it is
doubtful if they are nearly $3,000 poorer.
If, on the other hand, Galens is better organ-
ized than its "rival," it would be well for Cam-
pus Chest to find out how the medical honorary
does it. Galens has had far more experience
than Campus Chest, which is in its second.year;
apparently this greater experience showed up
markedly in the totals.
Rather than go through more of the tribula-
tions it has suffered in its first two drives, it
might be wise for Campus Chest to bury the
hatchet with Galens, study its methods, and
profit by its experience.
Daily News
Does It Again
THE CHICAGO DAILY News claims to have
done it pgain.
The current issue of Editor and Publisher
carries a front page ad by the Daily News
praising itself for rendering a "public serv-
ice on a timely topic" when it carried a four
page comparison of American and Soviet
Strength. Public officials were. startled, and
one suburban school board began a special re-
appraisal of its curriculum "in light of the
revelations in the report of Russian education."
But, the Daily News reminds us, this isn't
the first such public service project it nas car-
ried on. Why, only last spring the Daily News
"led a nationwide protest against the federal
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'(Herbiock Is on Vacmnon) COpright, 97 hePlte PbihaCO.
Ilse Will See It Through
. 1
honor system they live with; they
deliver sudden, harsh lectures at
the mere mention of violating the
system or at the thought of a
Even greater is the stigma of the
minority group. There is here an
attempt at presenting the Amer-
ica of today, an America concerned
-often too concerned-with mak-
ing as many different people as
possible feel wanted and hurting
many of them in the process.
* * *
THE PLOT, a traditional one in
construction, adds misunderstand-
ing and mistaken identity to the
breaking of a women's hours regu-
lation. This is the primary con-
cern of Act I, Scene 3 and Act II.
The earlier part of Act I and alL.
of Act III center about the time-
honored "taking a friend home for
the holiday" that here involves a
minority group member.
Like the latter concern, there
are minor conflicts which begin
early in the play and are com-
pletely forgotten until the final
act. In this way, the obviousness
in the lesser conflicts is not allow-
ed to remain under an audience's
revealing scrutiny.
As Alison, the student whose
mother won't let her bring home
a Negro friend for Thanksgiving
(it would offend the father's busi-
ness associates from the South),
Jean Whitehurst maintains the
same pitch of excitement through-
out the play.
* *. *
NANCY Enggass, as Lenore, the
student who has broken away from
her home and family to be a pure
American, is alone in presenting
a serious, deepfelt performance.
When Lenore breaks down in a
phone call to her Mama Gervase,
the play has its lone moment of
pathos and feeling. Until then,
however, Lenore is likentheirest in
her unnatural formality and deep
concern for following the rules-
until she breaks one herself.
The third of the central roles,
that of Ivy, was read by Rose
Marie Goins, who never seemed to
realize her position in the story.
The rest of the women, and all
of the 'men, were emotionless
routine stereotypes, from the
young professor to the wild boy
friend, from the li'l Southern gal
to the policewoman-housemother.
All managed to contribute to the
play's pronounced monotone. Don
Catalina (wild boy friend) came
closest to establishing individu-
BUT THE actors alone were not
always at fault. The language of
the play is a language too formal
for these college women, especially
in the more serious moments. The
characters never sonverse; they
cross-examine each other.
And, _most important, these
characters fail to realize that there
are two sides to the problems of
societal codes, that they can be
observed in spirit without con-
firming exactly to the letter.
Ralph Duckwall's setting is
simple but attractive, adding an
atmosphere to the play that can-
not be found in the lines.
-Vernon Nahrgang
W ASHINGTON - Close friends
of President Eisenhower say
he has made up his mind to face
the duties of President as a soldier
on the firing line and die with his
boots on, if necessary.
They say this was partly behind
his decision to fly to Paris for the
vital, though grueling meeting of
NATO nations. Also a factor was
his very quick recovery from the
minor stroke suffered before
The doctors who examined the
President have confided to their
professional colleagues that his
recovery has been much more
'rapid than expected, though the
chances of another stroke at his
age are great.
The President, though fully
aware of this hazard, feels that he
should proceed with the duties of
the Presidency. Hence the trip to
to assume the full duties remains
to be seen. Actually, he has been
absent from the White House two
full years out of his five years in
office, most of it ill or vacationing.
And even his close friends admit
it is impossible to conduct the
intricate, complicated affairs of
the United States on a part-time
If, however, President Eisen-
hower "should swing into a full
White House work load, they fear
the results on his health might
be serious.
