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November 20, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-20

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-You Retiring From Pry


Thee i f i gan Daily
d~in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


1V 1RJ11 1 L A llA . L ' . L J . i
ew outterners
Fear Soviet Threat

P ,
a M

Associated Press Staff Writer

20 1957


;. -

Governor's Leadership
Key To State's Response

GAN'S GOVERNOR and many key
legislators heard sobering comment
night at the Inglis House from mem-
he University's administration and Its
Advisory Committee. Analyses were
revealing that Russia's sputniks will
followed by reconaissance satellites-
manned; that the Russians will make.
dvances in jet aircraft; and that the
"are on the verge" of controlling the
f four hydrogen atoms into one atom
m. This last prediction, is especially
nt for the fuel needed-water-to ob-
i powerful energy is as abundant as.
while uranium, that element used In
on process, is in short supply.
len from Lansing further heard that
e lacks enough teachers, lacking also
It (especially in the sciences) teachers;
ool buildings and facilities are both
supply and often antiquated; that
h school students are not going on to
nostly because of inadequate finances,
her, among those students that do go
est in the physical sciences is sur-
en of Lansing's executive and legisla-
nches heard recomniended, and even
suggested the'selves, that our educa-
ystemstartingfrom the secondary
hould be revamped, especially in the
urricula; that teachers should get more
that' facilities must be rapidly ex-
and that students must not be dis-
from attending or continuing college,
of money.
expressed at the Inglis Estate, no;
action was taken, and understandably
those gathered could do no more than
waiting for effective action to be taken
,nsing Legislature. It was one's opinion,
erving the Inglis meeting, that whether
acts immediately upon\its educational
will depend upon the extent of the
's reaction to the thought he heard
night. For of the awareness exhibited
men from Lansing, it showed most,
hen the Governor spoke and took care-
of others' comments. Looking for this
s in the comments of the gathered
rs was not always a successful search,

but these are the men who must write and vote
an effective program into law. The adequacy of
the Republican - controlled Legislature's pro-
gram (if and when), it seems, will depend on
how well Governor Williams utilizes the legisla-
tive potentialities residing in the governorship.
Though the Governor is aware of the prob-
lems, certain of his comments indicate that his
sense of urgency is inadequate. Though con-
fronted with such dismal commentary Monday
night, the Governor's reaction made it indeed
doubtful whether ' any action would be even
proposed at the next convening of the Legisla-
ture early next year. By saying he would neces-
sarily postpone a first move until his budget
consultants had advised him of the state's
predicted income for next fiscal year, the
Governor said, in effect, that action might be
recommended by him, only lf possible under
existing sources of revenue. If this is the
Governor's thinking, as we are lead to believe,
then it is doubtful education in this state will
get better before it gets worse.
F THE GOVERNOR fails to show initiative
in legislating a new and comprehensive edu-
cational program, claiming that' it was his
wish to do so but that he realized the futility
of securing additional revenue, and further; of
convincing the Republican-bossed Legislature,
then we must hold the Governor responsible if
for nothing else but not trying. For the Gov-
ernor's latent legislative powers should not be
minimized. With the power to call special ses-
sions of the Legislature, he can force the hand-
of the Legislature before the eyes of the state.
With the opportunity to send' messages to the
Legislature, he can command their attention.
With the duty to prepare the budget he can
prioritize the needs of the state, considering the
state's revenue. And as a governor, whose popu-
larity is hardly exceeded in any other state, he
is in a position to take his case to the people
via the saturation media available to him. As
has happened in school district after school
district, the citizens and parents of this state
would sacrifice a few mills in taxes to see that
their kids get better learnin' than they had,
especially if the Governor would convince them
it's important.
Editorial Director

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WHEN THE AVERAGE MAN in the South speaks about the Russ
satellites at all today-and you don't hear much talk about then
he is more likely to joke than to express anxiety or outright fear.
For one thinF, the military implications apparently are by no me;
widely understood. At a cigar counter in Gainesville, Ga., a few day a
a man was saying: "They've got a gadget whizzing around out th
somewhere. So what? Are they going to bomb us tomorrow?"
In Chattanooga, Tenn., a farmer said: "I just don't believe in t:

