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October 23, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-23

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rLit iau
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 t Ily

See page 4


III, No. 31




erroris ts







,.. ..

ombs Hurt
3 Soldiers,
it Agency
omnmunist Agents
lamed for Outburst
IGON, Viet Nam ()-Terror-
mbs injured 13 United States
:emen and 5 Vietnamese yes-
y in the first anti-American
irst in Viet Nam in two years.
e time bombs ripped a United
s, Information Agency Li-
, a military bus and a hostel.
e ex' losion6 shattered the'
of a Colombo Plan meeting
ian and Western nations in,
'Communists Blamed
icials said the attacks were
ned to embarrass Pr'esident
Dinh Diem's pro-American
nment. Washington officials
the attack to Communist
one was killed, but two of the
ican wounded were reported
ious condition. Eight of the
d States wounded were flown
ark Field Hospital in Manila.
e bomb in the USIA library
:led during the siesta hour
the building was empty. The
explosions occurred only a
ainutes apart in Cholon Sai
twin city.
Bus Explosion
eyewitness reported about a
soldiers and officers, at-
d to the United States Mili-
Assistance Advisory Group
ng South Viet Nam's army,
come out of the Metropole
and had just entered a mili-;










-Daily-Bud Bentley
OPPOSITE VIEWS--Sen. Jbhn Bricker (left) and Sen, Albert
Gore had divergent views one how much the government should
participate in atomic power development. Their discussion of
atomic energy was part of the university lecture, series in Hill
Gore Urges Cooperation
For Atom icProgress
Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.) yesterday said the United States
government must take'a more active part with private indust'y in
developing commercial atomic power or this country will lose another
prestiege race with Russia.,
In a debate with Sen. John Bricker (R-Ohio) on control of atomic:
energy, Sen. Gore called for an end to public vs. private power con-
troversies in the atomic energy field and "use of the full facilities. of
both for the betterment of the United States."
Bricker Urges Limits
Sen. Bricker said he believed the United,.States government should,
be limited to research and military uses of atomic energy and not,
tattempt to compete with private

Guy Mollet
To Attempt,
PARIS (M)-Socialist Guy Mol-
let agreed Monday to try a come-
back as premier.
Prospects were good he would
be able to form a Cabinet ending
a 22-day crisis.
Mollet was thrown out last May
by the same rightist groups that
now agree to let him try again.
He had set a post warrecord by
staying in office 15 months.
Coty Pfeks Mollet
President Reny Coty called in
the man hehad wanted all along
and asked him to attempt the
task of forming a government.
Molet accepted after virtual as-
surance from the rightist leader,
Antoine Pinay, that his conserva-
tives will not vote against him at
a time when France is deep in a
financial crisis.
' The 52-year-old Socialist lead-
er, who with Britain's Sir. An-
thony Eden planned the Suez at-
tack a 'year ago, looked rather
tired and preoccupied as he
emerged from a meeting with
Mollet Assents
Mollet told reporters he could
not refuse the request In the pres-
ept circumstaces and because of
the seriousness of the situation.
He arranged a meeting with
caretaker Premier Maurice Bour-
ges-Maunoury, He begins talks
with party leaders today. He did
not say when he expected to have
his Cabinet formed to go before
Apparent solution of the crisis
came none too soon for France.
With the treasury nearly empty,
fresh fun4A must be fQp2i $Q set-
tle state bills at the end of the
Nationwide strikes against leap-
irg living costs have been called
for next Friday. The United Na-
tions is about to debate French-
ruled Algeria. France is absent
from vital British-U.S. talks in
Adenaner, 81
BONN, Germany ({M) - Konrad
Adenauer, 81, was elected to his
third term as West German chan-
cellor yesterday but f e u d i n g
among his supporters delayed for-
mation of his cabinet.
The Lower House (Bundestag)
formally re-elected Adenauer for
another four years 274-192 There
were 9 abstentions.
His confirmation had been a
foregone conclusion ever since his
Christian Democratic Party won
an absolute majority in the Lower
House in the Sept. 15 general elec-
tion. He has held office without a
break since 1949, when the West
German Republic was founded.


