Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
See page4
______________________________________________________________________________ S S
As Consultant
NATO Policy,.
NGTON (I)-The White
)rrected itself yesterday
unced Adlai E. Stevenson
lt with the administra-
he program this country
efore the NATO meeting
Ike Seeks Budget
Help at Meetings
Two Groups Discuss Problems
Of Financing Space Age Defense
WASHINGTON MP)-Two White House ieetings-one small and
the other large-dug yesterday into the problems of financing Amer-
ica's space age defenses.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower sought from these two groups of
advisers advice on what to put into the budget he will submit to
Congress when it reconvenes in January:
'Talked with Nixon
He talked first with Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Anderson
and Budget Director Percival Brundage.t
This meeting was billed in advance as devoted to the question
of foreign aid, a form of- expenditure President Eisenhower has re-
- ''eatedly called one of the most
effective ways to defend America.
The other meeting was an ex-
SA C 'B oss traordinarily expanded gathering
of the National Security Council-
62 persons rather than the basic
Warns xReds five who form the nucleus of this.
to:) policy-making group.
As in the case of a smaller, but
om b s still large, meeting last week, it
had to be held in the broadcast
roomb in 'the White House base-
PARIS tom)--The boss of the ment.
T~nifaA Qf t t rfair Air Cnn ...,mm
Senate Told
Union Man
Killed in
SGC Balloting
Presidential press secretary
ies C. Hagerty said it is still
ue, however, as he announced
xlier, ,that the 1952 and 1958
inrtc presidential nominee
S declined to take a part in
rmulatlng United States policy.
Announced Initially
Hagerty announced initially that
evenson had turned down a
bite House invitation to "take
rt In the work of preparing an
nerican program" aimed at
ilding up the defense of the
est. against Russia's new ad-'
Lnes in the missiles field.
This afternoon Hagerty ac-
"owledged the error, and said
Uat in fct Stevenson would con-
im. on the program as it was be-
developed for presentation to
1 North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
ion at Paris Dec. 16.
Hagerty said Stevenson "will be
4pt informed of the developing
Eogram and will, we hope, dis-
uss the items in' the, program
Ith th e administration before
iey are finalized.
As Consultations
These comments will be more
the nature of consultations
bile the program is being pre-
ared, not just public statements-
'ter the program is completed."
This -announcement from- Ha-
arty, shortly after 3 p.m.,
raightened out nearly day-long
Stevenson himself had sought,
"a statement. from New York
ity to clarify the situation.
Thee upshot was that Stevenson
nerged in an advisory role on
ireign, affairs.'
From New York, Stevenson
rushed aside his defeats by
isenhower in the.1952 and 1956
residential elections.
VIENNA (4)-Antonin Zapo-
tocky, Communist president of
Czechoslovakia since 1953, died
early today after an extended
heart Illness. He would have
been 13 next month.
iarcia Jiolds
Flection Lead
In Phiippines
MANILA (?) -President Carlos
-arcia political heir of the late
salmon Magsaysay, held a a widen-
Slead today in returns from th
hilippines presidential election.
The Nacioalista Party standard-
earer, unable to vote yesterday
ecause of typhoon weather that
revented him from flying to his
ome district, Bohol Island, jump-
I into the van after a slow start.
Sugar King Jose Yulo, the liberal
andidate, was the front runner of
he four-man field in the early
ours of the tabulation. -
But he dropped to second place
efore dawn.
The others seeking a four-year
rm as this island nation's chief
ecutive were Progressive Manuel
Manahan, who was customs
ommissioner under President
[agsaysay, and Sen. Claro M.
ector, a critic of the United
tates who ran on the Nationalist-
itizens ticket.
Garcas running mate, Nacion-
lista House Speaker Jose B. Lau-
e1 Jr., trailed far behind the
iberal Party's vice-presidential
mndidate, Diosdado Macapagal.
ampagn foes had accused Laurel
f loose living and anti-Amrcn
It was evident many of Garcia's
llowers hasi voted split tickets.
