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November 09, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-09

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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No. 4$



Buffet East





Rip South ;
Total 110




-Daily-Charles Curtiss
NiE TELLER-Mrs. Eleanor Roosetelt had her fortune4old last night by an Indian student
visited the Indian display at the World's Fair, held at the Union. For related story, see page
s. Roosevelt Wants Ation;
yR R

re myself," Mrs.1

:. +-

Roosevelt said while dis-
President Dwight D. Eisen-
Wednesday night speech
rica's scientific progress.
ng to a backstage gathering
er address yesterday at Hill
um, Mrs. Roosevelt said
he wanted was action, not
Don't Have Leadership
free world looks to the
States for leadership "but
don't have it," the former
States President's widow

back on a couch at Uni-
ted States
st Match
jet Feats

versity President Harlan Hatcher's
home, she -told reporters and on-
lookers "any big nation that proves
it is thinking of the world's inter-
ests can exert'influence among the
smaller countries. The Soviets talk
a great deal but it is evident that
their 'interests are purely. theix'
own," the former United States
delegate to the United Nations
. Success to Educational System
She attributed their scientific-
successes to their educational sys-
tem which she doubted "is as good
or broad as ours."
"But the quality of their engi-
neering andS ientific education is
quite excellent and, at 17 years of
age, a student has to decide what
he is going to be. They don't have
the luxury of spending four years
in a liberal arts college to help
make a decision," she said, smiling
at the students and newsmen gath-
ered around her.
Recalling that she has always,
been in favor of federal support to
education, Mrs. Roosevelt said,
"getting an education should never
be a'queston of income, it should'
be of ability only."
"To waste human material has
become wicked," she declared.
Suggests Student Subsidy
Subsidizing any able, student's
education was suggested as a pos-
sible solution to shortages of col-
lege graduates.
Higher education should be like
high school and everyone should
have equal opportunity to it," she
The Russians do this, Mrs.
Rooseyelt said in describing the
Soviet subsidization; of students.
But not eVeryone is supported.
There are vast numbers of tech-

nical schools. and many young
people are allowed to take only
seven years of school, she pointed
R calls Khrushchev
Mrs. Roosevelt also recalled her
talk with Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev during her month-
long trip through Russia and re-
membered him as "extremely con-
"He was feeling pretty boastful"
in discussing Soviet achievements.
"The' Kremlin power struggle
will go on forever," she predicted.
"Khrushchev is one of the most
ruthless men I've ever met but I,
don't think he'll go to war to stay
in power," Mrs. Roosevelt' con-
cluded .
Party Status
MOSCOW W) - Kremlin lead-
ers and guests from more than a
dozen Communist nations settled
down yesterday, after a flurry of'
official functions, to discussion of
the state of international coin-
Private talks followed a giant.
friendship meeting at Lenin Stadi-
um, where the Soviet. Union and
its. leaders got more back-patting
than all the rest of the Commu-
nist nations put together.
Nikita Khrushchev, the -Soviet
Communist pa r t y boss, Red
China's Mao ,Tze-tung, Poland's
Wladyslaw Gomulka and repre-
sentatives of Yugoslavia's absent,
Marshal Tito were reported figur-.
ing in the conversations.
Most speakers at the friendship
meeting followed a line, already
set by Mao, recognizing the So-
viet Union as the leader of the
Communist world and director of
that world's campaign to defeat
the capitalist system in all-phases.
There were one or two excep-
tions, from Poland and Yugosla-
via, to wholesale acceptances of
the Soviet Union as spokesman for

Tornadoes took 12 lives in the
South and high winds swirled over
most of the nation's eastern half
yesterday. .
Destructive twisters in Louisi-
ana, Mississippi and Texas, Thurs-
day night and" yesterday were vi-
olent eddies on the edge of a vast
storm system centering in the
Great Lakes region.
What was termed a baby torna-
do hit an area in Alabama. No one
was injured.
Gigantic Whirlpool
Wind patterns were described,
by the Weather Bureau as "a gi-
gantic atmospheric whirlpool sur-
rounding an intense storm."
T h e counterclockwise s w e e p
drew cold air into its western
rim from the Dakotas, sending
wind-whipped snow into the Mid-"
In the Soutn, wind patterns
tumbled warm, moist gulf air
into their sweep, churning torna-
does and thunderstorms. In the
East, the turbulence drew mild
southland atmosphere into a head-
long northward rush. '
Tornadoes in the western Gulf
states injured at least 100 per-
sons and wrecked a 10-block sec-
tion of Alexandria, La.
Winds Cause Damage
Strong winds caused some dam-
age in Midwestern cities.
Three persons were injured at
noon in downtown Detroit as sev-
eral windows shattered in winds
measured at 42 miles per hour.
Westerly winds of 30 to 42
miles per hour lashed Chicago,
racing to greater speeds along the
skyscraper canyons of Loop streets
and blowing pedestrians from
their feet at intersections. -No in-
juries were reported.
Snow Heavy in North
Snow was heavy in northeast-
ern Minnesota, with eight inches
expected by morning. The United
States Weather Bureau predictedi
heavy snowfalls this morning in
areas near the outh and east
shores of the great Lakes, with,
flurries as far south as North
Carolina's mountains.
For the nation's western half,
widespread fogs persisted in parts
of Washington and Oregon. Much
of the West had fair skies.
Sunshine warmed the South-
west, and eastern slopes of the'

