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October 24, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-24

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom





U.So Fires
Moon. Rocket
72-foot Projectile
'Rises 109 Miles
The mighty, Vanguard rocket ex-
pected to shoot an American arti-
a ficial moon into orbit was put
through another successful test
yesterday, rising 109 miles into
w°the air.-
At 2:24 p.m. the bullet-shaped
pad with a dull roar, rose slowly
; into the sky, then picked up speed
before disappearing into an over-
cast out over the Atlantic. It was
visible only about 40 seconds.
Satellite in December
' The United States Government
says the Vanguard will put a
pint-sized satellite into orbit with.
Russia's Sputnik in December and
will launch a fully-instrumented
} moon by next March.
The Vanguard is being devel-
oped by the Navy which said in
Washington the missile'soared 109
miles high. Its peak speed was
given as 4,250 m.p.h. after 140 sec-
onds of thrust by the single en-
" Fell Into Atlantic
The remains fell into the Atlan-
tic, 328 miles off the coast, Re-
cording instruments were in-
stalled in the engine.
Yesterday's rocket, officially
known as Test Vehicle Two (TV2),
was the first Vanguard with the
external appearance the final
launching vehicle will have.
Its main purpose was to test the
first stage engine and evaluate
the performance of other .Van-
guard instruments.
Other Firings
Test Vehicle Zero, fired last
Dec. 8, was designed to test
equipment and instruments. It
reached a speed of 4,000 m.p.h.
and reached an altitude of 125
miles in a 180-mile flight.
Last May 1, Test Vehicle One
was fired in a high ahitde sepa-
ration experiment. A Viking rock-
et was used for the first stage and
a medium propellant rocket as
the second part. Both earlier tests
were described as successful.
Four more test shots are
planned in December. Any of
these might put small aluminum
spheres into orbit.
Further evidence of the relaxed
restrictions on news about the
U.S. missile program came short-
l'y after yesterday's firing when
both the Defense, Department in
Washington and Patrick Air
Force Base in Florida issued state-
ments confirming the Vanguard
test was made and was successful.
New Research
Missile Tested
By Air Force
Force said yesterday it has suc-
cessfully fired a rocket high above
the'Pacific in project "Far Side"
after four failures.
However, the Air Force would
not confirm a report by the Los
Angeles Examiner that the rocket
soared 4,000 miles above the
earth. The newspaper said the
four-stage rocket was sent aloft
from a balloon at an altitude of
100,000 feet over Eniwetok Island.
The figures conformed to the
plan announced by the Air Force
on Sept. 17.

The Air Force said the success-
ful test took place Oct. 21 and
"extensive data was obtained."
It added that the data has not
been evaluated and no figures
will be made public "before noon
Hungary Quiet
on. Riot Date
VIENNA W) - The Hungarian
people marked the first anniver-
say of their anti - Soviet revolt
yesterday in sullen silence under
the guns of police.
The Communist government of
Premier Jances Kadar w a r n e d
them in advance any demonstra-
tions would be crushed. He had
nine Russian army divisions to
back him up.
Reports from Budapest said the







Ike, Macmillan Study
Strategy, Cooperation

-Daily-David Arnold
MEANING OF UN-Students from Portugal (on the left) and the Philippines were among 36 who
spoke briefly on this subject last night at Ann Arbor's first United Nations Day celebration. It was
held in the Ann Arbor High School.
Hope, Reflection, Prayer, Part of UN Day

Hope, an evaluation of the
progress made -n the last twelve
years, a' realization of the hard
work which lies ahead if the
United Nations is to achieve its
aims, as well as a prayer for its
success are all a part of the way
Ann Arbor feels about the United

These were the points men-,
tioned by University President
Harlan Hatcher, Prof. Preston W.
Slosson and some 35 foreign stu-
dents from the University as each
spoke at the community-wide
United Nations Day celebration
held last night in the Ann Arbor
High School Aud.
The program, the first ever held

Campus Chest Benefits
'U' Fresh A ir Camp
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of four articles describing
the charities which will receive funds from the Campus Chest drive begin-
ning Monday.)
The University Fresh Air Camp is a far outpost of the University
campus, both in its geographical location and in its service to com-
munities throughout Michigan.
The camp is situated 26 miles northwest of Ann Arbor at Pat-
terson Lake. Each summer children go there from state mental hos-
pitals, child guidance clinics, and the Ann Arbor Family Service for