stuff. Sounds to me like more
Russian propaganda."
In the region around the Na-
tional Laboratory at Oak Ridge,
Tenn., one of the centers of atomic
research, the man on the street
plainly reflects the attitude of
scientists and technicians working
"I'm glad the Russians did it,"
said a man from Kingsport, Tenn.
He went on to say that, in his'
opinion, American scientists have
not been given the unhindered op-
portunity to develop research pro-
"They've been pushing the scien-
tists around too long," he said.
"They call them eggheads.' Now
the Russian 'eggheads' have gone
ahead of us."
The trial of Col. John Nickerson
also comes into the conversation.
Nickerson, member of an Army
rocket development team, was con-
victed recently by court-martial of
failing to safeguard military se-
crets when he protested a defense.
department decision on the Jupiter
.* *
A KNOXVILLE taxi driver said:
"fim not surprised the Russians
got ahead of us. All they do in
Washington is beat their gunis
and take the best man we've got-
this fellow Nickerson-and send
him to the sticks."
In a curious way, the fact the
Russians put a dog inside Sputnik
II seems to have impressed people
in this region more than the fact
that they succeeded in getting the
bigger satellite into its orbit.
Sputniknmay have contributed
to a%'decline in President Eisen-
hower's popularity in the South to-
day. '
In short, people in this region
seem more curious than alarmed,
about the Soviet success. Few ex-
press worry over the military po-
Top Taens
SCORES OF United Nations dele-
gates received handsolnely en-
graved invitations from a mys-
terious source last week to a party
at the headquarters.of the Soviet
UN delegation to celebrate the
"Fortieth Anniversary of the
World's Most Powerful Slave Labor
As entertainment, they were,
promised "rock and roll, by the
Presidium Dancers"; "Ivan Serov
(Soviet secret .police chief) and
his Throat-Cuts in 'Danse Ma-
cabre,' " and, as piece de resist-
ance, that sensational interna-
tional basso profundo, Marshall
Tito, in his rendition of "East
Side, West Side."
Soviet officials, like Queen Vic-
toria, were not amused.
--National Review

Privieges for the Elite



JUSTICE Felix Frankfurter, born
in Vienna and brought to the
United States 63 years ago, was
three quarters of a century old
last week. In those years, he, an
immigrant boy, had climbed to
the highest court in the land.
His fellow Supreme Court jus-
tices, some of whom don't always
enthuse over his voluble expostu-
lations from the bench, gave Fe-
lix a dinner in honor of his 75th
birthday. It was considerably dif-
ferent from another dinner which
Frankfurter himself gave on the
same night Queen Elizabeth was
entertained by Eisenhower in state
at the White House.
0 * *
FRANKFURTER, a great ad-
mirer and defender of the British,
was not invited. But Justice
Frankfurter was not to be out-
done, He sent out formal dinner
invitations to four close triends,
including Donald Hiss, brother of
Alger Hiss. Ominously, the invi.
tations read: "white tie manda-
Obediently, guests arrived in
white ties and formal tails. Greet-,
ing them, Justice Frankfurter
"I see you are in full splendor,
but I can cut one notch higher
than you on this thing.",
He pointed to his midnight blue
tail coat and to the red lapels that

had been specially attached for
the occasion.
"I'm quite a whiz when I go in
for pomp and circumstance,"
joked the Supreme Court justice.
The guests went in for dinner.
The first course . was luxurious
cream of almond soup. One of the
ladies tittered. Cream of almond
soup was algo being served to
Queen Elizabeth at the White
Second course was filet of sole.
This time two lIdies tittered.
Third course was roast duckling
-exactly what the Queen of Eng-
land was eating at the White
The fourth course turned out
to be nesselrode pudding, again
duplicating the White House
Frankfurter confessed that he,
was an avid reader of the women's
pages, had clipped the White
House menu, gone personally to
the Library of Congress to consult
a high-brow British cookbook for
one of the recipes.
* * *
IT'S NO SECRET that juvenile
crime has shot up in the United
States for eight cnsecutive years.
Since 1948, there's been a 70 per
cent increase in the number of
a p p e a r a n c e s before juvenile
courts, despite the fact that the
population increase of juveniles

between 10 and 17. years of age.
was only 16 per cent.
Last year was 4he worst. Police,
arrests of juveniles went up 17 per
cent and court appearances shot
up 20 per cent.
The District of Columbia, capi-
tal of the United States and sup-
posed to be a model city, is no
model when it comes to juvenile
crime. Its court cases have
doubled in the, past six years,
which is above the national av-
Washington even let its Big
Brothers organization lapse last
year for lack of funds. For this
and other reasons there were 1,-
645 juvenile delinquency cases
filed last year - a record. To-
day, the District of Columbia is
reviving Big Brothers, an organi-
zation operating in many other
cities, td give youngsters guidance
when they are on. the verge of
crime or just need friendly advice.
0 * 0
THE BASIC problem leading to
delinquency is insecurity - a
youngster's feeling that he's not
wanted by his family or the com-
munity. Every human being has
a fundamental desire to belong.
When there is desertion by a par-
ent, or separation or divorce, the
youngster may be headed for
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