The late returns showed: Garcia
19,537; Yulo 172,105; Manahan
10,879; Recto 76,671; Macapagal
182,488; Laurel 151,133.
Violent weather was a factor.
)n Sale Today
Attempts To Halt
Organization by Union
WASHINGTON (A')-Senate in-
vestigators were told yesterday
that a Teamsters Union official
was murdered in 1952 after buck-
ing efforts by a rival Teamsters
local to organize garbage haulers
in New York.
A dramatic story of murder,
blunt threats, pressure tactics
againstbusinessment and mystery
fires was unfolded as the Senate
Labor Rackets Investigating Com-
mittee began an inquiry into New
York's garbage industry.
The committee's announced goal:
To show that gangster elements
connived with some labor union
officials to take over the 50-million
dollar-a-year business of hauling
trash from 122,000 businesses and
half a million homes.
Testimony about the unsolved
slaying of John Acropolis, presi-
dent of Teamsters Local 456 in
Westchester County, was given by
Ed Doyle of Yonkers.
Doyle succeeded Acropolis as
he'ad of the local. ,
The witness testified hat both
he and Acropolis were threatened
several times in the three - weeks
before Acropolis was shot to death.
Chairman John L. McClellan
(D-Ark.) asked if Doyle himself
feared violence. 11
"You got to die some time, Sena-
tor," Doyle replied. "You can't live
Doyle said that Acropolis, de-
scribed by associates as tough but
honest, fought efforts by Team-
sters in the county.
The witness said Local 27 was a
New York City outfit that had no
claim to jurisdiction over garbage
cartmen in Westchester, an area
north of Manhattan.
Quad Asks
First Day
Vote Sim
To Last I
uniteadzStaes SraLeg~c ar om-
mand, Gen. Thomas Power, warn-
ed the Soviet Union yesterday his
bombers around the world are
loaded with nuclear weapons and
ready to Atrike swiftly in case of
Shortly before, the father of the
SAC, Gen. Curtis Lemay, gave a
dramatic punch to his claim that
the global bomber has not been
scrapped by the missile.
He helped fly a big jet Strato-
tanker 6,350 miles from the Unit-
ed States to Brazil without stop-
ping or refueling.
Hit Claims
Gen. Power told a news'confer-
ence SAC mounted an alert Oct.
1, that there always are some of
the great bombers in the air and
they are "not carrying ,swords or
bows and arrows."
He struck at the recent claim of
Soviet Communist Chief Nikita
Khrushohev that the intercon-
tinental ballistic missile had made
warplanes obsolete.
Power declared Russian mis-
siles could not knock out United
States SAC bases all over the world
simultaneously "and nobody knows
it better than Khrushchev."
Efficient Bombers
In a press conference after his
flight, Gen. Lemay said, there still
was a lack of "over-all efficiency"
in missiles. "It is my personal
opinion that there will be a place
for the manned bomber for some
time to come."
The "first generation" of mis-
siles would not be as efficient as
bombers, he added, and the United
States was "interested in getting
the very best weapon possible.",
The flight from Westover
(Mass.) Air Force Base to Bue-
nos Aires in just over 13 hours set
new distance and speed marks for
'official nonstop, nonrefueling jet
House Given
Health Pass
A "clean bill of health" has been
given to Osterweil House by Health
Service, according to Luther H.
Buchele, Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil Executive Secretary.
An inspection Monday showed
sanitary conditions in the house
improved over those which had
led to the firing of the house
mother by the Dean of Women'sr
Office, and the request that two
girls leave the house, Buchele said.
Two other girls who had also
been asked to leave have been re-
instated, Buchele said. The house
had asked by petition that all the
girls be allowed to remain.
Same Type
James C. Hagerty,- the White
House press secretary, said the
meeting was of the same sort that
Is held every year about this time
to discuss budget estimates.. '
The discussions this time were
complicated by Russia's new
strides into 'the space age by
means of satellites and missiles.