U nion Heads'
R igElection,
Letts Rules
District Judge F. Dickinson Letts
ruled yesterday that Teamsters
Union bosses conspired to rig the
recent convention which elected
James R. Hoffa president of the
Letts issued a preliminary in-
junction co tihuing a ban on Hof-
fa and) the other newly-elceted
union officers from taking office
until there is a trial of the case
on its merits.
Monday Deadline
The 82-year-old judge set Mon-
day as the deadline for pre-trial
motions and said he will fix the
actual trial date as soon as pos-
sible thereafter.
In his order, Letts refused to
put the giant union in the hands
of court-appointed receivers and
tie up its funds. This had been
sought by the 13-man New York
Teamsters group which took the
case against Hoffa's election to
Martin O'Donoghue, the Team-
sters attorney, bitterly protested
the judge's findings. He said he
would appeal to the United States
Court of Appeals today.
"Didn't Hear Proof"
Judge Letts, O'Donoghue said,
has practically branded as illegal
the entire union convention and
everything it did-without hearing
The preliminary injunction re-
placed a temporary restraining
order Letts previously i s s u e d
which barred Hoff a.

a seven week session supplemen-
ting their regular clinical treat-
Prof. William C. Morse of the
psyhcology department, director
of the camp, described the camp-
ing experience as a "chance for
the child to have fun," and to give
him something which he could
not obtain from living in insti-
Varied Functions
Prof. Morse also listed the vari-
ous functions of the camp -
training c o u n s e 1 o r s, research,
training teachers who are "going
to be on the firing line," and serv-
ing state and local agencies.
The University pays for the
training programs and the ad-
ministration and maintenance of
the camp. Agencies pay for a por-
tion of the child's camp stay,
leaving about $140 per child to be
paid for by outside contributions.
Need $10,000
Prof. Morse estimated that
$10,000 in contributions will be
needed to finance the child camp-
ing program. Fresh Air Camp will
receive fifty per cent of the pro-
ceeds of the Campus Chest drive,
beginning Monday and lasting
through the week.
"It's easy to obtain money for
crippled children, but to obtain
money for children with crippled
feelings and emotions is another
thing," Prof. Morse commented.
'U' Students Helped
He added that much of the
work in establishing the Fresh Air
Camp was done by University stu-
dents. Lewis Reimann, formerly
of the Student Christian Associa-
tion, founded the camp and it was
incorporated into the University
curriculum in 1937.
The Fresh Air Camp property
contains about 300 acres of vir-
gin hardwood forest, 26 perman-
ent buildings, boats, tents, and
other camping equipment.

in Ann Arbor, was opened by Ann
Arbor's mayor, Prof. Samuel J.
Eldersveld of the political science
department,- who stressed the
need for active public interest in,
and support for the United Na-
tions in such gatherings as last
The high point of the program
was a roll call of 36 nations an-
swered by foreign students at the
University as representatives of
their homeland.
Used Native Tongue
Each, when called on, expressed
his feelings about the world 'or-
ganization in his own language,
and then repeated his statement
in English.
Most significant was the pres-
ence of a Hungarian student who
appeared on the anniversary of
his nation's unsuccessful attempt,
to throw off the Russian bond.
Read a Prayer
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department and Rabbi
Julius Weinberg read a prayer
written 4y Prof. Slosson which
asked that "nation shall not lift
up sword against nation, even
though there may be war seeds
in the human heart."
President Hatcher, speaking to
Ann Arbor as a community for
the first time, expressed hope that
"the United Nations will mold the
the world into one from out of
the many," in the main speech of
the evening.
He recalled that l'- such a
body as the United Nations
existed in 1914 there would pos-
sibly have been no World War I.
Cites Middle East
Continuing, the president cited
the recent developments in the
Middle East as a prime reason for
having "a place to debate, explore,
and isolate world disputes before
they grow into a war."
"If it wasn't for the United Na-
tions, a hot war,,would probably
be raging between Syria and Tur-
key right at this moment," he
'Raid' Stopped
At Ypsilanti
Approximately 300 E a s t e r n
Michigan students quickly lost in-
terest in a spontaneous panty raid
last night.
Charging from residence hall to
residence. hall, the shouting stu-
dents found no words of encour-
agement from the women stu-
dents. College officials, varsity
club members and police circu-
lated among the crowd'.urging the
students to "save their enthusi-
asm for the football game."
Dior Dies in Italy
Christian Dior, French fashion
designer of the famous "new look,"
died in a hotel at his northern
Italian resort early today.

