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November 26, 1957 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-11-26

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;horal Union Concert
ted by William War-
e singer, at 8:30 p.m.
i the program will be
To Thee" by Handel,
's Be Merry" by Bach,
rabnis" by Loewe,
Schubert and "Infe-
edevi" by Verdi.
vill also sing selec-
d by Copland, John-

rt debut in
5arfield has
a very short

ed as .the star per-
he state department-
roduction of George
Porgy and Bess." He
wade several concert
TJnited States, Aus-

Joe in the
re he sang

d for

r the first time in its
ry, New York's Lew-
n presented a -single
ld, in three solo ap-
s now touring, the
a full concert sched-
reporting to Holly-
Jim in the musical
uckleberry Finn."
t Expert
ses Red

Political P
Does Inter
There is glory in politics-mask
any candidate who has been suc-
cessful in his endeavor for public.
There is also backbreaking-but
rewarding-work in politics-ask
any field worker for a political ]
To the surprise of the average
voter, parties do not close up shop;
after each election and reopen for
business just before ,the next.
There is a good deal of hard work
to be done in the-interim period,
and much of its falls to the un-,
heralded, "other" side of politics
-the professional staff.
Little-Known Staffs
Little is heard of these staffs3
-and that's the way they want it.
It is their job to put the party's
candidates over in the election.
Take, for instance, Carol Lud-
ington, a thorn in Michigan Re-E
publicans' sides for several years.
Miss Ludington was, until re-
cently, a field worker for the Dem-1
ocratic State Central Committee.
She directed! the party's cam-,
paign in the 1955 and 1957 spring
elections. The latter campaign en-
abled Democrats to gain a nearly
complete hold in Lansing and.cap-
ture two big prizes - the State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion's office and the State High-
way Department.
Leaves Party
The 27-year-old Vassar grad-
ate, whom State Democratic
Chairman Niel Staebler described
as one of the most ablepeople in
the field of politics," has left the
party-officially-to work for an
Ann Arbor ,noprofit organization
and to enroll in graduate courses
at the University. She has been
replaced by Richard D. Elder, a
Michigan State University senior
majoring in political science.
"I will still be true to the party
but in an unpaid, volunteer way,"
she said.
All of which raises the interest-
ing question, "How does a party
replace a talented and devoted
worker like her?" Chairman Staeb-1
ler gives these criteria for select-
ing professional staff workers: un-
derstanding of party principles
and methods; plenty of energy;
and plenty of tact.
People Needed
He says, "We need people who
are not hunting for the easy life;
people with no set hours who are
willing to work after others go
These criteria are echoed and
Grtop To Sing
In Fes ival
Students from the music meth-7
ods class of Eastern Michigan Col-
lege will participate in a "Festival]
of Song" broadcast over WUOM at3
2 p.m.- today.
The "Festival of Song" is a
state-wide music instruction pro-
gram for elementary schools spon-
sored by the University's School
of Music.

arty Staff
m Work

supplemented by workers in the
parties. One professional staff
membel' said a worker must be
able to work with people, make no
more mistakes than usual, have
some feeling for organization and
have a great dedication to the
party including a willingness to
put in a heavy schedule.
"We can't be a slave to a 40, or
even an 80 hour week," he re-
Reasons Sought
Why then, an observer asks,
does the party worker submit him-
self to the grind, to the readjust-
ment in the way he lives and
numerous other disadvantages,
when he might be making much
more (politicalIparties must de-
pend on the magnanimity of in-
dividuals and groups for financial
support) in an easier way?
The answers'he gets are couch-
ed in generalities-but they are
usually sincere.
The answers run something like
this: there is a rewarding sense of
moving towardha given goal, a
sense beyond the immediate ends
of winning an election-the
achievement of party goals and
principles, of seeing something
done in public policy in the 'way
one thinks it should be done.
Can 'Try Ideas
Also, since the worker is usually
pretty much on his own, he has an
opportunity to try new ideas and
show initiative.
The work of the professional
staff centers around consulting
with other party workers, suggest-.
ing new ways of doing things, and
coordinating the work of the many
people who "get out the vote."
When' speaking of the "people
who get out the vote," party,
spokesmen become very reverent.
They make up, as one professional
staff worker put it, "the most im-
portant single element in the
Positions Limited
The actual number of profes-
sional party positions available is
rather limited; it is estimated
there are only about 500 in the
entire country.
This makes it clear that the
principal way to get a party j b
is through volunteer work. And
this is just what professional work-
ers want.
One said, "There is so much
room in political parties for peo-
ple with ability-it is sort 'of a
bottomless pit. There are great
numbers of people working but
still not enough."
Volunteer Work
,What can a volunteer worker
do, the prospective volunteer asks?
A fabulous range of things, the
professional workers answer.
Included are publicity work,
public relations, issue formulation,
raising money and precinct/ work.
The hours, they say, have been
known to range from one per
month on up.
The glory-well, it may not be
here, but the professional workers
say the feeling of accomplishment
in seeing the party's candidates
win and its goals accomplished is
glory itself.