It is generally assumed that
huge new amounts will be asked.
to press America's efforts to catch,
up with or offset the Russians.
Before Russia sent up its first
Sputnik satellite Oct. 4 there was
considerable expectation that a
tax cut might be possible next
That talk has since faded.
Soviets Maintain Silenee
About D iSputi
MOSCOW (') - Tass news agency said last night Sputnik II will
complete its 138th orbit around the earth at 6 a.m. today Soviet time,
but maintained silence on what had happened to the dog passenger.
It was the fifth successive day without official news from Mos-
cow of the world's first space traveler.
By this morning, the communique said, Sputnik I will have
circled the earth 591 times. The carrier rocket which boosted it
into space will have covered 595
. 4 i revolutions.
MISS lT IP lane , Moscow correspondents heard
South Quadrangle Council yes-
terday threatened to, withdraw
from the Inter-House Council un-
less a re-evaluation of IHC is made
by Dec. 4..r,
The - ultimatum came in a mo-
tion passed 14-0 by South Quad-
rangle Council.
There was one abstention, Peter
Wolff, '59, quadrangle academic
Withdrawal Clause Criticized
Wolff had objected to the clause
in the motion stating that if a re-
port by the IHC executive cabinet,
requested three weeks from the
IHC Presidium meeting tomorrow,
is not "satisfactory," South Quad-
rangle houses will be asked "to
withdraw their support from the
Inter-House Council both bodily
and financially."
Far From Minds
Bill Jones, '60, Scott House pres-
ident, explained that the "idea of
'withdrawal" was furthest from
our minds. "There is no intention
to withdraw unless the MC cabi-
net does not act on the motion
in three weeks..
Objections contained in the mo-
tidn include "lack of benefits re-
ceived by the individual houses
from the IHC."
Specific reference was made to
the IHC committee struc ture,
which the Council felt could be
changed.' by having committee
members appointed by quadrangle
Further objection included IHC
executive officers' stand toward
the University administration,
which the council did not feel was
strong enough in connection with
room and board raises..
Difference of Opinion
Jack Pyper, '59, South Quad-
rangle president, said that the
council "is to be commended for
passing the motion."
South Quadrangle resident di-
rector, Mark G. Noffsinger, said
that there were some small points
on which he differed with the
council's opinion but, that the mo-
tion should be left to the students.
IHQ re-evaluation ideas are be-
ing discussed in East and West
Quadrangles, Drake Duane, '58,
IHC president, emphasized.
He added that the motion pass-
ed by South Quadrangle will be
on the agenda of the IHC Presi-
dium which meets tomorrow.
-Daily-Richard Lund
JUST VOTES MA'AM--Harried elections director Phil Zook tries
to co-ordinate personnel and voting booths for Council elections.
High Court .Deals Blow'
To Movie Censorship
WASHINGTON (oP)-The Supreme Court yesterday dealt movie
censors another blow.
Citing one of its own decisions which said "sex and obscenity are
not synonymous," the court struck down a ban by the Chicago Police
Censor Board on "The Game of Love," a French film.
It did so unanimously and without hearing the customary oral
The action reversed a decision of the United States Court of
Appeals in Chicago.
In New York, Felix J. Bilgrey, attorney for the film distributing
company, said the court decision "may well spell the end of censorship
Hunt Continues
Over. Pacific
HONOLULU (/")-Search aircraft
from the carrier Philippine Sea
fanned out over the Pacific yester-
day in a meticulous hunt for any
of the passengers, crewmen or
debris from the Pan American
Stratocruiser "Romance of the
Skies," lost since Friday with 44
In a iweep of 200 miles breadth,
Coast Guard Capt. Donald B. Mac-
Diarmid expected the carrier's
planes, helicopters and a score
of surface vessels to obtain maxi-,
mum efficiency.
The carrier cruised at 8 knots
through whitecaps and a 17 m.p.h.
wind, with her planes fanning out
to the sides and her destroyer and
submarine escorts ahead.
But there were no reports of
sightings from the search area
during the day.
