"Never Mind About Already Having A Book'
M1w Sthi an muiIy
Sixty-Eighth Year
e Michigan Daily express the inditidual opinions of staff writers
e editors. This must be notedin all reprints.
Military Science
Gets Top Priority
Associated Press News Analyst
THE APPOINTMENT of "czars" to- handle vital phases of de
efforts is an old practice, having come to full bloom in the da
McAdoo and Baruch in World War I.
President Eisenhower's 'appointment of' Dr. James R. KilliA
eminent scientist and administrator, puts the military science pro
on virtually a wartime basis. First guesses as to possible cost
around two billion dollars a year.
That's how serious the President considers the revelation
starting late and having taken various twists and turns, the Ame
Us, Consideration
h resi
ncil consequences have yet to be debated by stu-
nes- dent government. Many locally important prob-
stu- lems, including those of , the Campus. Chest
be- and Sigma Kappa sorority, will face Student
pect Government Council during the coming year.
aca- With all these problems and possibilities for
vi,ng Council consideration, this week's election takes
tion on an importance equal to that of having a stu-
eral dent government at all. It is imperative that
every student on campus, graduate or under-
graduate, affiliate or independent, meet the
and task of evaluating and selecting and voting for
two competent, well-qualified and thinking indi-
hip. viduals to take seats on Student Government
3's often -
of change
of leaders
tion has Y
actor for lit
:hools and
o some exi
ver, student govern-
having to cope with,
lems of the growing
to provide a greater
its," "academie
"are becoming
RUNNING for six vacancies in this week's
election are eleven candidates, four of them
incumbents. Most of these eleven persons have
something definite to contribute to Student
Government Council. Many of them are par-
ticularly deserving of voter cnsideration for
their experience, ideas and demonstrated or
potential ability for competent performance in
a position of importance.
Platforms and comments by these candidates
appear on pages six and seven of today's Daily.
Every individual-for he is the only person
competent 'to judge - should accept as his"
responsibility the serious consideration of can-
didates before Tuesday; he should not vote
until he has done so. A competent and ac-.
complishing student government can be created
only by an informed student body aware of
today's problems.
City Editor
s reaching a greater
fences of these con-
otentially threatened
omnipresent lecture
ested with the recent
ided invitation ' to a
Soviet Papers Collect Dust
missile program has been out-
stripped by Soviet Russia.
It's a reminder of the historic
maxim that men charged with the
security of their countries cannot
afford to rely on personal judg-
ments, but must prepare at all
times for the worst. To put it an-
other way, .when leaders take an
optimistic view of the chances of
war or domination by another na-
tion', they must still operate from
the standpoint of how badly they
could be wrong.
THE AMERICAN rearmament
program, launched after the Rus-
sian capture of Czechoslovakia
nine years ago, was conceived as
something which would achieve a
certain level and then be held on
a plateau.
Leveling off was emphasized
after the Korean War and closely
connected with the Eisenhower
administration efforts to balance
the budget. Critics who reminded
of what had happened to world
relations because of drastic cut-
backs after World War II were
waved off as alarmists.
There is, then, policy as well as
a new awareness involved in the
new program, 'and the President
has not yet addressed himself to
that beyond the field of science.
He refers to 'the Air Force and'
the nation's other military re-
sources as strong defenses. Cut-
backs in these fields have been
based on the theory that better
weapons make reductions possible
without endangering strength.
., *, * *
THE QUESTION now arises
whether reliance on this theory
is also permitting Russia to make
unsuspected gains in the whole
field of preparedness.
The discussion involves manyr
variable factors.
The most optimistic interpreta-
tion of Khrushchev's statement
that Russia will overtake Ameri-
can industrial production in 15
years is that Russia will not de-
liberately make war before then.
If that be true, then an all-out
war production program now
would be merely shooting the na-
tion's resources into the space of
Nevertheless, the Unitde States
must keep up if only for the pur-
pose off preventing the Commu-
nists from using their power to
blackmail 'other, nations into
strength-sapping agreements.
