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November 07, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-07

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Are Free

Sixty-Eighth Year

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. <
. ' i ... ,,

Needs To Be Balanced
Associated Press News Analyst
RECENT RUSSIAN breakthrough in military science are forcing
Free World to seek central defensive authority.
A year ago the emphasis in Allied conferences was on the neces
of developing non-military programs to fight the cold war.
Russia was proving in Hungary that Communism could and.w
use force successfully to support aggression. The democr'atic w

'EMBER 7, 1957


Flu Vaccine Waits'
pon Students at Health Service,

R CAN APATHY 0O and still make
tree of sense? Thousands of Univer-
its who don't vote for their student
t respresentatives, or who dpn't care
ersity administrators do cati at least
mselves someWhat by saying, "What
does it make?"
ly, when an issue or problem affects
it in a tangible way, either through
book or by way of quad food, he will
ig and loud and too late.
current example beats them all. A
ago, when the person without the'
was like the ivy leaguer minus his
:et, every student on campus would
ed to Health Service for preventive
is if they were available. But now
rus is no longer effective as an excuse
class, these same' students are all
to forget all about it. They don't
to think about the possibility that
ice of an epidenic is not unlikely.

And, now that flu vaccine is waiting for them at
Health Service, they don't want to bother to
take even this simple precaution against the
S HEALTH SERVICE officials pointed out
yesterday, making the vaccine available for
the convenience of students is a costly job.
Extra nurses and utilization of a converted
room for the purpose add extra burdens to the
regular duties. They cannot be expected to
maintain this special program for a few only.
A few short weeks ago, no student would
hesitate to run to Health Service at the drop
of a sneeze. Now students can't be bothered to
get protection against it.
The current group of youth has been classified
as the "Silent Generation." Perhaps it is. good
that students, at this University for example,,
are silent because if they all voiced their
thoughts, the name for this generation would
be even more unbearable.

was proving that its members could
aggression on their part was in-
The Allies went right ahead with
their efforts toapply military force
merely as a deterrent while giving
the initiative to cultural and eco-
nomic programs designed to mobil-
ize the world in ideological rather
than military fashion.
They have never attained the
balance between the two approach-
es'such as displayed by the Com-
munists. The Reds employ both at
the same'time. The Allied pendu-
lum swings back and 'forth.
Khrushchev says in effect "You
don't need to worry about our mis-
siles. We sare building them just
so we can beat you if you ulti-
mately insist on war. We really
intend to beat you the other way."
And of course, one Russian hope
has always been that the West will
eventually put so much of its
strength into non-productive mili-
tAry efforts that its economic sys-
tem will break down.
British Prime Minister Mac-
millan says "Never has the threat
of Communism been so great and'
the need for the free countries to
organize themselves against it been
so great." He says Britain and the
United States are going Into it in
a big way.
John Foster Dulles, American
secretary of state, talks of more
foreign bases for missiles, Ameri-
can atomic stockpiles in Europe, a
speedup in the American missiles
Talk of disarmament, even the
"first steps" which were discussed-
so bravely last summer, has come
to an almost complete dead end,:
and was inevitable in the current
international atmosphere.
The 'appearance of hysteria in
allied circles today would not be'
so great if the pendulum, had
swung in a smaller arc in the past.
The Russian system has not
failed, as Dulles said last year.
Neither has Sputnik broughtiwar
perceptibly nearer, except as an
arms race is always considered to
increase the chances of war..
What the Allies need to do is to
balance their teeter-totter, not
always be trying to sit merely on
one end or the other.
Hope Survives


