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December 10, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-10

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Strength Enough If Pulled Together

54y m hign aily
Sixty-Eighth Year

en Opinions Are Free
uth Will Preail"

' ' "

'The Phantom Horse'
Of fThe Trc
THE ANN ARBOR PREMIERE of "The Phantom Horse" at the
Campus Sunday was at best disappointing. Produced by the creators
of two serious films, "Rashomon" and "Gate of Hell," this movie
possesses little of their aesthetic merit and even less of their intellectual
"The Phantom Horse" is a commercial, rather than an artistic
production, and one made primarily to appeal to children. Although
it is not entirely lacking in the cinematographic virtues which mark


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

-'C d~ A.


Y DECEMBER 10. 1957



South Africa Protest Day
shouild Turn Attention Homeward

rDAY, ironically enough, is Ann Arbor's
day of protest against segregation in South
Mayor. Eldersveld has issued a proclama-
ion establishing a Human Rights Day in the
ity,., expressing Ann Arbor's "deep concern"
wver the South African government's "anti-
lemocratic doctrine of racial superiority,"
The mayor was not unaware of the ironies
nvolved, the proclamation suggests, for it goes
>n to say that "Whether in Ann Arbor, Little
Rock or Johannesburg, the struggle for racial
quality and justice is universal and inexor-
,bie." And while it is well that Ann Arbor
levote a day to reflection on problems in Little
dock and South Africa, it might be equally
rell for the city to devote a considerable part
If the rest of the year to concern over its own
roblems of discrimination.
The Ann Arbor Self-Survey found consid-
rable differences between the average in-
ome of Negro and white workers in the same
ncome groupings. Some places of business
till serve minority groups grudgingly or not
t all. Prospective .minority group homeowners
:ften have, considerable difficulty in buying
omes of the desired quality. And a recent
)aily series found several landladies, including
he owner of literally hundreds of apartments,
reely admitting that they would not rent to
ANN ARBORITES need look no further than
last week's newspapers for one possible ap-
roach to the latter problem -- widespread
lousing discrimination.
The New York City Council has passed a bill
rhich, within some carefully chosen limits,
utlaw's racial, religious or national bias in
he renting and selling of apartment housing.
'he law applies to all multiple dwellings for
hree or more families, and one and two fam-
.y homes in housing developments of ten or
pore units.
An important exception to the bill's provi-
ions is the "tenant of an apartment . . . in
hich he or members of his family reside, who
ents or leases a room or rooms in such apart-
ient to another person or persons.'
ENFORCEMENT of the bill's provisions is
left primarily in the hands of citizens'
ommissions, generally corresponding to Ann

Arbor's new Human Relations Oommission, or
-its housing subcommission. If past experience
with such laws, notably the Fair Employment
Practices laws, is any guide, the approach of
such a group would be largely educational and
advisory. But its ability to adjudicate com-
plaints would be greatly enhanced by power
to bring a case to court, however seldom that
might be necessary.
It does not seem necessary to limit the ap-
plication of the bill to apartment housing; cer-
tainly bias in all forms of private housing has
equally harmful effects. The only other impor-
tant consideration is the rights of the renter
or seller.
There are many precedents for the notion
that engaging in public business, which is all
necessarily involved in most renting and selling,
subjects one's property to public regulation and
to the weight of public morality. There seems
to be little distinction between selling a home
and renting an apartment in this regard.
ON THE OTHER HAND, it may be going too
far to ignore the New York law's exception
of apartments which are also occupied by the
landlord or landlady. The letting of a room in
a home involves a personal invitation to live
in the same quarters, rather than merely a
business relationship.
Perhaps there is a point at which government
must acknowledge an individual's right to his
prejudices, however distasteful it may find
them, and the living situation may be too in-
timate to admit of government interference.
But surely there is no excuse, for the kind
of prejudice which leads a landlady to den'y
access to several hundred living units to a
minority group with whom her only dealings
would be opening a rent payment envelope ev-
ery month. Ann Arbor, on this day of protest
against segregation abroad, might well examine
how well it lives up to the ideal proposed by the
New York councilmen:
"It is hereby declared to be the policy of
the city to assure equal opportunity to all resi-
dents to live in decent, sanitary and health-
ful living quarters,, regardless of race, color,
religion, national origin or ancestry, in order,
that the peace, health, safety and general w(l--
fare of all the inhabitants of the city may be
protected and insured."



