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October 25, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-25

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Dali 1r






Hopes Fade
For Solution.
In Mid-East




by Syria

POINTER OF INTEREST-British Prime Minist er Harold Macmillan looks Interested as Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles points out somethin g at Washington, D.C., airport.

U.S., dBritain Decide
On1 M1ss1 ie Pooling
Eisenhower, Macmillan Continue
Secret Talks on World Problems
WASHINQTON (M)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan met for 21/2 hours yesterday to chart
combined American-British action in development of new atomic and
missiles weapons.
. With 12 Advisers
With 12 of their top advisers at their side, the two western
leaders considered concrete moves recommended by two teams of
experts who reviewed the problem during the day.
No announcement was made after the session, the third between
President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Macmillan since their

Unions- Riot
PARIS ()-Two shipyard strik-
ers were 'tkilled and 200 injured in
a destructive clash with authori-
ties at St. Nazaire yesterday on
the eve of a nationwide 24-hour
walkout by many unions.
They are protesting high living
At N a n t e s, several hundred
striking m e t a 1 workers hurled
stones and iron bolts at police in
a flare-up symptomatic of labor
tension in this country without a
The strikers at St. Nazaire were
angered by a management lock-
out after almost a month of ro-
tating wildcat work stoppages.
They smashed nearly every front
window in the huge shipyard com-
c pany's main office, ransacked of-
fices and overturned a police van.
Police reinforcements finally re-
stored order.
The incident at Nantes came
jwhen police tried to disperse a
crowd returning from a strike
One passerby was slightly in-
jured before police scattered the
strikers with tear gas.
~>The nationwide strike threaten-
ed to upset the' lives of Frenchmen
fora second time in little over a
Meanwhile, the lame-duck gov-
ernment of Maurice Bourges-Mau-
noury seems powerless to do any-
thing about it.
And Socialist Guy Mollet, latest
candidate to succeed him, has run
into serious trouble in his efforts
to form a government.
Beckett Warns
Flu Victims
At University
Health Service Director Dr.
Morley Beckett, yesterday issued
a, warning to recent Asian Flu
"Students just recovering from
the virus," Dr. Beckett said.
"should not be overly exposed to
the current damp, cold weather..
Weakened by influenza, these'
people are especially susceptible
to relapse."
He said a few students have re-
turned to Health Service, follow-
ing recovery, because they tried
to be too active immediately fol-
lowing illness. "In this type of
weather it is certainly not ad-
visable," Dr. Beckett said.
At Health Service the number

afar-ranging global review began
A tight secrecy curtain around
the talks was, lifted long enough
earlier in the day to disclose an
Eisenhower-Macmillan order to
draw up immediate plans for a
pooling of British-American atom-
ic and missile resources. The stated
aim was for "greater service to the
free world."
On Science
The Eisenhower-Macmillan talks
thus far were reported concentnt .
ing on the scientific-military field,
with discussion of Russia's threat
to the Middle East left over for the
final conference scheduled for this
The final Eisenhower-Macmillan
conference was set for midafter-
noon today. Afterward, an official
communique on the sessions will
be issued.
The joint announcement at the
White House yesterday said Presi-
dent Eisenhower and Prime Min-
ister Macmillan had named two
high level committees to make
recommendation for action in
these important fields:
1. Nuclear relationship and co-
2. Problems dealing with missiles
and rocketry.
IFC To Seek
Local, National
Inter-Fraternity Council's exec-
utive committee will forward ques-
tionaires to each fraternity on
campus in an effort to find out
their relationship with the na-
tional fraternity.
Ken Shaw, section chief of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity, pro-
posed the action at the IFC's exec-
utive council meeting last night.
Shaw said it would be to the best
advantage of the fraternity system
as a whole to "find out where the
percentage of voting strength is
during the national convention."
According to IFC Executive
Vice-President Mal Cumming, '58,
fraternities will be asked to sign
the questionaire concerning their
national affiliation. The signa-
tures, he said, would be necessary
for the executive committee to
have a "check"'on which fraterni-
ties had filled out the inquiries.
Shaw cited an editorial that ap-
peared in The Daily as an example
of the public's misconception of
the national fraternity's power.
The editorial argued that the
individual chapter policy was dic-
tated by the ,fraternity's national
12th Rirthckav

