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November 24, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-24

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..13 Kansas Stat(

ate 27 Illinois......27 Wisconsin
e . 9 Northwestern . 0 Minnesota

...4 udue ..A...5
...6111ndiana .. . ..13

Oregon State-

.10 Auburn.....29


North C



Florida State .


Duke 1. .

. . . .



Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See page 4


No: 59



oviets Prepared
'or Serious Talk
Russians Leave Initiative to U.S.
In Deadlocked Disarmament Talks
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A)--A Soviet spokesmian said yesterday
soviet United Nations delegation was ready to discuss any "serious
roach" from the West fpr new disarmament talks.
He told reporters the position of the United States Delegation
ted the current stalemate over getting the talks started again. He
that "it's up to that delegation to make any initiatiye."
A United States spokesman commented:
"The Western position has never been other than serious. The
eral Assembly four days ago proclaimed that it wants disarma-
9 ment talks to continue. . . . It's
up to the Soviets."
1 Fo ceThe UN Disarmament subcom-
ir Foree mittee-Britain, Canada, France,
' the Soviet Union and the United
States-broke off deadlocked dis-
lans . re cussionsin London Sept. . The
Assembly Nov. 14 adopted, 56 to
" r 9, a 24-nation resolution endorsing
Satelli s the Western position in the dis-
n 'cussions.

.r s ,;

By lichi





Pace Leads

Cause 'M' Do
In Fatal Last

BEDFORD, Mass. (1?) - Three
)00-pound satellites in orbit be-
'een 300 and.600 miles above the
rth and shooting a rocket some
D00 miles into outer space were
ted yesterday as objectives of
r Force scientists.
Ell--f Eaton, chief of the spe-
al projects 'laboratory of the
eophysics Directorate, Air Force
imbridge Research Center, told
studies underway to achieve
pose goals.
C rry TV Equipment
Each of the satellites, Eaton
,id, would carry television equip=.
ent under the proposed program.
Eaton said he submitted the pro-
sals to high Air Force officials
st summer and he expressed be-
I the satellites could be launched
th rockets already developed or
rrently under development.
Could Speed Program
The proposed schedule calls for
geophysics satellite to be launch-,
in three years, a solar physics
tellite in about four years, and
i astral platform by four or five
Eaton said the program could be
eeded to put the first satellite in
bit within 15 months and the
cond within two and a half
Juited States
Vill Opose.
ATO Veto

Reds Serve Notice
But theySoviet Union had served
notice it would no longer sit on
the subcommittee, nor on the 12-
nation Disarmament Commission,f
unless it, was enlarged.
In an effort to meet its wishes,
the Assembly Tuesday voted 60-9
to expand the commission to 25
nations. It turned down an Al-
banian amendment to add seven
others so as to make the Commis-
sion half Western and half Com-
munist or neutralist.countries.
Gives Proposal
The Soviet spokesman said yes-
terday. 'his .delegation, wanted a
Disarmament 'Commission made
up of all 82 UN members but, with-
out dropping this idea, could agree
to the Albanian proposal for a 32-
nation Commission.
But he objected that the Assem-
bly's resolution approving 'the
Western disarmament position
"has nQt any definite, concrete
proposals on very urgent prob-
lems of disarmament, the prohi-
bition of atomic weapons and pro-
hibition of testing."
"Only Western Proposals"
He was asked if he saw any
possibility-of resolving the dead-
lock by Jan. 1, when expansion of
the Disarmament Comhmission
takes effect.
"The Western powers are press-
ing only their own proposals on
disarmament. Now it's up to them
to make some move to approach
the 'Soviet position.- because the
Soviet delegation made all possi-
be efforts to approach the West-
ern position," he said.
To Give a


-Ensian--Karl Hoik
GOALI POSTS--Crowds took possession of the field even before
the end of yesterday's game as spectators attempted to bring down
the goal posts.
Fans Shake Go alPosts
In Football Exuberance'
Daily City Editor
Not until 45 minutes after yesterday's game had ended did the
last remaining fans walk, stumble and crawl off the field and out of
wind-swept Michigan Stadium.
Thousands of chilled spectators had stayed behind after the Ohio
State victory to watch or take part in the swirling, fighting mobs
milling in the end zones.
With three minutes to play in the game, the fi'st crowd had
formed at the'north eAd, its liquored-up members intent on bringing
down the metal goal post. While football was halted, briefly, officials,
--cheerleaders and managers tried

-Paily-Charles Curtiss
FINAL OSU SCORE-Ohio Quarterback' Frank Kremblas evades Bob Ptacek's tackle attempt with a
quick pitchout to halfback Joe Cannavino. Cannavino sprinted 15 yards into the end zone and put
the finishing touch on Ohio State's 31-14 win over Michigan.
Sputnik I Carrier Rocket Nears End