(Herblock Is on Vacation) n)e ta MIt. he Pulftger'blsblft C.
SA Play in Dress Rehearsal

The Morality of Our Allies

A WEEK AGO Spanish bombers raked Ifni,
enclave in Spanish Morocco. A year ago Is-
raeli, British and French troops invaded Egyp-
tian territory and the effects are still being
'elt. The French have been attempting to put
down resistance in Algeria for two years now.
Eleven years ago the Netherlands instituted
the police action against the infant Republic
of Indonesia which set the pattern of disregard
for international'law the Indonesians have fol-
in their policy of expulsion of Dutch nationals.
The list of such events goes back indefi-
nitely. As far back as there has been an Amer-
ican foreign policy, there have been actions by
our so-called Allies of which this country has
disapproved on official or moral grounds or
both. And in each example cited there are com-
mon factors. First, the consequences of these
actions have been undesirable.
Russian influence in the Mid-East has in-
creased considerably since the Suez crisis. The
French economy is strained 'by the expenses
of Algeria, coming as it has directly after Indo-
China. Our alliance with Tunisia has been en-
dangered by the French. And the Dutch viola-
tion of the international agreement regarding
the former East Indies colonies has helped
turn Indonesia toward the Reds.
SECOND, the aggressive participant has been
under direct obligation to this country, both
financially and militarily. Spain, Britain, Is-
rael, France and the Netherlands are all either
NATO partners, recipients of aid such as from
the Marshall plan, or both. They are all mem-
hers of the Western camp when it comes to
conflict with world communism.
The fascistic government of Franco in Spain
owes its very existence to inaction on the part
of Western governments such as our own, and
to active assistance since. The existence of Is-
rael has been assured by United States support.
The moral consideration varies in degree
from case to case, there being no written obli-
gation. The Spanish bombing was outrageous;
the French conflict with Algeria is almost as
bad; the attack on Nasser's government was
only partially justified; the Dutch action in
the East Indies was in opposition to agree-
ment reached at the conference table.
Third, the military actions in question have
been rationalized on the basis of both "he hit
me first" and sovereignty, internal and ex-
ternal. The nations claim they have legitimate
grievances, that they are only clearing up' in-
ternal matters and are, after all, independent
nations capable of determining their own poli-
At the same time the United States is the

leader of the West in two senses. First, U.S.
money, resources, arms and industry rule the
area outside the Iron Curtain in a very real
sense. Second, we are the declared leader of
the nations thrown together by opposition to
6ommunism, and, as such, the actions of na-
ions committed to us by alliance reflects upon
us among the uncortimitted peoples of Asia
and Africa.
THIS COUNTRY should therefore be able to
exercise a certain influence over the ac-
tions of her allies, standing on moralistic
grounds, without attempting to become sole
leader of a band of satellites.
Sovereignty does not seem to be a legitimate
consideration here. A certain amount of any
nation's independence is surrendered when
that nation accepts aid from another.
At the same time, the moral obligation is
reciprocal as we have a common stake in the
defense and reputation of the free world. The
U.S- should thus evaluate its actions in terms
of the wishes of our allies and its support of
various of those allies on holding the econo-
mic and military obligation as an obvious
U.S. policies which could stand to be re-
viewed with our allies include refusal to recog-
nize Red China and refusal to consider inter-
natoinalizing the Panama Canal, among oth-
ers with which they disagree.
On the other hand, in the a'rea of recogniz-
ing the rights of a government to run its do-
mestic affairs without interference when there
are no international reverberations, some of
our present allies could and should be told
where to get off.
Batista's Cuba government, for example, is
neither essential to the defense of the free
world nor morally excusable. The Dominican
government of Trujillo is the same. Cutting off
economic aid to such petty Mussolinis could
do nothing but good.
The situation of Spain doesn't look quite
so simple. This country is a treaty partner of
ours and occupies an important. role in West-
ern defense.
SUPPOSE, however, that economic pressure
were applied to Spain. Threats of reprisal
from Franco would be hollow, for he can
scarcely turn to the Communists and would be
htutink himself by acting against our airbases.
On the other hand the moral advantages are
obvious, even from a purely selfish outlook, for
it could do us nothing but good in Africa and
Asia to disapprove of action against the in-
dependent-minded -colonials{ of Spanish Mor-

