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December 04, 1957 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-12-04

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Foreign Students Visit Homes,
Travel During. Vacation Periodl

ENT-On Dec. 20, 1620, the Pilgrims established their first permanent 'settlement. at Plymouth: Three hundred and
later, the Plymnouthi Plantation, Inc., a non-profit organization,' is restoring the settlement on a 'site two miles south of
g. The restored village will serve as a permanent mooring for the Mayflower 11, which crossed the Atlantic In April of
Lion buildings will include the Fort-Meetingr House,' a Pilgrim museum and trading post, an Indian" village, and a
e homes which constituted the first street fn Plymouth.

Ij Christmas,365 .Dayis a Year -
H fe'll thinky of .
Syou each time .
he smokes his .:
SChristmas pipe! 7
For Rest Seleetlin-
$1.00 Holds Your Choice
Monday thru Friday 'til 9, Saturday 'titl'5
I 118 East; Huron -.Opposite County Bldg. -- Ph. NO 3-6236&

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