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November 26, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-26

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"What Do I Hitch My Wagon To?"

Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
A Reasoned Case
For Unilateral Disarmament
For perhaps the first time in history reflective men have had to grapple with the paci-
fists' question: Can iational interests and human values really be served by waging a war
with atomic and hydrogen weapons?

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Boy Meets Girl-
Result-'April Love'
AFTER THE FIRST minute or two of "April Love," a coed down a
few seats groaned, "This looks like another goopey love story." This
comment aptly sums up the entire film.
"April Love" Is another one of these formula-type movies. You
know the kind - boy meets girl, boy doesn't notice girl, boy finally
notices girl, boy marries girl. Every event in this film is entirely pre-
dictable - especially for those who have had Psych 31.
Pat Boone, portrayed as a young delinquent named Nick, sings
his way Into the heart of Shirley Jones, a stable owner's pretty daugh-
Boone had been arrested in Chicago for "borrowing" a car for a
while and was released into the custody of his aunt and uncle who live

A FEW WEEKS AGO in another editorial
this writer made reference to what was
called "realistic, pacifism." It was suggested
that the United States might contemplate such
a novel strategy as unilateral disarmament
as the first premise of its foreign policy. Most
readers hardly paid the suggestion the honor
of skepticism, generally pooh-poohing it as
the product of an ill-informed, naive visionary.
Regardless of their separate reactions, most
readers felt a plan such as unilateral disarma-
ment needed spelling out, and indeed it did.
The following thoughts were supplemented
greatly by "Speak Truth to Power," an Ameri-
can Friends Service Committee study of in-
ternational conflict.
Realistic pacifism need not necessarily be
grounded in the moral belief that man must
not kill, but rather in the practical belief that
wr today is an unreasonable instrument of
national policy. A policy which allows for war
is ill-founded because of war's total destruc-
tiveness; it is difficult to see how any less than
100 million people would be killed in a future
war between the United States and Russia, plus
"the resultant problems of contamination, in-
dustrial devastation and genetic mutations.
However, both powers have made the threat
of war the core of their foreign policies. The
assumption is that the arms race will result
hr a standoff or a balance of terror, and that
the world can go on indefinitely like this with-
out war. However, ,at least two considerations
have worked in history against this assump-
tion: First, offensive weapons are inevitably
ahead of defensive ones; and second, a nation
could, by striking first, gain a military victory
without suffering significant losses (as if the
Soviets destroyed our retaliatory SAC bases
concurrently with an attack on the United
States' homeland). Thus, it is by no means
certain that a balance of terror can b evenly
maintained or that there could be no victor in
W. W. III, and this presents a temptation to an
aggressive state.
FURTHER, it is this inflexiblereliance on the
balance of terror which is getting the dis-
armament talks nowhere. Because both the
Soviet Union and the United States wish to
maintain at least an equal power with one an-
other, they both shy from any proposals but
their own, supposing that if the opposition
agrees to a plan it has calculated the plan
would swing the balance of power in its di-
rection. Thus, the Soviets advocate immediate
cessation of bomb production, a field where
they lag, while the United States stresses in-
spection as the first step to protect its stock-
pile lead.
Recognizing that the United States' response
to Soviet communism has been largely a mili-
tary one, the proven effectiveness of that re-
sponse can be questioned. Since the United
States began getting tough with the Soviet
Union in 1947, it has not been able to halt
the spread of communism. Besides those coun-
tries that joined the Red bloc after 1947, the
conditions of Southeast Asia, the Middle East,
Africa and Latin America promise further com-
munist gains. While the communists have made
some hay, the United States has lost some
friends abroad, especially by the association
of our country with the military, our over-
seas troops and bases, our rearming of the
Axis of the last war (see J. M. Roberts below),
our hydrogen bomb experiments, and our spine-
less toleration of the last vestiges of Western
Further, our military response has confirmed
the thoughts of Marxists the world over that
the capitalist world is out to smother commu-
In addition, our democratic values have been
pitifully compromised, however imperceptably.
Our anti-communist passion has led us on
the home front to spy, anonymously denounce,
and to restrict the freedoms of speech and
press, while abroad we league with fascists,
anti- Soviet communists and reactionaries in
the name of "the free world." This is not to
avoid mention of our spiritual values, gleaned
largely from our Judeo-Christian roots, which
are not evident when our leaders talk easily of
"massive retaliation" upon Russia and China.
Is life so cheap? And who can argue honestly
that United States foreign aid, paltry as it is,
is given in a spirit of liberalism and love.

