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December 06, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-06

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Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail") STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Down-To-Earth Missile Race
- *t . -
f .rx '" k _

"Desire' Enjoyable,
Competent Production
"DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS," Eugene O'Neill's great psychological
tragedy of love and hate conflict, opened last evening in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre as a competent and thoroughly enjoyable pro-
As the second production in the current season of the speech de-
partment's laboratory playbill, the play is most indebted for Its suc-
cess to the fine, sensitive performance of Miss Bea Minkus, in the role
of sensuous young -Abbie. Miss Minkus' acting was more than compe-
tent. She displayed talent which is already richly developed, and which
shows potential for much further enrichment.
"Desire Under the Elms" has been described as O'Neill's most out-
standing example of both perfection of execution and greatness. As
in many of O'Neill's works, the play is built on several levels at the



Sorority, Independent Women
Prove 'Honor' at Three-Fifths Mark

W EDNESDAY'S SORORITY rushing meeting
saw Panhellenic's honor code successfully
ass the three-fifths mark in its test run.
Much credit goes to the drivers, affiliated and
dependent women, but equal praise is in
ore for its engineer-Panhel.
Last May, when the fact that rush would be
eld in the spring was established beyond all
oubt, the problem of contact rules between
filiates and independents arose. Until this
ar, rush had been a fall phenomenon. A
arch 1956 Student Government Council deci-
on changed rush, beginning 1957-58, to the
In smoke-filled Panhel delegate meetings, the
les' aspect was hashed and re-hashed. On
mpus it was number one conversation topic
coed's coffee-breaks, and around the dinner
,bles. Women had "valid" support for their
>inions which ranged from the strict one of
o affiliate-independent contact to its no-
striction-at-all opposite.
After one especially harrowing session, Panhel
'ew a deep breath, summoned a surprising
fount of courage and endorsed an honor code.
hie code allowed independents to yisit friends'
sorority houses and vice-versa as long as no
,tempt ,to pre-rush was made. Pre-rush was
Mined as persuading a woman to join a given
use or notifying an independent that a house
ould like to pledge her. Both active and
umnae sorority women were included in the
HE CODE was more than the no-rule pro-
ponents had bargained for. But more im-

portant, it showed that for once Panhel had the
guts to follow through on what it really be-
lieved, taking a firm stand in the midst of
strong opposition, instead of enacting one of
its usual wishy-washy "compromises." It showed
most of all that Panhel was finally mature
enough to act meaningfully, a fact many people
on campus doubted.
Panhel took a risk in setting up the code.
Its new-found forcefulness was admirable, but
if the code didn't work the organization's stock
would have fallen and the chance of its ever
sticking out its neck again would be very slim.
Panhel was gambling on the integrity of Uni-
versity women, especially its own, for affiliates,
being better acquainted with the rules, had less
excuse for breaking them. It put its chips on
belief and trust in their honor.
So far their faith can remain unshaken.
Panhel President Marilyn Houck reports no
violations in the three months the code has been
in effect. Affiliated women have enjoyed free
contact with independent friends. Best of all,
there has been no undue emphasis on rushing.
With a semester between the beginning of
school and the beginning of rush, the rage to
rush could have reached exaggerated propor-
tions, a situation hardly comfortable for both
sides, before, during and after rush.
The honor code still has a good part of its
course to cover. We hope we can say the same
complimentary things about itFebruary 7, that
we say today.
Activities Editor




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(Herblock Is on Vacation)

Copyright. 1957. The Pulitzer Publishing CO.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch


Goody Knight Bows Out

same time. O'Neill thought of ita
also strong elements of regional
folk drama, and of both expres-
sionistic and naturalistic influ-
ence. And like almost all of
O'Neill's plays, the action centers
about the lives of a small group
of people caught in a web of tor-
menting and conflicting relation-
The plot is based un an Oedi-
pal conflict between young Eben
and his senile but tyrannical
father, Ephraim, which is furth-
er . complicated by Ephraim's
young bride Abbie, toward whom
Eben is intensely attracted and
yet at the same time repulsed.
BEGINNING rather slowly, last
evening's production Immediately
warmed with the first appearance
of Miss Minkus, and remained,
with few exceptions, at a high dy-
namic level until the final curtain.
Howard Poyourow, in the role
of Eben, gave a laudable perform-
ance, which improved as the play
Brendan O'Reilly, as Ephraim,
offered what seemed to be an un-
fortunate interpretation- of the
aging father. He teetered and tot-
tered around the stage until he
appeared to be quite on the verge
of falling into his grave. Such ex-
aggeration of the senility of old
Ephraim almost completely over-
shadowed his domineering and
vindictive qualities, and especially
the turmoil of his own inner con-
Had O'Reilly simply refrained
from continuously weaving back
and forth in an inebriated man-
ner, his performance might well
have been greatly improved.
* * *
SATISFACTORY performances
were also given by Norman Hart-
Weg and Fred Ashley, as Eben's
brothers, although Ashley was
rather awkward in his dialect
Incidentally, while leaving the
theatre, the reviewer overheard
the following comment from one
of the "first-nighters" behind.
him: "When the Daily review of
this comes out, just take the re-
verse of everything it says, and
you'll have the truth." Maybe so
. . . I hope not.
-Dale McGhee
to the

Open House in Our Town

versity, the city government consists of the
policemen who warn them against riding their
bicycles down the wrong side of the street. As
far as they are concerned, this is the sum of the
activities carried on at City Hall.
Of course, the city government does .more
han this; to show just how much more, it is
Iolding an Open House today and tomorrow at
which the branches of the government will
ixplain and demonstrate precisely what 'they
do. Students are residents of Ann Arbor, how-
ver seldom they may think of themselves as
uch, and they are invited.
The idea of having an Open House is ex-
ellent. Ann Arbor is one of the fastest growing
ities in the nation, and it is consequently faced
vith new, acute problems. Citizens and students
ften notice the failures of the administration
n such a situation, rather than its continuing
unctioning. By presenting the activities and
nethods of the city government, the Open
louse will explain the problems with which it

must deal to the public and contribute to great-
er understanding and good feeling on the part
of citizens, who should then realize, for ex-
ample, why the leaves aren't picked up im-
mediately every fall.
students should be developed and the Open
House is probably the best method of doing
this. There are a large number of- offices in
the building, many of which deal in services
that are important to students as well as year-
round residents, but the former seem to have
no interest in the government.
Students can learn much by dropping over to
City Hall either today or tomorrow. The build-
ing is within 15 minutes' walk of the main
campus; even the most apathetic should find
something interesting among the displays. And
they would discover; perhaps to their surprise,
that the city does much more for them than
issue traffic tickets.

L OS ANGELES - J. Goodwin
Knight, Governor of Califor-
nia, paced the floor of the ancient,
gabled executive mansion in Sac-
ramento. His fists were clenched.
His expression was not happy.
"I cleaned up the Samish liquor
license scandals," he told friends
who sat watching his tense pac-
ing. "I cleaned up the Gus John-
son banking mess. There hasn't
been one taint of scandal or dis-
honesty connected with my ad-
ministration. Yet they won't give
me a second term.
"I kept peace between labor and
management," he continued. "But
they won't give me a second term.
"True, I haven't got water for
'em. But only God can give us
water, and short of God I did my
best. I'm ready to call a special
session of the Legislature tomor-
row to consider water, There isn't
a thing I haven't done for the
state and people of California."
THE GOVERNOR of California
is a lonely man these days. He is
also a sad and shamed man. What
he said is true. He has conducted
an honest administration. He has
been a good governor.
And the manner in which they
deprived him of a second term
goes to the roots of the worst in-
fluence in American politics today
-money. It's a fact that a few
wealthy men can pick who runs
for governor or the Senate in
many states of the union.
Since the age of 19, Goody's
great ambition had been to be
governor of California. He had
been a good governor. Yet he
couldn't be governor any more.
The big bankers, the big-money
boys he had counted on for cam-