Call Hat
To Fights
On Strike
DETROIT (P) - A court order
to halt interference with move-
ment of milk was issued yester-
day after the day-old milk strike
erupted into violence.
Nine strikers were arrested aft-
er five separate outbursts, includ-
ing pitched battles.
The order, aimed at tle Dairy
Farmers Co-operative Association,
restrains the strikers from inter-
fering with collection and distri-
bution of milk by the Michigan
Milk- Producers Association.
Strike Explodes
The temporary restraining or-
der was issued by Lapeer County
Circuit Judge Timothy C. Quinn.
after the strike exploded into
driver-beatings and milk dump-
Despite the violence and the re-
fusal of some of the 12,000 farm-
era in the 22-county Detroit milk
shed to sell their milk, the strike
appeared to be having little effect
on supplies here.
A spokesman for the MMPA
said 90 per cent of the milk need-
ed for doorstep deliveries today
would reach Detroit.
Officials of two of Detroit's
largest dairy companies said their
supplies today would be normal.
That same report came from
Samuel Angott, president of the
Detroit Retail Milk Dealers Asso-
ciation. He said association mem-
bers were in good shape.
The strike was called Wednes-
day by the DFC in an attempt to
increase the price paid farmers
from $5 to $6 a hundredweight for
drinking milk.
Homer Martin, one-time UAW
presidentand DFC strike direc
tor, vowed Detroit would be a
milk-dry city by tomorrow.
Strike Effective
Despite the reports by Detroit-
area dairies and the MMPA, M~ar-
tin claimed the strike was "65 per
cent effective."~
"By Friday, 75 per cent of the
farmers will withhold their milk
and by tomorrow, Detroit should
feel the strike's full effect," he
Martin was served with Judge
Quinn's injunction by Lapeer
County Sheriff William Porter at
DFC heaaquarters at Imlay City.
Imlay City was the scene of
violence during a milk strike
staged in the spring of 1956 by a
group of rebel dairy farmers
known as the Fair Share Bargain-
ing Association.
Martin also helped lead the
1956 strike but later the fair
sharers quarrelled among them-
selves and the dairy farmers co-
operative emerged as another
splinter group. .

Most delegates to the UN General
Assembly abandoned hope last
night of mediation in the Syrian-
Turkish crisis.
They prepared for a second
round of bitter Middle East debate.
Declaratioris in Damascus and
statements by Syrian representa-
tives in the UN made clear that
mediation by King Saud of Saudi
Arabia is not in the cards at
Syria pressed instead a demand
that the Assembly appoint a UN
inquiry commission as quickly as
possible to investigate the situation
on the Syrian-Turkish border.
Reconvene Today
The Assembly, which has been
in recess since Wednesday pending
possible mediation efforts, is set to
reconvene this afternoon.
Foreign Minister Salah Bitar
and Ambassador Farid Zeineddine
of Syria met for an hour with UN
Secretary General Dag Hammarsk-
jold on the Middle East.
There was talk that Hammar-
skjold might be asked to make a
personal visit to the troubled area.
An Arab source said this possi-
bility was discussed by the Syrians
with Hammarskjold.
Bitar Disagrees
But Bitar said afterward he did
not extend any invitation to Ham-,
marskjold to 'visit in Syria, and
Zeineddine added that he did not
think a visit would be useful "in
the present circumstances."
Akram Hourani, speaker of Sy-
ria's Parliament and a member of
Bitar's Arab Socialist Resurrection
party, had suggested in Damascus
on Tuesday that a Hammarskjold
visit might be helpful.
As for mediation, Bitar declared
"there is none." Zeineddine said
Syria is pushing its demand .for
the Assembly to name an inquiry
commission which would visit the
Turkish-Syrian border and report
back to the UN as quickly as pos-

STOCKHOLM, Sweden ()-The
Swedish government, a coalition
of Socialists and Agrarians, col-
lapsed yesterday in a clash over
social welfare and economic policy.
It had ruled for six years.
At the same time the Swedish
military headed by Gen. Mils
Ewedlund, the commander in chief,
demanded that the armed forces
be provided with costly modern
weapons such as atomic bombs
and missiles for the national de-
Domestic Crisis
Although not outwardly con-
nected, the two things were related
in a sharpening domestic crisis.
The issue has boiled down to
this: higher prices for food ob-
tained by the Agrarians to please
the farmers, and higher taxes ex-
acted by the Socialists to pay for
their social program have set the
man-in-the street to grumbling.
The Swedish army, navy and air
force have concluded that scientific
advances in warfare have gone be-
yond their present equipment.
Demands Pensions
In effect, they demanded that
the nation make up its mind be-
tween pensions and modern weap-
ons, saying: give us atomic weap-
ons and guided missiles or prepare
to defend Stockholm alone.
The four Agrarians in the Cab-
inet of Socialist Premier Tage Er-
lander quit, leaving the Socialists
with a minority in the 231-member
lower chamber of Parliament. The
Socialists have a majority in the