not use force successfully if

f* -

Junior Year Abroad,

ee has passed out the realm of a discus-
oup and, into the world of a study group.
project to which it has devoted its time
11, and which will absorb much of . the
its effort this year, is the study of a
year-abroad program which the Uni-
may institute. A need for this study has
hown here since, of the fifty or more
s who inquire into the available pro-
:f study abroad during their junior year,
e-fourthof them or fewer actually study
at the University, alone, there are thirty
y students. who would probably. use such
'am if it were established here.
he present time, the programs of Smith
Sweet Briar, Wayne State and-the rest
that the student know a foreign langu-
any of those who apply discover too late
ill not be able to obtain the needed
ncy in time, the gminimum varying from
ars ,of college lai'guage to four semesters
i school plus two years in college. Many)
is also buck at the red tape involved, the
orms required, the transferring of credits
e rest.
A PROG#AM administered by the
versity would have one immediate advan-
liminating much of the red tape now
d. '
Committee's enthusiasm, and that of
of the faculty members interviewed, is
trected toward the establishment of a
m in England. This idea seems to be the
and perhaps best, choice for such a.
n. The language barrier would be elimi-

nated by such a choice, and yet the culture of
England is different enough from that of the
inited States to provide a broadening experi-
ence for the student.
In addition, study in England is not available
to junior students at the University at the
present time. Only study on the recdgnizing pro-
grams is now allowed, and no-other school has
yet tapped the rich resource of England.
The Steering Committee has undertaken a.
big job, a job in which there is no assurance
that any tangible results will come about. The
Committee seems to have chosen the most
ogical country for the program and its enaction
will fill a much-needed gap in foreign study,
both for University students and students from
other colleges who want the experience of their
junior year in England.-
ULTIMATELY, however, it is the Regents who
will decide the fate of the program, which,
while it may enhance the University's prestige,
will involve many questions in the area of
financing. Can the University use the taxpayers
money for such a program, and if not, can the
program be initiated without tax funds and yet
at a low enough price to be available to most
The junior year abroad is of great importance
to many students and faculty members; many
individuals and departments would like to see
its initiation. The advantages to the University
and the student cannot be taken lightly. Sup-
port for this endeavor is needed on the part of
all; the University will miss one of the 'great
opportunities offered it in recent years if the
Michigan Junior Year fails to become reality.

Truman Discusses the Past

Men Are Mice . .
To the Editor:
Mr. R. W. Halladay's letter
Nov. 5:
He walks in beauty,
like the knights
Of days when women
were unequal.
Fine khakie armor,
quaint buckle bright
Oh, could'st we blend
in loving sequel!
Alas, my fancies
must grow dimmer
His passing glance seeks
naught but torso
There goes the noblest
fish bowl swimmer
While my saddened heart
Igrows all the more-so.
Hark, what light through
yon blockhead breaks?
Tis Juliet, come to
woo fair Romeo,
'Neath his balcony,
hear her solo.
She serenades
with voice so sweet,
His rose hie drops
from teeth to feet.
She picketh up
the tender bloom,
(Gathering his rosebuds
while she may.)
She smiles her thanks,
shy as a groom
The gift gives her courage
to pleadingly say:
"Romeo, Romeo, roam
with me in the gloamee
Saturday night,
we'll dance from 8-10.
We'll leave the ball,
sure'not to stall,
So late minutes
you won't get again."
Now, I walk with beauty,
for my knight
Acquiesced like Romeo did.
Juliet and Halladay,
both so right,
Helped get my id
from where 'twas hid!
The above work is construe
with, all apologies to various ml
romantic poets!
-Ellen Lambert, '4


HARRY TRUMAN bounced all
over Los Angeles just at the
ime the Republicans pulled what
the Democrats called their
"Khrushchev purge of Zhukov
act" - in other words, their purge
of Gov. Goodwin Knight. He went
out to Disneyland to get a little
practice in being a grandfather,
even though it will be many
months before his Dennis gets out
of diapers. And he spent some
time advising fellow Democrats
how to win the next election.
To a very select group of
friends, he even discussed the 4
Little Rock crisis and the firing
of Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
"I called, in two men before I
fired MacArthur - Dean Acheson',
and Gen. George Marshall - and
asked their advice," he said..
"Dean Acheson said MacArthur
should have been fired long ago..