All Ugly
"The largest group on the
University of Minnesota cam-
pus is finally going to receive
due recognition," the Colorado
Daily recently reported in their
exchange column.
"Though the ugly men are
personally recognized each day,
it has been four years since
they have had sufficient pub-
lic recognition," the article
The men Ire preparing for
an Ugly Man Contest to raise
money for the Minnesota Cam-
pus Chest. "The estimated 14,-
000 ugly men on the campus
are permitted to make them-
selves even uglier, if it will
further their cause."
Charity Asks
More MoneyS
From Fund

Ann Arbor's
tion Army has
tional $1,000

control,of the moon right
within two or three years
ive the Russians a great
advantage over the West,
C Jones, director of the
ty's program in rocket
anosphere research, said
does not think-it likely
her side in the cold war
e -a military base on the
anet for many years to
cket research expert con-
hat by the time travel to
n reached the stage at
uch bases would be pos-
ere would probably be no
ble difference between
,nd American technology.
it is impossible to pre-
,tterns of technological
over a period of 10 years
he 'said, a manned base
moon seems improbable.
he next couple of years.'
getting a rocket to the
r even slending a manned
here which could return
ot mean "control" of the
ad capability for military
:s, Jones noted.
ing for the moon, how-
1 only be significant as a
stone to the farther
of space, he concluded. -

unit of the Salva-
requested an addi-
from the United

Fund, it was disclosed yesterday.
A decrease in calls for the Sal-
vation Army truck to pick up dis-
carded u/aterials from residents
in the City is responsible for the
request, Salvation Army officials
The Salvation Army's request
was t forwarded to the United
Fund's budget committee which
recommended that $400 be allo-
Collections Drop
Only $405 in unallocated funds
is in this year's United Fund bud-
get, Robert B. Kerschbaum, exec-
utice secretary of the fund, said.
Salvation Army Lt. Vernon Hos-
tetler estimated that collections so
far this year have dropped off by
25 per cent.
Outside agencies have appar-
ently been picking up materials
that would have gone to the Sal-
vation Army. A greater number of
trucks and a more eoncered ef-
fort to pick up the discards seems
to be the reason, Kerschbaum
The Salvation Army presently
has only one truck and is unable
to solicit from door to door. Dis-
cards are collected only when
householders call their Headquar-
Pinching Pennies
"We have not had to. 'curtail
welfare grants and materials," Lt.
Hostetler said. "We are pinching
pennies and economizing on over-
head and supplies."
The United Fund's Executive
Committee will review the Salva-
tion Army's request and the bud-
get committee's recommendation
that only $400 be allocated today.
The full United Fund board will
also review the matter, on Dec. 5.
Distributing toys, clothing or-
ders, checks and dinner tickets to
the needy at Christmas time are
some of the Salvation Army's
Money taken in through Salva-
tion Army kettles and a letter ap-
peal to city residents is used to
supplement funds from the dis-
carded clothes pickup.