VANGUARD LAUNCHED--The Vanguard shoots skyward from
the missile test center at Cape Canaveral, Fla."
United States Sends Up
Host of Guided Missiles
WASHINGTON (P)-The United States is hurling aloft a virtual
fusillade of mighty missiles and rockets, ranging from a record-shat-.
tering shoot into outer space to spectacular destruction by a robot
weapon of a target plane a hundred miles out over the Atlantic Ocean.
Obvious Challenge
In obvious challenge to Russia's claims of leadership in the race
of scientists and weaponeers, this country had chalked up by last night
these new achievements:
1. The launching of two research rockets by the Air Force from
balloons. One of these seems to have swooshed straight up to not less
than 1,000 miles. This height dwarfs the previous farthest-out record,
set by Russia when she put her^
Rnu tnik cateilitp int . nt n bit,.4 t_ _


'U' Calendar Group To Hold
First Meeting in November
The University. Calendar Committee will meet "sometime ,-in
early November" according to Prof. John Kohl, of the civil engineer-
ing department.
The group has not met yet this year.
Prof. Kohl explained that many members of the committee
had been very busy and that "October was just not the month" to
call a meeting.
There's no real urgency in meeting, Prof. Kohl said. The com-
mittee has taken care of the Christmas vacation problem, he ex-
phlained, and now "we have some

r;PU1K Se1le ln all roL aL
560 miles.
Set Record
2. The firing of an Air Force
Bomarc long - range antiaircraft
guided missile Wednesday from
the Cape Canaveral, Fla., Missile
Test Centgr which 'ferreted out,
collided with and knocked down-
without benefit, of warhead- a
drone bomber a hundred miles out
over the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Another successful shoot yes-
terday of an Air Force Thor inter-
mediate-range ballistic missile --
IRBM-from Cape Canaveral.
Yesterday's missile "flew its pre-
scribed course and landed in the
preselected impact area," said an
Air F o r c e announcement. The
Thor was understood to have gone
more than 1,500. miles and hit its

Senate Delays
First Meeting
The first meeting of the new
Union Senate, which was to have
been held last night, has been
postponed until Wednesday, ac-
cording to Duane LaMoreaux, '58,
Union administrative vice-presi-
The Senate, a body represent-
ing the men's housing units on
campus, was set up as an addi-
tional means of obtaining cam-
pus opinion through student gov-
The meeting was postponed be-
cause the many cases of flu on
campus would have cut into at-
tendance, LaMoreaux said.

major principles to grapple with."
Two days at the end of the Christ-
mas vacation were dropped at the
committee's request.
The University Calendar Com-
mittee was set up by Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis at the request of Student
Government Council last year.
The group has been studying
many phases of calendaring. In-
formation now has been obtained
from many colleges and Univer-
sities concerning their calendars,
and Prof. Kohl said that effort
is being made to get the informa-
tion to the committee members as
soon as possible.
Prof. Kohl said there were a
great many areas of the calendar
to be examined. For instance, he
explained, some people are now
unhappy about orientation week.



End of Dispute
Orval Faubus yesterday said "cer-
tain moves are under way" which
could lead to mediation on the
Little Rock integration dispute.
Gov. Faubus said that he did
not expect these "moves" to pro-
duce any new developments "in
the next week or 10 days.
"There is a definite possibility
that there will be a change in the
attitude of the administration."