And the nation now has good
reason to remember that the Com-
munists are capable of big sur-
prises in. any field where they
choose to concentrate the efforts
of the countries over which they.
hold away.
Gratified . .*4,j
To the Editor:
THE STAFF of the Development
Council has read with interest
Richard Salo's editorial called "De-
velopment Council and Students;
which appeared in The 'Daily,
Wednesday November 6.
Flrst'of ail, may I say that the
Development Council is gratified
that the official rews organ of the
University has recognized our at-
tempts, and the efforts of Michi-
gan alumni throughout the coun-
try, to provide financial aid for
students on the campus through
scholarship, fellowships and grants
in aid.
And we appreciate your concern
with our efforts to establish a rore
substantial line of communications
with the student. body, namely the
Student Relations Committee of
the Development Council.
the editorial that student repre-
senation 1be expanded from its
present status (two students on the
Board of Directors) to a full repre-
sentation on our various com-
This 'idea of larger student rep-
resentation in the affairs of the
Development Council, I am happy
to report, was favorably considered
in the recent past with the result
that some of our committees have
agreed wholeheartedly to welcome
students as part of their member-
We hope that this development
will lead to a fuller understanding
on the part of the Development
Council concerning the opinions,
the needs and the interests of the
student body.
-John W. Sweeney.
to the
speak on campus.
1 of an honor system and its
Lures of Students, Candidates
411 ALLY DEFINING term of the
Student Government Council elec-
rked lack of interest. Only eleven
all time low, are running to fill the
)uncil positions.
a houses have been nowhere nearly
il as they might have been. In some
didates came to speak and no one
r people were there to hear them.
places, constituents came to hear
and no candidates, or more usually
ame to speak to them.'
that only 11 candidates will have a
ne getting around. to six houses in
g, especially if the houses are on
les of the campus.
;ruth is that there were some candi-
lust did'not campaign very hard.
CANDIDATES on the whole have
t had.enough interest to attend the
etings. Almost all of them came to
gat which they were introduced, but
ed the subsequent two meetings.
.seem that any person who really
t being on SGC would really care
iding meetings.
on who wishes to do a competent
attend meetings, not only to under-
SOC works, but also to understand
n which the Council is now working.
sume that this lack of interest of, the
Ad 'candidates is the Council's fault,
elieve that it is; the Council has cer-
mplished a great many worthwhile
even with this assumption, the lack
is difficult to understand.
dent government has more power
t any similar groip on other cam-
puses. And because of this, SGC has the oppor-
tunity to do a great many worthwhile things for
And students seem to show discontent about
a good many things on campus.,
This discontent may raige from the growing.
size of the University and its increased im-
personality to the difficulty of getting a call
through to the Hill.
And student government represents at least
,some way students can not only get these
problems heard, but even have something done
about them.
IN OTHER WORDS, lack of interest on the.
part' of the students, because the Council
never does anything, can only be the students'.
fault for they elect the people who serve on
the Council. And these people are students
Tuesday and Wednesday there will be a
Student Government Council election. On pages
six and seven of this paper are the platforms
of the Council candidates.
We strongly urge that students read these
platforms-well. And we urge that students then
vote of the basis on these, as well as the
speeches candidates have given in open houses.
And then we urge that students vote.
If Student Government Council is not a
successful as it might be, it can only be the
students who are responsible.
If Student Government Council is not re-
flecting the needs of the students, it is the
fault of students.
We only hope that the number of people
voting in the elections will reflect greater stu-
dent interest than has been shown in the past
two weeks.
T MAY BE HARD to believe, i ut
the Administration has been so
complacent about Soviet scientific
progress that it hasn't bothered to
translate the Russian technologi-
cal documents that enter this
country, except for a few hit-and-
miss translations.
Truckloads of scientific papers
and reports, containing clues to
Russia's brainwork, are piled up
in the Library of Congress, un-
sorted and untranslated. Our tech-
nologists are convinced they could
learn more Soviet secrets by read-
ing these papers than all the re-
ports, of the costly Central In-
telligence Agency.