The plane vanished in the vast
ocean area approximately 900
miles east of Honolulu.
rumors by the dozen on what had
happened to the dog, Laika.
These ranged from reports that
she had been fed poison in her
last food to prevent suffering, to
stories that she had been cata-
1ulted -,dead or alive with extra-
ordinary accuracy to within 10 to
30 miles of Moscow.
Another rumor was that the
dog had had food for 20 days.
Though Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin said Monday the dog was
still all right at last reports from
Sputnik II Sunday, at least three
Soviet scientists said she is dead.
Meantime, radio Moscow said
Sputnik I will reach the heavier
layers of the earth's atmosphere
and burn up from friction in late
December or early January.
Quoting the Communist Party
newspaper Pravda, the broadcast
said the carrier rocket "will burn
away earlier than the Sputnik."
The rocket already is in a lower
and tighter orbit than the little
moon it carried aloft Oct. 4.
"Sputnik II," the article said,
"will remain in orbit considerably
of the content of motion pictures."
Bilgrey said the verdict puts movies
now in the same category as books
and newspapers as far as censor-
ship is concerned, and "will dis-
courage municipalities from trying
to censor films."
The Supreme Court's brief un-
signed opinion cited a decision is-
sued last June 24 which upheld
federal and state laws banning
obscene literature, which it defined
as "material which deals with sex
in a manner appealing to the
prurient interest."
However, Justice William Bren-'
nan, who spoke for the court, then
added this comment: "The por-
trayal of sex, e.g., in art, literature
and scientific works, is not suffi-
cient reason to deny material the'
constitutional protection of free--
dom of speech and press."
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A spokesman
indicated yesterday the United
States is sounding o:t Syria on
the possibility of improved rela-
ions despite that Arab country's
close Soviet ties.
State Department Press Officer
Lincoln White said Asst. Secretary
William R. Rountree had con-
ferred in New York last Thursday
with Salah El Bitar of Syria, on
"matters'of mutual interest."
White said Rountree took the
initiative in seting up the meet-
White would not say what they
talked about.
United States yesterday accused
the Soviet Union and Red China
of risking war by illegal shipments
of modern weapons, including
planes and rockets, into North
Rep. Walter H. Judd (R-Minn.)
made the charge before the United
Nation's 82-nation political com-
mittee, where he declared the
North Korean government was not
entitled to any more consideration
than "gangsters who invade a pri-
vate home."
* * *
Paris Police
EOn Su'spicion
tPARIS (Al--Police swooped down
on shabby hotels and rooming
houses in parts of France yester-
day and arrested 270 Algerians 'on
suspicion 'of terrorist activity.
The prisoners were ordered flown
to Algiers.
Their cases will be handled by
French military courts set up there
as part of the machinery to deal
.with the, 3-year-old Algerian re-
The raids were made In Paris
and in 21 departments where con-
centrations of North African labor
are heavy.
,The arrests came as the National
Assembly debated extension of laws
giving the overnnient special pow-
ers to deal with .the rebel, violenee
and related killings and sabotage
in Algeria and in France itself
E The special :powers include the
:right to set up concentration
> The Assembly voted 'the exten-
sion last' night, 354-216.
Interior Minister Maurice Bour-
ges-Maunoury told the Assembly
550 Algerians have been murdered
and about 2,000 persons injured in
France so far this year.
He attributed most of this vio
lence torivalry between two rival
rebel movements,'the Algerian
National Movement and the Na-'
tional Liberation Front.
Britain Ceases
Nuclear Tests
Increased Turnoi
-Anticipated; 8,0(
Count Still Possi
Approximately 3,770 at
voted in the first day of S
Government Council electio
cording to elections directo:
Zook, '60.
This is about the same i
day totals last Nvember,
the, entire election tally r
Zook said the figures a:
quite accurate.
Eleven candidates, an a
SGC Olow, are running for fih
term and one half-teri se
Zook commended, the pei
manning the election booth,
ple have been showing up at
high rate, he said.