--New York Times columnist James Reston
."UR ANTI-COMMUNIST preoccupation has
led us to be inconsistent -- though not as
often as the Soviets - in the United Nations.
We have usedi the UN to great extent as an
anti-communist, collective security arrange-
ment in favor of the West. When the peace
has been threatened, we have encouraged UN
interference in Hungary but discouraged it in
Guatemala in conformity with our "national
At this point a hard question must be an-
swered concerning what the Russian response
would be if the United States disarmed uni-
laterally. Though this question is somewhat
irrelevant if you accept the contention that
risking a US-USSR war by continuing the arms
race is completely foolhardy, it raises major
apprehensions. The Friends' booklet sheds
some light on this question as they denounce
the "devil theory of history" - the Soviet
Union in this case thought by many to be the
only devil in the world. This country fears
the expansionism of the Soviets; they also fear
and suspect our country with its bases and al-
lies surrounding the very frontiers of the USSR.
We say they are no respecters of human dig-
nity; they say the West (Negroes in the United
States and colonial subjects in Afro-Asia) has
thought dignity second to exploitation. We say
they are secular, scientific and materialistic;
they claim - and are supported by the clergy
of the West - that our spiritualism is hypo-
critical and our ethos basically material, while
their concern for the economic and social
equality of all men is full of spirit. This is not
to overlook the unjustices of the Soviet to-
talitarian system, its security police, slave la-
bor, thought control, regimentation, deporta-
tions, and callous murders. But as we try to
understand the reasoning behind Soviet foreign
policy, it seems there is wisdom in putting our-
selves in the shoes of a Russian. To great ex-
tent Soviet policy has been a response - in
their thinking - to actions of the West.
BUT LET US admit that Soviet leaders are
clearly ambitious to penetrate their ide-
ology beyond its present borders, either be-
cause of ideological conviction or in the in-
terest of Soviet nationalism. These leaders can
be thwarted, it seems, in at least two ways.
One is by the rank and file in Russia exert-
ing a greater influence on their government.
Though Khrushchev and Co. now enjoy pop-
ularity when they speak and act tough to the
West, if the "militarily aggressive intentions
of capitalist encirclement" vanished, it would
be much harder to rationalize Hungarian-like
interventions to the Russian people. This may
be trusting far too much the influence of public
opinion in the USSR, but we must remember
that these people have been thoroughly satur-
ated with the Russian "peace" propaganda and
what, they would wonder can stand in the way
of peace if the United States - and its allies-
disarms. It would be a master stroke if the
United States' announcement of unilateral dis-
armament could be made during an Eisen-
hower speech to the Russian people, a project
which has been proposed lately.
Second, the Russian imperialist leaders could
be thwarted by a new American foreign policy
which follows easily from a disarmament po-
sition. Concurrently with our non-violent for-
eign policy, our domestic democracy would be
tidied up for sale abroad. Lost and restricted
freedoms could be restored; to spend part of
the nearly $40 billion saved from defense
spending we could better provide for education
and social welfare within our country. Abroad,
we could freely - not being entangled by al-
liances and dollar shortages - give both verb-
al and material (on the scale of the Marshall
Plan) support to the great social revolutions
which are going on and will go on throughout
the world. This would snuff war and commu-
nism at their roots.
To a world which is searching - who doesn't
want peace? for ideas to dxtricate man from a
crisis which has plagued him from history's
dawn, here are some ideas for contemplative
men to consider. It may be that the power of
unadulterated Democracy and Love would
speak more power to a frightened world than
Hydrogen against the injustices of communlsm.
Editorial Director


