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October 29, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-29

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See page 4




Zhukov Dropped
From Presidium
Central Committee Meets in Secret;
Moscow Invokes Total Censorship
LONDON (A).t-Reports reaching London and Paris from Mos-
cow yesterday said Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov has been fired from the
ruling Presidium of the Soviet Communist party and is facing
These reports are completely unofficial. They come from mem-
bers of Western diplomatic missions in Moscow. But indications were
that Soviet Communist party boss Nikita Khrushchev had called an
urgent meeting of the party Central Committee, probably to af-
firm Zhukov's ouster as defense

F renchmen
TJurn Down
Mollet's Bid
PARIS (A') -The National As-
sembly early today turned down
Socialist Guy Mollet's bid to head
a new French government.
The official count showed the
former Premier was rejected by a
vote of 290-227.
Assembly members turned a
deaf ear to Mollet's plea that the
nation urgently needs a govern-
ment to face its mounting prob-
lems. He was the fourth to try
forming a cabinet since the gov-
ernment of Premier Maurice Bour-
ges-Maunoury fell four weeks ago.
Support Fades
Mollet's defeat was presaged
last night when the Independent
Republicans and Peasants, con-
trolling 99 of the vote Mollet was
counting on t6 give him a total of
about 270, decided to vote against
him. At a party caucus,'83 deputies
went on record against Mollet
while only three were for him.
This was repayment for the So-
cialists refusal last week to sup-
port the Independents' Antoine I.
Nay for the premiership.
Mollet, who holds the postwar
record for longevity in the Pre-
mier's chair with 15 months of
service, had sought to form
France's 24th government since
World ,War II. His defeat throws
the problem of finding a' Premier
back to President Rene Coty.
Discipline Stressed
Appealing for Assembly endorse-
ment, Mollet told the deputies both
the state and private citizens have
to impose on themselves the
'strictest and most rigorous disci-
pline." He said, his first duty
would be to halt inflation and the
falling value of the franc.
As part of this program, Mollet
said it would be necessary to "con-
cider recourse to foreign loans, in
appealing to the solidarity of our
Atlantic and European allies."
He said a new bond issue would.
have to be floated in France, new
advances asked from the Bank of
France, new taxes voted by the
Assembly and government spend-
ing curtailed sharply.
Collins Asks
SC Consider
The Executive Committee of
Student Government Council will
request that the Council consider
an evaluation of SGC, according
to SGC President Joe Collins, '58.
Last spring, a student, faculty,
administration group under Re-
gent directive evaluated the
4Council after a two year trial
period and was then approved by
the Regents.
* This evaluation committee, ac-
cording to Collins, reconnended
that the students further evalu-
ate the group.
Collins said the committee will
be set up so anybody with inf or-
mation or suggestions could re-
port to the group. 11
Collins himself wants the eval-
uation committee, after it is set
up, to look into the possibility of
-'adding a foreign student and grad
student to the Council.
United Fund
Total Climbs
Ann Arbor's United Fund drive
stood at 55 per cent of their goal

as of midnight last night.
According to unofficial totals
compiled by The Daily, the city's