t es on Pan
hDlor M issile Poolin


Plans Talks
On Defense

" x




tary Dus.
p "They were seating themselves
when the roar of an explosion tor
~past my face, blowing out the ho-
tel windows. One man on the bus
4 steps was blown across the side.
walk. The bomb was placed in the
engine of the bus and blew the
insides out," he said.
In the military hostel, the bomt
had been hidden in a flowerpot
The explosion shattered one' of the
walls and. damaged an auton-lobile
parked in front of the building
Four United States servicemen in
the building were hurt.
l$omb Hidden
In the Saigon USIA libraiy, the
bomib apparently had been secret-
ed behind some books. A roaring
explosion ripped a gaping hole in
the wall and destroyed d e s k s
chairs and bookshelves.
President Diem was quick to ex-
press regret. The incident was em-
barrassing to his government, host
to a ministerial meeting of the 21-
nation Colombo Plan founded in
1950 by Britain and Australia to
help Southeast Asia nations im-
prove their economies. The United
States is a donor nation.
.Beckett Notes
Flu Decrease,
On Campus
A decided drop in the numbe
of upper respiratory infection cases
on campus over those of last week
was reported yesterday by Health
Service Director Dr. Morley Beck
Although the decrease is "not as
great as we first thought," Dr
Flu Wins
DES MOINES (P)-Postpone-
ment of the North. Central
States College Health Confer-
ence, scheduled Friday and
Saturday, was announced yes-
Too many of the delegates
have influenza.
Beckett said, "we have apparently
l begun a downward trend."
,For over two weeks the campus
has experienced an. epidemic of
Asian Flu.
Dr. Beckett said that compared
to the early days of last week there
is a drop of some 200 cases. A total
of 731 students were examined at
Health Service on Oct. 14 and I'-
Two hundred ninety-one were seen
Monday and Dr. Beckett estimates
about 200 for yesterday.
"We are currently running 75 to


Needs Cited
For Building
Atom Plants


Dean Blythe Stason of the' law'
school, an authority on the legal
aspects of atomic energy, said yes-
. terday that the United States
could "definitely lose prestige in
the world if the. Russians were to
beat us in the development and
actual use of atomic. power plants
on a very large scale."
Senator Albert Gore (D-Tenn.).
repeatedly emphasized this fact
during the debate between he and
Senator .John W. Bricker (R4-Ohio)
concerning the, ways in which
atomic energyhcan be controlled.
Edison Head Comments
Walker Cisler, president of the
Detroit Edison Company, agreed,
after hearing thebi-partisan dis-
cussion, Nthat it could be "highly
desirable" to have, more govern-
ment participation in the develop-
ment of Commercial atomic energy
in the United States.
Cisler heads the Power Reactor
Development Corporation, a non-
profit group which seeks to develop
a 'commercial reactor at Monroe,
Michigan, but which Sen. Gore
termed "a losing proposition bound
r to lose money."
s Cisler explained that the cor-
c poration is fully aware the Monroe
reactor will not be financially
- profitable, but that one of the best
ways to learn is by doing.
Stason Urges Private Works
"The development at Monroe is
just the type of governmental'par-
ticipation in atomic energy de-
velopment that Sen. Gore urged in
the discussion," he added.
Dean Stason, referring to re-
marks by both senators which ex-
pressed hope: for peaceful use of
atomic energy through an interna-
tional atomic energy organization,
said,. "We hope that through the
peaceful use of atomic energy,
enough of the fissionable material
would be stored and used in a non-
military manner, so that little
would be available for use in
Fund Board
t PP
Percentages which charities will
yreceive in the Campus Chest drive

Comparing the United States to,
Russia, Sen. Gore said the Soviets
"are just as determined to beat us
in atomic energy development as
they were to launch the first earth
He said, "the Russians are not
beating us in new developments,
but in some areas they are making
better use of what they have.
Gore Cites Reactor Need
"They're building very large
atomic reactors - an area where
we are falling far short. Foreign
countries were greatly impressed
by Sputnik and we. can't have the,
same thing happening with atomic
power; too many nations are be-
coming dependent on it," Gore
Sen. Bricker outlined the de-
velopment of military and peace-
ful uses. of atomic energy in the
years since World War II. He said
the future holds great hope for use
of the atgm in power, medicine,.
and agriculture..
Atom Power Not Yet Profitable
In urging more government par-
ticipation, Sen. Gore said the
stimulus of p r i v a t e enterprise
earning profits from its research.
and development investments will
not hold true in this country. Hes
said atomic power will not be gen-
erated profitably in the United
States for some time although
many foreign n a t i o n s need it
"right now in order to survive."
Sen. Bricker predicted atomic
power in this country would not be
a profitable undertaking for at
least 10 years.

