Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
See page 4
" I
.. ."-
-- -
III, No.26
n Calls
im Courts Have
bers Union said yesterday a.
court challenge of James'
ffa's election as Teamsters
ant is an unwarranted, in-
nce with labor union inter-
union said a federal court
who has temporarily re-
d Hoffa from taking office
urisdiction to pass on the
of delegates seated at the
ister attorneys made the
ions in an answer filed in
States District Court late
ay seeking -dismissal of an
ion suit brought by a
f New York rank-and-file.
ers members.
e members claim delegates
convention were hand-
to insure the' election of
Honor System
Vote Approved
SGC To Hold Student Referendim
On Proposed Literary College Trial
Student Government Council decided last night to hold a refer-
endum on the desirability of an experimental Honor System in the
literary college.
The student vote would-come after the honor system study com-
mittee had worked with the Literary College administrative board to
devise a feasible experimental program, which the Council would
then approve.
Voting, with the approval of the literary school board, would
probably take place in the class-room with all students in that col-
Russian Attack
UN Urged
To Prevent
" DU~~~~' !fi i .
Turk A tack
lege voting.
Action came after both the7
the elections committee reported
Faculty, AA
Not Feasible
honor system study committee and
hat a referendum in November was
4 not feasible, and in fact, a refer-
endum on an experimental honor
system was infeasible.
Ron ''Gregg, '60, chairman of
the student-faculty Honor Sys-
tem Committee and a council
member, explained that a vote on
an honor system without having
experienced it would be invalid.
Don Young, '58, Union presi-
dent, said that since students pay
for an education, they "should
know what they're getting" and
should have a choice. And May-
nard Goldman explained that
"you can't shove an honor system
down students' throats."
ffa was overwhelmingly
d to succeed Dave Beck, who
3off a has been 'linked in Sen-
ackets Committee testimony'
charges involving. alleged
e of union funds and abuse
ion powers.
k had planned to resign this'
in favor of Hoffa instead of
ing out a term lasting until
1. However, United States
ct Judge J. Dickinson Letts
ay issued a temporary re-
ing order against Hoffa tak-
'fice pending outcome of the
challenging legality of his
on. A hearing was set for
k issued # terse statement
T e a m s t er s headquarters
Yesterday saying that in view
e court challenge of Hoffa's,
on he will remain as union
ent for the time being.
issue Judge Letts'will have
dide at Monday's hearing,
s whether to continue to bar
from taking over the union's
is whether to name a re-
or court master to run the
11 Plagues
'Students ,
Student Government Council
yesterday unanimously approved a
motion, which would instruct the"
Campus Chest Board, to organize
University faculty solicitations,,in,
this month's fund drive and au-
thorize the Board to "include in
its solicitations any sections of
Ann Arbor so desired."
The motion was made by Peter
Eckstein, '58, Daily editor, after
SGC received the program of the
Campus Chest drive, Oct. 27 to
Nov. 3.
The campus drive program was
outlined by Joe Sherman, '58,
Campus Chest Board chairman,
and included "personal soliciting
in University housing units," a,
two-day bucket drive, and special
events to publicize the drive and
collect funds. k
Methods Left to Houses
Methods of solicitations in the
housing units would be left to the
houses' discretion-w h e t h e r to
contribute as a whole house or ap-
point representatives to collect a
donation from each resident.
In discussing reason for expand-f
ing the chest drive beyond housing
units and central campus, Eck-
stein said, "Any Campus Chest
drive could logically, within the
definition of 'campus,' the faculty.
The State St. merchants might
also be included as a part of the
campus community."
Off Campus Solicitation
Eckstein added that if the Ann,
Arbor United Fund collects funds;
from the students, either through
direct solicitations or through ap-
propriations from Campus Chest,
the chest drive should. be allowed
to solicit funds in parts of the city
outside the campus.
Committee Requests Vote
The Honor System committee
had requested a vote after the
experimental program.
At the same meeting, which
ended at 1:10 a.m. today, Scott
Chrysler's motion to reconsider
Galens medical honorary charity
definition of Campus area for
drive, was defeated.
Last week SGC had prohibited
Galens from soliciting on the
State Street area from the cam-
pus to Huron, -because the Coun-
cil felt the people in this section
were primarily students. The
Council thought soliciting in this
area would violate its concept of
a Campus Chest drive, which is
designed to' ask charity funds for
students only once through the
school year.
Galens had requested the right
to have buckets for its city drive
on the corner of North Univer-
sity and State Street as they did
last year.
Right to Reach People
Bob Jewett, Galens president,
said fifty per cent of the people
who patronized stores in 'campus
town' were not students, and the
organization should have a right
to reach these people.