THE RIGORS of play production
are generally at their peak
during dress rehearsals, as most
any speech department student
can tell you. The months of stag-
ing, memorizing and emoting to
an empty little room are just
preparation for getting up on that
A director often never knows
just what shape his show is in
until he sees it mounted on the
proscenium, accompanied at last
by sets, lighting and ostumes.
Many's the time when he sud-
denly revises a good deal of the
blocking because the old way is
not as suited to the stage. Many's
the acting novitite who finds him-
self tripping over unexpected stair-
"* * * *
WE STOPPED in at a dress re-
hear al of this weekend's speech
department offering, "And We
Have All the Fun . . ." by Beverly
Canning. All things considered, it
seemed to go smoothly. There were
a few mishaps, but that's what
makes it fun. Fun for the observer,
Two night ago one of the actors
missed her cue, we learned, and
another couple filled the gap by
doing an impromptu dance for
five minues. So, last night we
were prepared for anything.
' We got there early enough to
wander around backstage for
awhile. In the wings stood an
enormous turntable and p.a. sys-
tem for background music. A
stagehand in a football jersey was
busy sorting out the records. Harry
James. Xavier Cugat. Cool.
On. stage the rest of the crew
was sprawled out across the furni-
ture hearing a chalk talk from
their mentor. "Does everybody
know everybody?" he asked, hope-
fully. Heads nodded, wearily. He
pointed out the importance of

everyone being in their
sponsible for their prop
"If something happens
fault," we heard him
use the cliche, we are a
we are working with th
At that moment a spi
cha-cha broke forth fro
in the wings and one of
bers executed a few t
stage manager disregard
"Now," he said, addres
all, "What night can ea
come here early to s
stage?" We slunk away,
ing to be mistaken for
THE PLAY has a cas
boys and a great manyg
were all over the place
"These girls," confideda
curtain puller, "two seco
the curtain goes up, th
gabbing." -
Prof. William B. Hals
is directing the play,s
the cast into the anter
little pre-curtain talk. "
a very good play; I hop
we heard him say. Rer

place, re- needs a very strong attack in the
s. first act. . . ." The thespians
s, it's their listened attentively and we went
say. "To rout to see what other trouble we
team and could get into.
ie actors." We were almost toppled by the
rited cha- set designer who was rushing
m the p.a. around, getting last minute de-
the mem- tails in order. He began to ex-
urns. The ' plain the function of the light
ed it. switch on stage to an eager listen-
ssing them er. Suddenly an actress rushed out
ich of you of the anteroom, the talk being
sweep the over.
not want- "Look what I did to my sweat-
a stage- er!" she wailed. "I didn't have
time to set my make-up." Sure
enough, the white neckline was
t of a few strangely flesh tinted. "It's wash-
girls. They able," she said to a crony; "but I
e, audibly. don't know if it's worth washing."
a bemused "On stage!" the call girl (not
nds before the Luciano kind - the theatre
hey're still kind) hollered. The lights dimmed;
we took a seat in the empty audi-
stead, who torium, and the play began.
summoned *
oom for a WELL, SOMEBODY did trip on
I think it's a staircase. And somebody had an
e you do," extra laugh when the screen fell
nember, it out of the window he was open-
ing. And somebody said a speech
too fast and had to take it again.
IL And a number of people were late
getting on stage for the second
rch, young scene. And somebody else kind of
slid on the staircase.
daho, has But, really, that's what these
"creeping rehearsals are for: to make mis-
hat he de- takes-now, when there's time to
threat to correct them.
this coun- Actually, those few goofs were
spread out over a long period of
rat or Re- time, and the situation was really
Bove criti- under control. It looked to us like
at fails to a good, profitable dress rehearsal.
argues, is And as for the play .. . it opens
red right" Friday night at the Lydia Men-
will grow delssohn. We'll make no com-
constant- ments now, naturally, but we'll
bet that come Friday nobody will
-Labor be tripping on that staircase.

