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October 26, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-26

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"Oh, We Think Of This As Just A Launching Platform"

Sixty-Eighth Year

"When Opinion Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

'Tue Joker Is Wild'
Trite, But Funn
H OLLYWOOD'S MOST RECENT confession to the public, "The
Joker is. Wild," has all the traditional ingredients of a what-hap-
pens-behind-the-scenes production: the omnipresent bottle of bonded
Scotch in dissillusioned star's hand, a sweet young thing who is the
wrong kind for star (she's "too nice") and the ever-faithful buddy of
Competing in a market currently over-stuffed with this kind of
thing, "Joker" adds a good cast and some really good humor and pulls
itself out of the mediocrity dictated by its tired plot to reach the class
of solid entertainment. Frank Sinatra handles the part of Joe E. Lewis

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Advice to the Stalling.
South and the Impatient North

IRGINIA'S LEADERS have promised to re,-
place her unconstitutional Pupil Placement
t of 1956 with segregation legislation of some
zer sort.
Moderate Ted Dalton, state senator and
publican candidate for Governor, has urged
Democratic incumbent, Gov. Thomas B.
anley, to call a special legislative .session.
iton supports gradual integration by means
local pupil placement and he feels community
tool boards are now defenseless.
3ov. Stanley replied to Dalton that he in-
ded to rely on segregation measures already
the books. Besides obvious political sparring
s marks the rejection by Virginia's "massive
istance" forces of any possible moderate
which Gov. Stanley alludes are these: the
t would close the schools of any locality
ich began integration. The other would cut
state funds to any community which inte-
T'he Democratic Party in Virginia is solid
the support of this stand. United States Sen-
>r Harry Byrd coined the phrase "massive re-
tance" to unite the rabid segregationists. J.
Idsey Almond Jr., Sen. Dalton's opponent in
e gubernatorial race, refused to join in the
publican's plea for a special session.
Where can such a stand lead? This is not
uge in legal' underbrush, as was the pupil
,cement law, but out and out defiance of the
preme Court ruling. Moderates like Dalton,
Bing gradual integration, are being swept

similar. As the courts declare one segregation
law unconstitutional, another, more flagrant,
is legislated. When or where can this running
battle end?
Where, answers the zealous Northern liberal,
but in complete integration of the schools of
the South?
ion by the southern moderate, by anyone
who doesn't have so much blood in his eye that
he can't see the handwriting on the wall.
The danger lies in the fact that a few more
Little Rocks, a few more Pupil Placement Acts
declared unconstitutional and more of the
Southerners precious States Rights will have
been lost to the federal government. Our coun-
try, the theory goes, is a federal republic con-
stituted of "sovereign states." The sovereignty
of a state forced to surrender control of its
schools, to cite a possible result of the present
deadlock, is problematical.
For it has been the duty of the South, and
creditably so, to keep us aware of what this
nation is losing as we centralize our govern-
ment. Their loss in this respect would be the
loss of the nation.
So to the South we say integrate peacefully,
gradually if you must, but integrate. The
Supreme Court Decision of May, 1956, is the law
' of the land and you must mix your races in the
schools. Do so quietly so as not to jeopardize
your position and honor further.
To the North a word also. Apply pressure
firmly but proceed on firm legal ground. Over-
eager pursuit of principle could result in mar-
tyring the forces of "massive resistance."