Censorship blocked correspond-
ents' efforts to file any hard news
from Moscow. It appeared to be
the most thorough censorship in-
voked since the Stalin era.
Repeat Seen
It was considered possible
Khrushchev was repeating his
performance of last June, when
he summoned the full party Cen-
tral Committee to confirm the
purge of Georgi Malenkov, Lazar
Kaganovich and V. M. Molotov-
from their party and government
Khrushchev apparently had
been outvoted in the party's rul-
ing Presidium - then. a nine-
member Politburo - but a hasty
meeting of the Central Committee
backed him and turned the tide
against those accused of being
part of an "antiparty group."
Shakeup Possible
It seemed likely Khrushchev
was calling the signals again and
this might mean a new shakeup
in the Kremlin hierarchy. There
was some speculation that a place
was being cleared for Zhukov, but
this idea was fast losing favor
among Westerners who scented
disgrace in the portents surround-
ing Zhukov's 'dismissal.
Much of the material corre-
spondents tried to file on the tone
of the Soviet party press has been
held up by the censor.
This included textual material
from Pravda editorials which
might have contained clues to the
mystery. Stockholm dispatches
said copies of Soviet papers have
not been received there since Fri-
day, although it is normal for the
distributors to receive the papers
the day after publication. Only
excerpts of Pravda editorials have
been filed from Moscow.
Moscow Buzzes
Removal of Zhukov from the
party's Presidium surely would
mean disgrace for the man who
led the Russians to victory in
Germany 12 years ago.
M Word leaking through Moscow
telephone lines to Western Europe
indicated the Soviet capital was
buzzing with the anticipation of
Zhukov's disgrace..
There had been talk in Mos-
cow that a position might be cre-
ated for Zhukov such as first
deputy premier. There have been
no first deputy premiers since the
"antiparty" group was ousted.
Moscow censorship also passed
speculation that Zhukov might be
made ambassador to the United
Western diplomats in Belgrade
who have access to the Soviet
newspaper Pravda said editorials
in the paper indicated a conflict
raging in the Presidium. One
source in Belgrade suggested
Khrushchev once again was try-
ing to rally the Central Commit-
tee behind him after being out-
voted in the ruling party

An Editorial
THE IDEA OF CAMPUS CHEST is being given its biggest test
this week. After a rather weak performance last spring, the
University's unified charity drive is facing its second - and
perhaps last chance to prove itself as a means of supporting
worthy causes while at the same time eliminating numerous
individual solicitations.
But if' the Campus Chest concept is being tested, so is
the campus' generosity. The drive's goal of one dollar per person
is not too much to ask: many schools' drives realize as much
as five dollars for each student. And the causes are surely
worthy of campus support.
Fresh Air Camp, the main beneficiary, is a heartening ef-
fort at mental rehabilitation of disturbed children whose physi-
cal welfare is so often society's only concern. The Free Univer-
sity of Berlin scholarship represents a student contribution to
international exchange and understanding with a sister uni-
versity. The Ann Arbor United Fund is an' amalgamation of a
number of deserving community and national charitable or-
g/nizations, such as the Salvation Army, the YMCA and Leader
Dogs for the Blind.
THE TWO national educational charities - World University
Service and the National Scholarship Service and Fund for
Negro Students - both aim at facilitating the education of
those who otherwise might be denied a university experience.
Both are supported in large part by campus drives in this coun-
try, and both recognize the key role played by education in
overcoming social deprivation. WUS carries on programs in
student health and welfare and university aid in underdevel-
oped areas, a symbol of the willingness of the world's most pros-
perous students to help their-less fortunate fellows. NSSFNS en-
courages and aids Negro students in their attempts °Io be edu-
cated in interracial universities, a symbol of American society's
willingness to help carry some of the burden it has placed on
the shoulders of the Negro.
It may not be convenient for some students - especially
those in unorganized housing - to contl'ibute. But the causes
are deserving enough, the goal reasonable enough and the con-
cept of a unified drive important enough, for the campus to go
out of its way, if need be, to contribute a dollar a person to
Campus Chest.

