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December 06, 1957 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-12-06

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!S. r 1957




Hold Meeting
Advisers of high school publica-
tions in southeastern Michigan
will meet today and tomorrow at
Haven Hill near Pontiac under the
auspices of the University Depart-
ment of Journalism and the Michi-
gan Interscholastic Press Associa-
Forty journalism teachers and
advisers of school newspapers and
yearbooks have registered for the
meeting, according to John V.
Field of the journalism department
and director of MIPA.
Panel discussions will cover var-
ious phases of the adviser's job on
high school publications. Univer-
sity professors participating in the
conference will include James C.
MacDonald,< speaking on "The
r Community's View," and Wesley
H. Maurer, chairman of the jour-
nalism department, who will dis-
cuss "The Professional Journalist's
Meet Toda
The American Humanist Asso-
ciation will meet here today and
tomorrow for a conference on
4 "Approaches to World Peace."
Seven University professors will
participate as members of panels
in the program, which will also
commemorate Human R i g h t s
Tonight Dr. Stuart C. Dodd of
the University of Washington will
address the group with a speech,
"Can We Be Scientific About Hu-
manism" at the First Unitarian
Nobel Prize winner, Prof. Her-
mann J. Muller, zoologist at In-
diana University, president of the!
AHA, and authority on radioacti-
vity related to human genes, will
conclude the program with "Ra-
diation Damage and the Avoid-
ance of War" tomorrow.

'U' Hosts Industria l Health Directors

Duane Cites IHC Value

Prof. Seward E. Miller, director
of the University's Institution of
Industrial Health, will de host to
directors of employee medical and
health programs of 50 large in-
dustrial and business organiza-
tions in the United States and
Canada today and tomorrow.
These annual Selby Discussion-
als were named for the retired
medical director of General Mo-
tors, Dr. Selby. They were started
for the purpose of gathering all
the top industrial and business
medical executives for a "no-
holds-barred" informal discus-
sion of problems in the field of
industrial medicine.

This ninth conference will be-
gin today with an intensive dis-
cussion restricted to participat-
ing medical directors.
The meeting tomorrow will fea-
ture oral presentations from three
members of the University medi-
cal faculty on recent information
pertaining to the field of indus-
trial health.
Dr. Carl Badgely, chief of the
orthopedic section of the Depart-
ment of Surgery will discuss arth-
ritis and trauma .Dr. James Rae,
chairman of the department of
Physical Medicine, will speak on
physical and industrial medicine.
Dr. Gerrit Schepers will talk

about pulmonary tuberculosis in-
fections in industry.
Included in the session tomor-
row will be decisions made by the
directors on industrial health pro-
grams for the coming year.
"The discussional holds much
significance and bearing on the
future course of industrial health
programs in American industry
and business," Prof. Miller said.
"The men meeting here Friday
and Saturday have in their job's
industry's responsibility for the.
health of a large segment of
America's industrial working
force, he added.

Drake Duane, '58, Inter-House
C inil nesident_ stressed the im-

He added that the committee's

work should be a "gradual, care-
portance of IHC as an organiza- ful td"

Friday and Saturday Nights
Members and Guests
314 East Liberty Mary Lou
Get Your New. Year's Eye Reservation Now

tion uniting the men's residence
halls in a WCBN interview broad-
cast Wednesday at South Quad-
Duane discussed the motion for
IHC evaluation, reporting that
many of the committees criticized
for lack of activity in the motion
were now working. The dormitory
integration committee, also criti-
cized, Duane reported was in op-

Duane urged more study in the
area of room and board raises in
reply to the objection in the me.-
tion that the IHC administration
"sided" with the University ad-
ministration in raisingrates.
The interview was sponsored by
South Quadrangle Council.


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_ ____ :.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer- ,
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Students tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on Dec. 7 are requested to report to
Room 130, Business Administration
Building at 8:45 a.m. Sat.
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thurs., Dec. 12, on-
ly from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00
p.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service.
All students whose 2nd or 3rd shots are
due around this time are urged to take
advantage of this special clinic.
Students are reminded that 'it is not
necessary to obtain their regular clinic
cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the base-
ment where forms are available and
cashier's representatives are present. The
fee for injection is $1.00.
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Students tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on Dec. 7 are requested to report to
Room 130, Business Administration
Building at 8:45 a.m. Sat.
TIAA - College Retirement ."Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers
Insurance and Annuity Association re-
tirement program who wish to change
their contributions to the College Re-
tirement Equities Fund, or to apply for
or discontinue participation in the
Eq uities Fund, will be able to make
su~h changes BEFORE Dec. 13, 1957.
Staff members who have % or % of'
the contributions to TIAA allocated to
CREF may wish to change to a % basis,;
or go from the latter to a % or % basis.
Please contact the Retirement ;Rec-
ords Office,3511 Administration Build-
ing, Et. 619

modern and traditional

Ann Arbor Recreation
Automatic Bowling
NO 2-0103 605 East Huron.