WASHINGTON () - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and
Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan yesterday begans a sweep-
ing, three-day review of Western strategy to cope with Russia's
scientific and diplomatic challenges.
With only their foreign policy chiefs beside them, the two gov-
ernment heads talked over steps to strengthen British-American
military and scientific cooperation in'the face of such Soviet develop-
ments as the claimed firing of an
intercontinental-range ballistic
missile and the launching of an Kally
President Eisenhower walked out
on the steps of- the north partico i
to greet Macmillan personallyg
when he arrived at the White
House for the start of the confer-
ence. In2 Years
"Hi!" said President Eisenhower,
hand outstretched, "good to see NEW YORK ()-An astounding
you. How are you?" NEWkYRKet;rAnystordig
Secretary of State John Foster stock market rally yesterday gave
Dulles and Britain's Foreign Sec- stocks their best one-day advance
DrearySelynBroydnwFreialsoeo-in 28 years and more than wiped
retary Selwyn Lloyd were also on out the heavy losses of Monday
hand to join their chiefs.nu eay.o
All four posed smiling for photo- and Tuesday.
graphers, newsreel and television Key stocks raced ahead from
cmeramenefre endt eitheone to 10 points as the quoted
value of stocks listed on the New
White House for an initial one- York Stock Exchange rose an esti-
hour meeting in President Eisen- mated $7,200,000,000, based on the
hower's study on the second floor. adac i h vrvs

Fmous Poet
To Address
Student Body
Carl Sandburg, the famous
American poet, will deliver the
"kick off" speech for International
Week Nov. 5, Bob Arnove, '59, co-
chairman of the International Co-
ordinating Committee told Student
Government Council last night.
The ICC, Arnove said, plans an
International Week which will in-
clude coffee hours and dinners for
foreign students at housing units,
a "world's fair," variety show,
possibly a soccer game, and a
speech by Eleanor Roosevelt.
Administration Veto
Maynard Goldman, '59, treas-
urer, told the Council that Cam-
pus Chest Board had planned three
special events to be held during the
drive. All were vetoed by the ad-
ministration. These were the op-
portunity to smash up an old car
on the diag for a fee; a kissing
booth and professors shining shoes.
Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley told The Daily that all
three were "improper."
Because of concern about its
effectiveness SGC also decided to
postpone subsequent publication of
"SGC Review" a newsletter to
students, until a ,survey could be
taken to learn the best way to
reach students..
SGC Column?
The Public Relations Committee
was asked to look into the possible
purchase of Daily space for some
kind of column to explain SGC
Scott Chrysler, '59, said The
Daily followed a policy of printing
all news, both "good and bad" and
perhaps the column could carry
information which would help the
student "gain confidence" in SGC.
Hillelzapoppin Again
The Council also rescheduled
Hillelzapoppin, a skit show spon-
sored by Hillel foundation for May
Cinema Guild Board announced
the purchase of new equipment
and gained approval of a policy
change which would place more
money in an "investment fund."

This more than erased the esti-
mated six and one-half billion
dollar loss of the past two days,
most suffered Monday in the worst,
sell-off since the session immedi-
ately following President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's September 1955
heart attach.
Yesterday's rise was the beston
average since Nov. 14, 1929-the
day of a temporary rebound from-
the historic crash.
The rally was attributed by Wall
Streeters largely to a resurgence
of confidence based on President
Eisenhower's announced plans to
make a series of speeches reaf-
firming faith in the United States
economy and scientific achieve-

.. . back to private practice

The huge rise also was
to the technical factors
in an expected rebound
badly oversold condition.

from a

World News
By The Associated Press
DAMASCUS -- Syria kept the
Turkish issue boiling yesterday,
giving a formal rejection to King
Saud's mediation offer and in ef-
fect accusing the United States
Navy of sending planes over Syria.
Maj. .Gen. Afif Bizry, army
chief of staff, said reconnaissance
planes fly almost daily over, the
city of Homs, midway between
Damascus and the Turkish fron-
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department came up yesterday
with a new answer to Russia's
growing submarine menace - an
atomic depth charge.
The weapon already is in the
hands of some Atlantic Fleet
* * *
WASHINGTON - A Whirlpool
Co. official testified yesterday
Nathan Shefferman's, firm of la-
bor consultants was hired to test
the personalities of Whirlpool em-
ployes - not to combat organiz-
ing by the United Auto Workers.
Theodore Hufert, industrial re-
lations director at Whirlpool's
Marion, Ohio, division, said Shef-
ferman's organization was paid
more than $28,000 to conduct
"human equation tests" and for
interviewing job applicants.

