See page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a t
F1Vin UENn
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R. Embassy
Ailment 1ue
lice Break Anti-American, British
monstration by 300 Students,
>()-Riot troops and police broke up a teen-age demon-
ainst Britain and the United States yesterday as British
ister Harold Macmillan held inconclusive talks here over
ng "Algeria is French" and "Macmillan to the gallows,"
young men, many in leather jackets, attempted to march
.ted States Embassy near the Place de la Concorde.
ithorities had been warned to expect possible riots by signs'
n walls overnight by two rightist, parties declaring, "The
-British and Americans have given
arms to the Algerian rebels via
dle E a t. Tunisia."
-~L Heavy rings of police and troops
IPhad been thrown about the British
DL ut and United States embassies short-
} IIly after Macmillan flew in from
London to begin his talks with
hieNd French officials.
U 1 t IPolice Move Quickly,
Almost as soon as the youths
1 NATIONS, N. Y.(A')-began converging, the police moved
General Dag Hammar- in with their clubs. About 00 'of
leave Friday for an- the demonstrators were bundled
e mission to the Middle into police bans. The remainder,
UN announced yester- were herder into the center of the.
Place ,de la Concorde and police
-isit the Jordanian capi- hurled stench bombs into their
iman and confer with midst. I
ngents in the -rea "in- Warned by the electric atmos-
nenerts. thephere, Macmillan tried to smooth
prm i Tri - the way for NATO unity by de-
ups Prompt Trip claring upon arrival: "We are in
flarepps along the Is- the same boat-don't let us or any-
an anid Israeli - Syrian one else rock it."
ompted Hammarskjold ' Small Relief to French.
he visit, which will last But this was small relief to the
a week. feelings of the French. They be-
ials would not conuent lieve Macmillan and President
s that Damascus and Dwight D. Eisenhower, who will
ere also on Hammar- attend a NATO summit conference
nerary. in Paris in mid-December, already
esman said Hammar- had rocked the boat by delivering
ned to confer ,in areas 900 small arms to the troops of
[interests are directly Tunisian President Habib Bour-
and that the detailed guiba.
f stops would be in- The British and American view
Ster. is that the step was necessary to
ir Stops Certain lm forestall any Tunisian-Soviet arms
asfCairo d Jerusale deal, and that Bourguiba promised
the weapons would be used only
onfer in Amman on the for Tunisian security.'
ronJerdin Aman on tve .Macmillan returned to the Brit-
Stas Jordan that he erieoe issthrough the sorons
States marine officer ino i Embsasstruhisfthcrond
an harged the officer of talks with Premier Felix Gail-
S nhie h.dlin l
To Airport
Speech in Cleveland
Cancelled by Illness
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower was ordered
to bed by his doctors yesterday be-
cause of what the White House
called a "chill." WITH KING:
The development caused can-
cellation of a nationwide televi- TIae hnth
sion-radio address the President e s . u
was scheduled to make in Cleve-
land tonight.
Chill at Airport
The White House fii'st an-
nounced - shortly after 6 p.m., 7T U
EST-that President Eisenhower
had suffered a chill, resulting from H g a i
his appearance at National Air-
port this morning to greet the WASHINGTON 03) -The chill
King of Morocco, and had been that sent President Dwight D.
ordered to bed. Eisenhower to bed threatened yes-
At 8 pm., associate press see- terday to upset the King of Moroc-
retary Anne Wheaton issued this co's plans for talking with him
terse statement: about international problems in-
"The White House announced cluding the future of American
tonight that the President's sched- airbases.
uled speech in Cleveland Tuesday King Mohammed V had ar-
night had been postponed because ranged to being those high-level
of his illness." discussions with President Eisen-
Refused to Elaborate hower at the White House at 9
The statement was timed at 7:50 a.m. today.
p.m., but it was 10 minutes after Two hours had been ,set aside
that when Mrs. Wheaton handed for the meeting which was to in-
typewritten copies to newsmen in elude Secretary of State John Fos-
the White House lobby. ter Dulles and Moroccan Foreign
The press secretary steadfastly Minister Ahmed Balafred.
refused to elaborate on the state- Plans Not Given
"I cannot go beyond that," she TheWhite House after disclos-
told reporters. ing the President had been ordered
Earlie rhehad. said that Presi to bed by his doctors late yesterday
dent Eisenhower was being attend said nothing about whether he
ed at thenWhite House by two would be able to keep his date with
physieians, Maj. Gen. Howard M. the King today.