tend to be as great, but two other
Presidents faced the same prob-
lem with generals of the Army.
"There was Abraham Lincoln,
whi had to fire three generals;
and there was.pMcKinley, who had
to fire an officer during the Span-
ish-American War. He was very
popular, but McKinley fired him
"He had to, if he was going to
keep the respect of the nation."
Pat Brown, California attorney
general who is running for gover-
nor against Sen. Bill Knowland,
Republican, asked Truman wheth-
er he knew .Gov. Orval Faubus of
"I know him, and I've thought
highly of him," replied the former
President, "But someone sold him
a wrong bill of goods. If the same
thing had happened while I was
in the White House, I would have
stopped it like this." He snapped
his fingers.
When Brown asked Truman for
advice on running his campaign
for governor, Truman delivered a
lecture on politics which would
have been a lesson for any can-
didate, whether for city commis-
sioners or Vice-President.
* * *

"And never mention your op-
ponent's .name," .he cautioned.
"That just gives him publicity. At-
tack what he stands for, but don't
mention him by name."
Sen. Knowland has a couple of
trump cards up his sleeve in his
race for governor of California
and beyond it to the White House
- if' he makes the first hurdle.
One is that he has an arrange-
ment with Sen. John, McClellan
of Arkansas to' take his Rackets
Committee out to California for
a full-dress probe of West Coast
Knowland has. been for the
"right to work" bill which Gov-
ernor Knight has opposed. In his
race for governor, therefore, the
vote is expected to go for he Dem-
ocrat, Pat Brown, and against'
HOWEVIPR, Knowland will play
down his former advocacy of the
right-to-work bill and will cam-
paign on an issue of "Democracy
in labor unions." He will advocate
the right of labor to elect their
own leaders, and will demand pro-
tection for welfare funds. This is
generally popular with labor and
should win even Knowland some
labor votes. '
The California attorney gener-
al's office is taking a look at the
Knight withdrawal in favor of
Senator Knowland to see if any
"pecuniary or other consideration"
was involved. If so, it might be it-.
(copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

"BUT MARSHALL said: 'You
should fire him, but he's got mil-
lions of friends. There would be a
very bad public reaction.'
"So I told Marshall: 'George,
you go out between now and to-
morrow afternoon and talk to
people - all'kinds of people. And
you come back here tomorrow aft-
ernoon and tell me what you
think.' "
The next day, Truman said,
General Marshall came back and
reported: "Mr. President, you
should have fired himlong before
this. The people will support you."
Musing about the aftermaths of
his firing of General MacArthur,
Truman continued,'"I don't pre-

California's Gov. Goodwin Jess
Knight that he will run for the
United States Senate next year to
leave the GOP nomination for
Governor in Senator William F.
Knowland's lap,' deceives no -one
who knows him well into thinking
he has let his own White House
dreams die.
Goodie Knight has ever been
the plain, blunt man in politics.
Wherever he saw an open door to
political office, small or large, he
always made for it-loudly and
without pretense of shyness.
eHe hoped for the White House
in 1955 when Vice-President Rich-
Nixon M:Nixon. and Senator
Knowland were after it.
He still hopes.
-New York Times

t .
40 YeA:%_ars of ,Communism

"YOU'VE GOT to conduct this,
campaign," he said, referring to
the race for governor of Califor-
nia, "As if it was a presidential
campaign: No state today is more
vital than California. We've got
to win.
Truman then advised Brown to
get organized right down to the
precinct workers