paign funds had shut off his
water. They favored the Nixon-
arranged deal to make Senator
Knowland the next Governor
Forty years before, another
governor of California had paced
the floor of the same ancient,
gabled executive mansion in Sac-
ramento. He was Hiram Johnson,
and he, too, had been challenged
by the big-money boys of Cal-
They then operated under the
name of "The Southern Pacific
Machine," and they, too, decreed
who should sit in the governor's
mansion in Sacramento. They op-
posed Hiram Johnson but, unlike
Goody Knight, Hiram refused to
bow. He accepted the challenge,
and with the help of William Ran-
dolph Hearst, routed the big-
money bosses.
* * *
THAT VICTORY helped to
bring about the direct primary, by
which politicaldcandidates were
nominated by direct vote of the
people, not by a few men sitting
in banks or railroad offices or
smoke-filled rooms.
Thirty years before, in 1927, an-
other prominent ?Republican
fought the party bosses, this time
in the Senate, and this time in
Pennsylvania, not California. He
was George Wharton Pepper, not-
ed Philadelphia Lawyer, who
battled against William Vare, GOP
boss of Philadelphia, for a seat in
the U.S. Senate.
By this time the direct primary
was in operation. Vare, sitting in
a smoke-filled room, could not
pick himself for the Senate. But
he could spend the money to in-
fluence or buy his seat in the Sen-
ate. He spent plenty. Some people

estimated it at around $200.400.
Vare won.
But public opinion revolted.
They recognized this as a fla-
grant violation of the direct pri-
mary. The party boss who couldn't
pick himself for the Senate had
bought himself into the Senate.
And the Senate, refusing to
have its seats bought and bar-
tered, voted 58 to 22 to bar Vare
from taking his seat.
Gov. Goody Knight, arriving in
Washington to formally announce,
his bow to the big-money bosses,
registered at the same hotel on
the same night with George
Wharton Pepper, gnarled, frail,
and 90. He came to Washington
to receive a tribute from old
friends. Bent in body but not in
spirit, he had been defeated by
the bosses, but never bowed to
- * * . *
GOODY KNIGHT called at the
White House that day, conferredI
with Nixon and bowed. He bowed
out of the race for governor of
On the surface, he may have
been right. He knew that a million
dollars had been spent in the last
campaign to elect Knowland to
the Senate, and that Knowland
would have at least a million to
back him for governor.
He might have remembei ed that
Hiram Johnson bucked the bosses
and won. He might also have re-
membered how Harry Truman in
1948 bucked the bankers and the
big-money boys and also won.
But if he did remember, he
didn't follow their example. Gov-
ernor Knight bowed out.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

as classical tragedy, but there are
F OR REASONS- best known to
those more familiar with the
Far East than I, the Japanese have
entered into the flying rat race
with a monster out of the coal
"Rodan" is an all-Japanese cre-
ation, with cleverly dubbed-in
voices, and has some of the most
realistic scenes of destruction since
Gargoyle sales day. Bodies are
thrown about with abandon, blood
is spattered, cliffs are exploded,
rockets fire, volcanoes erupt, and
bombs burst in air, And all in rea-
sonably wide screen color.
Curiously enough, an atomic
blast awakens a hundred-ton bird
to fly at supersonic speeds in the
eastern skies, to the dismay of
thousands. But is it eventually
wiped out-just as you thought the
film would never end.
* * *
IT MUST be said that the pro-
ducers of "Rodan" have handled
their admittedly banal subject
with less than the usual care:
there are no pretty-girl scientists,
no boy wonders from college who
tell off the Army, no bearded pro-
fessors who put together a ray gun
from an old radar set and an ice
cream freezer.
The actors, in their usual Japan-
ese way, are more than exotic. The
heroine is most interesting Al-
though quiet and, for the most
part, not on the scene.
The only amusing part of this
horror spectacular (n technicolor,
no less) was when the monster's
victims (or their remains) were
hauled into the autopsy room for
examination. It presents an inter-
esting interpretation of Japanese
medical procedure, even down to
the affable, balding whitecoats.
Texas was never like this, even
in the travelogues.
* * *
BUT "RODAN" is more or less
straight documentary, and gains
much from this. All producers of
Hollywood science-fiction-trash
might well sit through this film a
few times before gassing us all
some more.
If the fatalistic philosophy of
"Rodan" upsets audiences some-
what, movie-goers should still be
fascinated by the many fine,
gruesome effects.
The so-called short subject,
"Deep Adventure" is something
else again. Note carefully the time
schedule to avoid this spectacle
which combined the dullness of an
SGC meeting, the greasiness of
Union food, and the banality of
the travel agencies in - one un-
shapely package
-David Kessel
(Continued from Page 3)
training program, you will be consid-
ered for employment and if accepted,
will be assigned to a base station.
U. S. Marine Corps - See Tuesday's
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin., Bldg.,
ext. 3371.
Summer Placement:
Ken Smith of Camp Charlevoix,
Michigan will be at the summer place-
ment office in the Student Activities
Bldg. on Fri., Dec. , 8:30-12 a.m., to