most Japanese importations, it is,
stimulating as "My Friend Flicka"
not even as exciting as either of
Without the interest engendered
by a new and unfamiliar environ-
ment, and without the skill of a
sensitive color photographer, the
movie would be little more than
a Lassie story in a new suit of
The plot, as might be expected,
is not a complicated one. Jiro, a
small Japanese boy, watches his
father's horse, Takeru, grow from
a foal into the fastest race horse
in Japan.
Extremely fond of the animal,
Jiro nurses him through some di-
ficulties with a twisted intestine
and brags about his speed to his
many little friends. Strolling into
a forest fire one day, however,
Takeru is responsible for his own-
er's unfortunate death in the
* * *
JIRO AND his older sister and
brother are left to run the breed-
ing farm by themselves and, in
hopes of finding lucrative relief at
the big race tracks, Takeru and
the oldest boy leave home and go
to Tokyo.
The horse is fast, but unreliable
and frightened of noise. Appar-
ently retaining memories of his
early experience with fire, Takeru
loses his nerve completely when
the barn where he is stabled burns
Only after Jiro comes down from
the country to sing to him can he
calm down enough to race in the
Oriental equivalent of the Ken-
tucky Derby. He wins, of course,
but strains himself in doing so,
and dies the same day of a repeat
attack of his intestinal irritation.
THERE IS nothing wrong with
horse stories, if you like horses,
just as there is certainly nothing
wrong with children's pictures if
one is the fortunate possessor of
a child-like mind.
However, there are enough of'
both of these types of films pro-
duced in this country to make the
value of importing another one
"The Phantom_ Horse" lacks
sublety, artistry, and depth. One
might wish that the producers of
"Rashomon" had stuck more
closely to the standards of their
former work.
-Jean Willoughby
On The Left
THE BITTER feuds and ruthless
rivalries among the Arabs
down to the time of the Turkish
conquest form a background for
the revived struggles once the
Arabs were freed from the Turkish
Nationalism awoke the sleepers
more than a century ago, but it
is a nationalism without unity or
singleness of purpose. Now ancient
Syria has split the Arab camp
wide open by throwing its alle-
giance to Soviet Russia.
The old Arabic name for Syria
was Esh Sham, meaning "the land
on the left." It was the land on
the left for the Arabs coming up
from the desert to the south.
Now Syria is "the land on the
Left," in the modern sense.
And recalling the recent syn-
thetic war scare one might make
something of that "Sham" also.
--New York Times

nevertheless, about as mentally
or "The Great Dan Patch," and
Kill Them
for Me
TH IS production of "Baby Face
Nelson" is another of the
small-screen, black and white,
hard and fast adventure series,
filmed in semi-documentary style,
and filled with names and places
familiar to all students of the
home-grown school of robbery and
The beginning is of the tradi-
tional semi-documentary style:
Nelson gets out of jail, and is driv-
en off to meet some influential
crook, while the screen credits are
shown in the foreground. After
every last little name of every last
big director is safely engraved
lastingly on the collective mem-
ory, we're off again, watching
Mickey Rooney playing a bloody
and gutty Baby Face, with more
than adequate support-
Face Nelson" lacks the fast p-
ing of "The Killing," the sus-
pense of "Rififi," the quiet color
of "Bambi," the epic proportions
of "Gone With the Wind," but it
has its moments.
Rooney has the old Andy Hardy
impediment to overcome, since
this more or less unfortunate
stereotype must always follow
him; this is managed, perhaps a
bit overdone.
Cedric Hardwicke plays an old
M.D. given to patching up under-
world characters in his moldy
sanitarium, with the usual skill.
Carolyn Jones is the moll, a trifle
too classy for this pose, but satis-
The 1933 decor is well estab-
lished, with an abundance of boxy
autos, calendars, quaint costumes,
and what not. If the film seems
to degenerate occasionally into a
string of noisy robberies, argu-
ments, and murders, the jazz ac-
companiment (also something of
a tradition now) fills in the gap.
* * *
CLEARLY, the film makes little
effort to be a biography of Nelson,
rather it is the presentation of a
few points in his life, which cer-
tainly furnish excitejent if little
As a representative of the hard
and fast school of films, this one
is about as good as any. The mu-
sic, acting, and general pacing are
all points to the good, although
the story is something of a patch-
work affair, long on violence and
short on continuity.
-David Kessel
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher win hold
open house for students at-their home
Wed., Dec. 11 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
TIAA College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers
Insurance and Annuity Association re-
tirement program who wish to change