nights of late, one can't but conclude that
is creature man is a great being. He'll be up
ere soon; he'll go farther later. But down to
rth, he has left his home a shambles.
For the nation which will likely shoot the,
Gon first, and the nation which celebrates its
rtieth birthday today, is Comninist Russia.
he nation which is leading mankind into the
known is the most totalitarian one known
Certainly, the Russian Revolution is the most
Knificant event of the Twentieth Century. The
eological regime borne of the Revolution to
eater or smaller degree has been responsible
r the successful establishment of totalitarian
mmunism in Mongolia, in Latvia, Lithuania.
d Estonia, in Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
ugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Roumania and
>land, in North Korea and East Germany, in
)rth VietNam and China. The Communist
3.rty is also strong in more than one Western-
lented country. Syria', Egypt and Indonesia
e flirting with the Soviet Union.
Though it is true that most of these com-
unist states were instituted with the help of
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
)NNA HANSON ................ Personnel Director
LMMY MORRISON............ Magazine' Editor
)WARD GERULDSEN . Associate Editorial Director
[LLIAM HANEY .................... Features Editor
)SE PERLBERG. ...............Activities Editor
ROL PRINS ........ Associate Personnel Director
LMES BAAD ....« .. «...... Sports Editor
IUCE BENNETT............Associate Sports Editor
HN HILLYER........... Associate Sports Editor
3ARLES CURTISS......... Chief Photographer
Business Staff

the Red Army or Soviet compulsion, they all
ere not. Most pertinent to our times is that
communism also has been instituted by the
strength of its message alone, and with little
original compulsion, as in Russia itself and
in China. To underestimate the selling power
of communism; under given social conditions
is an error the West cannot! afford.
what the West must try to ameliorate. The
conditions under which communism seems to
thrive are these:' Wherever the educated crust
of a society are frustrated in their quests,
wherever the peasants and/or workers are
exploited, wherever colonialism has humiliated
indigenous pride and wherever a person is dis-
criminated against because of his skin or
religion, there breeds communism.
The West should realize to a greater extent
than it does now that Communist 'regimes
around the globe rationalize their existance by
claiming that the Western nations seek to
destroy them. If external pressures were taken
off these Communist states.. .
The West must lastly realize that it is totali-
tarian, police state, Moscow-directed socialism
which is the enemy of human dignity and not
socialism itself. For many of the newly borne
countries of the .world are a long ways from
free enterprise; they must necessarily undergo
a period of government-directed enterprise if
they hope to. industrialize quickly, and this is
a legitimate desire. Failure to understand this'
could drive these uncommitted peoples (Social-
ist India now as she seeks a half-billion dollars
from the United States) to Moscow for help
and understanding.'
For if the ideology of Soviet communism--
a government which has denied people con-
sumer goods, treated farmers with contempt,
obliterated national states, squelched the in-
telligentsia and murdered and starved millions
within Russia without feelinL'-succeeds f..-

Kashmir Plebiscite Controversy Discussed

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the see-
ond article of a three-pant discus-
sion of the Kashmir problem from
the Indian point of view. The author
is a University student from India,
here under the Foreign Student
Leadership Exchange program.)
Daily staff Writer
IF WE Study the Kashmir prob-
lem more deeply and intelligent-
ly, shaking off the influence of the
propaganda launched by Pakistan,
it may be nothing short of a
shocking realization that Pakis-
tan's slogan of liberation for
Kashmir is an inernational fraud
unmatched in history.
Admitted that three-fourths of
the population of Kashmir is
Muslim, but are the Pakistanis
worried about the religious and
democratic rights of the people?
Are they worried about the econ-
omic welfare of the Muslims? Let
the Pakistanis anywhere in the
world search, their hearts and an-
swer this question.
PEOPLE living in Indian Kash-
mir are positively in better econ-
omic condition than Muslims liv-
ing in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
Let any man in the world go to
Kashmir and ohserve for himself
the comparative living standards
in Indian Kashmir and Pakistan
Kashmir, the latter being forced
by Pakistani military forces in