University professors contacted
last night expressed surprise at the
resignation yesterday of attorney
general Herbert A. Brownell, Jr.
Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of
the political science department
noted that rumors had circulated
"for a considerable time" that
Brownell wanted to return to pri-
vate practice. However, he observed
that criticism of the handling of
the Little Rock affair might have
been a factor in Brownell's resig-
'Just A Guess'
Emphasizing that the latter
opinion was "just, a guess," Prof.
Kallenbach said that much South-
ern resentment at the sending of
troops had been difected toward
Brownell, who was thought to be
the person responsible for Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's deci-
"Brownell may have resigned to
take the heat off the President,"
Prof. Kallenbach said. "However, I
have no inside track as to his mo-
Prof. George Peek of the politi-
cal science department also sug-
gested that personal reasons may
have been uppermost in Brownell's
mind. "At the time of President
Eisenhower's second inaugural,
the attorney general remarked
that he was serving at great per-
sonal expense," Prof. Peek said.
'Rogers Logical Ma'
Prof. Peek said he believed dep-
uty attorney general William P.
Rogers, was the "logical person"
for the position. The White House
had announced that Rogers would
be appointed to succeed Brownell.
Other professors had no com-
mlent. Prof. Samuel D. Estep of the
Law School voiced the reaction of
several of his colleagues when he
said that he didn't have any idea
what the implications of the res-
ignation would be.
3 "$"
Local Police
Warn Pledges
of City Laws
Lt. Harold E. Olsonof the Ann
Arbor police departnient warned
fraternity pledges last night of
his department's policy toward
pledge raids and fraternity drink-'
Speaking "shoulder to shoul-
der" at IFC's pledge convocation,
Olson urged the pledges to con-
tact the police whenever planning
a pledge raid. He called failure to
do this a violation of the law.
Stressing the seriousness of
having a police record, he called
the pledges' attention to the seri-
ous drinking problem on campus.
He added that a copy of every re-
port concerning students is for-
warded to the Dean of Men's of-

Pl ans Ret In
To Advise
Law Firm
Eisenhower Names
Nixon's Close Friend,
Rogers, to Position
WASHINGTON (P) - Herbert
Brownell Jr. resigned yesterday as
United States attorney general.
He said the settling of federal
policy in the Little Rock school
integration dispute freed him to'
return to private law practice.
The White House said Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower ac-
cepted the resignation and will
appoint Dep. Atty. Gen. William
P. Rogers Jr. to the Cabinet post.
Rogers is a close friend of Vice
President Richard N. Nixon.
May Leave Soon'
Just when he will relinquish his
office was not announced. How-
ever, Brownell suggested in a let-
ter to President Eisenhower that
he would be ready to step out in
two weeks.
The White House said Brownell
will rejoin the New York City law
firm of Lord, Day & Lord, which"
he left to enter the Cabinet.
It said he would act as an ad-
viser to the firm for two years,
instead of as a partner, because
of the conflict of interest law bar-
ring former federal officials from
handling government cases.
Brownell will deal only with non-
governmental matters, the. White
House said.
No Ambitions
Brownell held an informal news
conference shortly after his resig.-'
nation was announced and dis-
claimed any ambition for further
public office.
He was asked if he might be a
Republican candidate for gove'rn-
or of New York next year. Brow-
nell replied with an emphatic
NAsked if he might accept a
presidential nomination by his
party in 1960, Brownell asserted:
"I stand on the statement If
See BROWNELL, page 3
U S. Considers
Slash in Aid
To Yugoslavia
Department disclosed officially
yesterday that "we are reapprais-
ing" United States programs of
economic and military aid for
Communist Yuglavia.
From other sources it was learn-
ed that a tentative decision to
suspend some of the assistance has
already been niade but final deci-
sions on what should be cut off
are still being .debated. /
The reason for the United States
action, officials said, is dissatis-
faction with President Tito's ree-
ognition last week of Communist
East Germany and questions raised
in Washington as to whether Tito
is moving back into the Soviet
Most United States officials pri-
vately take the line that Tito pro.
ably does not intend to abandon
his position as an independent
Communist leader, free of Moscow
However, the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration has been under heavy
pressure in Congress in the last
two years because of its assistance
to Yugoslavia and feels the 'great
est care must be exercised in deal-
ing with the problem.

Fl4 on Campus
Declines Daily
Asian Flu, although still con-
sidered the number one excuse on
campus for missing classes, is be-

U.S. Labor Movement Faces Serious Crisis Today

The merged American labor
movement today will come face-

The Teamster Union is under a
directive issued Sept. 25 by the
executive council ordering the un-

"very -little question" that
Teamsters will be expelled.


business administration school
said, however, that the Teamsters'
importance to the AFL-CIO "may

tionary period for the Teamsters
under strict standards.
Prof. William Haber of the

} Meanrv CommittefdA TooFar, I

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