Trimming the Christmas tree, Carol
singing, and legends about the pagan
elements in the Christmas celebration
will all be part of this week's Coffee
Hour of the Office of Religious Affairs.
Lane Hall Library, 4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec.
6, for all interested students.
Summary, action taken by Student
Government Council, Dec. 4, 1957
Approved minutes of the previous
Appointments: Finance Committee,
Scott Chrysler, chairman; Maynard
Goldman, Don Young, Bert Getz, Margo
Brake. Advisory Board of Lane Hall,
Lois Wurster.
Approved: Activities
Dec. 4 International Student Asso-
ciation, Panel Discussion, 7:45 p.m.
League (Interim Action)
Dec. 7 Mortarboard, Senior Society,
Scroll, Career Day, 1-4 p.m. League.
Dec. 11 Political Issues Club, discus-
sion, 8:00 p.m. Lane Hal.
Dec. 18 International Student Asso-
ciation, debate, 7:45 p.m., League.
Dec. 19 Women's League, Campus
Christmas Sing, 9:30-10:30 p.m., Diag.
Motions adopted: SGC urges the Ad-
ministrative Board of the College of
LSA to adopt the following proposal
and authorizes the Chairman of the
Education and Social Welfare to ne-
gotiate with the Board to carry it out:
That this college make its marking
system more precise by the addition of
plusses and minuses to its present A-E
range of grades.
That the Education and Social Wel-
fare Committee investigate the desira-
bility of more precise marking systems
in those schools other than LSA which
now operate on a five category system.
That Student Activities Committee
investigate the feasibility of a Student
Bookstore, in copperation with other
interested organizations, and present
recommendations to SGC which should
include a workable plan for a Student
Bookstore, in cooperation with other
To receive Election Report, Summary
of Operations, Fall, 1957.
To accept recommendatalons of Elec-
tions Committee as amended. The ac-
cepted recommendatins are:
1. Election Rules defined.
2. That SGC reconsider its rule,
passed October 9, 1957, closing polling
places on election days during the
noon hour in case of rain.
3. That the J-Hop Central Commit-
tee no longer be chosen by all-campus
Motion defeated: To accept proposal
for re-establishment of student book
exchange calling for use of paid stu-
dent personnel.
Commended: Phil Zook and his com-
mittee for 'gdministration of fall cam-
pus elections; retiring chairman of Edu-
cation and Social Welfare Committee,
Gerry Blackstone.
Illustrated Archaeological Lecture,
auspices of the Departments of Classi-
cal Studies and Fine Arts. "Mycenae,
the Capital City of Agamemnon."
George E. Mylonas, professor of archae-
ology, Washington University and the
University of Athens, and president.
Archaeological Institute of America.
4:15 p.m. Fri., Dec. 6, Aud. B, Angell
Instit.ute of Public Administration. A
Social Seminar will be held on Wed.,
Dec. 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Frank Blackford of the Employees' Re-
tirement System, formerly with the
State Liquor Control Commission, will
speak on "Problems of Regulatory Ad-
ministration." Open to the public.
' Concerts
Student Recital: Paul Brodie, alto.
saxophone, 8:30 p.m. Sun., Dec. 8, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music in .Wind In-
struments. Brodie studies saxophone
with-Laurence Teal; he will be assisted
by Douglass Campbell, tenor saxophone,
Robert Detwiler, baritone saxophone,
and Ruth Biggerstaff, piano, and his
recital will be open to the general pub-
Student Recital: Robert Reynolds,
French horn, assisted by Wesley True,
piano, and Daniel Pressley, tenor, at
8:30 p.m. Mon., Dec. 9, in Aud. A, Angell
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master of
Music. He studies French horn with
Clyde Carpenter ,and his program, cov-
ering works by Mozart, Chabrier, Bozza,
and Britten, will be open to the gener-
al public.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Elections for the

Spring Semester are now being ap-
proved. Freshmen and sophomores who
will have 54 hours or less elected by
the end of this semester should make
appointments for approval of elections
in the Faculty Counselors' Office, 1210
Angell Hall. Those whose hours elected
will total 55 or above may make ap-
pointments for approval of elections in
the Faculty Counselors' Office for Ju-
niors and Seniors, 1213 Angell Hall.
Preliminary time schedules for the
Spring Semester are available in each
The counselors will not be available
during the examination period. Those
students who do not have their courses
approved before that time must report
during the half day preceding the time
they are scheduled to register. The
"half day before" Mon. morning, Feb.
3, will be considered Sat., Feb. 1.
Logic Seminar at 4:00 p.m. Fri. Dec.
6 in 3010 Angel Hall. J. W. Addison
will discuss "Solvable Cases of the. De-
cision Problem of the Pure First-Order
Predicate Calculus."
Psychology Colloquium. "The Motiva-
tional Predicament in Research." Ed-
win G. Boring, Edgar Pierce, Professor
of Psychology Emeritus, Harvard Uni-
versity, 4:15 p.m. Fri., Dec. 6, Aud. A,
Angell Hall.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Mon.,
Dec. 9, 4 p.m., Room 307. West Engi-,
neering Bldg. Ann L. Rudesill will speak
on "Winter Weather and Highway
Maintenance." Chairman: Prof. John
C. Kohl.
Analysis Seminar, auspices of De-
partment of Mathematics. Prof. J. L.
Ullman will speak on "Geometric
Methods in the Theory of Entire Func-
tions." Mon., Dec. 9 at 4:10 p.m. in 3017
Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
San Francisco City Schools have an-
nounced that an eligibility list for
teachers for the 1958-59 school year will
be compiled from the results of the
National Teacher Examination; given
locally on Feb. 15. Positions are open
in the following fields:
Arts & Crafts; Business - Bookkeep-
ing, Secretarial Subjects; English (in-
cluding Americanization, Drama, Pub.
Speak., and/or Journalism); Foreign
Language - French, Spanish; Mathe-
matics (including Arithmetic); Physi-
cal Education - Boys (including In-
tramural & Interscholastic Sports);
Science - Biological (including Gen.