At times in the past, the Presi-
dent has given some indication
that he might like to retire. But
currently that thought seems to
have been put aside. Certainly
there will be no thought of re-
tirement while the President is
under criticism for our scientific
defeats at the hands of Russia.
One of the most marked char-
acteristics in Mr. Eisenhower's
make-up is his desire to be liked.
And he is not going to retire while
under fire or when his popularity
is in question. He would far rather
pass out of office, like an old
soldier, with his boots on.
IT ISN'T generally known, but
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong is
dying for a. State Department in-
vitation to blow his golden trumpet
behind the Iron Curtain.
This is true despite Louis's blast
at President Eisenhower during
the Little Htock crisis that Ike was
"two-faced" and "has no guts."
At that time, "Satchmo" was so
angry he wouldn't think of going
to Soviet Russia for the United
States government. Since Ike sent
troops into Little Rock, all that is
now forgotten.
"Don't get me wrong," Arm-
strong said recently. "What I'm
against is all the head-whipping.
But the situation is improving.
And I love Eisenhower. I love that
"I'll say something else. My peo-
ple have a better chance in the
United States than at any place
in the world."
Now at New York's Copacabana
after a triumphant Latin Ameri-
can tour, "Satchmo" nourishes a
compelling desire to make an Iron
Curtain tour for Uncle Sam. He
figures he could do a lot to erase
Communist propaganda about the
status of the Negro in America.
On his South American swing,
Louis gave 67 concerts in five
countries. He got $80,000, plus
expenses, for a four-week appear-
ance in Buenos Aires, was pictured
on the front pages of leading
newspapers everywhere he went.
THAT WASN'T all. At a time
when the Soviet Sputniks were
making'the United States look silly
on the front pagesbof newspapers
all over the globe, "Satchmo"
managed to get his picture on the
covers of 22 Latin American maga-
zines. American diplomats, realiz-
ing the timeliness, of his tour,
threw banquets for "Satchmo" in
every capital he visited. In Vene-
zuela, Louis played at the home
of President Jimenez.
But for the orphan boy from
New Orleans, one desire remains:
A tour behind the Iron Curtain.
The State Department has never
offered to send Armstrong behind
the Iron Curtain. The idea was
merely in the talking stage when
Louis issued his blast against Ike
over Little Rock. All the State De-
partment offered was to contribute
some money to Satchmo's personal
South American tour, provided he
would extend it to out-of-the-way
cities and pay part of the extra
expense himself.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for S.nday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Women's Hours: Women students will
have 11:00 p.m. permission on Wed.,
Dec. 18 and Thurs., Dec. 19.
January Graduates may order cap
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop on
North University.
Students and alumni from Flint are
invited to the first annual Holiday
Ball given by the Flint College of the
University on Sat., Dec. 21 from 9:00
p.m. to 1:00 a.m., in the second floor
ballroom of the Mott Memorial Bldg. on
the Court Street campus. Music by El-
mer Schmidt's Quintet. Semi-formal
dance with no corsages, $2.00 a couple.
Naval Reserve Officer's Training
Corps Testing Program (NROTC) will
be given on Sat.. Dec. 14. Candidates
taking this examination are requested
to report to 130 Business Administration
Bldg. at 8:30 a.m.
Prof. Ronald Syme, D. Litt., F.B.A.,
Camden Professor of Ancient History,
Oxford University, will speak on "Ro-
man Gaul," Monday, Dec. 16, 1957, at
4:15 p.m., in Angell Hall, Ad. A. The
lecture is under the auspices of the
Departments of Classical Studies .and
History. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistic
Mon., Dec. 16 at 2:00 p.m. in Room
3209, Angell Hall. Richard Legault will
continue his discussion of "The Prob-
lem df Confounding in General Sym-
metrical Factorial Designs."
Doctoral Examination for Joseph An-
thony Mandarino Mineralogy: thesis:
"Some Optical and Stress-Optical Pro-
perties of Synthetic Ruby," Mon., Dec.
16, 4065 Natural Science Building, at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Denning.
Placement Notices
Washington, D.C. Public Schools have
announced vacancies in the elementary
grades for the 1958-59 school year. You
may qualify for probationary appoint-
ment by one of the procedures:
(1) Without coming to Washington
for examination - (a) take the Na-
tional Teacher Examination, given
locally on Feb. 15, 1958.
yb) Fill out an application form
which may be obtained from the
Board of Examiners.
