(See page 2)
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
74a itH
AFL -C 0Ousts
Teamsters; Corruption
t J
AFL-CIO Decision
Passed by5-1 Vote
Ouster Fails To Impress Hoffa,
Says He Will Still Head Teamsters
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (RP)-The AFL-CIO yesterday expelled the
International Teamsters Union by a 5-1 margin on charges it is domi-
nated by corruptive influences, principally President-elect James R.
w Vote on ousting the federation's largest affiliate was 10,458,598 for
and 2,266,497 against.
A roll call came after more than three hours of debate and a
last-minute impassioned appeal from the Teamsters Union itself for
a year's grace period.
Evidence of Good Faith
The expulsion offered concrete evidence of the federation's pledge
it will rid member unions of corruption or throw them out. Four other
Qunions face expulsion threats on
Term Move
Expulsion of the Teamsters
from the AFL-CIO yesterday has
been termed a risky but wise move
by a University' labor expert.
Prof. Harold M. Levinson of the
economics department said it was
"basically desirable for the labor
movement to take aggressive ac-
tion in dealing with corruption.
In the long run she movement will
be better off."
But he indicated that removing
a union of the size and importance
of nthe 1,500000 member Team-
sters may cause the AFL-CIO in-
ternal difficulties in the near fu-
Prof. Meyer S. Ryder of the
business administration school
said the Teamsters affair will
have a retarding effect on the
growth of the organized labor
movement in areas where organi-
zation is still relatively light.
He said the action of AFL-CIO
:President George Meany and the
executive council in facing the
problem and meeting it head-on
have raised his stature greatly.
Prof. Levinson said the Team-
sters are sufficiently strong so
that expulsion will not effect them
greatly for the present.
He doubted the AFL-CIO would
try to establish a transportaion
union within its ranks to counter
the Teamsters.
School Board
Gives Support
To New Plan
The program to improve cur-
riculums in the public schools pro-
posed by Supt. Jack Elzay has
gained the support of members of
the Ann Arbor Board of Education.
Dr. Frederic B. House; board
president, said yesterday, "Several
members of the board have indi-
cated to me that plans should be
considered for an early election
to raise additional operational
millage for the proposed program."
The program includes plans to
bring experts in to organize and
co-ordinate programs on a depart-
mental level, reorganize and im-
prove the classroom teaching staff
and reduce class sizes in some
"As a result of the May election
all of us have recognized an obliga-
tion to the voters to make changes
in curriculums," Dr. House said.
Fauri Given
L1 rii~ A' =1T" i Al
corruption charges. They are the
Distillery, Laundry, Bakery and
United Textile Workers unions.
Their cases are expected to come
before the convention next week.
Contacted during a recess in his
federal court trial on wiretap
charges in New York, Hoffa said
the ouster wouldn't weaken the
"Still Head"
"I'm still head of the Team-
sters," he told newsmen. "Our
plans were never made on the basis
of the AFL-CIO.... They didn't
build us and they won't weaken
Hoffa said he believed the
Teamsters would still be able to
operate successfully.
"We will be a willing part of
the organized labor movement,"
he declared, "so long as they do
not attempt to destroy our econ-
omy or attempt to direct or con-
trol us."
Compromise Sought
Just before the vote, AFL-CIO
President George Meany revealed
that Teamster Hoffa had made
overtures for compromise during
the past several weeks.
Meany also said there were in-
dications Hoffa wanted to resign
and get out of the way. But he
said he and Hoffa never got to-
gether because Hoffa never showed
"I cooperated," Meany said. "I
stood on my head, did everything
possible under the sun."
No Plan to Resign{
Hoffa said in New York, how-
ever, that he had no intention of
resigning as president-elect.
"Why should I quit?" he said.