now searching for ways to make the honors
dents in' the college an "admired group"
ough the granting of special privileges for
d scholarship. At the same time these privi-
es will attract students not originally ad-
ted to the honors program and in general,
Council hopes, make the entire college
re interested in scholarship.
t seems that this attitude of honoring schol-
hip by positive and extra concessions for
ellectual achievement is 'long overdue.
iletes, for example, have campus publicity
I prestige, and it appears about time that
intellectual on campus come away with
re than grades.
'he Honors Council has decided, and wisely,
to completely. segregate the honors students.
en the Council asked the Literary College
ering Committee for suggestions on benefits
bestow upon the honors students, both groups
'e opposed to such separating devices as a
cial honors dormitory. The Council does
wish to make honors st.udents into "egg-
ds" but wants them to haves a broad associ-
mn with the campus community.
'his, toQ, seems an admirable goal, for any
empt at, complete separation ,would defeat
original 1purpose of the honors program
nig established within the literary college,
her than being made a separate ,institution
.t was at Michigan State.
'he suggesion which met with approval of
h the Council and the Steering ,Committee
s the establishment of an honors house.
is house would be used as a lounge and study
a and would probably have a resident faculty
rnber. In addition it would have a guest room
visiting dignitaries.

student in that he would be able to meet
other people in the honors program socially or
for intellectual discussion or study. At the
same time it would be a place where faculty
members teaching honors courses could come
to meet the students in the program and estab-
lish a better student-faculty rapport.
Distinguished guests to the campus, such as
Carl Sandburg was recently, would be easily
accessible to the honors students for discussion.
These are benefits not available on this campus
at the present time but the honors house would
seem to fill a definite need. It would help the
group, which will probably reach a size of about
800'when the honors program\is extended to all'
levels of the college, to, cultivate an esprit de
corps and at the same time aid in intellectual
Other suggestions by the students on the
Steering Committee, however, do not seem to
serve such a distinguished end. Ideas ran from
granting extra late-permissions to women in
the program to giving honors students priority
in obtaining single rooms in'dormitories. While
these privileges might make some people study
harder in order to enter: the honors program
and obtain them, they certainly do not seem to
be positive aids to intellecual advancement on
the campus.
The Honors Council has a difficult problem-
that of giving the honors student some distinc-
tion and of making others wish to enter the
program without making people want to enter
the honors program for its social privileges
alone. This problem is important in that the
honors student deserves a special reward for his
efforts, but the Council iust not lose sight of
the fact that intellectual benefits, not late per-
missions, should be their area of consideration.