(2) By coming to Washington for,
(a) Take the National 'reacher Ex-
amination in Washington in May
(b) Fill out an application form
which may be obtained frqm the
Board of Examiners.
Application for the National Teach-
er Examinaion must be made by Jan.
17, 1958.
For9specific information concerning
eligibility requirements and an appi-
cation form to be considered with your
examination scores, whether you take
the National Teacher Examination in
February or in May, address the Board
of Examiners, Webster Administration
Annex No. 4, 10th and H Streets, N.W.,
Washington 1, D.C.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments,3528
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Lapeer State Home and Training
School, Lapeer, Michigan has a position
open in the Social-Service Department
for someone with a BA degree.
General Motors Public Relations Staff
has several openings for Previews of
Progress lecturers. Young men apply-
ing for the job must be single, willing
to travel extensively, able to qualify for
Mich. drivers license, and able to pre-
sent a stage lecture and demonstration.
The Kemper Insurance Companies
need a recent grad. or a Feb. or June
grad. in either Ch.E. or Chem. to work
in the Industrial Hygiene Dept. His
work would include inspection, lab
work, and report writing.
Sturgis Chamber of Commerce, Stur-
gis, Mich, is looking for an Executive
Secretary of the organization. Sturgis
is a community of approximately 10,000
in southwestern Michigan.
Chrysler Corp. needs a woman to
work as General Clerk. Typing is a
necessity, but shorthand is not re-
quired though helpful. The work is
with the corporation's treasurer and
will involve work with budgets, etc. It
is desired, therefore, that the woman
have some knowledge of corporate docu-
ments and business law, statistics, or
The City of Philadelphia, Pa., through
it-s Transit Div., Dept. of Public Pro-
perty, has an attractive administrative
professional engrg. position available
for a man qualified to serve as Chief
of the Transit Div., who will be re-
sponsible for planning, directing, and
coordinating the Transit Operations.
The Second Power
comng meeting of the North Atlantic Allies
and the many meetings that have preceded it is
that for the first time we are asking at least
as much as we can give. When NATO was first
organized nearly ten years ago, the United
States was not only invulnerable itself but it
was able to guarantee effectively all the NATO
Allies. In the beginning, the Atlantic Alliance,
though in form it was a collective security
pact, was in substance an American guarantee
to protect Western Europe.
Beginning in 1949, when the Soviet Union
first mastered the atomic bomb, the original
and basic principle of NATO became increas-
ingly uncertain. For as the Soviet Union ac-
quired nuclear weapons and the means of their
delivery, the American guarantee became less
and less inclusive. Before that, we had been able
to insure our Allies not only against invasion
but against serious bombardment. By the early
fifties, particularly in the months immediately
preceding the famous summit conference in
Geneva in 1955, there was not longer any cer-
tainty, indeed not much likelihood, that our
Allies would escape devastation in case of a
great war. It was this that produced a rising
tide of what we call, for short, neutralism. At
bottom, neutralism is the impulse to reduce
the liability of becoming involved in a world
However, during this period and indeed until
this autumn, it was still an article of faith
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON ................ Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON ..............Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY.........Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG ................ Activities Editor
CAROL PRINS ....... Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BAAD ...................... Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT ............Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLYER .......... Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES CURTISS ............ Chief Photographer
Rnoc Ct.,4
among our Allies that the continental territory
of the United States was invulnerable whereas
the territory of the Soviet Union was open to
destructive attack. Upon this faith there rested
the confidence that the territory of our Allies
was defended by the American power to deter
attack by the threat of massive retaliation.
This article of faith has been, if not destroyed
then at least, gravely impaired by the proof
that the Soviet Union is ahead of the United
e States in the military art of rockets and the
-missiles they can project. As regards the newer
weapons of war, it has been shown that only
by a serious effort over a good many years in
this country likely to come abreast of the
THIS HAS BEEN interpreted abroad as mean-
ing that during a dangerous interval of years
both Western Europe and North America have
to be defended from missile sites in Western
Europe and in North Africa. We are now as
1 dependent for our own defense on Europe's
willingness to provide the missile sites as Europe
is dependent upon us to provide missiles for the
sites. This is a wholly new situation, radically
different from that which existed when NATO
was founded, and it is in this altered situation
e that the present crisis has developed.