Res AskExchanges
OpenAms Meetings
Urge SwtchAN ALL-TIME LOW: Desire New
To All-Nation SGC Campaign Opens U.S.-Soviet
Arms Talks For Eleven Candidates Air Service
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (M) B-JN-EWL EPK ropose Cultural
Student Government Council has an all-time low in the number
The Soviet Union proposed yes- of candidates running for election Nov. 14. ScientificContacts
terday that disarmament talks be Only 11 candidates are competing for the five open positions. WR
switched from big power secret The candidates voiced their string 6Y often memorized speeches WASHINGTON (/)-Russia yes-
meetings to a public 82-nation Tecniae ocdtersrn Totnmmrzdsece terday proposed a sweeping agree-
"Leitst Asse bly." 82-nationlast night, as open houses in residence halls, sororities and fraternities t wtth ned s e s to
"Little Assembly."otude aywent with the Unie States to
I-asrrsmoethSoitgot under way. stimulate cultural-scientific ex-
nin ure, the liset oThe open houses, which will continue until Nov. 8, give the candi- changes, including direct Amer-
Union urged the abolishment of dates an opportunity to answer questions about their positions on can-Soviet air service.
armament commission and its certain issues. Another opportunity" The broad-ranging plan covered
five nation sub-committee, Vwhich to express their viewpoints on vital 52 exchanges-of-persons projects.
has been carrying on private talks matters is currently in the plan- U .S.u rders it carefully veered away from cold
since 1954. ning stages, according ,to* Phil war politics5.
Call . 'ngaedImpracdicaPhi WThe Soviet proposals were laid
Called Impractical Zook, '60, elections director. Aud. down by Ambassador Geogi Zar -
The United States rejected the B, Angell Hall, has been reserved bin at the opening of negotiations
Russian proposal as impractical. on Nov. 11 for an all-candidate at the State Iepartment. The sec-
An American spokesman said, "it forum discussion. ond meeting, to consider these
appears to indicate an unwilling- He also reported that the usual Fuid Sl shalong with American suggestions,
ness to negotiate. It casts doubt interviews will be conducted daily will be held next Monday.
on their intentions with regard to onerviWsBwillhe co ntdal
any disarmament agreement." over WCBN, the campus network WASHINGTON P(') -The new U.S. Proposals Coming
any nr+1-a<.v --- 1-1-_in South Quadrangle, secretary of -defense yesterday told WillimRR_ 'n a
Wi-----B--cs cil

Chest .Drive
Under Way
Campus Chest drive began yes-
terday with personal solicitations
in University residence halls, fra-
ternities, and sororities.
No totals are yet recorded, and
solicitations have not begun in
some residence houses, Joe Sher-
man, '58, Campus Chest Board
chairman, announced.
Housing units decide individu-
ally the type of fund solicitation
-whether the house as a whole
will be billed or whether individu-
al solicitations will be made.
Residence hall solicitations will
continue today and tomorrow
with the bucket drive Thursday
and Friday.
Class Excuses
Cause Trouble
Maryln Segel, '58Ed, League
President, reported yesterday that
several students, confined to their
residences with, influenza, have
had trouble with instructors con-
cerning excuses for missing class.
A few instructors have request-
ed written excuses, she said. How-
ever, these are unobtainable for
students who were not actually
confined to Health Service In-
Dr. Morley Beckett, Health
Service Director, said yesterday
Health Service stopped issuing ex-
cuses for students hot confined
to the infirmary two years ago.
"Students would come in request-
ing an excuse for the day before.
This became a problem," he said.




By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Army gener-
als took pot shots yesterday at
Air Force doctrine anid what they
called "'arbitrary" Defense De-
partment rules curbing the Ar-
my's role in guided missiles.
They proclaimed, too, that an
Army weapon now being perfected
may provide a defense against the
intercontinental ballistic missile.
CHICAGO' - Historian Henry
Steele Commager defended Amer-
ican high schools y e s t e r d a y
against often heard charges of
watered down education but ac-
cused them of degrading athletics
into a burlesque show.
"More and more the athletic
tail is wagging the academic dog,"
Commager said in a speech pre-
pared for a conference on the
American high school.
"More and more young men
who are protected by law from ex-
ploitation in the labor market are
exploited for the convenience, the
entertainment or the profit of
bell, convicted with Ethel and
Julius Rosenberg of atomic es-
pionage, got still another setback
from the Supreme Court yester-
day in his legal fight to get out of
The court rejected without
comment a petition asking that
it reverse itself and grant Sobell
a review of his conviction.
It was the seventh time the
court has turned down applica-
tions of one sort or another in So-
bell's behalf, each time leaving
the conviction undisturbed.

