See page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a t t.
* *
House Committee Will
Probe Missile Program
WASHINGTON (MA-The House Appropriations Committee ar-
ranged yesterday to make a full-scale investigation of the missile
and satellite programs with emphasis on charges of rivalry between
the armed services.
The investigation will begin in California Nov. 4 and move to
Washington for quizzing of top defense officials Nov. 20. It may con-
tinue the rest of the year.
The investigation will be directed by Rep. George Mahon (D-Tex.),
chairman of the 13-member subcommittee handling defense appropria-
tions. Most of the subcommitteet
Malinovsky Steps
Into Defense Job
Ex-Minister's Future Uncertain;
New Head Returns from Far East
LONDON (A-Marshal Georgi Zhukov "has been relieved"
of his post as Soviet defense minister, Radio Moscow an-
nounced last night.
The brief announcement gave no hint whether the
Soviet World War II hero was being demoted or moved up
to a position of greater power.
Marshal Rodion Y. Malinvosky, who shared with Zhukov
in engineering some of the Soviet war victories, was named
to the defense post. He apparently is being brought from the
Near East command, where he was last reported, to take over
the high defense post in Moscow.
Zhukov is 61; Malinovsky 59. Zhukov once was banished
from Moscow to the Southern command at Odessa by Josef
Stalin, Who apparently was "
-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
CHOMPING AWAY-Michigan's Jim Pace bites his way, through an attempted gang tackle thrown
by Minnesota's Bobby Cox and an unidentified teammate. Pace drove ten more yards from this point.
His first half play was termed by some as being his finest moments on the gridiron turf.
Miehigan Beats Gophers, 24-7,
Regains Cherished Brown Jug
Associate Sports Editor,
Special to The DailyI
MINNEAPOLIS-Michigan's football title hopes soared here yes-
terday, as the underdog Wolverines dissappointed Minnesota with a
24-7 triumph before a sun drenched throng of 64,680 in Memorial
SIt was a crisp, cold autumn afternoon, but Benny Oosterbaan's
sky high troops were red hot as they blitzed the Gophers with all their
scoring in the first half and coasted home to victory to reclaim owner-
Michigan State
Iowa . . . .
* s .
w " s
Ohio State . * * *
Wisconsin . . .
NATO Plans
S yria
DAMASCUS, Syria (P) -Syria
showed concern yesterday over a
NATO announcement that the
United States, Britain and Turkey
are planning maneuvers along the
Turkish coast next week.
"These maneuvers might hide a
planned military action," said a
Syrian foreign ministry spokesman.
A NATO announcement from
Izmir, Turkey, said ,NATO land,
sea and air forces would engage
' in three days of maneuvers, along
the southwestern Turkish coast
from Oct. to Nov. 2..
The exercise, it was said, would
involve mock atomic attacks and
participation by the United States
guided missile cruiser Canberra.
Submarines from the NATO
command at Malta, British Royal
Air Force units and aircraft car-
riers and cruisers from the United
States 6th Fleet in the Mediter-
ranean also are to take part.
The Syrian spokesman estimated
that 100,000 Turkish troops are
concentrated along the Syrian
The Syrians reported brief ex-
changes of gunfire between troops
of both Turkish and Israeli fron-
tiers yesterday. No casualties were
listed in either incident.
A Syrian Army spokesman said
an Israeli patrol infiltrating Syrian
territory near Jleibina, in the
south, fired on border posts. He
added: "our troops returned the
tire and the Israeli patrol with-
Police Arrest
Two Students
Two University students were
4ship of the fabled Little Brown
This was a completely revital-
izedhBlue eleven fromy the one
which performed so dismally two
weeks ago against Michigan State.
They completely outcharged their
bigger line foes, riddled the Go-
pher's secondary with passes and
ripped impressive holes in their
tackling corps.
The beginning was rather bleak
for Michigan. The Wolverines took
the opening kickoff, and quarter-
back Jim Van Pelt led a march
from his own thirty, passing and
running well. After fourteen plays,
Minnesota dug in and held on the
half yard line.
Michigan stiffened, too, how-
ever, and the Gophers failed to
make a first down. Halfback
Rhody Tuszka punted to Michi-
gan's Brad Myers, who started in
place of Mike Shatusky, and he
returned to the Minnesota forty.
After a play which netted two
yards, Oosterloaan sent in the
second string', led by quarterback
'Stan Noskin.
Halfback Bob Ptacek's signal
was called on the first play, and
he managed just a yard. Noskin
then stepped back and found end
Dave Bowers with a perfect pass.
Bowers ran the rest of the way to,
score the first touchdown easily.
Van Pelt came in to kick the extra,
For the remainder of the quar-
ter, neither team could gain, Mich-
igan taking a punt and gaining
two yards after it to end the open-
ing period.
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
Purdue ...... 3 7
Miami (Ohio) . . 6
Indiana . . . . . . 14
Villanova .. . .. 7
Notre Dame . . . . 13
Pittsburgh . . . .. 7
Army. .
Penn . .
" " s s + "
" " " " " "
* " f # " s
* " e* " " "
members are expected to take part
in the inquiry.