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U.S. Takes a Ribbing

the Deep South the pattern is

Syrian Vicious Circle
IN HIS SPEECH at the United Nations on influence will certainly be under our influence.
Tuesday, the Syrian Foreign Minister, Salah In our eyes, it is vice versa. Yet the one thing
Bitar, let it be known what is his real complaint the Syrians themselves insist upon is that they
against Turkey and the United States. Though want above all things to be independent and
he talked about armies, his real complaint is neutral. Because none of the great powers
not that an armed invasion of Syria is in fact believes that they can be, Syria is a world
being mounted in Turkey. His complaint is that problem.
"certain countries" are being used as "bases for One question that we must ask ourselves is
activities of subversive elements that are still whether there is any way by which Syria could
plotting in Turkey against the Syrian govern- be enabled to break- out of this vicious circle of
ment. They dream of setting up a Syrian puppet great power rivalry and distrust. For while the
government that would be transplanted into present Syrian government is not likely to
Syria with the help of Turkish armed forces." believe it, the fact is that a truly independent
This complaint is that from some of the and neutral Syria, and with it a truly indepen-
countries which surround Syria-presumably dent and neutral' Middle East, would be the
Jordan and Turkey, and possibly Israel, Leban- best and the most that the United States and
on and Iraq-agents with arms and money are its allies could desire.
being infiltrated into Syria, and that the whole
plot is being organized and directed from Turk- FOR WE KNOW that there is no decent future
ish soil with the encouragement of the United in an everlasting struggle for control of the
States. This is a good deal less than the mili- weak Arab governments. That is the way to
tary aggression which the Syrians have been disaster. On the other hand, there is no future
talking about. But it is quite enough to account in appeasement which would deprive Western
for their indignation. For it stands to reason Europe of assured access to the oil of the Middle
that the former Syrian rulers, who were ousted East. What we must want is an understanding
by the present Syrian rulers, would like to and arrangement which will at one and the
return to Damascus, and that Turkey, the same time promote the independence and neu-
United States, and all the other Western pow- trality of the Middle Eastern states and will
ers, would be glad to see them succeed. assure Europe's access to the oil.
What we have then in the Turkish-Soviet May it not be that the principle of such azi
demonstration is a move to protect the present understanding and agreement could be found
revolutionary government of Syria from being in a new arrangement about the oil-an ar-
overthrown by the counter-revolutionary Syr- rangement in which the producing countries,
ians. the transit countries, and the importing coun-
tries would all share? There are signs on the
THIS STRUGGLE among the great powers, horizon that the existing arrangements are
with the control of the Syrian government as going to have to be revised in favor of thesArab
the stake, is being fought on the assumption countries, and in that need may well lie the
that there' cannot be a truly independent and opportunity to inaugurate a new deal in the
neutral Syria. In the eyes of the Soviet Union, Middle East.
a Syrian government which is not under its 9 1957 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

THOUGH President Eisenhower
says he's optimistic regarding
the science race between the
United States and the USSR, his
administration's monitoring serv-
ice has picked up foreign radio
broadcasts which show we are
taking a terrific ribbing all over
the world.
Here is a short skit presented
over the Voice of the Arabs from
Cairo, ridiculing the United States
over Sputnik.
The program began with the
sound of hammering in the back-
ground, the scene being the work=
shop where "Imperialist the Bul-
ly" is building an artificial moon
to compete with the Russians. An
American official asks:
"I want to know whether you
have completed my moon or not?"
"Not yet," replies Imperialist
the Bully. "There is a slight modi-
fication needed."
* * *
"YOU HAVE made us look ri-
diculous to the world," declares
the official. "Not only to the
world, but also to our press."
"Oh, no, no, no," answers Im-
perialist the Bully. "They are ter-
ribly wrong if they think so. Do
they not realize that this Ameri-
can moon which we are making
will be a very big one?"
"I have called all representa-
tives of the world press; they are
now outside waiting to see for
themselves the wonderful artifi-
cial moon. The moon must rise
today. They are waiting for me.
Do not put me in a critical posi-
"I will ask the workers in the
lab tohurry," promises Imperial-
ist the Bully.