SGC Unable
To Finance
Asianr irp
SGC's Southeast Asia Delegation
Committee has been thus far un-
able to obtain funds for the pro-
posed student tour, according to
Margaret Quick, '57.
The group has received one neg-
ative reply in response to the grant
appeal for the estimated project
cost amounting to $20,000 or the
donation of a portion of it.
The first of two replies received
by the SGC committee was a re-
jection from the Asia Foundation.
The Foundation for Youth and
Student Affairs received the re-
maining appeal for funds from
Change Program
Although FYSA could grant the
complete cost of the trip, they
replied that if SGC would revise
some of its itinerary, chance of
securing the grant would be more
This organization requested the
tour plans be changed allowing
specific universities to be attended
during the tour and additional
sites be placed on the trip sched-
The requested revisions h a v e
been made and SGC is now await-
ing a second reply from the New
York foundation containing their
final decision which is expected
within 10 days.
If Funds Granted
If the fund is granted, the first
SGC tour delegation selection will
be made in November and further
detailed plans for the excursion
will begin.
If the grant is rejected within
the next few days, the Steering
Committee may possibly submit
plans for expanding the tour pro-
gram to SGC for approval.

Union Told
To Remove
Hoffa Soon
Meany Says Group
Fails To Take Action
CIO Executive Council esterday
suspended the Teamsters Union
until James R. Hoffa and other
allegedly c o r r u p t officials are
ousted from the truckers union.
The suspension was announced
by AFL - CIO President George
Meany who said the Teamsters,
largest AFL-CIO unit, had failed
to rid itself of corruption.
Meany said the vote for suspen-
sion was 25-4. He declined to name
the dissenters.
Voted Against Suspending
"However, it was learned those
v o t i n g against suspeiding the
Teamsters were council members
John F. English, secretary-treas-
urer of the Teamsters; Maurice
Hutcheson, Carpenters Union
president; Herman Winters, for-
mer Bakery Workers president,
and William Doherty, Letter Car-
riers Union president.
Doherty was reported to have
felt more time should have been
given the Teamsters for a cleanup.
The Teamsters would have, had
to have 10 votes in order to block
the required two-thirds vote, for
suspension by the 29-man council.
For Correction
Asked whether the Teamsters
had done anything at all to cor-
rect widespread corrupt conditions,
as previously charged by the AFL-
CIO and the Senate Rackets Ir-
vestigating Committee headed by
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.),
Meany replied with a flat "No.
Meany said the suspension ac-
tion means that the 1-million-
man teamsters organization can-
not be accepted back in good
standing in the parent federation
unless it completely boots out
Teamsters President-elect James
R. Hoffa.
Meany and the council ruled
that unless the Teamsters prompt-
ly consent to ousting Hoffa and
meet other cleanup conditions,
complete expulsionof the unl5n
from AFL-CIO ranks will be rec-
omrended to the AFL-CIO con-
vention in December.
Meany also said other newly
elected Teamsters officials should
stand a rigid Teamsters Union in-
Anti-Union Spy
Tells Activities
To Senators
WASHINGTON (P)-Charles Li-
tell testified yesterday he organ-
ized spying and other anti-union
activity at the Whirlpool plant in
Marion, Ohio, at the direction of/
an aide of Nathan W. Shefferman.
Shefferman, head of Labor As-
sociates, Inc., Chicago, has been
described by Seifate Rackets Com-
mittee counsel Robert Kennedy as
a "union-busting specialist," and
has been under committee fire for
acknowledged financial dealings
with Teamsters Union President
Dave Beck.
Litell told the committee yester-
day that while he was an employe
of Whirlpool he was recruited for
the antiunion work by Dr. Louis
Checov, a psychologist of Sheffer-
man's staff.
Litell said Checov told him pri-
vately in 1955 his job was "to keep
any union out of Whirlpool" and
that/at Checov's instructions he
helped organize an antiunion com-
mittee of employes. He said Che-

cov gave him $20. a week for com-
mittee expenses, but that some-
times he pocketed most of this.
UFD Reaches



WUS Offer Educational Funds

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of four articles describ-
ing the charities which will receive funds from the Campus Chest drive be-
ginning Monday.)
World University Service and the Free University of Berlin stu-
dent exchange program are two charities which represent the Uni-
versity abroad, aiding students. in .Germany, India, Southeast Asia,
and Africa.
The Free University of Berlin program is sponsoking two Ger-
man students at the University and is financing two University

gible to give donations - many gifts coming from students in Europe
as well as in America. The headquarters for WUS is in Switzerland.
The Free University of Berlin exchange student program's pur-
poses include not only "academic education, but also contributions
to the University community - the exchange of ideas and cultures."
Charity 'Needs Help
Katherine Johnson, '60, head of the program at the University,
said that the University sends junior students to Berlin who then
have an opportunity-to return to the University for their last year
with the experience fresh in their minds.

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