(Continued from Page 3)
Peninsula School District) - Elemen-
'Webberville, Michigan--General Shop
Whittemore, Michigan - Band.
For any additionai information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration 'Building, NO ,3-1511,,'
Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews:
representativesfrom the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Thurs., Nov. 21
The Johns Hopkins University - Ap-
plied Physics Lab., Silver Springs, Md,
- all levels in'Aero., Chem. R, Elect.,
Mech., M.s. in Instr., and B.S. in E..
Math, and E. Physics for Summer and
Regular Research, Development and
McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis,
Mo. al levels in Aero., Civil, Elect.,
Mech., E. Mech., and B.S. in . Math.,
and E. Physics for Summer and Regu-
lai Research, Development, and De-
Norden-Ketay Corp., White Plaint,
N.Y. - all levels in Elect., Mech., B..
in E. Physics for Summer and Regular
Research, Development, and Design a
Panhandle Eastern Pip Line Co.,
Kansas City, Mo. - B.S. nd M.S. in
Che.E., Civil, Constr., Elect., nd., Instr.,
Mat'ls, E. Math., Mech., andi .. Mech.,
for Summer and Regular Research, De.
velopmerit, Design, Constr., and Opera-
Penberthy Manufacturing Co., De-
troit, Mich, - B.S. in Mech. or E. Mech.
for Research, Development, Design and
Fri., Nov. 22
Consumers Power Co., -Jackson, Mich.
. in Elect .and Mech. for Summer
and Regular Development, Design, Pro-
duction, Constr. and Sales.
The Ideal Electric and M g Co,
Mansfield, 6hio - B.S. in Elect. an
Mech. for Design and Sales.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, d. -
3.5. in Chem. E., Elect., Ind., and Mech.
for Development, Design,' ProductionntIcntvsMtos
Conat., incentives Methods.
Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., St.
PauetiMIn. - all levels in Ch.,nE l.t.
ilect., Ind., Mech., and E. lhyriskcI
for Summer and -Regular Research,
Development, Design, Production, Sales,
and Technical Servce.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext.
Please Note: Appontments should
be made by 4 p.m. of the day prior to
the scheduled interview. Companies
check their schedule t1te day before
their interviews and'if there are not a
sufficient number, of students they
very often cancel their schedule. If you
are interested in a company on this list
and have the necessary qualifications,
either call or stop into the office for;,
an appointment. Literature is usually
available for these companies.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments,
3523 Admin. Bldg., ext. 3371.
Mon., NX4. 25
The Firestone Tire and Rubber Com-
pany, Akron, Ohio. Graduates - Febru-
ary, June, August. Location of work'-.
Akron, Ohio Memphis, Tenn.; Potts-
town, Pa., Los Angeles, Calif.; Fall Riv-
er, ,Mass.; Des Moines, Ia.; Gastoni,
N. C.; Bennettsville, S. C., Wyandotte,
Mich.; New Bedford, Mass.; Noblesville,
Id.; New Castle, nd.;Hamilton, On-
tario; Valencia, venezuela; Christ-;
church, New Zealand; Port Elizabeth,
South Africa; Bombay, India; Ham-
burg, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argen-
tina; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Pratteln,
S'witzerland; viskafors, Sweden; Bilbao
ISpain. Manufactures tires, tubes, and
industrial rubber products;synthetic
rubbers, lattices, plastics, steel prod-
ucts, including steel rims for trucks,
buses, and tractors: and various stain-
less steel, products. Men with B.A. in:
Liberal Arts or Business Administration
for Sales Acctg., Credit, Retread Shop
Mgt. Men are placed in Company op-
erated retaial stores in retail sales, of-
fice and credit or, commercial account
selling positions. Good opportunities
to grow into store management or deal-
er selling assignments.
Tues., Nov. 26
International Business Machines Cor-
poration, Dearborn, Michigan. Gradu-
ates - February, June, August. Loca-
tion of work - Detroit and State.of
Michigan. Manufacture of office equp.
ment, electric typewriters, time signa-
ling and recording equipment, electron-
ic accounting machines, and electronic
calculators. Men with BA in Liberal
Arts or Businses Administration for
Sales in the Data Processing Division,
(2) Systems Analysts in the Data Pro-
cessing Division. -'Women with BA in
Liberal Arts, Business Administration
or education for Service Systems. Rep-
resentatives to work with salesmen and
customers for training in the Data Pro-
cessing Division.
wed.,: Dec.4 & Thurs., Dec. 5

Central Intelligence Agency; Wash-
ington, D.C. Graduates -February.
Location, of Work -- Washington, D.C.
Men & Women with M.A. or Ph.D. in
Economics or Political Science, M.A.
6r-Ph.D. in. international Relations or
Area Studies, B.A. or M.A. in Statistics,
M.S. or Ph.D. in Chemistry or Physics,
B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in Engineering, BBA
or M.B.A. 'with major in Accounting,
for work with Central Intelligence
Agency. Preference is given to students
in the upper quarter of their class who
are in good health and are willing to
travel. For some 'positions veterans are
desired: for all, U.S. citizenship is a
Thurs., Dec. 5
King-Seeley Corporation, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. -Men with B.A. in LS&A
or BusAd for ProductionnControl, Stan-
dards, Estimating, Plant Layout and
possibly Personnel. Company's products
are automotive, power tools, 'defense


'Birth of a Nation' and the Censorship Issue

(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
To the Editor:
THE PURPOSE of' this letter is
to illuminate certain issues re-
lated to the forthcoming showing
of D. W. Griffith's "Birth of A Na-
tion" by Cinema Guild.
"Birth of A Nation," produced
in 1915, is based in part *upon a
novel "The Clansman," by the
Rev. Thomas Dixon, a southerner
whose avowed anti-Negro views
found fanatic expression through-
out his life. The movie, which also
draws upon another of Dixon's
works, faithfully reflects his racial
bigotry. Many scenes, and indeed
the entire theme, are defamatory
and insulting to Negroes.
Although allegedly based upon
historical fact, the -Astory subverts
history to its major purpose, which
is the presentation of the Negro
as an ignorant, bestial, and lust-
ridden character.
Because of its racist themes, and
the possibility that it contributes
to anti-Negro prejudice, liberal
groups have, on several occasions,
sought and accomplished the ban-
ning of this picture. Such an effort
has been contemplated on this
occasion by the campus 'NAACP,
the Culture Club, and others.
However, because of issues which
are to be considered in the balance
of' this letter, these groups anti
individuals havehdecided against
seeking to prevent the showing of
4 1-. ,R-of A , n 44,n ,.-.h r -