Snyder and Col. Walter R. Tkach. King Mohammed said last night
Given 'Quieting Medicine he was "extremely sorry" to hear
Snyder is the chief White House of the President's illness.
doctor and Tkach is his assistant. A press spokegman who relayed
Mrs. Wheaton said the fact two this to a reporter said the King
doctors wereattending the Presi- had been informed afterreturning
dent did not necessarily mean from a visit to a mosque.
they both were with him at all Arranged Months Ag
time . Today's meeting between the two
Sh also told reporters they had leaders was the first of two which
given President Eisenhower "some had been arranged months ago in
quieting medication." keeping with Mohammed's desire
Mrs. Wheaton said the Presi- to discuss problems with President
dent's chill began to develop be- Eisenhower at the highest level.
tween 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. He was A second meeting had been set
in his White House office in the for Wednesday afternoon at 3:30
executive west wing at the time p.m. to take up such issues as
and decided to go to his living American aid to Morocco and' Al-
quart ers. gerian rebellion against France in
When he reached there he sent North Africa.
for Snyder who immediately oy- -_
dered the President to bed.
First Illness Since June FranTests
This was President Eisenhower's nee9 OSS
first announced illness since he
suffered a stomach upset lastNew M ssileS
June. It was Jine a year earlier,
1956, that he was stricken with
ileitis and underwent major sur- PARIS ) - The French De-
gery. fense Ministry disclosed yesterday
It was September 1955 the Pres- that France has successfully test-
ident suffered a heart attack in ed two high altitude missiles deep
Denver and was hospitalized for in the Algerian Sahara Desert:.
seven weeks there. The missiles called Monica V
and Veronica have been fired to
heights up to 160 miles at speeds
.. C i V ew of 3300 m.p.h., the ministry an-
nouncement said.
Veronica was described as the
Exehan ge lan larger, w e i g hin g around 784
pounds. Monica V weighs around
Student Government Council 339 pounds.
I will consider the fate of its Free The French missiles apparently
University of Berlin program at are designed' in several stages,
7:30 p.m. today in the Student similar to those tested 'by the
Activities Building. United States, Russia and Britain.
SGC helps to finance an ex- No details of the military ap-
change with the Free University plications of the missiles were giv-
of Berlin. One University student en and the announcement said
visits Germany for a year and one only that the missiles "were con-
German student comes to the Uni- structed for scientific exploration
versity. of the upper atmosphere."
Iny Sph
Siox Pounq
Early Dawn At
Scheduled for
At Patrick Air
attempt to launch Amer
test satellite - a sphere
in diameter, weighing si
-- planied for the midd
week, informed sources
These informants sai
tempt will be made at Pa
Force Base, Fla., next
or soon thereafter. A d
is planned.
-Daiiy-David Arnold
KLEINSTEUCK FIRST-"Fire Down Below" shows the typical chaos that reigns when 'a large
dormitory has a fire drill. The skit, given by the Alice Lloyd house, placed first last night in the
annual Assembly Fortnite in competition with 15 other independent groups. See story on page five.
s ran dis
border dis-
Zmarskjold will arrive
n on Sunday. He plans
to UN headquarters1
Three Trips, Last Year
Hammarskjold visited the Mid-
- East three times last year. He
ert on peace missions to the
1estine area in:April and again
.July, and obtained agreements
at resulted in a lessening of
rder tension for a time.
The Israeli and -British-French
tack on Egypt came in Novem-
r, .and Hammarskjold made an-
her trip afterward in connec-
on with the setting up of the UN
nergency Force and the repairs
the Suez Caiia1.
;GC Groups(
'ositions open
r'o Applicants
Petitions are now open for Stu-
nt Government Council stand-
g committee chairmanships and
sitions on its two related boards.