Rep. Mahon said interservice
rivalries are the reason "why the
Russians have beaten us so badly"
and the subcommittee will try "to
ascertain what the situation is
and what has been done with the
millions of dollars appropriated
for these programs."
"We want to find' out and let
the American people find out why
we are lagging in this field in
view of the vast funds provided,"
Mahon told a reporter. "There has
been a lot of talking. Now we are
going to do some looking. It is
apparent that friction between the
armed services is one of the causes
of our failure to make satisfactory
progress. There has not been a
free exchange of information be-
tween the services."
The committee's field probe is
expected to last five days. The
hearings in Washington, to be held
behind closed doors, may run into
the next session of Congress, con-
vening in January. The leadoff
witness will be Secretary of De
fense McElroy.
U.S. Spendsr
$60 Million
For Missiles
tary has fired more than 60-mil-
lion-dollars worth of intermediate
range ballistic missiles (IRBM) in
tests during the past year, about
12 million dollars within the past
That figure - for one type of
weapons only -gives only a hint
of the cost of the huge test pm-
gram for missiles of all kinds.
These unofficial estimates -
based on an average cost of about
six million dollars for each test
firing of a ballistic missile do not
include scores of millions more in
developmental firings of other
The latter range from huge in-
tercontinental ballistic missiles
(ICBM) through shorter range
antiaircraft and bombardmexpt
guided missiles to numerous tests
of components for missile systems
and of "research vehicles" for ac-
quiring basic data in weapon de-
Also outside the estimate is the
substantial cost of research done
outside big firing test centers like
those at Cape Canaveral, Fla.,
White Sands, N. M., and at other
Navy and Air Force ranges.
The IRBM tests already held
actually are a competitive shoot-
ing match to decide whether the
Army's Jupiter or the Air Force's
Thor is better, or whether the best
features of both should be com-
In addition to the Army and Air
Force designs, now in the state of
completed hardware, there is a
third design, the Navy's Polaris
missile. The Jupiter and the Thor
are propelled by liquid fuels -
dangerous to handle and requiring
a vast amount of "plumbing" with-
in a missile. The Polaris will use
a solid fuel, which the Navy claims
will produce the same results as
liquid fuel but will be vastly safer
to handle aboard a submarine or
Rackets Group
I T"I" " p nSIXT ffQ I
Wilson Says ~ jjj
B S.. position uncertain
By Scientists -
ANDERSON, Ind. (,P)-Ex-De-
fense Secreary Charles E.-Wilson
said yesterday a group of scientists
advised the Army in 1955 not to
complete its "advanced" plans to
launch an earth satellite.
Wilson said it was "not a deci-
sion of the Defense Department"
to keep the satellite project "out
of our missile business." He said
the scientific advisors,, whom he
did not name, wanted the satellite
developed in co-operation with
allies and timed to coincide with
the International Geophysical
"The Russians played this thing
a little different than we did," Wil-
son told a news conference at An-
, Jerson College. "They mixed their
military weapons and scientific
business together, using it as a
cold war weapon."
Wilson said he doesn't think
Russia's success in launching Sput-
nik as the world's first man-made
satellite needs to effect American
defense spending, which he called
"about right for the times we are
'Wilson revisited Anderson, where
he worked for General Motors
Corp. 38 years ago, to dedicate an
Anderson College library named
for him. He told reporters he has
no plans to return actively to big
Army Climb
To Control
Prof. William B. Ballis of the
political science department said
last night that it was "quite like-
ly" that Marshal Georgi Zhukov
would be the next premier of Rus-
Although saying that it wasn't
"an open and shut case," he dis-
counted the belief that Zhukov
was removed from political activ-
ity by Khrushchev.
"The number two man is prob-
ably still Zhukov," Prof. Ballis
said, "But Khrushchev is still run-
ning the show.
He said he thought that this
meant the Russian army, tradi-
tionally out of Russian politics,
was going to play an even bigger
part in Russian affairs.
"There was always the problem
of how much power the army
should have when the old Bolshe-
vists were in power." Ballis said
with no important Bolshevists left
after last June's showdown, the
army has gained a clearer field.
Prof. Ballis said he felt that
both the Army's and Marshal Zhu-
See PROF. BALLIS, Page 8
jealous of his popularity. In
the last four years he has
been gaining steadily in pow-
er and position in the Soviet
There has been a question
whether Nikita Khrushchev him-
self was not beholden to Zhukov
for his position as first secretary
of the Soviet Communist party
and leading figure of power:
Zhukov, as leader of the army,
was reported to have thrown his
support to Khrushchev in the cru-
cial June showdown in the Com-
munist party Central Committee
which resulted in the downfall of
former Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov, former Premier Georgi
Malenkov and Lazar Kaganovich.
Speculation Grows
The dramatic exit of Zhukov
from the defense ministry could
mean ether that he has run afoul
of Khrushchev in another of the
struggles for power in the Kremlin
or is ticketed for yet another step
higher, possibly to' premier.