* * *
IT WOULD COST an estimated
one and one-half million dollars
to translate and catalogue 80 per
cent of' the most important re-.
ports-a mere fraction of the CIA
;budget. Yet these papers are
known to contain vital information
on such Soviet programs as missile
and satellite research.
The Administration has had
the smug attitude that our sci-
entists are so superior we must
protect our technological secrets.\
We needn't bother to learn Rus-
sian secrets.
American scientific delegations
that visit behind the Iron Curtain
are given stern warnings not to
--v _ _ T _.._
disclose technical information of
a security nature.
Yet the Administration has, all
but ignored Russian technical in-
formation reaching this co'antry.
If this information were properly
catalogued by subject matter, it
would not only help our scientists
in their research, but would en-
able them to evaluate the level of
Soviet scientific development.
Our technologists have found
that Russian scientists discuss
their findings with amazing frank-
ness in their technical papers.
. * *
gress translates only occasional
passages from these key journals.
Private universities also do some
translating. But the mass of Rus-
sian. technical intelligence_ is never
read by American experts.
In the light of Russia's missile-
satellite achievements, this failure
to study Soviet scientific docu-
ments may go down as the great-
est scandal of the Eisenhower Ad-
Norris Cotton, 'homespun lawyer
who represents New Hampshire in
the United States Senate, has a
shrewd, way of gauging public
opinion, whether in Asia or New
In Japan recently, he and other
senators were .lectured by Am-
bassador Douglas MacArthur -on
the danger of Japan's drifting'into
' the arms' of Red China. Naturally,
Sen. Cotton gave, weight to the
words of the nephew of the man
who once ruled Japan as head of
the United States Army of Occu-
pation. But he also did some ob-
serving for himself.
He noted :that .in every store
window which, displayed clothes
on a female dummy, the dummy
was a blonde, Western model, not.
a dark oriental type.
* * * .
HE ALSO NOTED that Japanese'
women were having their eyelids
operated on to remove the slant-
eye effect and give their eyes the
appearance of Wesrn women.
'This is done by a relatively easy
operation which makes the eye-
lash stand out from the lid, as do
those of American girls, instead
of. growing straight up. and down.
."I saw Japanese. women stand-
ing in lines two blocks long in
front of doctors' offices, waiting,
to have their eyelids operated on,"
Sen. Cotton observed. "It cost
$13.50. When they go to all that
trouble 'to imitate Western wom-
en, I don't believe Japan will rush
suddenly into the -arms of Red
(Copyright 1957 by-Bell Syndicate Inc.)
The Daily Official Bulletin Ia
official publication of the Unive
sity of Michigan for which 1
Michigan Daily assumes no e
torial responsibility. Notices shou
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form
Room 13519 Administration Bul
lug, before 2, p.m. the day preced:i
publication. Notices for Sund
Daily due at 2:00 'p.m. Friday.
, t
Top U.S. Missile Expert Answers Questions
Planes Over Stadium
1TISING HAS GONE far enough in its
ivor to capture the consumer in a
hold and smear his face In, the multi-
products it tries to sell. Advertising's
is to push a "gimmick" on a lot of
egardless of their willingness, and what
'a better' place where there's a captive
than Michigan Stadium on a football'
s throng the stadium to enjoy the"
sm of picking sides, to contort and
, if they picked the lucky team, to cheer
.ditorial Staff
anral' Director City Edi'tor
IANSON ................ Personnel Director
MIORRISON..............Magazine Editor.
GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
HANEY.................Features Editor
'RLBERG.........Activities Editor
'RINS ... AssociatePersonneDirecor
sAD ...... .......Sports Editor
ENNETT .......Associate Sports Editor
LLYER ...... AsociatSorts Editor
with each determined lunge of the players.