NEW YORK (A") - President
Eisenhower yesterday disclosed
plans to go before the people in
the next few weeks to bolster con-
fidence in this nation's scientific,
national defense and domestic
economy programs.
The President's announcement
of his plans to speak in various
sections of the country came in a
nationwide radio address - and
against the background of Rus-
sia's satellite and ballistic missile
Ike Determined
"We must cast aside any mor-
bid pessisimism," Eisenhower de-
Administration officials .pictured
Eisenhower as determnined tocon-
vince Americans that this coun-
try's scientific, defense and econ-
omy programs are sound and go-
ing ahead in good fashion.
Aides said the President plans,
from four . to six speeches, some
of them outside Washington.
The President was expected to
start the series soon, and the
talks may continue into next year.
Details Undecided
No details have been arranged,
yet as to whether any of the talks
will be televised or broadcast.
Eisenhower, in a speech pre-
pared for delivery at Hotel Wal-
dorf-Astoria dinner, made no di-
rect mention of Russia's launch-
ing of an earth satellite and the
Soviet claim it has successfully
fierd an intercontinenal missile.
His theme, at the dinner spon-
sored by the National Fund for
Medical Education, was this coun-
try's urgent need for more doc-
tors, additional medical personnel,
and expanded health facilities.
Text Distributed
An hour after the President's
prepared text was distributed, the
White House put out, a brief pre-
face to his remarks. It disclosed
his plans to speak in the near fu-
ture regarding the country's
progress in the science fields.
"They include the continuing
endeavor of our people in the
fields of scientific achievement-
and methods for attaining even
greater achievements, the strength
of our domestic economy, the
character and power of our de-
fense programs, the right of our
people to confidence: in these
"These," he said, "are some of
the subjects about which, during
the ensuing weeks, I shall seek op-
portunities to talk with the Ameri-
can people, telling them of my be-
liefs and my" determinations 'in
these matters."
The President added that he has
"unshakable faith in the capacity
of informed, free citizens to solve
every program involved."

Syrian- Accusations_
Syria voiced anew its charges
that Turkey was about to launch'
an immediate attack across the
Syrian border, and accused the
United States and other Western
powers of trying to pit one Arab
state against the other.
Turkey asked the assembly to'
investigate the "hidden goals of
Russia and Syria" in the Middle
East. It charged that Syria is
being changed "into an arsenal for
exceeding its own needs.'
Turkish Ambassador Syefullah
Esin said Minister of State Fatim.
Zolu was already on his 'way to
Saudi Arabia.
Gromyko Admonishes
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
.Gromyko told the Assembly that
unless the UN deals with the Mid-
dle East crisis "we will be faced
with frightful events."
He said that those who accuse
the Soviet Union of exaggeration
forget the warnings given when
the world was last drawn "into
the holocaust of war."
Girard Trial
Violates Pact
MAEBASHI, Japan (P) - Wil-
liam S. Girard's Japanese law-
yer accused the prosecution in the
soldier's Japanese manslaughter
trial yesterday of violating the
United States-Japanese military!
His charge threw the trial into
a new tangle as it seemed to be
moving toward its end..
Lawyer Itsuro Hayashi said the
prosecution withheld information
from the U.S. Army in violation
of fa provision that all pre-trial
records must be made available.,
He called the alleged violation
"a bombshell that could become
an issue between Japan and the"
United States."

UN Suspends Debate
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (R)-The UN yesterday suspended for
three days its bitter Middle East debate pending mediation efforts by
King Saud of Saudi Arabia.
The three day suspension was proposed by Syria after the United
States had suggested and Paraguay had formally proposed an indefinite
waiting period.
UN Approves Delay
The 82-nation General Assembly approved the delay by a vote of
37 to 10 with 34 abstentions.
Sentiment for delaying debate grew quickly among non-Com-
munist delegations after U.S. Ambassador Hlenry Cabot Lodge welcomed
the efforts by King Saud to medi- _
ate the crisis and appealed to
Syria to match "the good faith" of
Turkey by agreeing to take part in Lab
the mediation talks.
Applause rippled through the
assembly hall after Lodge declared R u d
"we welcome the efforts of this
great leader. Let, us give King
Saud s offer a chance." u arr i. . UD\ CI,. a