In response to a question by
Young, Jewett explained that the
group had not taken money from
Campus Chest after it was offered
because Galens had reached its
goal and did not want to hurt the
other organizations involved.
The Soviet Union called on the
United Nations yesterday to halt a
surprise attack on Syria allegedly
planned by the United States and
Russia offered to join other UN
members in supplying military
forces to meet such an attack.
The Russians charged that the
United States in urging Turkey to
launch an attack with "lightning
speed." in order to confront the
UN ith a situation whereby the
world organization "may have no
time to take steps to prevent
Follows Swift Developments
The Soviet accusation came on
the heels of these swift develop-
ments in the UN on the explosive
Middle East situation:
1. Syria informed UN Secretary
General Dak Hammarskjold that
an attack by Turkey was immi-
nent. Syria requested the 82-na-
tion General Assembly be called
into session immediately to ap-
point a UN commission to investi-
gate the situation on the tense
Turkish-Syrian frontier.
2. The United States quickly
endorsed the move to have ,the
Assembly consider the situation in
the MiddleEast. "A prompt inves-
tigation of the developments
should help to ease tensions as,
to clarify who it is that threatens
peace in the area," a spokesman,
for the United States delegation
at the UN said.
Syria, Russia Cooberatec
It was apparent that the Soviet
Union and Syria were making as*
sociated moves in the United Na-
The Soviet accusations against
the United States were contained
in a 1,200-word letter from Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko
to Sir Leslie Munro, president of
the Assembly. Copies of the letter
were distributed several hours af-l
tee the Syrian request for Assem-
bly action was released.
"There is reliable informationc
that the Turkish General Staff,
together with American advisers,N
has elaborated detailed plans forl
an attack by Turkey on Syria,<
their intention being to carry it
out immediately after the electionst
in Turkey on Oct. 27 of this year,"
Gromyko declared.
Turkey Remains Silent
Turkey, which only Tuesday ac-
cused Syria of being a puppet for
the Soviet Union in international
affairs, remained silent.C
sian Flu bontinues to plague-
versity students.
r. Morley Becket, Health Serv-
Director, said 359 persons were
mined at the clinic Tuesday
there is "no change" in the
-e numbers reporting to Health
vice yesterday.
We don't look for it to be any
ter in the next few days," he
wo students have been trans-
ed to University Hospital from
lth Service clinic with serious
ss and the infirmary continues
perate at full capacity.
Dormitory residents have been
cially hard hit by Upper Res-
tory Infection and according
,en's Residence 'Halls Senior
ctor, Jack Hale, "housemoth-
are making nurses rounds, re-
ing temperatures and taking
-juices to the sick men.
Ve are working closely with
Beckett and the Health Serv-
staff," Hale said, "when tem-
tures get .too high the men
sent to the clinic for examina-
e reported that in some houses
iany as 30 to 40 men are con-
I by the virus. Staff members,
dded, are keeping close observ-
on the situation and are
ing sure that afflicted resi-
s stay in their beds.
'ood traysare being taken to
is for those too ill to come to
dining roomsfor their meals,"
said, "and the dietary staff
ughout the quadrangles has
sed menus to add as many
s and fruit juices to the meals
Couzens Hall sick trays are
g taken to rooms on carts.
Ruth Marker, Jordan Hall
ctor said that there are some
s in that dormitory and the
e nurse is taking care of them.
added that the Flu has not
ailed social activities.
Panel Dis
Russia developed an earth satel-
lite before the United States be-
cause it tried harder, knew what it
was doing, and concentrated more
effort on the project than did this
Prof. Henry Gomberg of the en-
gineering school yesterday told
this to a Political Issue Club meet-
ing but added that Soviet Russia's
efforts have been at the expense
of the citizen's standard of living.
As one of three panelists dis-
cussing Russian scientific ad-
i ;
,France Hi
By Electric,
Gas Strikes
PARIS tom'--A one-day, electric
power and gas strike tied France
in knots yesterday and heaped
discomfort upon its disgruntled
The strike of 110,000 electri
workers, and an undisclosed num-
ber of gas workers, was order~ed by
Communist, Socialist and. Cath-
olic "unions in a demonstration of
rare unity. They were even joined
by utility engineers.
All are asking a 30 per, cent
wage hike to keep up with the
cost of living.
Lights Come Back On
As the lights began coming back
ion in Paris last night, still worse
trounble was threatened for today
-mass street demonstrations by
Communists demanding peace in
The Communists went ahead
with their plans despite an off i-
cial ban on the demonstrations.
The 'Interior Ministry alerted' all
police, security companies and riot
squads in fear of street fighting.