Wolverines Clash.
With Illini Today

Associate Sports Editor
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Michigan
strives to keepnalive its flickering
Big Ten title and Rose Bowl hopes
as it invades Illinois' Memorial
Stadium today to clash with the
Fighting Illini beginning at 2:30
p.m. Ann Arbor time.
The contest will not be televised.
Radio stations in the Ann Arbor
area carrying a play-by-play ac-
count of the gane will be WPAG
(Ann Arbor), WKMH (Dearborn),
WUOM (Ann Arbor) and WWJ
and WJR (Detroit).
Michigan rules as a slight f a-
Case Argue
Civil Rights
WASHINGTON (P) - Senator
Strom Thurmond, (D-S.C.) said
yesterday the new Civil Rights
Commission can only "increase
racial tensions," but Senator Clif-
ford P. Case, (R-N.J.) hailed the
appointment of the members as
"good news Indeed."
These conflicting views echoed
the bitter Senate struggle last
summer that preceded enactment
of the civil rights bill authorizing
creation of the investigating com-
Recall Thurmond's Filibuster
Sen. Thurmond put on ,a futile
one man filibuster against the
measure just before it was passed
holding the floor for a record 24
hours and 18 minutes. Sen. Case
was a leader of the coalition of
Republicans and Northern 'Demo-
crats supporting the bill.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
appointed the six commission.
members late Thursday. He named
retired Supreme Court Justice
Stanley F. Reed as chairman and'
John A. Hannah, president of
Michigan State University and a
former assistant secretary of de-
fense, as vice chairman.
Sen. Thurmond said he was "not
at all pleased" that some of those
selected by President Eisenhower
"have already expressed their sen-
timents on segregation adverse to
the South."'
Will Request Study
He called no names in a state-
ment issued through his office
here, but he said he will ask for
"a very careful and thorough
study" of the qualifications of the
members when their nominations
are submitted to the Senate.
In contrast to Sen. Thurmond'sj
stastement, Sen. A. W. Robertson,1
(D-Va.), another opponent of the
civil rights bill, said in Richmondj
he thought President Eisenhower
had appointed a "very splendid

vorite entering the game ' this
afternoon, which finds both
coaches, Ray Eliot of Illinois and
Bennie Oosterbaan of Michigan,
singing the "injury blues."
Michigan Needs Win
Michigan needs a victory to stay
in title contention in the tight
conference race. With one defeat
and one tie already scarring their
mark, a defeat or tie would shove
the Wolverines out of title conten-
Illinois will provide the Michi-
gan eleven with a stern test as to
whether it can rebound following
the .jolt it received from Iowa's
come-from-behind tie last Satur
Both teams are entering the
game below par physically, with
Illinois probably the worse off
since two of its regulars will not
play. Michigan has three first'
liners on the "doubtful starter"
list, but probably all will see action
sometime during the afternoon,
according to Oosterbaan.
Illint Starters Out
Illini starters out of the game
are Capt. Dale Smith, right half-
back, and left tackle Don Yeasel,
who also handles the team's point-
after-touchdown chores.
Smith's injury is diagnosed as
a sprained left foot and 'ankle,
while Yeasel has a knee injury.
Smith, it will be remembered, is
the lad who scored Illinois' only
touchdown against Michigan last
fall that gave his team a 7-0 lead.
Michigan won the game, 17-7.
Several Illinois subs make Eliot's
injury list ominous, but the team
See MICHIGAN, Page 3
'U' Inoculates
800 Students
' {
On Final Day
An estimated 800 students re-
ceived Asian Flu preventative in-
oculations yesterday at Health
Health Service Director Dr.
Morley Beckett, caid he was very
pleased to see so many come for
the inoculations.
Yesterday was the last day for,
inoculations as facilities must be
readied for distribution of polio
vaccine, which will be offered
Monday, accoring to Dr. Beckett.
"We hope to have many students.
take advantage of the polio immu-
nization program," Beckett com-
mentpd. Price for an inoculation
will be $1.00. Vaccine will be giv-
en from eight to 11:45 a.m. and
between one and 4:30 p.m.
."In accordance with our plans,"
Beckett added, "Influenza shots
will not be distributed Monday..
However," he said, "if there is de-
mand, we will -probably offer them.
again in the near future."

