Space Toys
To Replace
Guns, Dolls
With the advent ofSputniks I
and II, Christmas this year will
take on a new and revolutionary
fascination for children.
Replacing traditional electric
trains, trucks, dolls and erector
sets will be satellite launchers,
space helmets, anti-aircraft rock-
ets and sequins of futuristic de-
Toy manufacturers were quick
to exploit the possibilities present-
ed by the Sputniks. Within 48
hours following the Soviet an-
nouncement, several large toy
companies had completed plans
and started production on their
conception of Sputnik I. Wall
Street reported toy company
stocks rising while the overall
trend was down.
Hurls Diskr
One of the new toys is a satellite
launcher. It will be capable of
hurling a plastic disk 45 feet into
the air from the rear ofha fan-
tastic-looking vehicle with a re-
volving cab.f
Though space helmets are. not
new, they will be marked with two
noticable innovations. One is the
addition of twin antennas; the
other the painting of colored stars
and satellites on the exterior.
Two other inventions have been
made in the sphere of toys. The
first is an all-purpose instrument
panel operated by ordinary flash-
light batteries. It comes equipt
with radar screen, an authentic
code device, a two way radio and
an intercepter station which
launches six inch rockets. The
other gadget projects images of
enemy space ships on a wall while
twin launchers fire suction-cup-
tipped rockets at these images.
Space for Girls
Creativeness in conformityiwith
the events of the day is not re-
stricted to boys' toys alone. Subtle
changes have also been made for
little girls. Typical of these are
the designs featured on sequins.
Replacing the familiar counten-
ance of Julius Caesar, these an-
cient Italian coins depict designs
analogous to the adolescent con-
cept of outer space.
Christmas stockings this year
will be action packed with articles
ranging from "Sputnik" bubble
gum to moon bound balloons.
By and large, the Christmas
scene should be entirely new and
exciting for children of all ages.
-Daily-Robert Kanner
OUR OWN SANTA CLAUS-Albert Warnhoff, Ann Arbor's Santa Claus, points to one of the toys he
has made in his spare time for underprivileged and handicapped children. Warnhoff, a retired car-
penter, has been making Christmas real for these kids for 54 years. Miuch of his material is donated
by organizations and individuals. Warnhoff says, "When I see suffering, I realize how well off I am--
and do anything I can to make them happier."
Ann Arbor Santa Claus Makes Toys
To Give o Underprtvieged Children
Is \there really a Santa Claus?
Of course there is and he lives
right here in"Ann Arbor!
Ann Arbor's Santa is a man who
believes that.he has more fun
making and distributing toys for
children than a millionaire could
ever have with all his money."
Albert E. Warnhoff, a retired
carpenter, has been making the
legend of Santa a reality for un-
derprivileged and handichpped
children for 54 of his 68 years. He
has -made and distributed over
32,000 toys all over the state.
Almost anytime of day, Warn-
hoff can be found deep in work
in a small cluttered workshop sur-
rounding the furnace in his base-
ment. Brightly colored toys by the
hundreds watch his progress from
shelves where they patiently await
Toys Fill House
As the Holiday Season ap-
proaches, the completed toys flow
over the house. The garage is full
of gaily painted steps decorated
with a smiling clown for crippled
children to practice walking.
The living room becomes filled
with dolls and doll bedding do-
nated by women's extension
groups, girl scouts and Kings
Daughters to fill 'Santa's' cradles.
"I even have to store toys in my
bedroom," Warnhoff laughed.
As space becomes scarce, Mrs.
Warnhoff's washing machine is
used to hold a farm scene with a
moving windmill to be sent to
University Hospital.
When Warnhoff was 14 years
old, he began his career of Santa
by making a cradle and doll for a
small neighbor girl sick with diph-
Follows Doctor's Advice
"The doctor said my work did
more than his medicine," he re-
called, "and told me to keep up
the good work." Warnhoff has
followed the advice.
Stacks of plywood with which
to complete the 2,000 toys for this
Christmas fill the garage and peek
from around the furnace in his
basement. These are quickly trans-
formed into original designs for
dogs, ducks, doll furniture, wind-
mills, or 9hristmas scenes.
Getting up at 5 a.m., Warnhoff
works on the toys a Pouple of
hours before going to work. And
what could be a :n ore appropriate
job for 'Santa-off-duty'-"I help
the kiddies,, across the street on
their way to school," he said.
He usually works six hours a
day on the toys. "When I have a
head ache or feel. bad, I come
down here (the workshop) and
forget everything," he added.
Townspeople Ilelp
Warnhoff receives help for the
materials from various organiza-
tions and.people around town. "If
something goes wrong with -,the
tools, someone will always fix
them," Santa commented.
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