interview for boys' counselors.
Miss Helen Anderson of the Grand
Rapids, Michigan, Camp Fire Girls will
be at the summer placement office on
Sat., Dec. 7, 10-lg a.m. to interview
girls for camp counselor positions.
There will be a meeting open to all
who are interested in any phase of
camping at the Ann Arbor High School,
Sat., Dec. 7, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
There will be coffee and rolls, and an
opportunity for camp owners, directors,
and counselors to discuss their prob-
lems with others in the same field. The
only ticket required is a name tag with
your address, camp affiliation, a camp
idea, and a camp question.
For further information contact Mr.
Peterson at Ext. 3371, or go in person
to D528, SAB, Tues. or Thurs, 1-5, or on
Fri., 8:30712.
Personnel Requests:
Hap Byers Photography, Portage Lake,
Mich. is looking for a Sales Manager






; 1





The Impasse in Algeria

Too Far
To the Editor:


Associated Press News Analyst

FRANCEIS WILLING to give Algeria a con-
siderable autonomy under a federal sys-
tem, but all the arguments in the United Na-
tions and elsewhere are not going to produce
independence an any forseeable future.
The reason is not colonialism.
From the standpoint of colonialism, which
connotes exploitation, Algeria has never been
profitable. It is a poor country, with nothing
to export except wines, which compete with
French wines, a few fruits and early vegetables.
France, in a sort of aid program, buys the ex-
ports at prices higher than world levels. There
is no market for them elsewhere. In addition,
she makes a contribution of about 70 million
dollars a year to Algeria's public services.
Oil has now been found in the Sahara Desert,
which lies in southern Algeria and other French
African territories. Southern Algeria is only '
nominally a part of the area which is in revolt.
BUT FRENCH policy toward Algeria was es-
tablished before the presence of the oil was
The reason for it is 1,200,000 residents of
French extraction, 90 per cent of whom were
born there, and 80 per cent of whose parents
were born there, some of whose families go
back to the 16th century.
There is also, of course, fear of Communist
infiltration into an unstable country, and the
strategic location of North Africa for Europe's
defense. There is France's long-standing con-
sideration that Algeria is a part of France. It
was there that the Free French made their
headquarters prior to liberation of Metropolitan
France in World War II. The sentiment runs
France believes most of the natives are with
her for two reasons'. One is that they want an
end to terror and a resumption of normal
The other is that France has offered free
elections, after a cease-fire, for establishment

rebels don't know they would lose, don't they
accept? .
The Assembly, under the plan, would elect
representatives to negotiate Algeria's future
with France.
The rebels say: "Independence first."
THE REPLY of the Arab world to France's
claim that Algeria is a part of France and
its residents are French citizens is a question,
"Do we look like Frenchmen?"
The Arab world is bitter against France for
not recognizing the "personality" of Algeria.
To the Arabs, France's position that she
cannot abandon 1,200,000 Europeans, mostly
of French extractin, to the political mercies of
eight times as many Arabs, is an excuse. They
cite the equal treatment received by French
colonials in Morocco and Tunisia, recently giv-
en independence, where the proportions are
about the same.
On the citizenship matter, the Arabs, both
Algerian and non-Algerian, assert that France
has never treated them as equals, nor Algeria
as an integral part of France.
They cite a resolution offered in the U.S.
Senate by John F. Kennedy calling on the
United States to put her influence behind rec-
ognition of the "independent personality of
The Arabs complain that France is so de-
termined to repress their nationalist desires
that she even refuses to permit the teaching
of Arabic in the government schools, except
as a second language in the French schools.
THE FRENCH-ALGERIAN trouble goes back
to the Napoleanic Wars, when the Dey of
Algiers loaned wheat to France. There was a
disagreement over the method of payment.
During an argument, the Dey tapped the
French consul's face with a little fly-whisk.
The consul continued the conference, but
France took it as an insult to her national
honor. Being engaged in a colonial adventure
in large areas of Africa, France finally worked
the incident into what the Encyclopedia Brit-