Ewer my questions. You cry that
you want liberation of the people
of Kashmir. Can you say that the
Indian government has ever tried
to suppress the' religious freedom
of the Muslims?
Can you say that the Indian
government has ever denied the
right of faith, culture, education
or other democratic rights? Can
you say that we have ever tried to
convert the Moslems of our coun-
ry to HIndus. If not, why, then
is the annexation of Kashmir to
India illegal or undemocratic?
You cry for Kashmir's Muslims
and their rights. Why don't you
show the same amount of love and
enthusiasm for the 50 million
Muslims living in India?
Nay, Muslims living in India
don't even look toward you for
help. They are the citizens free to
go wherever they like. Still, if your
country is the land of liberation
for Muslims, why don't they join
you? Why do they still decide to
live in India? Is it because they
want to be suppressed? Is it be-
cause they want to be persecuted?
* * *
AFTER ALL, what is it that
makes you ignore 50 million Mus-
lims living in the secular nation of
India while you have created such
a big international fuss about four
million Kashmir Muslims?
You may never try to answer
the question, because the reply

other danger toward which they
may be drifting.
What does it xpatter to you, if
for your own interests, you have
to harm even your own Kashmir
Muslims engaged in the peaceful
struggle to earn a better living?
What does it matter to you if
your arousing of religious fanati-
cism disturbs the whole setup .of
400 million people of India,- stir-
ring up disquiet and disorder
within her heterogeneous religious
group now living a peaceful life of
religious coexistence, tolerance
and harmony? What does it mat-
ter to you unless your own econ-
omic interests are safer?
But be it realized that unlike
your interests, the interests of the
Indian masses are not so superfi-
cial and so mean. India is a coun-'
ry where people of different re-
ligions live in peace and tolerance.
All have equal freedom to wor-
ship and to develop their cultures.
* * *
IF INDIA accepts the annexa-
tion of Kashmir to Pakistan, it
involves not only the four million
people of Kashmir, but also the
fate of 400 million Indians. In no
case can India afford to see 1947
repeated, with its horrors of rape,
cold-blooded murders and towns
being reduced to ashes by the
India has had enough of home-
less, hungry and groaning refu-

in Kashmir because we know that
in- case of plebiscite, people of
Kashmir will not decide their fate
by their enlightened democratic
rights, but shall be swayed by
their religious fanaticism, aroused
and exploited by Pakistan.
India does not want her citizens
in Kashmir or anywhere else to be,
victims of economic exploitation
by any country advancing its mo-
tives under the guise of plebiscite
or democratic right.'
India does not want Kashmir
to be turned into a military base
of any bloc, and thus be an evi-
dent first target of Soviet attack
in case of war.
She knows how to fight Com-
munism, and' she will stick to
fighting it, not by suppressing
her own people or by setting
Western military bases in Kash-
mir, but by struggling against the
poverty, hunger and illiteracy of
her masses.
LET US realize before jt is too
late that the unwise attitude
which the Western countries are
taking today towards the Kashmir
problem shall not only be a fatal
blow to the democracy of India,
but shall also be an equal menace
to the whole free World.
China with 600 million people
has already gore communist. The
freeworld cannot dispense soQeasi-'
ly with the 400 million people of
India, who have so far been hold-

Mrs. Roosevelt.
To the Editor:
WE WOULD like to call to yo
attention an error of omissi
in the editorial of November 3 1
James Elsman, regarding the i
ternational Week program.! Tl
editorial stated that "The Leag
is hosting Mrs. Eleanor Rooseve
wife of the former President."
Mrs. Roosevelt's appearance c
Friday afternoon is under t:
sponsorship of the Student. Go
ernment Council, which is cover:
the costs involved.,Her itinerary
Ann Arbor is the responsibility
the Student Government Counc
The Women's League is partli
pating by holding a dinner in M'
Roosevelt's honor for 100 guei
on Friday evening.
-Marylen SegAl, '58
President, Women's League
-Janet Neary, '58
Executive Vice-President, S(
No Surprise . .
To the Editor:
IT IS NOT particularly surprisi
that any champion of Mr. E
man's notions of "realistic paci
cism" would employ- an appeal
the sort of mottoes and platituc
which are to be found in Mr. Va
response this Tuesday.
If, indeed, formulations of ti
sort were reasonably reliable,
would not only be justified
advocating them, but we would
among their most enthusiastic a
-James C. Nichols, '58


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