pression for the so-called good of
the larger society.
One may not, for example, slan-
der his neighbor, his competitor,
or his dean under the guise of
protecting freedom of expression.
Neither may one drive the wrong
way on a one-way street in order
to defend the principle of individ-
ual right to choose one's own des-
In many instances, the surrender
of the individual's right to choose
what he will say, do, or see is not
so clearly defensible. These include
the areas of artistic expression, the
pursuit of scientific or religious
truth, and the airing of contro-
versy in every sphere. Even these
areas are not immune from in-
vasion on the pretext of protecting
the ignorant or gullible from ex-
posure to material which is judged
by someone to be "not good for
In a sense, "Birth of A Nation"
may be considered "not good" for
some people, particularly if they
possess only poorly formulated at-
titudes on the issue of racial equal-
However, once the principle of
censorship is approved, the direc-
tion of its application may depend
only upon whim. Whether it strikes
at art expression, scientific finding,
or religious practice becomes sim-
ply an issue of who it is that de-
cides "what is good for people."
For this reason, the individuals
most directly concerned with the
possible damaging effects of "Birth
of. A Nation," the 'Negro students
on campus, have decided not to

sion imply limitations of other
basic freedoms, the loss of which
seems extremely practical to those
"who no longer possess them. Sec-
ond, a University campus is a place
where ideals should: reside, and
those of us who are fortunate.
enough to live in the freedom of a
university community should be
the last to comprise such ideals for
practical advantage.
A second major issue concerned
with "Birth of A Nation" is that
of its effect upon anti-Negro preju-
dice among its viewers. This issue
was discussed among Negro stu-
dents in' the most practical of
terms. "Will it make it harder for
my wife and me to get a decent
place to live close to campus?"
These questions represent not the
fears of a hypersensitive minority,
but the practical concerns of hu-
man beings trying to live among
other human beings.
No one can say with certainty
that this novie will not contribute
to anti-Negro prejudice. However,
from what is known about effective
propaganda, it should not, unless
the audience is completely naive
or already bigoted. The context in
which the "message" is' presented
is so antedated as to be quaint. The
characterizations are burlesques,
and their contrast to the behavior
of Negroes with whom the audi-
ence has contact is so dramatic as
to be humorous.
The historical basis for the story
is at best, questionable, and the
motives of the Reverend Mr. Dixon
are transparent. Not so clear are
the motives of Mr. Grifiths. who

in this letter, the campus NAACP,
the Culture Club, and other inter-
ested individuals have decided.not
to try to prevent you from seeing
"Birth of A Nation." This con-
sidered decision, in my opinion,
demonstrates a degree of maturity
and consideration for the rights
of others which is difficult to at-
tain, considering the pressures up-
on them to act otherwise, and
which, indeed, is rare even in in-
dividual whose position' is more
It is my personal hope that an
equal degree of maturity and con-
sideration of individual rights will
be malfested toward these students
by their fellow students, potential
landlords, and employers.
-Richard L. Cutler
Department of Psychology
Soph Show * *
To the Editor:
THE ADMISSION price of $1.50
for 'the annual dilly known as
Soph Show is ridiculously high.
It is all the more ridiculous wheyi
one realizes that for the same
amount of money, one is able to
hear and see internationally known
artists over at Hill Auditorium.
A bush league production such
as Soph Show should not charge
major league prices.
-Jan K. Tanenbaum, '58
Alma Mater .
To the Editor:

The French and NAT O

Associated Press News Analyst

'HE CURRENT RIFT between Washington
and Paris over the shipment oft .arms to
.nisia intensifies bad relations which have
:isted since the Suez crisis last year.
The heat generated at that time has been
.oling only gradually.
France was badly hurt by the Suez fiasco. The
pense, added to that of the war in Algeria
3s contributed to economic instability and
ndered the attempts of one government after
iother to meet the problem of inflation.

dently in the Tunisian matter while conducting
a campaign for interdependence in NATO.
Actually, the arms deal has been under nego-
tiation for weeks. There was agreement that
there was a defense vacuum in Tunisia which,
if not filled by the Allies, left the newly inde-
pendent country open to 'the same sort of deal
which Russia made with Egypt.
France,- although fearful the arms would
trickle: across to the Algerian rebels, agreed
with the United States that it'would be better
to supply them herself.

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