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Art Students Guild Exhibits

on a broken-down horse farm.
This environment was considered
to be a very healthy atmosphere
for the boy.
Because Nick was more inter-
ested in cars than horses, his
uncle didn't think too favorably
of him at first. Uncle Jed had also
lost his only son in the war and
Nick just couldn't replace him.
** *
THEN LIZ (Shirley Jones,) a
neighbor, rides to the farm and
literally falls for Nick - but he,
in turn, shows more interest in
cars and her sister.
14 After Nick inadvertantly gains
the confidence of Uncle Jed's prize
trotter, something no one else
could do, he's in like Flynn so the
saying goes. Nick, Uncle Jed and
Liz work side by side trying to
shape the horse up for the trot-
ter races at the fair.
can guess what happened in the
ca nguess what happened in the
As an actor, Boone was entire-
ly inadequate. Though he was
supposed to act as a tough guy at
first, he was always a little too
nice and "clean-cut." Even his
emotional scenes, such as they
were, were done with the casual-
ness of a TV singer.
LUCKILY for Boone, the pro-
ducers slipped in songs anywhere
they could conceivably (and even
s o m e t i me s inconceivably) fit
Shirley Jones proved to be more
adept in her roleas the sweet,
simple country girl. It seemed a
little unjust, however, that the
horse rated more attention from
Boone than did Miss Jones.
But let's face it: The plot was
so trite and "goopey" that even
the most superb of thespians
would be buried under it.
-Donna Hanson
IFTY-SIX thousand French-I
men and Alegrians have been
killed in the last three years of
the nationalist revolt in Algeria.
As the war moved into its
fourth year, France listed its
casualties as 4,200 killed, 9,200
wounded, 750 missing.
The French put rebel casualties
at 44,000 killed, 25,000 captured,
and placed civilian deaths in the
fighting at more than 8,000.
--U.S. News and World Report
NIKITA Khrushchev, Communist
Party boss ?n Russia, is ex-
pected to try to become the boss of
world Communism, now that he
has the Kremlin udder control.
-U.S. News and World Report

THE ONLY troublesome factor
concerning the Art Students
Guild exhibition is finding it. Arm-
ed with a cheap compass, a flash-
light and a muddled sense of direc-
tion, we wandered down East Wil-
liams past a grocery store to that
mysterious structure known as the
Deke Temple. We groped our way
through an alley running along-
side the temple and found our-
selves in a little lot, surrounded by
trash cans. Finally, we noticed a
piece of paper taped to a brick
wall. "Art Student Guild" was
lettered on it, artistically.
other wall and a back door. "Please
Walk In and Go Upstairs," a sec-
ond sign directed. We climbed a
steep and crumbly staircase, past
the Potters Guild storeroom, and
suddenly we were in an art gallery.
It was all pretty slimy.
Once we adjusted to the light,
we found ourselves in a high-
ceilinged, white-walled room, fes-
tooned with paintings. Spanish
music wafted from a no-fi phono-
graph. This was the studio of the
Art Students Guild, now trans-
formed into a temporary exhibition
The Art Students Guild, whose
first and current show is being
held until November 30, is an or-
ganization of 15 painters, students

and ex-students. The group has
no connection with the University,
although the art faculty seems to
be taking a paternal interest in
them. We talked to President Dale
Smith w h o s e Van Gogh-ian
is one of the best pieces in the
"We started this summer," Smith
explained, "but we didn't get really
going till the fall. The A.S.G. is a
closed group, although we do have
a long waiting list. We wanted a
place to work and to discuss each
other's work."
Studio space was-one of the
prime factors in the group's for-
mation, for seven of themembers
use the studio regularly while the
rest paint at home. In addition,
meetings and discussion groups are
held there, with everything from
brush technique to rent-collection
on the agenda.
* * *
OCCASIONALLY, the 15 will get
together and head for an art exhi-
bition, but for the most part, their
concern is each other's work. The
current show represents practically
all the members and covers a wide.
range of styles. No single art move-
ment predominates,
"Those days are gone forever,"
Smith said, a little wistfully. "This
show covers a variety, from post-
expressionism to abstract impres-
sionism." A glance at the exhibits

