putWY meF A
Assembly Elects Brake
is More'
Job Difficult
-Mrs. Lueck
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
mics department said yesterday
at greater productivity is the
nited States' best weapon for
;hting inflation.
He told the Michigan Welfare
inference in Grand Rapids that
amitenance of stable price levels
ould be made an objective of na-
mal policy, and should be given
ual importance with continued
11 employment.
Prof. Haber said that for the
st time in history the United
ates -has enjoyed a sustained
riod of full employment. This
ctor, coupled with labor short-
es in many lines, has caused
age rates to rise faster than pro-
zctivity, he remarked.
Prof. Haber denied that this
as the result of any labor mono-
aly. But, he said, "Whatever the
use, slowly rising costs have
en followed by inflationary
He said the solution would not
credit restraints, because that
ight createthe unemployment
hick /!the nation is trying to
Prof. Haber noted that in the
st 15 years, the country has en-
yed full employment "during
.e greatest period of mechani-
tion in history."
In that period, lhe conmmented,
ere was a great increase, in the
imber of white-collar and serv-
e workers over the number of
ue-collar workers.'
At the sametime, he continued,
ie growth of the economy has re-
ited in a greater need for social
elfare services than ever before.
)f Furniture
Po Meet Here
Representatives of the National
Irnibure Manufacturers Associ-
ion will meet here with the fac-
ty of the wood technology de-
3rtment tomorrow and Friday,
The purpose of the meetings is
discuss the University's program
lating to furniture; which is con-
icted by the forestry department.
During these sessions, the edu-
tion committee of the NFMA
as an opportunity to give advice
the wood technology depart-
ent, and the latter is able to
emonstrate its latest research.
(Continued from Page 1)
-uaily James MapKay
NEW PRESIDENT-Assembly Dormitory Couneil elected Margaret.
Brake, '58A&D, Assembly president last, Monday after they ac-
cepted the resignation of Elizabeth Alexander, 58. Miss Brake's
first vice-presidential duties will be taken over by Ruth Alkema,
58Ed, former second vice-president.
F or Cowboy Hall of Fame
vaguely, then says, "Now there's
the income tax."
Realtor John Stegeman said
when he was a boy Mrs. Lueck was
said to be Washtenaw County's
biggest taxpayer.
Tax Hurt
Mrs. Lueck's son reminded her
that the income tax affected ev-
eryone. He pointed out, "Where
there were rooming houses then,
there are apartments now. People
don't rent rooms much anymore."
He attributes this change to the
high cost of living. Students, he
says, have to take care of their
own board.
A former tenant of Mrs. Lueck
says that she did all the cleaning
herself, if it got done. If some-
thing needed fixing, either shor
a member of her family did 4t or
it didn't get done.
Even today Mrs. Lueck works
side by side with the cleaning wo-
man to ready an apartment for
occupancy. She is almost ready to
retire, she adds, and her son is
taking over the business.
Money Wanted
People are always trying to get
her money, Mrs. Lueck worries.
She tells of a burglar who broke
into her house through a cellar
window last fall.
"I saw him there alongside my
bed," she relates, "but was able
to escape to the upstairs apart-
ment and phone the police. By
the time they arrived the fellow
was gone."
Rent for her apartments ranges
from $30 to $110 a month, Mrs.
Lueck says. Generally, the newer
ones are more expensive. Many
times, she explains, the apart-
ments in a made-over fraternity
house are quite nice and less er-
pensive to rent.
Rents to Couples
"I rent to lots of married stu-
dents," Mrs., Lueck says, but nany
times three or four students take
an apartment together.
"A number of my tenants are
foreign students," the landlady
says. "I rent to Hindus, Japanese,
Chinese, but no Negroes."
Her apartments, Mrs. Lueck
says, are all near the campus or
the hospital. They are convenient
to downtown.
"We don't need to advertise,"
the landlady explains. "Our rents
are low, not like these new
places. We're known at the Uni-
versity. We 'keep pretty well filled
A University graduate won a
national architectural competition
held recently for the design of the
National Cowboy Hall of Fame to
be erected in Qklahoma City.
Jack Begrow, who is associated
with a Detroit architectural firm,
won $10,000 and the commission~
for designing the $5,000,000 pro-
ject. His design was chosen' over
260 other entries.
Two other graduates were dis-
tinguished in the competition:
Jack Brown,.who worked with Be-
grow, on the propiect, and Robert
Swanson, who won fourth prize of
Begrow's design was selected on
the basis that it was "an architec-
tural concept most appropriate.to
a cowboy memorial in that it
expressed the vastness, lack of
confinement, freedom of .move-
ment and quiet dignity of the
western country.":
In the design, he adapted the
relatively new idea of the hyper-
bolic paraboloid roof to the pecul-
iar locale. This type of free-flowing
structure gives one inside the
building 'a feeling of continuity
with the broad open expanses out-
The effect of the "warped roof"
is the apparent, inclusion of the
entire visible area within the
Working with Begrow and re-
spnsible for designing a model of
the proposed structure are.Profes-
sors Oberdick and Fanelli, and
graduate students Fred Stephen-
son and William Land.
Y Js To Hear
Rep. Din gell
Rep. John D. Dingell Jr. (D-
Mich.) will be thefeatured speaker
at the Young Democrats Club
meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight in
Rm. 3G of the Union.
Rep. Dingell, who is a members
of the Inter-State and Foreign
Commerce Committee in the Ijouse
of Representatives will speak on
United States foreign policy.
Or anization Notices
(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to
officially recognized and registered
student organizations only.)
Old Mother Hubbard, Gov. Faubus,
Helen of Troy, and other distinguished
people will be represented by th In-
ternational Student Association in a
"Balloon Debate," Nov. 20, 7:45 p.m.,
Hussey Room, League. Coffee served
from 7:15 p.m.
International Center, movie, Nov. 21,
7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
"Hungary in Flame," filmed during the
Revolution of Oct 1957.
* * * s
The Student Government Council
Elections Committee will hold an open
meeting on Nov. 20, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3516
SAB for the purpose of gathering com-
ments and suggestions on campaign
and election procedures. All interested
persons are invited to attend.
Chess Club, meeting, Nov. 20, 7:30
p.m., Union.
* * *
Am. Society for Public Admin., Social
Seminar, Nov. 21, 8:00 p.m., .E. Confer-
ence, Rackham. Speaker: Norman C.
Prichard, member of the London Coun-
ty Council, "Comparative British and
American Local Government Adminis-
* * *
Pi Lambda Theta, Fall Invitational
Tea, Nov. 20, 7:45 p.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
* * *
Physics Club, meeting, Nov. 20, 7:30
p.m., 2038 Randall Lab. Speaker: Dr.
Sands, "Masers."
Young Democratic Club, meeting,
Nov. 8:00 p.m., UniOn, Speaker: Con-
gressman John Dingell.
* * *
Kappa Phi, Thanksgiving Dinner,
Nov. 21, 5:15 p.m., Social Hall, First
Methodist Church. Speaker: Miss Amber
van, Protestant Religious Counselor for
International Students, "Our Heritage
of Faith." International students will
be special guests.
* * *
Figure Skating Club, organizational
meeting, Nov. 20, 7:00 p.m., WAB.
* * *,
Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, Nov. 20,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Roomn, League.
Poetry readings by faculty niembers.
Ensian picture will be taken. Refresh-
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