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December 04, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-04

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rniversity Affiliates Win
ational Fraternity Award


(Continued from Page 4)
all applications should be in his
by Jan. 8, 1958.


'Daily-James MacKay
HONORS--Inter-Fraternity Council President Rob Trost and
euive Vice-President Mal Gumming hold the National Frater-
Conference's second- place trophy for excellence in fraternity
Irs. Awarded annually, the trophy was presented at the NIC's
tag in Colorado Spring, Colo.

The National Inter-Fraternity;
Conference recently presentedj
their outstanding fraternity sys-
tem runner-up trophy to the
Michigan Inter-Fraternity- Coun-
The awar was accepted on be-
kha'f of the IFC by President Rob
Trost, '58, at the NIC's annual
meeting in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Also named as a runner-up wasi
Io'Wa State University. Alabama
Polytechnic Institute won the top
fraternity system honors in thet
country and the NIC's Grand Tro-
,Based on the achievements 6f
the various fraternity systems
throughout the country during
the past school year, the Mich-
igan IFC has won the Grand Tro7
phy twice. It is the only fraternity,
system to do so in tlii history of
the trophy's existence.
' le
Prof. Lippitt
Publishes New
Charge Book
WHow the process of "planned,
change" works and, its consequent
Juccess or failure is discussed in a
new book published by Prof. Ron-
ald Lippitt ,program director of
the Research Ceiter for Group
Dynamics and of the psyhology
Vand sociology departments.
Entitled "The Dynamics of
_'lanned Change," the book was
co-authored by Jeanne Watson of
the University of Chicago Family
tudy Center and Bruce Westley
of the University of Wisconsin. It
centers on the problem of the1
many changes being incurred byi
the public and the methods used,
to bring about these changes.
Goals Compete
"Everyone is subjected to the
demands of dqzens of competing
goals or 'causes' In many largei
communities, the confusion is in-
creased by the inadequacies of
communication among its com-;
ponent parts. Many, differentl
change goals may be pursued at
the same time by different andf
competing interests," the authors
Planned change can be of max-1
imum benefit only if it is accepted
by the entire individual or group
Successful completion of
planned change also depends on
the ability to overcome interfer-
ence and competition from other
proponents of change. This is es-
pecially true of community
change, the authors noted.
Need Focal koint
For this reason, professional
"change agents" - psychiatrists,
consultants or others - must se-
lect a focal point for their work.
They must spot the real problem
of their clients and also work at
a level best suited to carry their
influence throughout the client's

The award is Judged on the ba-
sis of the fraternity system's serv-
ice to member fraternities, the
university, the general student
body, the community and frater-
nity ideals.
FBA Cited
The Fraternity Buyer's Associa-
tion, an independent organization
serving the Michigan fraternity
system, is also another outstand-
ing achievement initiated by the
The various systems submit bro-
chures containing'- an account of
all their activities during the
year. "We include all reports,
,the IFC and any letters we may
newspaper clippings concerning
have received in the brochure,"
Trost said.
"A letter from Dean of Men'
Walter B. Rea also accompanies
the compiled report as well as
any booklets or pamphlets we may
have written during the course
of the school year," he continued.
An NIC committee composed
mainly of fraternity alumni deter-
mines which system has most suc-
cessfully fulfilled the necessary
requirements for the award,
The Michigan Inter-Fraternity
Council tied for third place honors
with Ohio State in last year's
Ypsilanti Manr
Seeks Human
Rights Group.
Councilman John H. Burton
Monday called on the Ypsilanti
City Council to consider the es-
tablishmnent of a human rights
commission immediately, similar
to the one already in operation in
Ann Arbor.
Citing an "undercurrent" of ra-
cial tension which exists in the
small college community despite
its previously untroubled record.
He said he had been ap-
proached on many occasions by
students and residents with com-
plaints that segregation was being
practiced in at least two local
eating establishments.
"Although the question of race
must not become a political con-
troversy," he explained, "it must
not, at the same time, be allowed
to become a mute question if the
area is to maintain' its forward