The Western powers believe
that secret meetings keep debate
from turning into a propaganda
The Soviet proposal calls for
the establishment of a permanent
disarmament commission com-
posed of all UN member nations.
The commission would examine
"all proposals on disarmament
submitted to the United Nations"
and would make recommenda-
tions to the General Assembly.
Propose Increase
Some diplomats expected the
Soviet plan to win support from
the Middle East and neutral Asia.
India, Japan and others have pro-
posed increasing the membership
of the commission and its sub-
A Soviet memo explained that
broader talks were necessary be-
cause the commission and sub-
committee failed to advance any
The Western members of the
subcommittee-the United States,
Britain, France and Canada -
have already supported a 24-na-
tion resolution which would en-
dorse the latest Western proposals
and send disarmament talks back
to the subcommittee. A majority
of the assembly backs this reso-

Under New Setup
He said, "The committee is un-
der an entirely different setup this
year. We are relying and drawing
from reports of four election com-
mittees. There is no reason why
we can't be 100 per cent more
effective than last year."
He added that the absence of
ballots at various polls should be
avoided this time for two reasons.
One is that, contrary to last spring,,
there will only be one SGC ballot
for this election. Also, two com-
mittee members will visit the polls
each hour, checking the number of
ballots on hand. "We expect to
have 200 or more ballots at each
booth consistently."
Tremendous Advantage
Zook concluded by saying that
"the committee this year has a
tremendous advantage over the
elections committee last year. We
will have every chance of doing a
good job," he said..
The SGC candidates are Joe Col-
lins, '58, Council president; May-
nard Goldman, '59, treasurer; and
Council members Jo Hardee, '60;
and Dan Belin, '59.
Also running are David Bray,
'60; Bert A. Getz, '59BAd; Virgil;
Grumbling, '58; Don Koster, '59;
Linda Rainwater, '60; Mort Wise,;
'59, and Lois Wurster, '60.

Ackley Gives Hopeful Picture of Italian

TuitionHike Suggestion
Rejected by 'U' President
Suggestions that college students should be willing to pay $1,500
a year in tuition were termed "a complete reversal of traditional
American educational concepts," by .University President Harlan
Hatcher yesterday.
Devereux C. Josephs, chairman of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's Committee on Higher Education made the proposal, saying
it is impossible to maintain adequate facilities without more financial
support from parents. Tuition fees of $1,500 do not seem out of line
- for the returns a student will get
from his college education, he told
The New York Times.
President Hatcher said "this
E conom ykind of thinking is a complete
that doesn't make a distinction
between the rich and poor."
"After you have priced the stu-
dent out of- the market, you have
not solved the problem of higher
education at all. Raising student
fees is a makeshift method and
should be tackled head-on," Presi-
dent Hatcher declared.
Elaborating on the committee
report sent last week to President
Eisenhower, Josephs said the most
important need in higher educa-
tion today is foi competent faculty
members. Faculty fees should be
boosted 50 per cent and the neces-
sary $500,000,000 ought to be pro-
vided by raises in student fees, the
chairman said.
He added that students pay
about 50 per cent of the overall
... college costs and less than 20 per

the armed services to make no
reduction in the proposed spend-
ing of $1.7 billion on basic re-
The action by Secretary Neil
McElroy was taken against a back-
ground of criticism of an Aug. 17
economy order by former Secre-
tary Charles E. Wilson.
Follows Criticism
The criticism, much of it from
Democrats in Congress and scien-
tists and organizations active in
basic research, grew sharp follow-
ing the Russian success with the
Sputnik earth satellite.
McElroy ordered the Army, Navy
and Air Force to restore their basic
research levels "within the over-
all resources currently available."
Congress voted the $1.7 billion
for basic research spending in the
fiscal year which began last July 1.
10 Per Cent Slash
Wilson's Aug. 17 order directed
the services to cut their spending
by an amount equal to 10 per
cent of the money for basic re-
Pentagon spokesmen said Wil-
son intended that the savings
come not out of the $1.7 billion but
out of $3.60 billion set aside for
procurement and production in
the T _ search and development
field. The order was interpreted
variously by the services but in
the end the effect wa's a cut in
the basic research fund.
Earlier yesterday,.two more im-
portant missile developments were
Different Radar
1) The Army said its new Hawk
missile, designed to shoot down
low flying planes, has a radar eye
which ignores things that stand
still, but speeds the missile toward
a target movin in the air.
2) The Matador guided missile,
hitherto a one shot weapon, was
disclosed to have been modified so
that it can be recovered by para-
chute and refired in training and
test workouts. This is an Air Force
College Aid
Plan Given
LANSING (4') -- A Republican
lawmaker today suggested meeting
the problem of zooming college
enrollments by providing. for in-
struction of college freshmen and
sophomores in their home town
high schools.
Rep. Willard I. Bowerman, Jr.
(R-Lansing) proposed that first
and second year students could get
their class work in after regular
high school hours-between 4 p.m.
and 9 p.m.-and during summer
Thus, on-campus enrollment at
colleges and universities would be
limited to juniors, seniors and
graduate students.
As part of the plan, local school
districts should be reimbursed for
added exnense by an extenision of

