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November 07, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-07

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eonomist Says Slump
ay Be Averted in '58;

Army Takes
No Students

Employes Instinctively Avoid Work

Hill Auditorium, Thurs.,

Ths Year

A business slumip in 1958 may be
erted b e c a u s e of Russia's
inching of Sputnik II, Gerhard
lm, chief economist for the Na-.
nal Planning Association, said
an address at the University.
Business will increase, he added,
the "success and threat" of the
w satellite results in stepped-up
tional security e'xpenditures by
e United States government .,
Although "uncertain" of the
onomic outlook for 1958, Colm,
o spoke at the concluding ses-
in of the University's fifth an-
al Conference on the Economic
u t 1 Q ok, said a decline was
Linked to Missiles
Ihe beginning of a slump next
ar, linked with current world
relopments, would lead the gov-
nment into increased expendi-
res for national defense, he said.
He predicted an upswing, pre-
Atated by advanced satellite
d missile prog;ams, w o u l d
unteract the downward econom-
trend. The stepped-up programs
e warranted, the former aide
the President's Council of
;oomic Advisors, said, for pur-
ses of national defense.
[ncreased national spending is
e way of avoiding the slack he
4, but cautioned that this was
t the only reason for an ex-
nded government e c o n o m y.
here are many other urgent
ings that need to be.,done and
at would make good public
rks programs."
Foreign Aid. Outlet
F'oreign aid 'would also have to
one of the conditions for side-
pping a slump and initiating "a
w economic upturn." However,

he warned, although both politi-
cal parties agreed on the basic im-
plementation of the objective, an
Impasse could be reached because
of party differences.
Along with higher U.S. spend-
ing there will be an increase in
'taxes which will offset to some de-
gree the dollars being lost to the
economy by cutbacks in private
industrial expansion. He added
that the theory of the budget limit
is impractical.
Disagrees With Others
A tax reduction wouldbe in or-
der, 'he said, if the government
does not greatly increase its ex-
penditures and if the business de-
cline becomes a reality.
However, any move along these
lines should bi suspended "until
the future of the national security
program is clarified in light of re-
cent- (Sputnik) developmeAts."
In analyzing views expressed by
Prof. V. Lewis Bassie, University
of Illinois economist, and Dexter
Keezer, economist, for McGraw-
Hill Publications, he disagreed
with Bassie who talked in terms
of a major recession in 1958 and
a consequent depression. He also
opposed Keezer who spoke of 1958
as "the pause that refreshes."
TU" Standards
Called Helpful
By Principals
High school principals meeting
at, the U n i v e r s i t y yestertay
stressed the University's high ad-
mission standards as an aid in
preparing their students to enter
The principals, here for the 29th
annual Principal-Freshman and
Junior College Conference, urged
the University to maintain high
standards, while at the same tm'
asking for "college on a lower cost
The increasing expense of col-
lege was cited by a number of
the principals in. attendance as a
"new pressure" which is hamper-
ing. college 'plans of many high
school students, forcing them to
postpone college while they take
jobs to provide funds for further
The principals also criticized
the effectsof "rampant material-
ism ~and prosperity" on students,
and added that "the social' de-
sirability of college is reahing
more and more students who are
not "college material." They also
disliked a "lack of study budget
and environment."
In regard to their own students
the principals said a greater con-
cern for-academic achievement is
appearing in the high schools,
with special programs for bright-
er students, becoming popular.
Ninety of the 135 schools ques-
tioned on this point said they now
had such programs.
High school students and their
parents are showing more inter-
est in going to college generally,
the principals said, although one
dissented with "Nothing ,inusual,
same old indifference" in regard
to such trends at his school.

Not one male student carrying
a full academic schedule has been
drafted from. the University this
year, Ernest J. Petoskey,' Assistant
Director of Registration said.
Students receive induction noti-
ces or .reclassifications from 2-S,
student status, to 1-A eligibility
because of college status irregular-
ities made on forms sent to local
draft boards. In deferring students
from the draft, Petoskey added,
"it's a matter of explaining their
status to the board."
The office of registration and
records which handles selective
service cases, plans to circulate
draft information to freshmen and
transfer students beginning in
February. The information covers.
a student from before he is classi-
fled to when he receives his induc-
tion notice.

Too many executives assume
that theirsubordinates in-
stinctively avoid work, in the
opinion of Prof. Rensis Likert, di-
rector of the Institute for Social
Research, and Prof. Stanley Sea-
shore, assistant to the director.
"Many c o m m o n managerial
practices imply that managerial
skill consists of thinking up ways
to seduce or' else pressure em-
ployes into doing tasks which are
inherently distasteful," the social
researchers declare, "or better yet,
to invent a machine which re-
places employes."
Among both supervisory and.
non-supervisory personnel the
high producers are those feeling
little pressure from above, the two
social scientists say..
Two Important Satisfactions
"A recent survey conducted by
the Institute on the place of work
in the individual's life gave evi-
dence that for many people there
are important satisfactions asso-
ciated with their work," Profes-
sors Likert and Seashore continue.

"The positive values people see in
their work are of several kinds,
but two are most prominent.
"One of these has to do with
the formation of stable, suppor-
tive, friendly relations with oth-
er people. -It appears that the
simple fact of joint activity with
USSR Pupils
Ahead in Math
LOS ANGELES (R) - Within
Russia, the chancellor of UCLA
said yesterday, "there are hun-
dreds of thousands of 10th-grade
students who are as well schooled
in higher mathematics as U.S.
college freshmen."
Raymond V. Allen, also told the
Breakfast Club:
"The Russian student is inter-
ested in science before he ever
enters institutions of higher

a common purpose has positive
value for most people, whether
the activity is labeled work or
play, and whether its purpose is
to produce a utilitarian product or
non-utilitarian good.
Value in Job Itself
"The other aspect of value that
people see in work lies in the job
itself. Skill," the researchers say,
"is respected and enjoyed. The
challenge of a significant, difficult
or novel task is still valued by a
majority of people."
Some forward looking adminis-
trators, the two experts conclude,
are beginning to consider these
"positive values" when establish-
ing programs of job enlargement.


TICKETS NOW ON SALE - $2.50, $2.00, $1.00
Auditorium Box Office Opens 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.

I'; 11 1 11 1 a 110

Fdor your Better Thing's-Shop Hutzel's


it Coast

)ees Eclipse,
An eclipse of the moon was vis-
e in the Pacific coast region of
e United States and in some
hier areas of the world beginning
'7:43 a.m. today, Eastern Stan-
rd time.
According to Prof. Hazel Losh
the astronomy department, the
lipse peak comes at 9:26 a.m.,
t at that time it will not be vis-
e in the Unied States.
The eclipse is visible in arctic
ions and in some parts of Asia.
should be seen in some areas of
e Soviet Union, Prof. Losh said.
rassar Begms
lirthday Plans
Vassar College has initiated a
5,000,000 development program
inaugurate its 100th birthday
.ebration occurring in 1961.
The announcement was made by
esident Sarah Gibson Blanding,
zQ added that the anniversary
I1 not be celebrated "by ex-
ling past achievements, but with
commitment for the future."
Endependent liberal arts col-
es, she said, have a responsi-
ity of continually improving the
ucation they give to young

Inernational Week
Topic: "Current Challenges
To.the United Nations"
To be presented at
4 P.M., Friday, November 8th



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