their contributions to the College Re-
tirement Equities Fund, or to apply for
or discontinue participation in, the
Equities Fund, will be able to make
such changes BEFOREDec. 13, 1957.
Staff members who have or % of
the contributions to TIAA allocated to
CREF may wish to change to a % basis,
or go from the latter to a % or %3 basis.
Please contact the Retirement Rec-
ords Office, 3511 Administration Build-'
ing, Ext. 619.
While the facilities of the University
will operate in the usual manner during
the Christmas holidays, staff members
will have thetopportunity for an extra
holiday on either, but not both of the
Tuesdays before 'Christmas or New
Years. Arrangements should be made
for a skeleton staff to work on the
Tuesday before Christmas so that as
many staff members as possible may
have that day as an added holiday.
Staff members who are off the day
before Christmas will be expected to
work the day before New Years Day.
Chicago Area Students are invited to
the luncheon meeting of the University
of Michigan Club of Chicago on Dec.
30 at 12:00 noon at Henrici's Restaurant
Chicago. Luncheon is free to students.
For reservations call Helen bong 3-0748




Critic is i

SENATOR Frank Chui
"pprogressive from I1
coined a new phrase -
concealment" - for wh
scribes as a mounting
freedom of the press in
No President, Democr
publican, should be at
cism -- and a press th
criticize, Church
jeopardizing a "treasu:
which, "like a muscle,
weak and useless if not
ly exercised."



Soviet Education Combines Theory, Practice

(EDITOR'S NOTE: How does the
Russian school system differ from the
American approachto education?
Why is it turning out so many top-
notch scientists and technicians?
Here is an authoritative rundown
on Soviet education, which is pro-
ducing a corps of highly trained
young Communists. This is the first
of two articles.)
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
taken to his new home - the
newly established boarding school
for children in Moscow - but he
clung to his mother's hand and
said he wanted to go home.
The director, an experienced
teacher by the name of V. Ilin,
told Vasya that-of course he could
go home if he wished. but that
he'd first have to be seated in his
office until his things could be
While Vasya was anxiously
waiting, the director discussed
with some of his teachers the good
times being planned for the
school's children.

some one million Russian school
children will be living in them.
They are intended to teach and
indoctrinate an elite of specially-
educated young people, free of
family influence and ties, who will
dedicatedly serve the Soviet Com-
munist party.
But the boarding school pro-
gram is only one phase of the So-
viet education drive.
Last May some 120 pupils of the
ninth grade at secondary school
No. 22 in the city of Tula were
sent, as part of their study course,
to work in the Tula factory.
They were taught how to use
various types of lathes, how to
drive a truck, and had the oppor-
tunity to apply in practice some of
the theoretical sciende they had
been learning in school.
* * *
YOUNG Igor, a 16-year-old stu-
dent, kept a detailed notebook on
his experiences at the factory as
part of the assignment. A Soviet
teachers magazine published por-
tions of the notebook recently.

schooling, which is shortly to be-
come compulsory for all Soviet
young people.
The Soviet school system is far
from perfect, as anyone can at-
test who has ever visited a Soviet
school. The buildings are usually
not very good. Many of them are
old and even the new ones lack
the space and facilities to which,
American children and teachers
are accustomed.
The teachers are overworked
and underpaid - though their
compensation, relative to that of
manual laborers, is better than in
the United States. Many Soviet
schools, because of overcrowded
conditions in cities, work on a
two-shift basis and some even on
.* * *
BUT DESPITE these handieaps,
Russian schools do a good job
within the limits imposed on them
by the Communist totalitarian
system. They turn out graduates
with a good knowledge of the Rus-
sian language, one foreign lan-
guage, mathematics and the sci-

to their work and that the pupils
are serious about learning.
Russian teachers put no stock
in the ideas of progressive educa-
tion which are so popular in Amer-
ican teachers colleges. They base
their work on a strict system of
rewards for students who do well
and punishments for those who
They grade all students in all
subjects on a nationwide 5-4-3-2-1
basis, in which 5 represents top
accomplishment and 2 or 1 fail-
ure. Grades determine the prog-
ress of a child in school and are
important criteria for selection of
those to go on to higher education.
There are no elective subjects.
All pupils take the same universal
curriculum which emphasizes fun-
* * *
THE TEACHER is expected to
be friendly but authoritative, and
his or her position is not to be
questioned by either pupils or par-
ents. Pupils wear uniforms and
follow certain strict rules in per-
sonal appearance and classroom



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