confirmed this, and we noted
sculpture and pottery on display,
as well.
Although most of the work is up
for sale, that is not the purpose
of the show.
"If this was a regular art sale,"
Smith elaborated, "we'd plaster
the wall with paintings. But in-
stead, we've hung it with the
design in mind--the relationships
of one painting to the next. Per-
haps in the future we'll have a
big sale, but right now we want
to show what we are doing, not
what we have to sell."
* * *
MUCH OF what they are doing
is very exciting. We were partic-
ularly impressed with George
Beauchamp's taut but controlled
"Family," Nancy Mack's broiling
canvas, done in enamel, "Inside II"
and Jim Howe's "Seated Nude."
One painting of special interest
hereabouts should be Smith's
"Union Cafeteria" -- very, very
realistic. You may recognize some
of the subjects.
The members decided on what
to show among themselves, but it
soon turned out that an exhibition
committee was needed if peace was
to be kept. The final selections
show that a lot of excellent work
is being done around town. If'you
can manage to find the place, see
for yourself.

-Or Else
Associated Press News' Analyst
THE PERIOD of relaxed Moscow
supervision over the outside
Communist parties has just about
come to an end. Red boss Nikita S.
Khrushchev is in no mood for
scholarly debate about the rights
of satellite Communists.
Recent Communist pronounce-
ments indicate the Russians feel
they have a heavy advantage in
the world political battle now, with
the recent acknowledgement by
the West that Soviet science has
surged ahead in the field of super-
weapons. Khrushchev seems intent
upon pushing that advantage to
the utmost before it slips away
from him.
His program entails some dan-
gers. Therefore, the Communist
world high command has closed
ranks and issued a declaration of
unity and aims and purposes, lay-
ing down the propaganda course
which the world's Reds must fol-
low to help shield the next stage
of the Russian political expansion
THIS DRIVE is going to be aim-
ed at the uncommitted nations and
the underdeveloped areas of Asia,
Africa and the Middle East. To
pave the way for effective penetra-
tion, the Russians are going to
have to keep up a high degree of
pressure on the aggravations of
these areas, most particularly the
Middle East.
The Arab situation, all across
the vast area from the Persian
Gulf to Morocco, is so volatile that
violence can explode at any
moment with the suddenness of a
summer storm. The area is so
strategic and its resources so vital
to Europe that any explosion there
prses a distinct threat of large-
scale conflict and even World War
Therefore Khrushchev and the
Moscow Communists must prepare
their ground carefully beforethey
proceed with further penetration
of such areas. Part of this prepara-
tion lies in a noisy Communist-in-
spired propaganda campaign for
peace at any cost-and this means
peace on Russian terms. Russian
terms include the right of the
Kremlin to do as it pleases with-
out any attempt at interference
from the West.
* * *'
TO ACCOMPLISH these pur-
poses, the Russians cannot afford
to permit any questioning of their
supreme authority in matters af-
fecting the world revolution.
Therefore, the Moscow declaration
paid only the merest lip-service to
the idea-originally inspired by
Tito of Yugoslavia-that there are
"different roads to socialism."
The fundamentals are the same
for all, the declaration warns. The
basic principle still is "interna-
tional proletarian solidarity,"
which means recognition of Mos-
cow's leading role and authority.
The chances are that from here
on in, any encouragement of the
urge to get out from under Soviet
domination-in a coutnry like Po-
land, for example-will be slapped
down hard. Khrushchev has an-
nounced himself as the boss, and
he intends to be obeyed.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
' be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the dayrpreceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Dec. 13. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Dec. 4.
German Department. Please continue
to use Tappan Hall addresses for Ger-
man Department staff. Announcements
will be made when Frieze Building ad-

i a






'U' Calendar, Educational Incentives Discussed

Calendar Problems .r,
To the Editor:
WISH TO commend The Daily
for the attempt it is presently
making to inform the community
regarding the problems of the
university calendar. The proposal
of an earlier starting date, sug-
gested by the editorial in Satur-
day's Daily, is certainly one of the
proposals to be considered, but it
should not be accepted until after
an examination of all the reasons
for the traditional date of start-
ing the academic year.
This proposal for an earlier
starting date is also a proposal to
increase the number of weeks
from beginning orientation to
commencement from the histori-
cal 39 to 40. A change of this sort
should be adopted only after care-
ful consideration of the interests
of various University groups.
For example, will the students
who have objected to a somewhat
abbreviated Christmas vacation on
the ground that it interferes with
their earning power feel that our
inability to schedule 30 weeks of
classes out of the 39 week period
justifies the elimination of a
whole week from the summer
earning period?
* * *
ONE OF THE other possibilities
is the 14'2 week semester. Perhaps
the 14% week class semester does
make possible as good an educa-
tion as does a longer one, but
there should be some evidence to
this effect before the 14% week