The caretaker regime of premier
Maurice Bourges-Maunoury, hold-
ing office the last 16 days while
F'rance gropes for a new govern-
mnent, apparently felt powerless to
do anything about the strike of
more than '100,000 utility workers
-Daily-Robert Kanner
EVALUATE RED PROGRESS-A Political Issues Club panel yesterday discussed Russian scientific
achievements and their implications. On the panel were (l-r) Prof. Henry Gomberg, Cameron-
Yerian, club president, Prof Kenneth Boulding and Prof. Morris Janowitz. Prof. Gomberg reviewed-
the Soviet Union has made in light of the launching of an earth satellite and the position the
United States is now in.
vancement and its implications,
he said the United States has not.
been made ,a second class organi-.
zation by Red achievements.
Stop Disarmament
Prof. Morris Janowitz of the
sociology department said Russian
development of the ICBM has
made it necessary to redress a
psychological rather than an ac-
tual balance of global power. He
suggested stopping of disarmament
talk is one means to this end.
Directly disagreeing with him,
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department said the
"only sensible thing to do is talk
"The Red satellite hasn't per-
ceptably changed the situation.,
Basically, national defense has
broken d o w n and neither the
United States or Russia is big'
enough anymore to have full de-
fense in depth. Both from a de-
fensive standpoint are obsolete."
Improbable but Possible
He said that disarmament is
"improbable but possible" and will
require "some sort" of world gov-
"I don't believe in limited war-
fare," Prof. Boulding said, "and
the only means to security is dis-
armament." ,
Prof. Gomberg observed that the
TU, Students
Admit Theft
Three University students have
admitted breaking into the Psi.
Upsilon fraternity house during
the football game Saturday and
stealing various chapter articles,
police said yesterday.
The three, Roy Erikson, '60,
James Grady, '59E, and Kenneth
Stewart, '58, will appear in Muni-
cipal Court at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
They are charged with breaking
and, entering without permission.
According to a statement by
Grady, the group conceived the
idea several weeks ago. They en-
tered the chapter roonr by drill-
ing holes in the door.
United States believes that compe-
tition in development of ideas will
be more profitable than the Rus-
sian system.
He said that all Russian work
is limited to single, separate,
groups. These is no alternative
place a person might take a re-
jected idea or plan in the Soviet
System. He said this is one weak-
ness of the Soviet structure.
He warned against thinking the
Soviets could not "go it alone"
without the aid of foreign scien-
tists. Their educational system is
geared to developing top special-
ists from Russian citizens, he said.
By The Associated Press
ANKARA-Official Turkish cir-
cles called Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles' statement an act of
a true friend and ally. Turkey
denied Soviet-Syrian charges that
it is preparing to attack Syria.
* * * ~
AMMAN - Jordan announced
full support to Syria in the event
of an attack and King Hussein
called in the Turkish, . American
and British ambassadors to tell
them. He talked later with: Arab
LONDON-British officials pro-.
fessed to see no danger of imme-
diate war and said their units in
the Middle East have had no
The British said they have/'evi-
dence that the Soviet Union, Egypt
and Syria are acting in collusion
to. steam up -war fears in order to
end Western influence.
* * *
CAIRO -Egypt's Middle East
News Agency reported a state of
emergency declared in the Syrian
The newly merged Egyptian and
Syrian field forces in Syria have
Soviet weapons.
~cusses Red Satellite
USSR, Says
War Unlik e
Turkish Treaties
Upheld; Soviet
Policy Condemned
WASHINGTON (i) -- Secre
of State John Foster Di
warned -yesterday the UA
States might attack Russian
ritory in retaliation for any
viet aggression against Tur
He said At a news confere
however, it was unlikely any'
war would break out in the ,
dIe East.
"Certainly if there;is an ati
on Turkey by' the Soviet Unl
he said, "it would not 406Ma
purely defensive operation by
United States with the Soviet
ion a privileged sanctuary :
which to attack Turkey."
Uphold Treaty Pledges
Sec. Dulles issued his wan
in reaffirming Americap de
mination to uphold treaty ple
to go to Turkey's aid in the .e
it is attacked. 1
Sec. Dulles coupled this wit
blistering attack on Soviet pol
He scornfully rejected Mosc(
bid for exclusive Soviet-Ameri
deals to "divide up the-world'
he put it.
Such Soviet-American deals
said would mean abandon
trusted allies for a kind of "s
lordship" which in the end wc
be disastrous.
Sec. Dulles frankly ac)p
edged that the Soviets Aprobe
have some advance over us"
intercontinental missiles as a
sult of successful tests which V
have claimed within the .
U.S. Superiority
But he said the United Sta
still has "a very marked super
ity" in actual military power p
ticularly in heavy bombers. 1S
bomber fleets "for some yeara
come" will be the most effeci
means of hitting far away tar
with bombs, he said.