The Social Science Research Council
has announced several additions to its
program of Fellowships and Grnts in
the social science fields for 1958-59.
Predoctoral fellowships for the com-
pletion of Ph.D. dissertations will be
offered for the first time. Three post-
doctoral research training institutes
will be held next summer. Topics, of the
institutes are Analysis of Electoral Be-
havior, the Judicial Process, and Simu-
lation of Cognitive Processes. Travel
grants are now available for attendance
of the 1958 Congress of the Internation-
al Association of Applied Psychology
in Rome. Applications for fellowships
will be due on Jan. 6, 1958. Further in-
formation may be obtained in the Of-
fice of the Graduate School. Applica-
tion blanks may be obtained fromthe
Social Science Research Council, 230
Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. When
requesting application forms it is im-
portant to state age, place of perman-
ent residence, academic status present
position or activity and vocational aims,
and to indicate briefly the nature of
the training or research'for which sup-
port is sought.
Agenda, Student Government Council
December 4, 1957, 7:30 p.m., Council
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer reports: President, Big Ten
Student Body Presidents' Conference.
Meeting with Faculty Senate. Presi-
dent's report. Program of student in-
Exec. Vice-President Appointment -
Finance Committee. Interim Action.
Dec. 4 ISA Panel Discussion "Any Ques-
Admin. Vice-President - Petitioning.
Campus Chest.
Health insurance
Standing Committees: National and
International; Public Relations; Educa-
tion and Social Welfare, Motio: More
precise marking system, Student-Facul-
ty-Admin. Conference; Student Actvi-
ties Committee -- Student BookEx-
change, reestablishment.;
Activities: ;Dec. 18, ISA, debate "Amer-
ican Civilization has already shown
that it will be a lasting blessing to
mankind." Student Organizations pe-
titioning for recognition: Brazilian
Club. Constitution: Junior Panhellenic
Old Business
New Business.
Members and constituents time.*
(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stu-
dent organizations only.)
Sociedad Hispanica, Annual Poetry
Contest, Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-G,
Union. ,
* * *
Circolo Italiano, chiacchierata (meet
to speak Italian), Dec. 5, 4-5 p.m., Un-
ion, S. Cafe. ,
Student National Education Assoc.,
meeting, Dec. 4, 7:15 p.m., Ed. School
Cafe. Topic: "Classroom Democracy,
How You as a Teacher Would Help
Maintain It." Films: "Majority Vote,"
and "One Man's opinion."
s * si*
Chess Club, meeting, Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m.,
* * '*
ASCE and Civil Engineering Dept.,
Dec. 4, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 311 W.E. Speak-
er: Commander McCrorey (CE) USN,
"The Civil Engineer Corps as a Way of
Political Issues Club, open business
meeting, Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-N,
* * *
Alpha Phi Omega, business meeting
and election of officers, Dec. 5, 7:30
p.m., 3511 SAB.
* * *
.Physics Club, meeting, Dec. 4, 7:30
p.m., 2038 Randall Lab. Speaker, Dr.
Uhlenback, "Dimensional Analysis and
Dimensionless Constants in Physics."
* * *
International 'Student Assoc., panel
discussion, Dec. 4, 7:45 p.m., Hender-
son Rm., League. Panel members, Pro-
fessors George Kish, George Peek, Pres-
ton Slosson and Dr. James Davis, Direc-
tor of the Internataional Center, will
discuss questions aked tiem by stu-