Org niza
Guards Responsible for 'U Security' Notice

Who eats lunch in the wee small
hours of the morning?
Twenty-eight men do it every
night, here on campus, as part of
their job.
They are the University security
officers, sometimes known as
campus nightwatchmen You may
have seen them flashing their
lights up and down the building
walls or trying all the doors and
ground-floor windows as they
make their rounds.
Watch for Fires
The job of these men is chief-
ly to , watch for fires and spot
water main breaks, but a great
deal more is involved. They often
find themselves turning off lights,
locking unlocked doors, picking up
lost articles and checking all heat-
ing, ventilation and air-condition-
ing systems to see that they are
turned off.
Most of the men say that the
biggest part of the job is simply
"being human." They say the
/most interesting phase , of the
whole evening is the encounters
with people working in the build-
ings, both with and without
proper identification.
Many faculty members work
regularly until very late hours.
The visits of the officers, who
stop at every lighted room, are
always welcome.
Excuses Amaze Officers
The same visits are not always
as welcome to those in the build-
ing without authorization, but they
are inteesting to the men who
are often amazed at the excuses
found for not having proper iden-
tiftcation and keys.
One round of the watch lasts
approximataely two hours; the
full night begins at 9:30 p.m. and
ends at 6 a.m. with one half hour
off for lunch in the early morn-
Many of the men will eat on
location, perhaps with another
man from a near-by route. Others
will occasionally treat themselves
specially with lunch in town, while
the rest return to the security of-
Office in Quonset Hut
The security office is in quon-
set hut number one which is di-
vided in half: the day half, which
provides offices for three people,
Albert E. Heusel, chief security of-
ficer, John S. Walters, assistant
chief, and Mrs. Georgine H.
French, their secretary.
The other half, the-night half,
ordinarily contains only one man.
the desk man. There is, however,
always a trace of the entire group
in the air which gives a feeling
of closeness, warmth and concern
for the men. On one desk is a
stack of hunting, fishing and out-
door magazines -and an ash-tray
usually holding a ground-out ci-
Phone Rings Constantly
Next to it is another desk, for
the desk man, holding a telephone
which rings almost constantly as
the men report. If a man fails
to make an hourly report he is
immediately missed. The group
leader will go to his route and
search for him, working back from
the end of the route.
Searches are made by passing
each key station beginning at the

-Daily-David Arnold
ALLEN PHILIP-The desk man in University Security office
performs routine desk work while awaiting hourly reports from
security officers on rounds. The desk man is in the office from
9:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily.

end of the route. The keys are in
small, locked boxes, usually in fire
hose' closets, which must be
punched on a man's clock every
time he passes.
There are 26 men working 15
routes under the directions of two
group leaders. The routes vary
from 24 to 34 keys and each man
covers approximately 10- miles
each night. Each building is cov-
ered from top to bottom on every
round. If any irregularities are
found, they are reported imme-
Group Leader Checks
Reports, again, are made to the
desk man. If the problem at hand
is particularly grave, he will check
with the group leader. The offi-
cer will wait on the spot until the
group leader arrives to make a full
check and fill out a detailed re-
The men on the job have cho-
sen it for various reasons. One of
them simply feels that he works
better at night and finds this job
Others are retired from various
professions ranging from ; sales-
men to bakers and laboratory
technicians, who wish to continue
working. The men hold their jobs
permanently but, if given an op-
portunity for a more beneficial
job, may resign.
Applicants Checked
All men applying for the job
are carefully checked for personal
standards and security. They must
fill out a long, detailed govern-
ment questionnaire which is quite
thorough. The. final decision rests
greatly on the man's personality:
his ability to remain "pleasant but
The duties of the security office
cover only certain buildings on
the central and North Campuses.
The dormitories, University hos-

pital, and the fraternity and sor-
ority houses do not come under
the regular jurisdiction, of these
Have Patrol Car
The security office is assigned
a patrol car and a pick-up truck
for the use of the group leaders
and the men going to North Cam-
pus. They are also used over the
weekends and holidays'when con-
tinuous checks are made from 1
p.m. through 6 a.m. covering the
entire campus.
The welfare of the entire cam-
pus and all its residents is, during
all off-hours, in the hands of
those men who are willing to eat
lunch in the wee, small hours of
the morning.