They don't go there to have their lives en-
dangered by low flying aircraft dipping and
buzzing around the packed bowl with 200 to 300
foot long tails of heavy metal letters spelling
out the slogan of an advertiser.
It probably hasn't occurred to either the
fans or advertisers but the injuries that could
befall hundreds of spectators if the metal chains
of letters ever broke loose could be very serious.
The engines of the antique airplanes labor
strenuously under their struggling loads like
broken-down work horses forced to run the
mile at Churchill Downs.
IHE THREAT of danger is not the only worry
that mars full enjoyment of the afternoon.
The halftime spectacle of our magnificent band
suffers the fate of not being heard properly
when it has to compete with the hoarse voices of
exhausted engines. This was especially' true
during Gene Krupa's solo performance last
Saturday which was almost inaudible to begin
There are federal laws specifying that a planeT
cannot fly directly over a stadium, but even
if this *ere carefully observed, in the eventu-
ality that a plane did fall. its own motion and
Copyright 1957
By The Associated Press
(EDITOR'S NOTE - The United
States, in the words of President
Eisenhower; is behind Russia in de-
velopment of satellites and "in-
some missiles in special areas."
The Associated Press has obtained
this exclusive signed story with Dr.
Wernher Von Braun, director of the
Development Operations Division at
the Army's Redstone Arsenal in
Huntsville, Ala.
Dr. Von Braun was asked a series
of questions relating to the mili-
tary aspects of the Sputnik program
and the future of space in general.
Here are his answers.)
Q. How do you account for the
U.S.S.R.'s apparent ability to out-
strip the United States in reach-
ing into space?
A. The main reason is that the
United States had no ballistic mis-
sile program worth mentioning be-
tween 1945 and 1951. These six
years, during which the Russians
obviously laid the groundwork for
their large rocket program, are
irretrievably lost. The United
States went into a serious ballis-
tic . missile program only in 1951,
with the decisions to weaponize
the Army's, JPL Corporal rocket
and to develop the Redstone.
Thus our present dilemma is
not due to the fact that we are.
not working hard enough now,
but that we did not work hard
enough during the first six to ten
years after the war.
Q. How long before it will be
possible for the United States to
launch a rocket to the moon: How
long before manned space travel
will be feasible? How soon might
.ip hi.A.m ono n- f fnr- - ---n
form do you believe these shocks
will take?
A. Yes, it is most likely that we
are in for a ,few more shocks. With
the powerful multi-stage rockets
they must have used to launch
Sputnik II, the Soviets have a
definite immediate capability to
fire a payload of possibly over 100
pounds on a one-way trip to the
Another possible surprise they
may have in store for us is a
manned ascent into an orbit with
ensuing return and recovery.
Q. Is it now possible for the
United States to launch a satellite
with the military' hardware now
available? What is this hardware
and what could it do?
A. Yes. But any further com-
ment in this regard would have
to come from the Department of
Q. What can be done by the
United States to. achieve superior-
ity in the satellite and issile
,fields? How long do you esate
it will take?
for future growth potential, would
help tremendously in the long run.
Q. With pr.,sent techniques
would it be possible to launch a
satellite and call that satellite in
on a target at will?
A. Yes. In order to return the
orbiting satellite into the atmos-
phere, it must be retarded by a
short rocket blast. Once the origi-
nal orbit has been accurately de-
termined by optical and radio
tracking, it is easy to calculate
how much the orbital speed must
be reduced in order to place the
lowest point of the new orbit into
the uppermost layers of the at-
mnosphere-say 50 miles up.
- After the satellite has thus
been slowed down sufficiently, a
parachute may be deployed'to
carry it safely to the ground.
By triggering the initial re-'
tardation blast from. the ground
at a carefully precalculated mo-
ment, it appears possible to ,re-
store the satellite with a sufficient
accuracy to land within an area
the size of European Russia..
A. The U.S. Air Force has a
department for space medicine at-
tached to its school of aviation,
medicine in Randolph Field, Tex-
as. The Navy's Air Medical Cen-
ter at Pensacola, Florida, is like-
wise'actively engaged in physiolo-,
gical research. in space travel.