I We are nomlonger the donors in NATO. We
are, it might be said, a power needing to negoti-
ate understandings jointly and severally with
1 many countries-all of them asking themselves
whether what they are likely to receive is equal
to what they are being asked to give.
I think that the extraordnarily personal hos-
tility to Mr. John Foster Dulles in Europe is
in the last analysis a reflection of this under-
lying change in the NATO situation. Mr. Dulles
has his faults. But he is no monster of wicked-
ness. He was, I believe, the focal point-because
he has been so visible and so vocal-first, of the
resentments that accumulated while he repre-
sented the great ,donor power and, second, he
is now the focal point of the fears that have
been excited because he no longer represents
that strongest power of the world, on which the
Europeans have staked so much.
1957 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
AT - I S Pd, L - - a A, F JL --
Subsidizing Society, Not Student, Teacher Says
Subsidy .
To the Editor:
'T HE BREAK with tradition cited
by President Hatcher in his talk
last Saturday is a step backward
in higher education. It is a return
to the view of education as a
privilege of those who can afford
it as opposed to the view of educa-
tion as a right for all those who
want it and can profit from it.
The proponents of the "new"
view claim that those who cannot
afford the higher tuition should
borrow money in order to finance
the increased cost of education.
We must not be misled into
thinking that student loans can
offset higher education costs. For
many students the future is too
unsure to commit themselves to
large debts payable after gradua-
Students going on to graduate
and professional schools would be
unable to repay loans for many
years after graduation. Many stu-
dents, e.g. those becoming teachers
and social workers, won't be earn-
ining salaries which would allow
them to repay their college debts
without very great hardship.
* * *
THE ECONOMIC picture is very
much the same when we look at
the families of students faced with
keeping higher education from
many people who are needed by
our society.
Coming from a high income
family does not guarantee that a
person will make a good engineer,
teacher or artist. Yet this is the
criterion that would be applied by
the advocates of this step back-
wards in education.
* *
WE NEED a step forward in edu-
cation. We must recognize that
the university is essential for the
national well being and that it is
unable to support itself. Our gov-
ernment must extend subsidies to
universities just as they have done
to other essential areas of our
nation, e.g. farmers.
The funds for higher education
should be provided by the society
as a whole, through the federal
government, because it is the soci-
ety as a whole which benefits from
the activities of universities.
We have accepted the principle
of societal subsidy for elementary
and secondary schools; why do we
refuse it to universities?
As a beginning college teacher,
I deeply resent being made use of
by people who would raise tuition
as a solution to the problems of
financing higher education.
Contrary to the report made to
President Eisenhower by his special
than their blue-collar counter-
parts. They cannot let their sal-
aries be raised without caring for
the consequences of the method
used to get them their money.
Depriving people of a higher
education, because they cannot
afford it, is too high a price to
pay for a higher salary. They
should insist on raises free from
the taint of forcing,-students out
of the universities.
-Sid Perloe,
Instructor in Psychology
Rejoinder . .
To The Editor:
MR. THOMAS DAVID has often
tempted me to write you a
letter, but I have resisted the
temptation because to reply to him
Would mean a prolonged and
meaningless debate. This time,
however, I feel compelled to write,
and I assure you, Mr. Editor, that
this will be the last letter on the
subject from me.
I was shocked by Dr. David's
attitude on the effort on the part
of some students to visit Southeast
Asia. I feel that this trip can be
a very meaningful and useful ven-
To begin with, I feel a greater
"exchange" of students would lead
to a better understanding between
from people like Mr. David and
Finally, Mr. David accused the
American students of "segregat-
ing" the Asian students. While
there may be some truth to this
charge, it is also true that the
reverse allegation can also be
made. Some students from abroad
tend to voluntarily segregate
themselves by associating only
with their fellow countrymen while
abroad. This is perhaps just as
discriminatory as the other case.
The problem, I feel, is for great-
er initiative to be shown by Ameri-
can and Asian students to come
to know each other. One step in
that direction would be for Mr.
David to voluntarily participate
in American student organizations,
and secondly to help these stu-
dents planning to go abroad with
advice and help that they so
badly need.
-Archie Singham, Grad.
Time for Action .. .
To the Editor:
HAVE READ with interest and
amusement every one of the edi-
torial articles to appear in your
newspaper this year. Howeveri I
think you have missed one very
noticeable area that should have
been discussed long ago.
This is the area of the NAACP