The committees open for chair-
an are Education and Social
elfare, Student Activities, Na-
mnal and International Affairs
id Public Relations.
The Council is also looking for
f Administrative Wing Director,
elections director and an office
Cinema Guild Posts Open
Positions are also open on the
inema Guild and Human Rela-
ms Boards.
The petitions can be picked up
Roth Callahan's office in the
tudent Activities Building' daily.
The. Education and Social Wel-
re committee' is now working,on
.e feasibility and value of a more
'ecise marking system. It has also
ne work oil library hour exten -
on and the honor system.
Plans Special Projects
The Student Activities Commit-
e is responsible for -special SGC
'ojects and works with new clubs
hich petition for recognition.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -The Supreme"
Court ruled yesterday that repeat-
ed refusals of a witness to answer
questions falling, within the same
general area of inquiry constitutes
one, not several cases of contempt.
The ruling was given in the} case
of Oleta O'Connor Yates, Califor-
nia Communist leader, who re-
ceived 11 one-year concurrent sen-
tences for criminal contempt of
SPOKANE - Every available
sheriff's officer was flung into a
search last night' for nearly 100
dynamite caps possibly in the
hands of Spokane Valley school
The search was begun after
yoing Jerry McConnell, 11 years
old, and his nine-year-old brother,
Timothy, were seriously injured
late today when one or possibly
two dynamite caps they were play-
ing with exploded' in the living
room of their Otis Orchards home.
* * *
-Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, the
South African diamond and gold
king, died alone at his breakfast
table yesterday.
He was 77 years old.,
C IVil Rights
Post Given
To Attor ney
WASHINGTON h(R -President
Dwight D. /Eisenhower yesterday
picked W. Wilson White of Phila-
delphia to head the new civil
rights division in the Justice De-
partment-subject to approval by
the Senate. '
White already is an assistant
attorney general, in charge of le-
gal counseling, and had been re-
ported previously to be in line for
the civil rights post.
Stirred Southern Criticism
However, there had been hints
that President Eisenhower might
seek to by-pass the Senate on any
vote of confirmation and merely
shift' White from one assistant
attorney generalship to another.
Those reports, which had stirred
up Southern criticism, were dis-
posed of by the White House an-
nouncement that the Senate would
be asked to pass on White.
Wanted Senate Approval
.Mrs. Anne Wheaton, associate
presidential press secretary, said
that both President Eisenhower
and White felt the selection should
be passed on by the Senate because
of the importance of the job.
As assistant attorney general
heading the civil rights division,
White would handle lawsuits al-
leging interference with Negroes'
voting and other rights. The job
was created in the civil rights bill
passed last session by Congress.y
White is reported to have done
much of the work backgrounding
President Eisenhower's actions in
the integration troubles at Little
Rock, Ark.
'NEW YORK (P-Former counterspy Boris Morros says a 1953
Soviet Secret police plot to assassinate President Tito was canceled
only 12 minutes before the hour appointing for killing the Yugoslav
Communist leader.
Morros, writing in the current issue of Look magazine, dates the
time set for Tito's execution as March 1953. Stajin, who carried on a
bitter five-year propaganda war with Tito over the Yugoslav leader's
Morros teveals Plot
To- Kill Tito in 1953
resistansce to Moscow domination, <1
died early that month. His secret
police chief, Lavrenty Beria, is
believed to have been removed
from power shortly afterward
when other members of the hier-
archy frustrated his bid for total
power. -
Morros, a former Hollywood
motion picture producer, was iden-
tified 'by the United States Justice
Department last January as a,,key
figure in the apprehension of a
Soviet spy ring in the United,
States. He has said, he served the
United States for 12 years as a
counterspy member of an interna-
tional Soviet ring.
The Russian secret police began
laying their plans in 1950, with an
experinental abduction and assas-
sination of three Yugoslav officials
in Vienna.
Morros was sent to Yugoslavia
by the Russians later that year,
posing as an American movie pro-
ducer. His assignment was to
"case" the country.
It was not until March, 1953,
however, that he learned a Poviet
agent named Yefimov, with a
staff of six assistants, had been
assigned to liquidate Tito.