SGC Drops J-Hop Elections

Daily Staff Writer
WEDNESDAY was an eventful
night for Student Government
The Council recommended that
the Literary college adopt a more
precise marking system, dropped
a suggested plan for Student Book
Exchange next semester, set up a
committee to look into the possi-
bilities of a student bookstore, and
decided that J-Hop central com-
mittee would not be chosen by all-
campus elections.
The Council also had what sev-
eral members of the group called
its first fillibuster.
The first came after thorough
debate, and it was passed on a
close vote. But more important'
the decision proved that SGC
could approach an academic area
with really mature consideration.
One spectator commented after
the meeting, "I did not know that
SGC debated on such a high
plain." It also represented one of
the few real debates all year.
PLANS FOR a Student Book

would be taking a great financial
risk. Cost of credit slips would
probably reach $5,000.
Zobk also suggested a paid staff
of clerks. The Council was op-
posed to this also, because of un-
necessary expense. The exchange
lost more than $200 this fall.
Don , Young, Union president,
moved that SGC's Student Activi-
ties Committee look into the pos-
sibility of a student bookstore. The
store would carry school supplies
and new books.
Committees have looked into
this problem before, and have
always run up against Regents
disapproval. The Regents have a
policy of non - competition with
local merchants.
However, Young pointed out
that the last time the Regents dis-
approved the plan was in 1947.
He suggested that there might be
a change in attitude because of the
increased costs of education.
He also said the Union might
be willing to provide the space and
funds for such a store. The lack
of these things in the past has also
been a factor in Regental disap-

bourne and Bert Getz were those
opposed. However, immediately
after the second motion to close
debate was defeated, Trost who
had voted against closing, left the
room, and a quick motion to close
debate ended discussion.
The idea had been considered
because the elections committee
found that J-Hop elections at the.
same time as the SGC elections
caused confusion and numerous
other difficulties.
Other Council members could
not see the reasoning behind cen-
tral committee elections. They
said one could not tell a person's
qualifications to run a dance
through an all-campus election.
Lois Wurster said that several
other groups appointed the cen-
tral committees to succeed them,
and that these people were better
qualified to judge on other's quali-
* * *
DON YOUNG said that J-Hop
was a service organization, as the
Union or the League, whose offi-
cers are not picked in all-campus
elections, while organizations like
SGC were legislative and should

SGC HAS finally gone too far.
The political geniuses of SGC
are all ready to sit back and watch
the Galens Annual Christmas
Drive fall flat as a result of their
ban on any collections on any
campus area - including dormi-
tories and State Street.
It's interesting to note that
enough people have found the
Galens work worthwhile for many
years (about 30) to make the an-
nual Christmas Drive a success
year after year.
- SGC used a partial ban last year,
but judging fromethe extended
ban in 1957, Galens must have
helped too many kids in the hos-
pital during the last year in spite
of SOC.
Lets face it-the SGC Campus
Chest Drive has been a flop--why
should Galens lose their identity
and effectiveness by being forced
to join a losing cause?
I'm not sure how other people
feel, but I resent seeing SGC hin-
der an extremely worthy cause
when they have so little to offer.
-P. F. Jewell, '58Med.
Figures ...
e Editor:
I WAS quite impressed by a cer-
tain figure quoted- by Mr. Ger-
uldsen . hir December 4 editorial
concerning the arms race. Th6e
figure I refer to is th- one which
stated that Russia has 175 "highly
mobile, well-trained and equipped"
divisions while the United States
has only 17.
This figure ignores two out-
standing facts. The first is the
"citizen-soldier" concept of the U.
S. Army, which keeps a small num-
ber of men on active duty, while
having a large trained manpower
pool in reserve. Any of several
guard units and reserve units in
the United States could go into







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