*Constituents will be given opportunity
to speak immediately following recess.
Linguistics Club meeting Wed., Dec.
4 at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphithe-
ater. Speakers: Prof. Lawrence B. Kid-
dle, "The Cervantes Concordance Proj-
ect: a Progress Report," and Prof. Her-
bert Penzl, "Is Langobardic an Old
High German Dialect?" All persons in-
terested in the scientific sudy of Ian-
guage are invited.
Campus Public Lecture, Leland Stowe
will open his class, Journalism 230,
Current World Events and Their Back-
ground Events, to the campus public
on Thura., Dec. 5, at 11 a.m. in Aud. C,
Angell Hall. Stowe's topic will be "Our
Lifelong Competition with Soviet Pow-
er - and Our Prospects."
Public Lecture, auspices of the De-
partment of Fine Arts, by Prof. Paul
Underwood of the Byzantine Institute
and Dumbarton Oaks Research Li-
brary and Collection in Washington,
D.C., on "The Restored Mosaics and
Frescoes of the Kariye Djami, a Late
Byzantine Church in Constantinople,"
on Dec.5, at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. B, An-
gell Hall.
Student Recital: Maurice Hinson,
candidate for the degree of Doctor of
Musical Arts, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for that degree at
8:30 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 5, in Aud. A, An-
gell Hall (instead of the Rackham As-
sembly Hall, as previously announced).
Bach's Toccata in G minor, Schumann's
Phantasie in C, op. 17, Beethoven's So-
nata In E op. 109, and Ravel's Le Tom-
bean de Couperin. Joseph Brinkman is
chairman of Hinson's doctoral com-
mittee. Open to the general public.
Academic Notices
Seminar, Dept. of Anatomy. Coffee
will be served one-half hour before in
Rm. 3502 East Medical Building, Wed.,
Dec. 4, 11:00 a.m. Dr. T. R. Riggs, De-
partment of Biological Chemistry: "The
Use of a Non-metaboizable Amino Acid
for Study of Transpor of Amino Acids
in W-vo."
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar.
Dr. William Wilmarth of the Guggen-
heim Aeronautical Laboratory, Califor-
nia Institute of Technology willspeak
on "The Space-Time Correlations and
Spectra of Wall Pressure Fluctuations
in Turbulent Boundary Layers,". on
Wed,. Dec. 4 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1508,
East Engineering Building.
Operations Research Seminar: Donald
G. Malcolm, director of Operations Re-
search, Booz, Allen &s Hamilton, will
lecture on "Discussion of a Case His-
tory in Distribution Inventory Control"
on Wed., Dec. 4. Coffee hour in Rom
243, West Engineering at 3:30 p.m. and
seminar at 4:00 in Room 229, West En-
gineering. All faculty . members are
Political Science Graduate Round-
table meeting Thurs., Dec. 5, 8:00 p.m.
in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Prof.
Robert E. Agger, of the Department of
Political Science, University of North
Carolina, will' speak on "The Recruit-
ment of Elites in State Politics." Re-
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Thurs.,
Dec. 5, at 4 p.m. in Room 246, West En-
gineering Bldg. Prof. Frederick J. Beut-
ler, Department of Aeronautical Engi-
neering, will speak on "Generalization
of Wiener Optimum Filtering and Pre-
diction." Refreshments at 3:30 p.m. in
Room 274, W. Engineering.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, Room 3217, Angell Hall, Thurs.,
Dec. 5. Arthur Burks, Department of
Philosophy. "Automata, Their Struc-
ture ,and Behavior."
Doctoral Examination for Robert E.
Machol, Chemistry; thesis: "Thermo-
dynamic Properties of Nonstoichiomet-
ric' Nickel Tellurides and of Tellurium,"
Thurs., Dec. 5, 3003 Chemistry Building,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. F. Westrum,
The following foreign visitors will be
on the campus this week on the dates
indicated .Program arrangements are
being made by the International Cen-
ter: Mrs. Miller
Mr. Najil Issa Khalaf, Chief Admin. of
Afak Province, Iraq, Nov. 30-Dec. 4.
Mr. Fredoon Antia, Gen'l. Mgr., As-

sociated Cement Companies, Bombay,
India, Dec. 3.
Miss Maria \Yen, Secy.-Gen'l., Union
Press of Hong Kong, Dec. 2-5.
Rev. Alfredo Silva Santiago", Arch-
bishop of Concepcion and Rector of the
Catholic Univ.. Saniago, Chile, Dec.
Mr. Kasuya Sato, Former Vice-Gov-
ernor of Nagasaki Prefecture and now
practicing attorney, Nagasaki, Japan,
Dec. 4-7.
The following visitor's program ar-
rangements are being made by Miss
Ray, International Center:
Mr. O. Salas, Creole Petroleum Cor-
poration. Venezuela, Dec. 3-4.
'Senator Luis Letelier is accompanying
Rev. Silva.
Placement Notices
The following school will be at the
Bureau of Appointments on Fri. morn-
ing, Dec. 6, to interview for Feb., 1958.
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan-2nd grade
For any additional information and
appointments, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Fri., Dec. 6
Pan American World Airways, Long
Island City, New York. Graduates -
February, June, August. Location of
Work - European Area, Pacific.Area,
Latin American Area. Pan American
flies to 84 countries and colbnies
around the world. Women between
21-27 years of age, attractive, European
Area - one of European Languages,
Latin American Area - Spanish or
Portugese, Pacific Area - no language
requirements, for Stewardesses for
Overseas Service.
Tues., Dec. 10
/U.S. Marine Corps, Woman Officer
Training Class. Detroit, Michigarl. Grad-
uates - February, June, August. Lo-
cation of work - Anywhere. Women
with br without any degree with citi-
zenship of the U.S., between 18 and 27,
unmarried, in excellent health for Of-
ficer Training Program. Indoctrination
of future Women Marine Officers is
conducted at the Marine Corps School,
Quantico, Virginia. Marine Officer
Training for the college sophomore .or