There has beei much specula-
tion recently that the present pre-
mier, Nikolai Bulganin, frequent
traveling companion of Khrush-
chev on goodwill visits to such
places as India, southeast Asia and
Britain, might be on the way out.
Bulganin was replaced on the
traveling team by A. I. Mikoyan, a
trade expert, on a tour of East
Germany in August.
Zhukov Returned
The Moscow announcement was
made as Zhukov was returning
from a mission to Yugoslavia and
Albania. That mission may have
been. the important one of swing-
ing Yugoslavia's Marshal Tito
more in line with Kremlin policies.
Yugoslavia's recognition of Com-
munist East Germany was an-
nounced three days after Zhukov's
arrival in Belgrade.
A war-time friend of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's, Zhukov's
shift came without warning.
Ike Withholds Comment
In an interview with a New York
Times correspondent Oct. 8, Khru-
shchev said the United States State
Department had turned down a
proposal that Zhukov visit the
United States.
President Eisenhower withheld
any comment on the Moscow an-
nouncement yesterday as did the
State Department.
Few Western officials would
hazard a guess as to its signifi-
cance, but Soviet newsmen here
said it would be unthinkable if
Zhukov had been downgraded.
Envoys Popularity
Observers in Belgrade, Yugo-
slavia, also were quoted as being
incluined to believe that the Mar-
shal would not be demoted.
The Russian and the American
military leaders met when they
were occupation commandersin
Germany at the end of the war.
Eisenhower later acknowledged his
respect for Zhukov's military abil-
ity and said he was at a loss for
words to meet Zhukov's Commu-
nist political beliefs.
The reason is that Zhukov, as a
victorious soldier, is somewhat on
a par in public esteem, in Russia,
with Prh +rd eet. FA ,hY si.Y,1n -
To Confer
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower seemed cer-
tain yesterday to attend an extra-
ordinary meeting of the 15-nation
North Atlantic Treaty Council in
Paris Dec. 16-17. A final decision
is expected to be made early next
week. I,
A summit conference of the
Western Allies, if it develops as in-
dicated, will give President Eisen-
hower an opportunity to set the
stage for a. highly controversial
proposal to Congress to let this
country share its atomic weapons
secrets with Britain and in some
degree with other qualified friend-
ly countries.
It will also enable the President
to discuss plans for a revolution-
ary revision of free world defense
strategy by which the United
States apparently aims at making
atomic weapons and a variety of
of missiles more widely available
throughout the Allied security sys-
tem. A possible purpose of this
would be to get ready to fight
limited atomic war if this becomes
The status of President Eisen-
hower's plans and intentions with
respect to a December NATO
meeting developed amid some in-
ternational confusion but evid
ence accumulated that the session
would be at what diplomats cal
the "highest level."
At Ottawa, Canada's Prime
Minister John Diefenbaker an
nounced that he would attend. In
Bonn, West Germany, diplomatio
informants reported Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer would go. NATO
Secretary - General Paul - Henri
Spaak, a visitor to Washington
this week, is strongly behind the
Whim House and State Depart-
ment officials declined to say def-
initely that President Eisenhower
and British Prime Minite Mae-
millan, who ended three days of
conferences here Friday, would
attend the Council session. Their
line was that the decision would
be made later after other govern-
ments were consulted.
It was learned that President
Eisenhower and *Macmillan were
holding back because they wanted
to be sure that all the 15 countries
would be represented by heads of
Fight Order
sters Union moved yesterday to
upset a court-order barring James
R. Hoffa from taking office as its
president. The union also sought
to force out of the case the judge
who issued the order.
Lawyers for the giant truckers
Arkansas . . . . . .
Mississippi ..
Texas A&H
\Baylor ...
Duke. ...
No C: State.
Oklahoma .
Penn State.
Syracuse . .
, . , . 14
* 0 * *
" " . . 14
* * " * 14
. . .s."14
, . . . 13
* s * * 20
. . . . 12
Washington State
USC . 0 0 0
U Campus Chest Drive
To .BeginTomorrow
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the last in a series of four background articles
on the Campus Chest drive which begins tomorrow. Today's article deals
with the Campus Chest organization itself.)
"Give once for all," is the slogan which describes the philosopohy
of the University Campus Chest drive.
Dorothy Gartner, '60, drive publicity chairman, explained that
the benefit of the drive to students is the fact that they are solicited
for charity collections only once during he school year.
-Daily-Fred Shippey
HINDU NEW YEAR-A small member of the audience stole the
show from dancers by joining festivities of Indian students.
.Indian Students .Dance
As Hindu Year Begins
For 240 million people of the earth, the year is now 2014.
The Hindu Divali, or new year, was celebrated by University Indian
students with festivities yesterday at-Lane Hall. Underlining the spirit
of theevening was an impromptu solo sung by a Pakistinian student
who attended the celebration.
The evening was highlighted-by a "stick" dance performed by a
group in elaborate Indian costume. The dance is native to the Bombay
district of India.
Another dance, performed for the most part by women dressed in
the traditional sarai of India, involved unexpected audience participa-
tion. A small girl, invited to join in, soon became the "star" of the