The last attempt for a meetiig
between himself and Hoff a, Meany
said came at 10:40 p.m. Thursday
when a Teamster delegation called
and said Hoffa was on the tele-
phone and ready to come to Atlan-
tic City,
Meany said he asked the dele-
gation to get a commitment from
Hoffa and bring it to the conven-
Then Meany quoted the Team-
ster spokesman as saying: "No,
no. we can't try that, because he
might repudiate us. We don't trust
--Daily--Wesley Kar
THE WINNER - McGill Goalie Michel Joyal sprawled on the
ice stopping one of the shots of the Michigan ice squad in last
night's game. Joyal stopped enough shots to emerge victorious
3-2. Standing guard is McGill Defenseman Doti McDonald.
McGill Trips Michigan, 3-2
In Home Ice Curtain-Raiser
McGill used Michigan's overanxiousness to its advantage last
night asit edged the Wolverines, 3-2, in this season's hockey opener.
The Maize and Blue wanted to win this one for their new coach,
Al Renfrew, but their eagerness backfired with too fast passes and
too quick shots to put them on the short end of the score as the final
buzzer sounded.
Michigan, however, will have its chance to get back at the
Redmen from Montreal tonight when they conclude, the two game
series at the Coliseum. The game
Of Dutch
JAKARTA, Indonesia P) -- In-
donesia yesterday began driving
out the Dutch rear guard which
held on after colonial days and
ran the nation's rich oil, rubber
and business empires.
With a show of grim determina-
tion in its presre campaign to
take over the Jungles of West,
New Guinea, the Indonesian gov-
ernment ordered the Netherlands
government to begin immediate
evacuation of most of the 46,000
Dutch citizens.
One source said all would be ex-
pelled except skilled technicians.
Many are Indonesian-born Eura-
sians who have never been else-
Dutch Firms Seized
Seizure of Dutch banks, planta-'
tions, factories,' clubs and busi-
nesses by Communist-led unions
and workers gathered force
throughout the 3,000 islands. .
The Dutch government called
for an emergency meeting of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion to discuss these developments.
The British government warned
Indonesia that it is endangering
its own interests.
The United States was reported
to have expressed concern to the
Foreign Ministry in Jakarta over
the expulsion order.
Airline Workers Out
The 28 Dutch employes of KIM
Airlines and their families--about
100 persons - were the first or-
dered to leave. Justice Minister
Gustaaf Manegkom told them to
pack up as soon as possible.
He said it would be all right
with him if all the Dutch were
gone within three days but added
that he knew it was impossible.
Information Minister Sudibjo
told a news conference it is only
a matter of time until Dutch-In-
donesian diplomatic relations are
broken. The Netherlands has been
asked to close seven of its eight
The Indonesian Embassy in the
Netherlands has been instructed
to evacuate the 5,000 Indonesians
in that country, many of them
students on Dutch scholarships.
Vanguard Rises
Two Feet, Burns
U.S. Moon Launching Postponed
One Month by Mechanical Failure
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (R) - The Vanguard test rocket
-with United States hopes for some recaptured prestige
aboard-barely struggled off the ground yesterday, then fell
back and exploded.
Instantly destroyed were the greater part of the 72 foot-
long vehicle and virtually all prospects of putting an Ameri-
can satellite into an orbit around the earth in 1957.
Apparently the Soviet Sputniks will be the only man-
made orbiters of this year.
Hundreds Watch Missile Burn
The flames and smoke of the bitter ending of Vanguard
TV-3 (Test Vehicle number three) startled and saddened
thousands of watchers on Florida beaches, and other hun-
.. . new RPI president
RPI Elects
As President
Prof. Richard G. Folsom, direc-
tor of the Engineering Research
Institute, was elected president of
the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
ute yesterday.
Prof. Folsom will leave his pres-
ent post when he thkes over the
presidency of RPI at T oy, N.Y.,
March '.1. Livingston M. Houston,
who is retiring, has been the tech-
nical school's president for 14
'Regret Loss'
University President Harlan
Hatcher said yesterday, "We deep-
ly regret the loss of Prof. Folsom
to the University faculty. His
leaving is an example of the eom-
petition which we face for good
men in his field and in almost ev-
ery field of higher education.