W H A1I-NT V ) J - rUeaerai
District Judge F. Dickinson Letts-
yesterday extended his ban
against James R. Hoffa's taking
over as president of the Teamsters
Uz ion.
This set the stage for a further
court battle..,,
. Letts capped two days of heated
arguments between attorneys for,
the 1%Y-million-member union and
a 13-man, anti-Hoffa New York
Teamsters group by announcing
that he -will sign a preliminary
injunction today.
The injunction will , continue,
until the case is tried on its merits,
a temporary ban. which the 82-
year-old judge had issued to keep,
Hoffa from succeeding Dave Beck
in the union's top job.
The rank - and - file New York
group claimed the recent Team-
sters convention which n a m e d
Hoffa president was rigged in
Hoffa's favor.
It had asked for the ban, and
wanted the union put under court-
appointed receivers pending a new
CHICAGO (A') - The Teamsters
Union hierarchy decided yesterday
to attend an AFL; CIO executive
council meeting in Washington
tomorrow in an effort to stave off
ouster action.
"We are very desirous of re-
maining in the AFL-CIO," out-
going president Dave Beck told
newsmen after a closed-door ses-
sion lasting nearly three hours.
But Beck said he willbe unable
to attend the Washington meeting.
Newsmen ,were banned from the
meeting of the Teamsters' execu-
tive board. Afterward Beck talked.
with newsmen but parried most'
WASHINGTON (JP)-An official
of Morton Frozen Foods, Inc., told
the Senate rackets investigating
committee yseterday he worked
secretly to, keep a union out of
Morton's plant at Webster City,
Iowa, then encouraged the or-
ganizing efforts of another union.
Other witnesses testified, the
second union-the .Bakery Work-
ers-got "a very good contract"
with Mortons.
Beck, 63-year-old Seattle union
chieftain, turned aside questions.
about what the union will do about
a court order banning Hoffa from
taking office.
Though banned from taking
over as union president, Hoffa
was at the executive board meet-
ing in his capacity as vice presi-
,SE CW :Ta Ha-e~i

{WASHINGTON '(A') -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
yesterday outlined proposals for a
Western scientific pool they re-
portedly favor in the missiles and
satellites race with Russia.
They discussed this during a
7 -minute White House meeting
o lay the groundwork for Eisen-
hower's conference starting today
with British Prime Minister Harold
Ia-millan Comes Today
Macmillan, accompanied by his
top scientific and foreign policy
advisers, is due to arrive by plane
today for three days of secret
strategy talks.
White House press secretary
James C. Hagerty declined to dis-
close the topics discussed by Eisen-
hower and Dulles during their ad-
vance strategy session yesterday.
Dulles arranged to follow up by
meeting with British Foreign Sec-
retary Selwyn Lloyd at the State
Department to lay down an agen-
da which -also includes high-level
review of Russia's Mideast threats,
- Joint Program
Authoritative officials reported
that the Eisenhower-Dulles meet-
ing dealt mainly with the scope of
the Western scientific partnership
that should be arranged in the
wake of Russia's scientific ad-
Macmillan was reported to have
given advance notice he wants a
big British-American program
which would involve dividing up
scientific tasks as well as. sharing
each other's secrets.
Eisenhower and Dulles were re-
ported undecided yet about the
kind of scientific cooperation they
consider necessary.
Scientists ' t alk
Of TV Station
For Satellite
WASHINGTON (P) - Navy sci-
entists talked yesterday of a tele-
vision station high in space with-
in a few years.
Their plans became known as
the Russian satellie was criss-
crossing the skies over the United
States in its 19th day aloft.
The Navy scientists said a TV
station aboard a satellite could be
equipped with a 6 or 12-inch tele-
scope. They said the satellite with
batteries drawing power from the
sun, could remain in the skies for
TV Satellite
However, they said th'ey :do not
have in mind a sort of super sky-
spy which would peer into mili-
tary Installations :on earth. Rath-
er, they said, they visualized a
satellite with TV lenses focused
heavenward to learn unknown se-
crets of the universe.
Other military sources have
talked of plans for a TV satellite
which would scan the earth below.
An unidentified U.S. rocket was

Macmillan, Ad
To Reach U.S.
For Secret Met

With Briti

Queen Returns to Englhand
After Tour of United States
LONDON ('P)-Queen Elizabeth II came back yesterday-fromn her
triumphant American tour to a rousing reception at home,.
Prime Minister Macmillan met the royal plane, interrupting hur-
ried preparations for his own flight to Washington for talks with
President Eisenhower opening today.
IBritons Cheer4
Five thousand cheering, flagwaving Britons welcomed Elizabeth
and Prince Philip at London's airport.
Six-year-old Princess Anne upset protocol in her excitement and
eagerness to see her parents for the first time in 10 days. Hopping
from one foot to the other, she?

tugged at the arm of her grand-
mother, Queen Mother Elizabeth,
as the giant American-built DC7C
that carried the royal couple from
'New York taxied to a halt.
Then she ran ahead and boarded
the plane.
Londoners Persist
Spectators looking through the
airliner's windows saw the Queen
drop her regal role for that of a
mother. She gave her little daugh-
ter a big hug.
The airnort crowd. one of the


Hatcher Speech To Keynote UN Day
7* o

Today is United Nations Day in litany for the UN which will be
Ann Arbor. presented tonight.
University President Harlan UN Day preparations were com-
Hatcher tonight will highlight a pleted by a committee representing
chrmunighwide clebig ofhelocal Ann Arbor groups. Prof. Rob-
community-wide celebration of the ert C. Angell of the sociology de-
day with an address at Ann Arbor tment, who wasappointed by
High School. the mavn. headedthe committe

} },.
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