Sci.), Physical (including Gen Set.);
Social Studies (including Journalism
and/or Americanization).
Registration for the examination
closes January 17, 1958.
Applications must also be made by
writing directly to San Francisco.
San Francisco Unified School District,
Personnel Division 135, Van Ness Ave-
nue, San Francisco 2. California.
For those who qualify on the Written
examination, an interview will be ar-
ranged to be held in San Francisco dur-
ing April, 1958.
Teachers in the following fields are
needed and requested to file immediate
applications with the Personnel Divi-
sion. No written examinations will be
necessary nor will formal eligibility
lists be established: Homemaking; In-
dustrial Arts; Library; Music - Instru-
mental and Vocal; Physical Education
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviewsm:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Dec. 10
U.S. Marine Corps, Woman Officer
Training Class, Detroit, Michigan. Grad-
uates -- February, June. August. Lo-
cation of work - Anywhere. Women
with. or without any degree with citi-
zenship of the U.S.. between 18 and 27
unmarried, in excellent health for Of-
ficer Training Program. Indoctrination
of future Women -Marine Officers is
conducted at the Marine Corps School,
Quantico, Virginia. Marine Officer
Training for the college sophomore or
junior takes place during each of two
summer vacations from college. Once
the WOTC has successfully completed
her training she is commissioned as a
second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine
Corps Reserve.
Wed., Dec. 11
American Air Lines, Chicago, Illinois
Graduates - February, June, August.
Location of work - Chicago and other
airports housing American Airlines.
America's largest airline. Women with'
any degree with weight of 130 lbs. max-
imum in proportion to height, single,
21-28 years of age, vision of 20/50 or
better and not requiring the use of
corrective lenses, attractive appearance
and personality with clear complexion
and even teeth for Stewardess Training.
If you are selected, you will atted a
training school at Chicago, Illinois, dur-
ing which time you will be furnished
room, board and classroom equipment.
Upon successful completion of the
(Continued on Page 4)


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Campus-to-Career Case History
I~1 a fta ..a..8.: . 181'"x.
.. J. 5'.. l
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v.1 '}
rC' ~ a. (,. F.r? .
........... : ... .... v{'Va
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5~ 5.
1I ..r..: .. ,S.
i ..a
'i'i. ....' "$"':? %?v ....,,;. . .. .. { :"${ ;.''.;;V .."+r :. 4 ' .1
"I edatall the anges"~
Mangerwit Sothwsten BllTel- sys."I avea bsinssbackground,
p1py H t"n,} exa. Ik e.to.se;l and mak:,c~ntacts.Y.
"My training gave me a really solid
Howard's foundation in the business. Two years
careerdts frmrs firs iterewn in the Army interrupted it, by the way,
withea dtephnerompanyfrtpresevte- but the two years were credited to my
with a tlep onecom anyrep eseta- telephone company records and count
tive I loke at ll te agles he toward all benefits. After I'd returned
soras.a"emdesnts, whic lookd exace- and finishled my training, I was made
for dvan eme t, w ich ook d ex el- a business office supervisor. A nd since
lent because of the rapid growth of February, 1956, I've been a Coin-
I the Bell System. We talked about mercial Manager in IHouston. Each
I many different kinds of work, and assignment I've had has been a real
about what would be expected of me." challenge and has presented a tre-
After receiving his degree in busi- mendous opportunity to contribute to
ness administration, Howard joined and advance in the business."

A. L1a

w..With the
Here's a camera that has every feature you
need to take beautiful full-color slides-yet
it's so simple to use-that even a child can take
professional-looking pictures.
A fine lens and fast shutter help get that
once-in-a-lifetime picture under difficult condi-
tions. Precision rangefinder lets you focus
accurately on anything from 3 ft. to the horizon
-just by turning a dial. And best of all, color
slides cost only a few cents more than the cost
of black-and-white prints!


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I -A-SO -" -.. -,. -


s-, - ,.r- .
,. , y ' '-e "r " <ti--'_ri'=. -rr : ='s,'ti. --. ,._ - _.n _ , ; :.a .5 =' ' -s ".:.fl _ ' " Q;.1_ciL'-l ' 'l. s. . _Z s :'_ .,.

Friday, Dec. 6 . . . 8--12. P.M...



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