"We are very sorry to see him
go, but wish him well in his im-
portant new assignment."
Approached by RPI
Mrs. Folsom explained that her
husband had been approached by
RPI as to his interest in the job.
After deliberating, he decided to
consider the offer. Prof. Folsom is
in New York this week at a con-
vention of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.
Prof. Folsom came to the Uni-
versity in 1952 to serve with ERI.
Before that he was chairman of
the Mechanical Engineering Divi-
sion of the University of Cali-
No successor to the ERI post
has been named.
Hammars jold
returns, Home
From Beirut
BEIRUT, Lebanon 'P) - Dag
Hammarskjold left for New York
yesterday after quickly coding a
new rash of Israeli-Arab hot spots
menacing the peace of the middle
Thy United Nations secretary
general left his New York office
just a week ago when a convoy
wrangle threatened to erupt in
shooting between Israel and Jor-
dan. Angry clashes also echoed on
the Israeli-Syrian border.
The flying peacemaker stopped
off in Beirut for lunch with For-
eign Minister Charles Malik. He
told Malik of agreements reached
on his five-day tour of Jordan,
Israel and Syria.
starts at 8:30.
First Period Even
Last night's crowd of 2,400 saw
n even first period with both of-
fenses looking shoddy, but in the
final two periods, the visitors,
p l a y i n g in their fifth game,
showed that experience does make
a difference as they generally out-
played Michigan.
The Wolverines fought hard,
but it wasn't enough as the Red-
men tallied the winning goal at
15:36 of the final period to clinch
the game.I
Defenseman Len S i g u r d s e n
notched the tie-breaker on a drive
from the Michigan Blue line.
Fwhich was unintentionally
screened by a Wolverine defense-
man and went past the searching
eyes of Michigan netminder Ross
dreds in the launching area.
Fortunately, none of the 42
persons in the immediate area
was hurt.
Oddly, too, the 6.4-inch alumi-
num sphere which was to have
been America's partial answer to
Russia's space challenge survived
the crash - and kept sending out
its radio signals all the while.
Satellite Still Signaling
J. Paul Walsh, deputy director
of the Vanguard project -- the
United States satellite launching
program-said the three and one-
quarter pound ball was found in
the area, still emitting its track-
ing voice despite the considerable
damage from the shock.
Walsh, who was standing in a
hangar in direct view of the
launching stand - but a safe dis-
tance away - said the rocket ac-
-tually rose two to four feet into
the air.
Walsh said he was on the tele-
phone to his boss, Dr. John Ha-
gen in Washington, D.C.,. at the
time. and had just finished giving
the countdown.
Explains at Meeting
"We had counted down to zero,
then said 'fire' and 'first ignition"'
Walsh recalled at a 90-minute
news conference two hours after
the failure.,
"Up to then everything had
worked perfectly.
"The rocket started to leave the
stand, and in two seconds of burn-
ing rose two to four feet.
'Something Happened'
"Then something happened-we
don't really know what.
"We lost thrust, somehow. The
engine was not pushing the rocket
"The rocket fell back down into
the stand, and then fell over.
There was a terrific noise - a
series of rumbles - and then a
very rapid burning. A ball of
flame shot up to 50 or 100 feet.
"No 'one was injured - except
perhaps for pride."
Four Soloists
To Perform
In 'Messiah'
Say Failure'
Not Unuisual
The failure of the United States'
satellite-carrying Vanguard rocket
to leave the ground was described
yesterday as neither unusual nor
University rocket expert Nelson
W. Spencer of the electrical en-
gineering department said that in
the development of a rocket fail-
ures like the one yesterday are
rather common.