ferred times for vacations, pre-
ferred times for orientation and
registration, preferred times for
examinations, preferred times for
processing grades and taking
suitable action on the results, and
then assigns the remaining time
to the basic learning periods, is
not proper for the University. of
-Paul S. Dwyer
Professor f Mathematics
To the Editor:
VANITY of vanities; all is van-
ity. In the multitude of dreams
and many words there are also di-
vers vanities." These words from
the book of Ecclesiastes of the
Bible describe one of the most uni-
versal frailties of man.
It will be a great blunder if
leaders and organizers fail to rea-
lize the significance and import-
ance of this universal frailty in
the affairs of man. The launching
of the Sputniks has caused a na-
tion-wide awakening to the neect
of tapping, improving and increas-
ing this country's scientific and
technical potentiality.
To this end, necessary, indeed,
are the plans to improve in qua-
lity quantity the schools and oth-
er facilities. Necessary, perhaps,
are incentives in the form of free
tuitions, scholarships, free board-
ing and lodging better salaries for
faculty etc., etc. However, what is
totally forgotten or passed with a
casual mention is the force of this

society at large accepted and ad-
mired. He was not given any
physical incentive - the incentive
or the driving force was the so-
ciety itself. No amount of physi-
can incentives can accomplish
what a change in the American
basis for social prestige and val-
ues can do, as if by a miracle.
* * *
TO EFFECT such a change in
social prestige and values in any
nation is a relatively quick and
easy process. A campus like ours,
with all its 'conditioning and con-
forming' organizations. like fre-
ternities, sororities, dormitories,
etc., can effectively 'process' the
necessary change in social values
in a matter of a few years, if only
the various campus student lead-
ers, faculty and administration
give the proper lead.
To give just one example: The
Daily can officially publish with
a picture and all an academic
profile of the few ranked academ-
ic 'tops' that the Engineering and
other schools publish every year.
--Thomas S. David, Grad.
Thundering Herd . .
To the Editor:
IT IS NOT often that a poor,
study-enslaved student is so
aroused by anything as mundane
as the acoustics in a vast, cold
auditorium, but Friday evening's
performance must bring forth
some comment, and congratula-
I had long suspected that the

utes before the end of the per-
formance to demonstrate that my
grandest expectations were indeed
true. The sound emanating from
the hallways in the building re-
minded me of a herd of sheep tip-
toeing on the soundboard of a
I'm sure if it had been Dylan
Thomas before us rather than his
reincarnation, we would have seen
the comic situation wherein the
vegetables, onions, etc. (and sure-
ly he would have had some about)
were thrown from the stage rath-
er than from the audience.
Therefore, congratulations are
in order for all you members of
the "thundering herd" who were
unable to sit out the remaining
three minutes of what must have
been to you a rather dull per-
-Brent Eag'ar
Constituents . . .
To The Editor:
tended the weekly Student
Government Council meeting at
the Student Activities Building.
I can sincerely say that any
student who does attend such
meetings can learn a great deal
of information and succeed in
gaining an insight into our active
There were less than 10 con-,
stituents present at this meeting.
Being just a student myself, I
would like to see others there, if
anl fmr +ha z Ira of finrin-i n-



Again, The Germans

Associated Press News Analyst
THE BIG THREE of NATO is about to be-
come the Big Four.
That is a part of the significance of the hur-
ried visit to Washington of West Germany's
foreign minister at a time when efforts are
hinv n V1A + rinviLornVttO+ +,a 'e Tav, al

always seemed more political than military,
but the latter have not been exactly neglected.
Russia, in addition to keeping large forces
there, long ago formed military units among
the Germans ,and is now reported to be in-
stalling missile launchers from which all capi-
tals of Europe could be struck.

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