V11tu0. ". Jq*Y, 51Ml a
sistant to Secretary Dulles, headed
the American delegation. Lacy
contented himself with a brief
opening statement, mostly chiding
Russia for blocking more' liberal
United States-Soviet exchanges.
He said he would offer United
States proposals "presently."
Lacy and Zarubin agreed that
their aim, as Zarubin put it in his
remarks, was to "help to create an
atmosphere of confidence and mu-
tual understanding between our
Lacy called for "free discussion,
criticism and debate," and de
Visits Asked
"The reputation of Americana
and Russians for friendliness and
hospitality is well known."
Thee Soviet proposal, among
other things, called for swapping
visits by members of the American
Congress and the Supreme Soviet
of the Soviet Union.
Zarubin said the Congress-Su-
preme Soviet visits could take
place in 1958.
The Soviet proposal was based
on reciprocity. It called foi' visits
by experts in industry, agriculture,
science, the arts, trade unions,
radio-television, education, trade,
sports and news reporting.
Turkish Vote
Called Unfair
ISTANBUL (P)-- Opponents of
Premier Adnan Menderes cried
foul yesterday after the thunder-
ing victory of his Democrat party
in Turkey's national election.
The unofficial but final count
showed the Democrats won 432
seats of the new 610-seat Parlia-
ment in the voting Sunday, out-
drawing their opponents in 47 of
the nation's 67 provinces.
Menderes' leading rival, ex-Pres-
ident Ismet Inonu of the People's
Republican party, told a news con-
ference the Republicans are lodg-1
ing official conplaints in, each of.
the 47 provinces they lost.
Inonu, 73 years old, said the
Democrats used police to interfere
with voting, announced their vie-
tories over the state radio while
voting was still going on and
packed registration lists.
He said he had made these
complaints in a telegram to Men-
deres but was entering no offi-
cial protest himself, leaving this
instead to party organizations in
the provinces.
Despite Menderes' victory, soe
Republicans consoled themselves
with the fact they had cut solid-
ly intothe huge majority he has
enjoyed in Parliament since 1954.
Flu Epidemic
Fades Away
Asian Flu no longer exists on

A hopeful but qualified picture of the Italian economy was given
yesterday by Prof. Gardner Ackley of the economics department.
He said the determination of the people and a "sincerely con-
ceived" government program may enable the country to solve its
considerable unemployment problem.
But he added, "One prerequisite to success will be the ability of
they Italians to create and maintain a stable government." The govern-
nent today is a minority coalition and is relatively helpless until elec-
tions next spring.
Limited Capital Hurts
j Prof. Ackley, who spoke before the Economics Club, has recently-
returned from a year's stay in Italy on a Fulbright grant.
Unemployment in Italy is thought to range between one-and one-
half and two million in a working force of about 20 million.
Prof. Ackley said the prevailing and official opinion in Italy attri-
butes this unemployment to a limited supply of capital. He said eco-
nomists believe production is at its peak because of limited capital
which therefore prevents more employment.

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