Spencer, head of a University
research group that has been'prob-
ing the earth's atmosphere with
rockets since 1946, emphasized the
rocket did not explode.
Mechanical Equipment Failed
He said the failure was due to
mechanical equipment. "The rock-
et fell over when it didnot lift
properly igniting the fuel. It is
much like a gas tank truck getting
in a wreck and burning."
Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of
the astronomy department, said he
was not surprised at the failure.
"Firing a rocket is an exceedingly
tricky business. It involves a whole
series of steps and every step has
to work."
He said any missile has only an
even chance of being launched
Failure of the launching attempt
was compounded by the public in-
terest and political'pressure creat-
ed by Russia's Sputniks, both men
'Impossible Position'
"The group (handling the Unit-
ed States project) was put in a
completely impossible position by
being forced to predict when, the
missile would be launched," Prof.
Goldberg remarked.
He urged the next attempt at
launching the satellite be made
without announcement.
Citing the "bad psychological
effect" the failure will have on
other nations, he said, "This is
one time a tight security cloak
should have been used."
Politics Caused Furor
The country would have heard
nothing about the rocket's failure
if it were not for the great political
implications attached, Spencer
"It was unfortunate that a prior
announcement of the launching
had to be made, but in a sense it
was impossible to avoid. It makes
the work of the project directors
much more difficult."
Spencer was skeptical over re-
ports that the Army would, now
be asked to launch an earth satel-
lite using its Jupiter C missile.
The Vanguard project is under
Dean Rea Foresees Shortage
In 1958 Student Loan Funds
With only $180,000 currently in student loan funds, Walter B.
Rea, dean of men, yesterday predicted that the funds will fall short
of the anticipated $240,000 in loans to be asked by students in Feb-
Loans have jumped 45 per cent over last year's demand, Dean
Rea said. The funds are usually hit heaviest in February, he con-
tinued, and although some outstanding loans will be repaid by then,
they will not be enough to offset
IM' Unable to Drive
From then on, the visitors
effective in their efforts to
Michigan from mustering a
See SWITZER, Page 4
DRIVE GOAL $8,000:
Galens Collects $3,000 on First Day
the need. -
Present funds have about $1,-
000,000 available for student loans
Of this, over $660,000 is outstand-
ing and $200,000 "is so restricted
that it cannot practically be con-
sidered available for loans," he
Plans to meet the anticipated
Galens collected "slightly over $3,000" yesterday, in the first day
of its fund drive. according to Bob Jewett, '58B4. Galens president.
The medical honorary society's drive will conclude today. The
goal is approximately $8,000, Jewett said. Proceeds from the bucket
drive are used for children in University Hospital.
Jewett said the first day total was a little less than was received
on the first day last year. He expressed the hope that the goal could
be reached today, "with a big push."
Two Reasons Given
He listed two reasons for the decline in funds. He said that the
honorary had only "16 or 17" buckets out yesterday, instead of the
25 it had hoped for.
He blamed this' on the fact that several members of Galens were
ill and others were doing clinial work out of town.
February and later spring de- The traditional Christmas per-j
mands have been formulated by formances of George Friedrich
University officials, James A. Handel's "Messiah" will be pre-
Lewis, vice president of student sented at 8:30 p.m. today and'2:30
affairs, said. New sources for stu- p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
dent loans are being explored, he Appearing with the University
said, to buttress next year's an- Choral Union and thesUniversity
ticipated demand. Musical Society Orchestra will be
Adele Addison, soprano, Eunice
~~* Alberts, contralto, Harold Haugh,
5 A 1 1 eeVnI Ttenor, and Paul Matthen, bass.
fo'r'TodI The performances will be given
Iunder the auspices of the Univer-
Set for Today sity Musical Society.
Miss Addison, now on her -sixth
(tfl:4-. riern.i: .r., - ..2,. *I 1'r-r~n ixap nnnn,.. 4n ,.. . fmir nP nc,
' - -