A walkie-talkie system
was to be used to contact' r
at the Student Activities B
did not have to be used mu(
cause the booths -have beer
"'We certainly have had
weather," Zook said. The w
man predicts showers today
He ,hopes for a greater v;
day. There is still a char
the 8,000 votes we had hop
he commented.
Vote counting will begin :
p.m. today at the League ba
Zook estimates results w
known by '12:30 a.m. WCI
broadcast election returns
the League.
The eleven candidates ar
Belin, '59; David Bray, '6
Collins, '58; Bert Getz, '59
Virgil Grumbling, '58;- M
Goldman,.'59; Jo Hardee, '6
Koster, '59; Linda Rainwat
Mort Wise, '60; Lois Wurst
The Count
Ballots are distributed t
piles of the various cabdi
according to the first c
marked. Void ballots are
The total number of
ballots is counted, and the
is divided by the numb
positions open, plus one
will be added to the quo
giving the first quota.
A1 candidate, to 'be el+
mustmeet' this quota. 1
candidate has more b
than the quota, ballots
to the number in excess i
quota are drawn at rando:
marked with a second c
are designated to that s
The candidate havini
lowest number is now
nate and his votes are
tributed to the second cho
the voter.
TO Coninue
Asian flu and polio preventive
vaccine programs will continue to-
day at Health Service.
Students may receive either vac-
cine between 8 and 11:30 a.m. and
from 1 to 4:30 p.m.'
Approximately 350 students re-
ceived either Asian flu or polio
preventive vaccine yesterday.
Melbourne Murphy, Assistant to
the Director of Health Service re-
ported the majority of students
were receiving polio vaccine.
il Ai
Four ,U Professors Diss Russian Impressions
No Airplane
Over Stadiu
City Council last night i
to ask businessmen using ai
with banners for advertisir
poses to cease doing so durin
versity football games.
City- Attorney' Jacob S. Fa
Jr. told the Council he had
to Civil Aeronautics Author
cials ,regarding the pqssib
the CAA calling in its waive
mitting airplanes to be used
manner over the Universil
He said the -CAA hac
"anious to cooperate."
the station stops, he said. Each
"A number of the University car has a samovar from which one
professors have been to Russia, can get hot water to make tea,
and have come back . . . to tell
us their impressions of life in
Russia today."
Prof. Andrei Lobanov-Rostovsky
of the history department intro-
duced the first lecture in a series
of three, dealing with the Soviet
Urnn tna.v
the passenger supplying the tea
Using a large map of Russia
which he had purchased in Mos-
cow, Prof. Kish illustrated the dif-
ference in time required to travel
between Moscow and several So-
viet cities.
Prof. Kish also remarked on the
tral Asia during last August and
September. -
,He had previously lived in Rus-
sia during 1945 and 1946, and he
said he had occasion to notice a
rise in the standard of living be-
tween his two visits.
In Alma-Ata, which is the cap-
ital of Kazakhstan, Prof. Ballis
had taken several slides which he
described to the audience. They
contrasted students at a local
university with cnotive famern s
Deming Brown of the slavic lan-
guages and literature department,
who had visited Russia in 1956.
Drabness of People -
One thing which impressed
Prof. Brown about Russian cities
was the universal drabness of the
people. The movies which he
showed pointed up his remark
that Russian children, as'a whole,
were dressed much better than
most adults.
Most of .his film was onnen-
LONDON (41) -Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan told Parliament
yesterday Britain has no plans for
further nuclear bomb tests in the
immediate future.
Britain exploded a hydrogen
bomb over the Pacific four days
ago in what was expected to be
the opener of a new test series.
A government ,spokesman re-
fused to amplify Prime Minister
Macmillan's statement. Japan has
protested against the tests.
Prime Minister Macmillan was,
replying to a question in the House
WASHINGTON - The Nation-
al Labor Relations Board yester-
day outlawed "hot cargo" con-
Fahrner also said that
not contacted the. firms
have, employed airplanes
vertising over the stadiu
motion came in response to