University student. Richard
W. Halladay, '59, said he was
wrestled to the ground by three
girls on the corner of Observ-
atory and Geddes last night.
The girls then proceeded to
kiss him and smear him with
Halladay said that he thinks
this was a result of a letter he
sent to The Daily. In his letter,
which, appeared Niov. 5, Halla.
day commented on the apathy
of the Michigan coed. He wrote
that women should take the
Initial step towards establishing
friendships with the males on
Previously, Halladay said, all
the reactions that he had heard
about the letter had been fa-
Halladay said that he re-
ceived the impression that the
girls considered their action to
be merely a humorous prank
rather than a malicious attack.
I ke's Plans:
'A ceptaince
Gratifying' .
House reported yesterday an im-
mediate and gratifying acceptance
of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's plans for a scientific big
push to overtake Russia in satel-
lites and missiles.
And a White House caller, Sen-
ator Styles Bridges (R-NH), sup-
plied a guess that it will cost one
or two billion dollars a year extra.
Two billion would just about
equal what it cost to develop the
first atomic bomb back in World
War II. It would almost double the
amount now being spent on mis-
siles-21 billion dollars this fiscal
Predicts Appropriation
But. Sen..Bridges, even though
he is usually counted among the
economic demanders in Congress,
predicted Congress will appropriate
whatever is needed -to get the job
And the senator, who had break--
fast with President Eisenhower,
gave another important item to
questioning reporters: He said
President Eisenhower told him that
Dr. James R. Killiam, his new
special assistant for science and
technology, will have "full power
and authority" to do what is need-
President Eisenhower, in his
speech to the nation Thursday
night announcing Killian's ap-
pointment, had not been so ex-
plicit. He did say that Killian "will
have the active responsibility of
helping me follow through on the
Killian Expected in Washington
Killian, president of the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology,
is expected in Washington within
The information came from Mrs.
Anne Wheaton, acting White
House press secretary, who re-
ported that telegrams have been
.pouring into the White House
reflecting "wholehearted support
of the President's speech and the
presentation of the Problem
She called this a very gratifying
Some reaction was mixed, such
as that of Sen. Henry Jackson (D-
Wash.), who has been criticizing
the administration on grounds it
has woefully and dangerously ne-
glected national defense.
Sen. Jackson in a statement had

words of praise for Killian, but
added: "We still need, and we still
do not have, a full-time boss for
the missiles program at the presi-
dential level. '
Chest Totl

Navy Los
Part of G

On Balsti
Jupiter-C Missile
Used for Launchin
of Defense Neil McElroy told
Army yesterday night to "pro
with preparation" for lau
ing an earth satellite.
Sec. McElroy's directivt
thumping 'victory for the Ar
efforts to get into a field that
been \strictly Navy up until'r
came amid criticism of the E
hower administration for be
beaten by Russian, space sci
Navy to Continue Effort
The Navy-directed satellite
fort will continue.
The Soviets already have
earth satellites circling the ,l
including one with a live
The dramatic shift in Un
States policy was, disclosed in
announcement that Sec. McM
has directed the Army to go ap
with preparations for '"launcl
a scientific As.tellite by use c
modified Jupiter-C test vehicl
This is the monster rocket i
by the Army a year ago in hur
a test device more than 600 n
into the air and 3,500 mile
Composed of Three Jtlement1
It i composed of three eleim
'-a first' stage rocket liket
used in the Army's 200-mile ra
Redstone ballistic missile, uti
ing liquid fuels; a custer of s
fuel rockets to fire when the I
stage is burned out, and anot
numerically smaller cluster of
id rockets for the third and f
The planned altiude of the A
satellite . is between 200 and
miles with the speed for orbit
timated at 18,000 miles per ho
The, Army is reported to haye
.least half a dozen of tie Jupi
C devices at the Redstone Ars
in Huntsvil, Ala.
At Redstone Arsenal, Maj.
John B. Medaris, chief of the
my Ballistic Missile Agency, i
"we appreciate the opportu it
undertake this challenging asi
ment and are confident of
ability to carry it qut.
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Britain opener
new series of nuclear tests exp
ing a hydrogen bomb high in
air over the central Pacific a
2,580 miles from protesting Jai
The bomb was dropped fror
Valiant jet bomber flying out
Christmas Island, the once-in
nificant coral atoll now trs
formed into Britain's permar
nuclear testing base.
A terse announcement by
Ministry of Supply said only I
a nuclear weapon was fired
at a high altitude, But offic
had made it plain earlier that
new tests would cover hydra
devices in the megaton rat
meaning at Thast at powerful
a million tonsbof'TNT.
* * '9
PARIS-Premier Felix Gall]
and Finance Mtfn i s t e r 'Pi
Pflimlin worked yesterday on
gent measures to halt M'ran
run-away inflation.
Their bill asking special fin
cial and economic powers will
studied by the Cabinet today
presented to the National Ass
bly Wednesday. A vote is likel3
the end of the next week.