Experimenters from Wright
Field; Olio, have test-fired rhesus
monkeys' in Aerobee rockets as
early as 1950.
Q. Do you believe a consolidated
programi, such as the Manhattan
Project, would improve our devel=
opment of. missiles? Would this
free any scientists for work, say
in the field of space travel?
A. We should not lose sight of
the fact that there are some fun-
damental differences between the
situation which led to the Man-
hattan Project; and' the situation
,in the missile' field today.
The Manhattan' Project was in-
itiated because the physicists haoi
come up with a revolutionary new
concept - namely the nuclear
chain reaction-which could only
be translated into something of a
military value-namely an atom
bomb - by the construction of
huge facilities where difficult
processes hitherto only demon-
strated in the laboratory-namely
isotope separation-could be car-
ried out on a ,vast ,industrial
,In the missile field today, we
have practically all the facilities.
we can intelligently use. Several
projects are handled by several
teams, each of whieh is in a dif-
ferent geographical location. Any
General Notices
All women students attending ti
concert at Hill Auditorium Sun., Noy
10 will have 45 minutes after it is ove
to return to their residences.
The International Center is present
ing a series of free illustrated trav
talks as a community service. Open
ig the series are three talks entitle
"Report: Africa," of which the first wi
be given Sun., Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. I
Aud. A, Angell Hall. Douglas D. Crar
associate professor of Geography, wi
present "African view," a color iir
account of a journey from the Ci
to Cairo.
Lecture, auspices of the Universi
Committee for the Program in Russia
Studies. "Travelers' Accounts of ti
Soviet Union Today," Andrei A. Lobi
nov-Rostovsky, professor of histor
chairman. "Camera Shots of the Ru:
sian People," Deming Brown, associgt
professor of Slavic languages and Ii
eratures; "Geographer's Impressions c
the Soviet Union," GeorgL Kish, prc
fessor of geography; "A Journey to BE
mote Parts of the USSR," William $a:
Its, professor of political science. 8:(
p.m. Tues. Nov. 12, Aud. B, Angell Ha'
AAUP Chapter Meeting, Tues., No
12, 8 p.m, East Conference'Room, Raci
ham Building. "What is the Future
Faculty Participation in Universit
Government?" Talk by Algo D. Hende
son, professor of higher educatioi
School of Education. Comments by Joh
C. Kohl, professor of civil engineerix
and chairman, Senate Advisory Corr
mittee; Charles E. Odegaard, dean
College of L.S.&A., and Warner 0. Ric
Vrofessor of English and chairma
Dept. of English, L.S.&.A. AAUP mere
bers, nominees, and other interests
faculty members invited. Next chapt
meeting will be on "Problems of Un.
versity Research Policy" with Dr. Thor
as Francis, Jr., School of Public Healt
as speaker. Tues., Dec. 17, 8 p.m., Rac}
ham East Conference Room.
Sigma Xi and the Museum of Paleor
tology announce the Ermine Cowl
Case Memorial Lecture to be presente
by Prof. Erling Dorf, Department
Geology, Princeton University, on "T1
Earth's Changing Climates" at '8:
p.m. Wed., Nov. 13, Rackham ampI
A. Before we can achieve su- If the ussians have mas
periority in these fields we have tered the ability to return a sat-
to catchdup with the present Rus- ellite to earth at will, what would
sian lead. ' be the United States' best defense?
Even with no holds barred, I A. Mastery of this recovery
think it would still be well over technique in itself does notcon-
five years before we could catch stitute a threat to the United
up with the Soviets again, because States. It should rather be cdn-
they are not likely to. idly sit by sidered as an important detail
in the meantime. achievement within the frame-
work of an obvious all-out effort
Q. Is money a factor in the de- by the Soviets to establish them-
velnnmen t nf miqcA1ePa oAn.ti.- s elves a smatetsre nf the gn~op