WASHINGTON ()-The United
-States appears certain to oppose
any move by allied governments
to give the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization veto power over vital,
United States policy decisions.
Foremost among such decisions
would be: whether, when and how
to fight in case Russia launches
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
officials emphasized yesterday, will
promise the allies at Paris the full-
est possible cooperation and con-
sultation in developing, policy and
will seek improvement in the ma-
chinery for consultation.
Are Flexible in Crises
But they said that the United
States and other governments as
well must have flexibility in deal-
ing with crises as they arise and.
not be pinned down by paralyzing
commitments made in advance.
The issue figured in the back-'
ground of talks here yesterday be-
tween German Foreign Minister
Heinrich von Brentano and Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles.
Reasons Cited
For one thing von Brentano is
believed to want more informa-
tion on current talk of American
missile bases in Europe. For al -
other, he evidently is worried by
the United States - British split
with France over Tunisia.
Advance reports on the German
position left no doubt that von
Brentano wanted to press for an
,agreement among the NATO na-
tions-to be accepted in principle,
at the summit talks-that consul-
tation among the members would'
be compulsory in advance of any
decision of major concern to them.
Forest Fire.

Soviet Stops
Mao's Tour
VIENNA, Austria (P) - Soviet
boss Nikita Khrushchev has block-
ed again a visit by Red China's
Mao Tze-tung to Russia's satel-
lites in Eastern Europe, Western
diplomats reported yesterday.
They said Khrushchev stamped
his nyet on a grand tour by Mao
because he fears the Chinese lead-
er might well have undercut him
for leadership of, international
communism. Khrushchev spiked a
visit by Mao to Poland and Hun-
gary last summer.
After the Nov. 7 4M h anniver-
sary celebration of the Bolshevik
Revolution and the subsequent
Communist summit talks in Mos-
cow, Mao was expected to swing
around the satellites before head-
ing home.

to argue the spectators off the
But as the end zone audience
grew, goal posts shook more vio-
lently and scattered fistfights
broke out, the game continued-as
the middle attraction of a three-
ring show.
The game's end was only a
formality. Fans who had stayed
remained standing, watching the
few hundred who fought and
brawled and shook goal posts in
the unpoliced and unattended end
One hefty, gray-haired, whisky-
breathing alum straightened his
red and gray tie, looked through
the people before him and called
in a thick voice for help in bring-
ing down the posts..
Arguing with him was a stutter-
ing, 'red-nosed defender-of-the-
goal-post, who shouted, "you've
got the Rose Bowl, now leave us
the goal post!"
The crowd picked up a "go
home!" chant, carried it awhile,
See FIGHTS, page 2

The carrier rocket of Sputnik I
circled closer and closer to the
earth yesterday, but staved off the
hour of its disintegration in the
white heat of atmospheric fric-
British scientists operating the
world's largest radio telescope
here, stopped the rocket by radar
Gore Readies
Trade Fight
Gore (D-Tenn.) is gathering am-
munition for another congressional
battle to preserve the reciprocal
trade agreement program.
He concedes that it will be a
hard fight but adds that "enlight-
ened self-interest, as well as con-
cern for the free world will weigh
heavily in favor of its extension."
Under this program the Presi-
dent may cut tariffs on goods im-
ported from other nations in ex-
change for tariff cutting on their
Originally enacted in 1934, the
program has been extended by
Congress on 10 different occasions.
The going has been rougher with
succeeding years, with more and
more industries contending that
tariff concessions put them at a
disadvantage with foreign com-
petitors operating at lower cost.

,'Prof. Richard M. Hare, a visiting
professor from Oxford University,'
England, will lecture at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 33, Angell Hall.
The stibject of his lecture is
"Doing What One Thinks One
Ought Not To Be Doing." The
visiting lecturer at Princeton Uni-
versity will speak under the spon-
sorship of the philosophy depart-

at 6:10 p.m.-1:10 p.m. EST-
after vainly scanning the skies for
it throughout the day.
Kept Close Contact.
Previously, scientists here had
kept in close contact with the
rocket since its launching by the.
Russians Oct. 4. There was no im-.
mediate explanation of the
lengthy loss of contact yesterday.
Re - establishment of contact
with the half-ton rocket casing
came after a day of mounting ex-
citement at this scientific center.
Observers had predicted that the
rocket might burn out in a ball,
of fire within hours -as it dipped
deeper into the outer atmospheres
of the earth.
Revised Predictions
But Prof. A. C. Lovell, director
of the Jodrell Bank'station, re-
vised his predictions of the rocket's
imminent breakup after announc-
Regent Adams
New Position
U-niversity Regent PaulL.
Adams, backed by Upper Penin-
sula Democrats for appointment to
the post 'of state attorney general,
said yesterday that he would
"weigh such a possibility very
carefully" if the job was offered
to him.
Noting that "I would be most
reluctant to leave the regency,"
Adams told The Daily he had dis-
covered, after inquiring, that he
was under consideration for tMe
attorney generalship.
Present attorney general, Thorn-
as. M. Kavanagh will vacate the
post Jan. 1, when he goes on the
Michigan Supreme Court bdnch.
Two others mentioned as pos-
sible appointees to the post are
Auditor General Frank S. Szyman-
ski and Deputy Attorney General
Joseph A. Sullivan.
Adams' backers contend that he
has more legal experience than
the other two officials. Adams
graduated from the University's
Law School in 1936.
Szymanski was a liquor hear-
ing examiner before being named
auditor general. He has been an
attorney since 1952.
Sullivan received legal experi-
ence working in the Wayne county
prosecuter's office.
Powers Split
In Colombia

ing his telescope had located the
carrier again.
"The rocket is expected to last
for several days," Lovell said.
Earlier he had told reporters he
would be surprised if it lasted
through the day.
Lovell emphasized that the car-
rier rocket was definitely coming
closer to the earth with every ro-
tation, but added "the position--
altitude--at the moment is. un-
U of 1) Plans
TV Courses,