He then goes to the lab, where
a plumber, a porter, and a motor-
cycle mechanic are building the
American moon, which is to be
made of cheese covered with
phosphorescent material.
"By the way, Imperialist," says
one worker, "I have brought with
me the phosphorescent material."
Imperialist: "What phosphores-
cent material? The moon is not a
"Are you not ignorant! The
moon should be painted with thin
material after being molded so
that it will be illuminated while
flying. The moon must rise today
. . . tomorrow the press will be
carrying big headlines: 'THE
Impeialist: "Come on, boys, let
us start it by hand. (Follows a
sound of "beep, beep").
"Here is the American moon!
The American moon calling! This
is the best moon that ever ap-
peared on the market!"
Note - Col. Nasser recently
stated that he wanted friendlier
relations with the United States,
told American diplomats he was
worried over Russian penetration
into Syria.
* * *
HOW SOUR the Pentagon was
toward the idea of space travel
even as late as last summer is in-
dicated by a secret order from the
Air Force forbidding any frivo-
lous talk on this subject.
This column has now obtained a
copy of this order, which was in-
spired by Secretary of Defense
Wilson's attitude that research in
space travel was a waste of time
and money. Dated July 29, 1957,

here is a copy of the Air Force
order, as teletyped to all com-
"For all commanders:
"Recent news stories which
have described certain Air Force
projects as space flight projects
have resulted in unfavorable re-
acton at Air Force and Depart-
ment of Defense levels. It is sug-
gested that any speeches or pub-
lic releases planned by you or
your staff. avoid the mention or
discussion of space, space tech-
nology, space vehicles.
"No statements can be made
which might in any way cause
the national news media to de-
scribe valid Air Force projects as
efforts to 'fly to the moon.'
"If in doubt as to the propriety
of a speech or release, submit it
to this headquarters for review."
* ". *
happy over a surge of criticism
against the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration from Republican newspa-
pers. That staunch GOP defender,
the New York Herald Tribune, on
one day devoted seven columns on
its editorial page to critical edi-
torials and columns against the
Republican Administration.
GOP National Chairman Meade
Alcorn is alarmed over the gener-
al political reaction to the Sput-
nik. Secret reports are pouring in
from GOP leaders, warning that
the voters no longer like Ike. They
blame himfor letting the Rus-
sians get ahead of us in the sat-
ellite-missileefield. This is one
reason for Ike's plan to deliver
fireside broadcasts.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

as if he had been living it him-
self for several years, as his se-
verest critics maintain.
So the movie commences with
Sinatra getting a manicure on his
vocal chords because he wouldn't
sign up for a life-time engage-
ment as singer for a blind pig op-
erator back in prohibition Chica-
go. Ever-faithful accompanist
Austin Mack (Eddie Albert) has
forewarned him of his frivolity,
and is just itching to say"I told
you so" when Sinatra exiles him-
self to New York City.
a, ,a
HE DONS a red clown nose and
a pair of Sophie Tucker's hand-
me-down slacks and does a stint
for one of the less reputable New
York burlesqueries as a second
banana man.
While the empty w h i s k e y
bottles and old racing forms pile
up in his dressing room, ever-
faithful pianist Mack comes to
New York to search him out and
head him back on the dry; pure
road of success.
Thus rescued from his plight by
Eddie Albert, he encounters a
source of moral support in the
comely Jeanne Crain. But he
handles his women just like he
handles his dice and horses, only
playing them when he's in the
mood. Consequently, he convinces
h i m s e 1 f this sweet pillar of
strength is too fine for his taste.
OF COURSE, he has by now
changed his style andblossomed
into the alcoholic slap-sticker we
always knew he'd be. Ad while
he's been joking in the Pacific,
Miss Crain has been having a few
laughs herself. But then, she had
to; otherwise Mitzi Gaynor would
have just gone to waste.
So, he figures even if he has
been let down by a Crane, he
ended up with a Gaynor, all isn't
lost yet.
But after all this conniving to
bring the audience some germ of
eternal truth from the laughter
and remorse flickering on and
off the State Theatre screen for
a couple of hours, some Holly-
wood wise guy put the "The End"
sign right in the middle of the
story, so the audience just sat
there with only the laughs to re-
member, which made the even-
ing worthwhile anyhow.
-William Haney
Features Editor
Impartial, Arbiter, President
Syngman Rhee of South Korea'
"He never overlooks an oppor-
tunity to speak out against the
democratic nations of the world
and never failsto rally his govern-
ment's support to the Communist
forces of conquest."
On Nehru, the Man of Principle,
(he said) "I do not respect a per-
son who, posing as a neutral in the
life and death struggle between the
free and Communist worlds, is
ready to swing to whichever side
-National Review