Sec..Dulles viewed Russia's s
cess in launching an earth sai
lite as "a good thing." It
Jarred c o m p 1a c e n cy evi
among Americans, he said, v
automatically assumed R
could never beat them in a
Tle Eisenhower administratI
however, he maintained, ne
shared this complacency.
U.S. Scientists
Say Satellite
Retains Powe
United States scientists .figui
yesterday there is a lot of 2
yet remaining inthe Russian's
ellite and the rocket shell acco
panying it around the earth.
The rocket, said scientists
the Smithsonian Astrophysi
Observatory at Cambridge, a
has at least 100 days of life I
while the satellite itself proba'
will remain aloft consider a
And as the Soviet Sputnik sp
through space, Secretary of Sti
John Foster Dulles said its s
cessful launching by the Ri
sianson Oct. 4 was a useful thi
because it aroused 'the- coun
and Congress to the importa
Of the missiles program
Russia, said Sec. Dulles, may
ahead of the United States
satellites and missiles but t
United States has military s
periority partially because pi
of its lead in heavy bombers.
five or ten years, he told a ne
conference, missiles may be -t
Concert Group
To Perform
The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra will present the second Choral
Union concert at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Included in the program are
Mozart's "Symphony yin G Minor,"
Stravinsky's "Jeu du Cartes," and
Brahms' "Symphony No. Four."
The concert will be broadcasted
directly from Hill Auditorium by
the University FM radio stations,
'WUOM, Ann Arbor and WFUM,
Preceding the concert, East
Quadrangle Council will hold a
dinner for the orchestra. 180 men
will host the 90 member orches-
tra and several faculty members.
Failure Last Year j
Chrysler noted that the Cam-
pus Chest drive last year "was a
failure," and that Galens, a
strong group, should not subject
itself to dangerous "speculation."
The Council, however, defeated
the move, because so many stu-
dents did shop in the State Street
area, and Galens probably could
get money from the campus chest
if it wished to. It did not feel Ga-
lens was presenting any new in-
After more than an hour of dis-
cussion, SGC scheduled Hillel-,
zapoppin, a skit night presented
by B'nai Brith Hillel Foundatio4,
for Dec. 8.
.Hillel had asked for Dec. 14, but
this date was dropped because of
conflict with Musket and the
quadrangle Christmas dances.
Queen Arrives in U.S.
To Begin Six-Day Tou
WILLIAMSBUNG, Va. (,A)-Queen Elizabeth II arrived to a royal
welcome in the United States yesterday and promptly bowed her head
in a prayer for a "just and lasting peace."
The shy young monarch, the first reigning British Queen to visit
North America, started her 6-day United States stay in storied Virginia.
Ironically it was at Patrick Henry Airport-named after the redhaired
firebrand from the land where Britain gained and lost her first colonial
possessions in the new world.x
Reception Restrained
But the irony was lost on the thousands-estimates centered
Ypsilanti May,
Be Encircled
By New City
The Ypsilanti Township Board
h a s unanimously recommended
-that the township be incorporated
into a "new city" within the next
few ,months.
In action taken Tuesday night,
the board proposed that an area of
more than 30 square miles which
completely surrounds the present
city of Ypsilanti be 'formed into
a city so that necessary municipal
services can be provided to the
highly urbanized area.
The new municipality would
have a population of 22,000 and a
tax base of almost $100,000,000..
This would make it "one of the
richest per capita cities ever form-
ed in Michigan," according to
Donald W. Howe chairman of the
board's incorporation committee.
In the recommendation, which'
came as somewhat of a surprise,
the officials expressed hope that
incorporation into a city would
allow them to levy enough taxes to
meet the rising demands for im-
Truck Tosses
for higher wages.
Anarchy Without Law
"Anarchy, without government,
without law. That alas is the sad
picture of contemporary France,"
said the influential newspaper Le
IndParis and throughout the
country, Frenchmen.awoke to find
themselves without light or, gas
to heat their coffee and shaving
water. Many houses, were cold.
At the stations, there were no
trains. Subways were silent. Bus
queues stretched a block.
Every possible bicycle, scooter
and car took to the roads but got
snarled in traffic jams.
Machines Silent
When footsore workers go to
their jobs, they found the build-
ings dark. Machines were silent.
Some office workers, finding the
Honors Council Maps
Second Year Program
The literary college Honors Council is now working on' the sec-
ond year details of its all-college honors program for superior. stu-
dents, according to Prof. Robert Angell, director of the group.
The council is made up of about 30 faculty members, including
at-least one member from each department in the litei'ary college.
It has been holding about one meeting a month to establish its pro-
gram, but the council may meet less frequently as the problems of
the honors program are ironed out, Prof. Angell explained.
Starting First Year
The honors proaram is beainning its first vear. with 153 freh-
rm Collections
ssed by Board