(Use of this column for announ
ments of meetings is available toc
ficially recognized and registered s-
dent organizations only.)
Michigan Square Dancers, squ
dance, Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m., La'ne H
Grey Austin, caller.
Young Democratic Club, Exec. Bc
meeting, Nov. 26, 4:00 p.m, SAB.
* * *
Co-op Housing Applications
Spring Semester for undergrad wor
are now being accepted. Apply R
2546 SAB, or phone NO 8-6872, 9 to
or 1 to 5.
Congregational and Disciples Gt
Tuesday Coffee Time, Nov. 26, 4:30-
p.m., Guild House.
* * *
Lutheran Student Assn., Nov. 26, '
p.m., Dr. Meinecke's Class on "The
fect of the Classical Cultures on Ch
endom," Lutheran Student Cen
Thanksgiving Matin Service folio
by a breakfast, Nov. 27, 7:15-7:40 a.
Lutheran Student Chapel, Forest a
Fabulous 45 RPM record offer,
All the latest hit recordings in-
cluding POPULAR, ROCK-N-
yours now our new membership
driveat a fraction of their regu-
lar retail price. During this
membership thrive the HOLLY-
quaint you with our records will
send you four (4) currently pop-
ular hit recordings for the amaz-
ingly. low price of only $1.00 plus
15c to cover the -cost of postage
and handling. If after receiving
and playing your recordings you
are not completely satisfied
simply return to us and your
$1.00 will be refunded. Each
month youm.ill be sent a list to
choose from. You are under no
obligation in receiving this list.
To receive your first four (4)
records send $1,00 plus 15c today
and your recordings will be for-
warded to you immediately.
Mail to:
6625 Delmar Blvd. Dept. 313
University City 5, Mo.


casting for..


will be -held.

T U ESDAY, NOV. 26th
7:00 P.M.,

1429 Hill Street



J Invites Students for Thanksgivin
than 600 University stu-
have been in v i t e d to
giving dinner.
University is hosting resi- a
all students in East Quad-
this year. Some 250 to 300
s are expected, according
ge H. Langeler, East Quad-
aational s tud e n ts haveo
vited to Thanksgiving din-
families in Ann Arbor and
lout the state. "Every stu-
at has so desired will be
terican home for Thanks-
Kathleen M. Mead, Ad-
Itive assistant in the In- '

WARREN MILLER presents his two-hoan, color film


. ;.; . . V: :ii '':

for $40 a month
and a shiny tin Stor!


Spectacular Action Thrills in
sponsored by THE ANN,

Scenic Alpine Splendor

NO 2-2513

Ann Arbor High School Auditorium
Tickets: Adults $1.50; Under 18, 75c
Advance Reserved Area Tickets Available at:
Bob Marshall's Book Shop, Krohn's Archery, Ypsilanti
Free transportation to and from the H.S.
Leaving from the Michigan League
Between 7:00 and 7:45 P.M.

' Y1






tional Center, said.
far about 350 international
nts .have accepted invita-
"We have more hosts than
.m fill, which is a wonderful
" Mrs. Mead added.
adldition to the dinner, in-
tional students spending the
ay an Ann Arbor will have
pportunity to take a toui'. of
tomobile ,plant on Friday,
ull Thanksgiving schedule is
n the planning stage in East
d r a n g 1 e. East, West, and
Quadrangles will provide
uests who will consume 600
Is of turkey being shipped
n Arbor today.
o dining rooms in the quad-
are being prepared for the

-Daily-David Arnold
THANKSGIVING PASTIME: Playing cards, sleeping and per-
haps a little studying will occupy the idle time of those students
who do not have the opportunity to go home during the Thanks-

giving recess.

DIAL NO 2-3136

DIAL Week Nights
NO 8-6416 at 7 &9 P.M.
.*. Ends TONIGHT.
The Sizzlina Romance That Put A


" i.*
I Ac


makes t he

Trave/ with $ITA
unbelievable Low Cost
mesEirane i

When you iron clothes,.your hand iron has to be hot to
do a good job. Yet if your irvn were four feet long, you
would find it could be warm and still iron just as well. That's


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