junior takes place during each of two
summer vacations from college. Once
the WOTC has successfully completed
hey training she is commissioned as a;
second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine
Corps Reserve.j
Wed., Dec. 11
American Air Lines, Chicago, Illinois
Graduates - February, June, August.
Location of work - Chicago and other
airports housing American Airlines.
America's largest airline. Women with
any degree with weight of 130 lbs. max-
imum in proportion to height, single,-
21-28 years of age, vision of 20/50 or
better and not requiring the use of
corrective lenses, attractive appearance
and personality with clear complexion
and even teeth for Stewardess.Training.
If you are selected, you will atted a
training school at Chicago, Illinois, dur-
ing which time you will be furnished
room, board and classroom equipment.
Upon successful completion of the
training program, you will be consid-
ered foir employment and if accepted,I
will be assigned to a base station.
U. S. Marine Corps - See Tuesday's
Thurs., Dec. 12
The Chase Manhattan Bank, New
York, New York. Graduates - Febru-
ary. June, August. Location of Work-
New York City. Organized 1799. Approx-
imately 15,000 employees in 100 New
York City and 25 overseas locations,
Offer complete banking services in all
of its diversified phases. Men with BA
or MA in Liberal Arts, Law, or BBA or
MBA for Economics, Finance, Account-
ing, etc.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 3371.
Representatives from the follow*lg
will be at the Engrg. School:
Thurs., Dec. 5
Geophysical Service Inc., Dallas, Tex-
as - all degrees and programs inter-
ested in petroleum operations. The
company has operations in America,
Europe, Australia, Africa, South Amer-
ica, and Asia.
Michigan State Highway Department
-B.S. in Civil for Research, Design and
Tokheim Corp., Ft. Wayne, Ind., for
B.S. in Mech. E. for Research, Develop-
ment, Design and Sales.

Special Dining Room Parties
for student groups.
Also available for
Christmas parties., etc.

King-Seeley Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich.
- B.S'. in Elect., Mech. Ind., and E.
Physics for Summer and Regular Ap-
plied Research, Development and De-
jFri., Dec. 6
U.S. Govt., Nat'l Bureau of Standards,
Washington, D.C. - all levels in Elect.,
Instr., Mech., Metal., Nue. and E. Phys-
ics for Summer and Regular Research
and Development.
Industrial Rayon Corp., Cleveland,
Ohio - all levels in Che.E., and B.S. &
M.S. in Mech. for Research, Develop-
ment, and Prod.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W.E., ext. 2182.
Personnel Requests:
Esterbrook Pen Co., Camden, New



On U.M. Campus opposite Hill Auditorium
Air Conditioned

Jersey. needs men with any degree for
Sales work.
Sonoco Prod. Co., Akron, Ind., has an
opening for a Shipping Dept. Super-
visor with experience in rating and
routing of shipments via rail end
Central Soya Co., Inc., Ft. Wayne,
Ind., is looking for an Advertising Dept.
Assistant. Will accept a man between
23 and 33, with a degree in Journalism.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Foreign Operations Booklets: Iresi-
dents of houses who have not picked
up Foreign Operations are reminded
that the booklets are available. Can you
r pick them up this week?

[ 'I




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,, ,,,

Bu're as.3ung
as you eel! ;


Iii ==ff

1. Do you let the opposite sex make up your mind for you YES
when you're buying clothes? - -
2. Do you always ask to see the menu, even when you
know what you want?. iI i
3. Do you choose your brand of cigarettes because of the
package, rather than what's inside?




[1± '~1

4. Do you agree that "The hand that rocks the cradle is
the hand that rules the world"?.





the University Inter-Arts Magazine

5. Do you look upon the sports car craze as kid stuff?. m
6. Do you consider puns the lowest form of humor?..........
7. Do you disagree with this statement: "The best tobacco
makes the best smoke"?....,., .........,.. ....... .. II
8. Do you think TV will ever replace bundling as an
indoor sport? ........ w.,...a .......... ... ...[.......


.. ..... .,. x...> .


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