ALEPPO, Syria - yol Tway
Shatela, commander of Syr
northwestern border ar
chadstmeav that Am

es is to pro-
eal of a free
plish as much
last 40 years
Mrs. Eleanor
reday before
at Hill Audi-
must prove
ithe General
ited Nations


City Suffers*
Severe Winds
It looks like a cold weekend for
the Ann Arbor area with cloudy,
skies, high winds and possible snow
flurries predicted by the United
States Weather.Bureau at Willow
. According to weather bureau
predictions, today's temperature
will hang around the mid 30's with
a drop into the high 20's tonight.
The near gale-force winds ex-
perienced overnight should dimin-
ish late afternoon.
The Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment received numerous calls last
night reporting extensive wind
damage throughout the city.
Most of the complaints received
concerned fallen trees and tem-
porary power failures.

. Students Hear
De monstraton
e. DebateToday
- r
More than 800 high school stu-
dents will visit ,he University to-
i day to attend the 11th annual de-
,e bate and theatre assembly.
: A demonstration debate on the
e question: Resolved, that direct
t United States economic aid to in-
- dividual countries should be lim-
ited to technical assistance and
- disaster relief. This is the, na-
s , tional high school debate ques-
s tion.

Candidates Present Views to Students


'U' Debaters Participate i
University debaters participat-
ing in this debate are: Dorothy
Oala, '58, Louis Winter, '59, Rich-
.ard Rabbideau, '59, and Richard
Salo, '58. Professor Hayden K.
Carruth, of the speech depart-
ment will give the oral critique of
the demonstration debate:
Prof. N. Edd Miller, of the
speech department, will conduct a
symposium on the debate question.
Panel members include Prof. Hen-
ry Bretton and Prof. Harold Ja-
cobson, both of the political sci-
ence department, and Prof. Wolf-;
gn.na : it . il f 4-f t .nr.vn ,w,, _ A

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles describing
comments of Student Government Council candidates at the pre-election
open houses. The candidates' views on educational questions is covered
in today's article.,
Student Government Council candidates offered varied views,
opinions and ideas during the pre-election open-houses, but with
various -issues being emphasized, competing products often bore little
Lack of Issues
The diffusion of subject topics covered in the two weeks of open
houses has been attributed by present SGC members to the lack of
any single overriding issue.
This also has been blamed for the low attendance at the open
houses held during the two weeks preceding the elections next _Tues-
day and Wednesday. In some cases, candidates appeared but there
.na nn s a .i iiiianna At+ arI n a, nA -

space and faculty size but no
thought is being given to the prob-
lem of communication. He cited
the, need for expanding the lec-
ture series as an example.
David Bray, '59,. advocated an
honors system "on aitrial basis."
He suggested at Chi Omega sor-
ority that it should be tried first
in two or three of the smaller
schools such as business admninis-
tration or architecture and design.
He also proposed that examina-
ion schedules be printed in the
time schedule, similar to the prac-
tice at Michigan State University
in order to alleviate conflicts and

One area that should be exam-
ined, he said, was "how to best
channel ,our resources and make
the best use of our faculty." He
suggested that a look be taken at
television as a possible method.
SGC concern for the grading
system was urged by candidate
Burt Getz, '59. ,He criticized the
vagueness of the present system
and suggested that a more precise
rating would be more beneficial.
Graduation requirements and
course evaluations are also worth
consideration by SGC, Getz said.
Allow Seat in Faculty Committee

ry wel

d in Ann
the Col-
e United

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