to the
To the Editor:
THE FRONT PAGE of the Oct.
18th issue of The Michigan
Daily contained an item of report-
ing dealing with the subject of
selling- or to use the quaint term
which The Daily used, "scalping"-
football tickets. As usual, our fight-
ing ,and outspoken student news-
paper very decently printed the
names, fines, etc. of the persons
whom our gallant, courageous, and
efficient police force "apprehended
after the Michigan State football
It must have been quite a shock
and traumatic experience for the
police to become aware of the fact
that anyone would think of selling
the most precious thing a Michigan
student can receive: a chance to
see the great Wolverines play. For
Quite seriously, I find all this
furor not only boring but annoy-
ing. When a student pays the fan-
tastic tuition rates now charged,
he also involuntarily pays for such
tickets, though this process is un-
doubtedly labeled something else--
a gift or a privilege.
WHY IS IT so dreadful for
someone to sell something which
he in turn has had to pay for? To
many of us the "great game of
football" is nothing but a tedious
bore and many who find it difficult
to finance their way through school
resent paying for this so called
Why, not let students have their
choice between the football games
and the Choral Union and Extra
Concert Series, since payment in
the case of the former is obliga-
As for the' term "scalping," x
wonder if the members of the
police force and Ann Arbor Muni-
cipal Court have ever considered
only the genuine "scalpers" in this
fair city? If they would, stop and
think about the matter, it might
dawn on them that the only
"scalpers" in this town are the
landlords and the merchants.
Such people make it necessary.
to do such things as sell football
tickets in order to function and
exist above the most primitive
level. Indeed, one doesn't need
Judge O'Briens exactions alone to
realize how costly getting an edu-
cation at the University of Michi-
gan has become.
-John R. Pope, Grad.
Pain .
To The Editor:
IN VIEW OF Mr. Ewell's intense
reaction to Mike Todd's "loath-
some" party, it is wondered why
he did not, after several minutes
of agonizing exposure, perform the
simple act of turning the TV set
off, or perhaps switching to the
fine production of "Green Pas-
tures" which ran simultaneously.
Does he jenjoy the prospect of
reporting his pain?
-Martin Timin, Grad.
Solution ..
To the Editor:
PROBLEM: Bicycle traffic con-
gestion, tire tracks over new
white bucks, casualties, etc.
Solution: Build an elevated ex-
pressway on and about Univer-
sity; or seven-way traffic light on
diag and stop signs at other side-
walk intersections; or issue bicycle
drivers licenses.
-Louis. Megyesi, '59





Fueling of Vanguard Rocket Crucial, Dangerous


G.B. Liberal Revival.

LONDONI() - Britain's Liberal party has
proved it Is still alive and kicking.
The Liberals even frightened two giants of
British politics-the Conservatives and Labor-
ites-in a special parliamentary election in
Labor held the Ipswich seat in the House of
Commons. The Conservative voting strength
slumped-as it has in a series of by-elections
over the past year. The Liberals, with Miss
Editorial Staff
Editoriar Director City Editor
DONNA HANSOM. . . Personnel Director
T1AMMY MORRISfON--------------------Magazne Editor

Manuela Sykes as their candidate, made a real
THIS WAS HEARTENING for a party which
has only six members in the House of Com-
mons and has been in the wilderness for more
than 30 years after giving Britain prime minis-
ters for decades.
The Ipswich results gave Dingle Foot, Labor-
itt, :26,898 votes; John Cobbold, Conservative,
19,161; and Miss Sykes, Liberal, 12,587.
Miss Sykes polled 4,000 more votes than the
Liberal candidate in Ipswich seven years ago.
No liberal candidate had run since.
Foot is a former Liberal but this did not con-
fuse the rank and file. Both he and Cobbold
lost independent voter strength to Miss Sykes.
IPSWICH, 65 MILES from London, is an in-
dustrial center in a rich agricultural region.
If there was a trend toward the Liberals in that
typically English town, the Liberals felt there
must be a tide running for them throughout