For Credit

Landlady Liked by Foreign Students

A commercial television station
will offer credit Courses from the
University of Detroit for the first
time in Michigan.
The courses will. begin Jan. 6
over WJBK-TV, Channel 2 in
Detroit, with a serise of morning
psychology classes. The U. of D.-
has offered its literary 'college
freshman curriculum on Detroit's
educational television station since
More than 250 students are en-
rolled in the course, watching lec-
tures on television and going to
the university for examinations.
The Very Reverend Celestin J;
Steiner, U. of D. President, praised
the station for its "vision in giving
the public an opportunity to mea-
sure the effectiveness of this sort
of course.
"Ultimately," he added, "we
hope to provide a large number of
credit programs to adults as well
as the youth of the community."
William Michaels, managing
director of the television station,
said discussions are under way
with Wayne State University for
a similar program.
Registration for the new course,
taught by Prof. Herbert J. Bauer,
of the University of De'roit's psy-
chology department, will be an-
nounced later.
'Wo'ld Citizen'
Jailed in ris
PARIS (M)-Clutching his yel-
low-and-green flag of the world,
world citizen Gary Davis was haul-
ed off in a police wagon yesterday
while trying to anize the first
world referendum.
This was his second encounter
with P--is police this fall. About

Associate Sports Editor
Ohio State's Rose Bowl - bot
Big Ten football kings stage:
second-half onslaught yester
to coast to a 31-1' conquest
Michigan and a perfect Confere3
record before some 101,000 view
at Michigan Stadium.
With methodical ea.se, t
vaunted . Buckeye ground atta
sparked by fullback Bob Wh
rolled over the exhausted W
verines to prove the difference
this annual tradition-laden fine
Only the phenomenal running
tailback Jim Pace, playing
final game for Michigan, made
interesting most of the gray, chi
CHICAGO f- meiate
following the end of the ,Bi
Ten football season yesterda;
Conference athletic directoi
formally selected Ohio State a
the Big Ten representative I
the Rose Bowl game againi
Oregon Jan. 1, 1958.
afternoon. Pace gained 164 yal
from scrimmage and scored Mb
gan's' first touchdown to cop t
Big Ten scoring race with
Clark Sidelined
In second place was OSUs s
halfback, Don Clark, who sat
the sidelines with a groin int
for, the entire game. Clark had
As for team standings, the W
verines ended up in sixth place.
was the first time since Beni
Oosterbaan took the coachi
reins in 1948 that a Mihig
teanr has failed to finish ,in t
top half of the conference.
Actually, the Blue put up
game battle and, hadit not be
for two deadly fumbles and a p
interception, it might have be
a contest all the way.
White Stars
White, who ruined Iowa's ho;
last weekend when he sparked]
team to a 17-14 triumph, did
again yesterday. The 212 -
crusher rolled for 163 yards in
carries for a 5.4 per-carry averai
Michigan started off like a ho
afire, stopping the Buckeyes
their 24 after six plays. Taki
the ball, the Wolverines, on thi
See WHITE, page 6
Missile Czar
Still Lacking
Senators Say
WASHINdTON (A)-Sens. Stl
Bridges (R-N.H.) and John' Ste
nis (D-Miss.) said yesterday I
United tates needs a missile c
and st" lacks one despite Pre
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's a
pointment of James R. Killian
as scientific coordinator.
Bridges said members of l
Senate Preparedness subcomitt
on which he is senior Republica
have been informed that Killia
activities are being limited larg
to those of adviser.
Sen. Bridges, said William
Holaday remains in operatio
charge ^* the missile producti
program but there is no clear si
that eit'- Killian or Holaday h
top command. Sen. Bridges add
"We have got to have a I
missile man with authority
make this program work at i,

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of six articles based on
interviews with Ann Arbor's landlords
and landladies.)
"Mama George," her boarders
agree, makes them feel like
"naughty. boys" when they miss
breakfast at her house, but they;
love it.
Mrs. Marion George, whose
home on Geddes has been called
the last boarding house in Ann
Arbor, was born in Yorkshire;'
England during the reign of Queen
Liked by Foreign Students
She insists, and her student
boarders back her up, that she
runs "not so much a boarding
house but more of a home." She
houses "mostly international stu-
dents and a few high-type Ameri-
cans, mostly older students."

4: A1

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