An agent disguised as a Catho-
lic priest was to do, the killing.,
Secret Plane
Able To Fly-
4,700 MPH
The globe will be fired
eastward into space and ad
for a generally equatorial c
To Have Four Batterie
It will have four tiny solE
teries, -half an inch thick,
to its outside, and will hav
or six antennas. It will tr
signals continuously on 108
cycles, so that it can be di
by radio.
The solar batteries shou
as long as the life of the s,
Unlike the full-scale futt
ellite , this one will contf
,special telemetering instni
and thus will tell' nothing
conditions in outer space.
Up 300 to 1200 Miles
But if all goes well it
join the Soviet Sputnik es
at altitudes from 300 tC
The baby satellite
launched by the Vanguard
that will be used later to'r
21-inch ;regular satellites ir
sky, in order to test those r
Murray Ask
U.S.To Sha
Atomic Arm
E. Murray yesterday -adN
scrapping most of the mar
secrecy provisions of the
Energy Act and sharing
weapons as well as knowhc
America's allies.
Murray, who was freque
odds with the Eisenhower
istration when he was a r
of the Atomic Energy Comi
thus ranged himself in
of - or possibly ahead' of
President in seeking char
the Atomic Energy Act.
He made his suggestioni
capacity as a consultant
Senate-House Atomic E i
Committee, which distribu
3,500-word document.
Murray recommended til
special statute-created cate
nuclear "restricted data"b
ished and the President b
the same authority to main
modify secrecy in the
field as he has in military;i
Poland Top
WASHINGTON P)- A govern-
ment research engineer said yes-
terday the Air Force's secret re-
search plane, the X15, will'explore
flight conditions up to 200,000
feet altitude and at speeds up to
4,700 miles an hour.
Hubert M. Drake also reported
that in the more distant future
"boost glide" planes now on the
drawing boards may operate at
speeds up to 18,000 miles an hour.
Such planes are sent to great
heights, where their motors cut
off, and they glide back to earth
without power.
Drake, stationed at the Nation-
al Advisory Committee for Aero-
nautics for high speed flight sta-
tion at Edwards, Calif., did not
give details of either development.
Spain Nears
Relatio ns ift
With Morocco'
MADRID, Spain P) - Spain's
relations with Morocco were near
the breaking point yesterday be-
cause of bloody clashes in Spain's
West African colonies.
Scientists Warn Senate Against Missile Slow-Up
WASHINGTON (A') - Two re-I
nowned scientists told Senate
investigators yesterday that an
America, facing space age perils
from Russia, must push missiles
and retaliatory power with top
SEdward Teller and Vannei
Bush both testified that the; mis-
country might become a target of
intercontinental ballistic, missiles
carrying hydrogen bomb warheads
made in Russia.
Faces Great Dangers
Teller, famed as the father of
the hydrogen bomb, said America
confronts dangers greater than
those of World War II. He said
tige and power and bringing Amer-,
ica abreast of Russia *in missiles,k
satellites and science.
The two scientists offered sug-
gestions and gave their ideas on)
the size of the task.
Teller said he believes Russia
has "the technical foundations'"
for getting to the moon. This, he'
Teller saw it, is that this country
is unwilling to gamble on scientific
developments unless it can see
some concrete accomplishments in
the offing. He said Russia will
Not Taking Risks
"We are not," Teller said, "tak-,
ing the kind of risks in the cold
took the witness stand. The sub-'
committee hearings are a direct
offshoot of Russia's successful
launching of two earth satellites.
Teller said there are a great
many thingsthat can be done now.
He listed these five:
1) Look carefully into the stat-
us of the Strategic Air Command
Spain has sent reinforcements
to the colonies from the Canary
Islands, her former protectorate
in northern Morocco and from Se-3
villa in southern Spain, reliableF
informants said.3
Fifteen Heinkel bombers also }
Of Pro gra
The last in a series of t
grams on the Soviet Ur
Eastern Europe will be
at 8 p.m. today in Aud.
Sponsored by the Comi
the Prograi in Russian