Associated Press Staff Writer
MONTHS of preparations and
11 tons of costly equipment
could be nullified in one huge
blast, should the fueling of the
giant, three-stage rocket that
will launch America's earth satel-
lite fall short of perfection.
The over-all Vanguard vehicle
intended to hoist a fully instru-
mented satellite 300 miles above
the earth is actually three rockets
fitted tandem style, one within
the nose of the other. It looks like
an elongated rifle shell, 72 feet
tall and not quite 4 feet in di-
ameter at its widest point.
Vanguard weighs22,000 pounds,
nearly 90 per cent of it fuel to
propel the three stages. That's
1,000 pounds of rocket to lift each
pound of the 21112-pound satellite
it will carry in its nose.
* * *
THE SAME 1,000-to-1 ratio has
led American engineers to believe
Russia must have used a launch-
ing vehicle of close to 200,000
pounds to boost the Soviet satel-
lite to its successful orbit around
the earth. The Russians gave
Spunik's weight as 184 pounds.
To get a monster like Vanguard

the three-part rocket will have
been joined together and tested
before the big day. They are
mounted on a huge steel-girdered
support structure from which
last-minute servicing can be'
With the completion of static
firing tests of the first stage
rocket Vanguard will be nearly
ready for flight. A complete check
of its complex electronic and me-
chanical system comes next. And
then, before the fueling and ac-
tual firing, comes alignment-one
of the most critically accurate fi-
nal steps.
The huge rocket must be
aligned within a tenth of one
degree of the vertical. This is
accomplished by using grids at-
tached to the vehicle and
extremely sensitive optical equip-
* * *
SHORTLY before firing, the
third state - holding the 20-inch
satellite-is installed and aligned.
This smallest of the three rockets,
five feet in length, uses a solid
propellant, something like slow-
burning gunpowder.
A protective blanket is installed
around the second stage. This 31-

mable gas - is pumped into tanks
of the second stage.
All personnel are withdrawn
from the immediate area, and the
first stage rocket is pressurized
with helium. After personnel re-
enter the area, the main regula-
tor on thesfirst stage rocket is set
for the desired flight value.
Next, a high-grade kerosene -
the first-stage propellant fuel -
is pumped into the rocket and the
area flushed with water. The per-
oxide crew then takes over. Wear-
ing weird white protective suits
which could pass for space gear,
they fill the hydrogen peroxide
tanks in the first stage.
The peroxide you buy at the
corner drug store has a concen-
tration of about three to five per
cent. The peroxide being used in
Vanguard is more than 90 per
cent pure. It will produce steam
to drive a turbine which operates
a pump for mixing the fuels dur-
ing the rocket's flight. A harmless
appearing, water-like liquid, hy-
drogen peroxide is explosively un-
stable and must be handled with
extreme care.
* * *
TANKS of the second-stage
rocket' next are filled with un-
symmetrical dimethyl hydrazine

The thermally unstable white
fuming nitric acid is one of the
last fuels added before launching
because of its highly corrosive
quality. In a short time, it could
even eat through the rocket's
stainless steel walls which, to save
weight, also serve as the walls of
the fuel tanks.I
After a washdown, the second
stage blanket is removed and the
huge support structure with its
110-foot gantry crane, rolls back
on tracks from the nearly primed
Vanguard rocket.
The seven-story Vanguard now
stands alone on its firing plat-
form with only fuel and pressuri-
zation lines connecting it with the
The first-stage igniter is in-
stalled next. Unlike the second
stage, where the mixing of the
fuels causes combustion, the first
stage has a mechanical ignition
FINALLY liquid o x y g e n is
pumped into the first stage tanks
by remote control from a nearby
c'oncrete blockhouse which will
protect the scientists and engi-
neers during the actual firing. Al-
though probably the safest of all

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official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyassumes no edi-
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Room 3519 Administration Build-
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General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Nov. 22. Com-
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meeting must be in the President's


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