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October 15, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-15

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Si rof
Sixty.-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom




Jo. 25




sident Plans
entifie Talks
ling U.S. Seientists ToPConfer
le on Missile Program Today
GTON (P) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower will take
ims of this country's satellite and ballistics missiles pro-
,ding United States scientists today.
with President Eisenhower will be members of his Sci-
T Committee, which reports to him through the Office





Assuming Union
eney for Ten: Da


or Rabi, professor of physics at Columbia
,n-American agreement to exchange sat-
osed. And United States moonwatchers





at is probably the 'first
gan picture of the third-
rocket which launched
ick 'was taken Sunday
ng by a three member
a-watch" team in the An-
all Observatory.
f. William Liller of the as-
ny department said the
t"looked like a nmoving star
st; when we located it, it
oing through 'the tail of the
ipper, about half way up
picture was made shortly
the rocket was -spotted by
Edith A. Muller, research as-
e at 5:15 a.m.
moon watch team had been
pting to locate the rocket
Wednesday mornin'g, but
kies had not been clear
f. Leo'Goldberg, chairman
e department, tracked the
with binoculars during the
minutes it was visible.
was like looking for a needle
aystack," he said.
pictures, which were taken
of. Liller, show a hair-line
resbmbling a thin pencil
A 25-second exposure was
o record the rocket's move-

got one of their best looks yet at
the sputnik's rocket.'
Train Telescope
A team of the Smithsonian As-
trophysical Observatory at Cam-
bridge, Mass., was able to train
telescopes and cameras for about
a minute on the rocket, which
fired the Red satellite into space
Oct. 4 and then took off around
the world on its own.
The team did not spot the satel-
lite, believed a few minutes behind
the rocket itself.
Leonard P. Giblin, Associated
Press newsman who was among
the watchers, said the rocket was
brighter than any of the stars vis-
ible in the early dawn light.
J. Allen Hynek, associate 'direc-
tor of the observatory, said the
rocket was at least of first magni-
tude as it passed.
The rocket tumbles end over end"
in its journey, it was explained and
its brightness varies according to
the amount of surface exposed to
the sun.
The White House conference was
announced as the Soviet Sputnik
spun around the globe for the 10th
day. ,
Arranged Before
However, \presidential press sec-
retary James C. Hagerty said the
conference was arranged some
weeks ago-before Russia launch-
ed its satellite:
But he added he is certain the
President and committee members
will discuss the satellite and mis-
sile situations.
Sen. Stuart D. Symington' (D-
Mo.), former secretary of the Air'
Force, said the United States must.
take immediate steps to- catch up
with the Soviets.
Tells Newsmen -
Sen. Symington told a news con-
ference that while Russia does not
now have an ope'ational intercon-
tinental ballistics missile, ICBN,
it would have one within two or
three years capable of attacking
any part of the United States.
der present programs the United
States would not develop such a
weapon for four to six years.
He renewed a previous sugges-
tion that Congress be called into
special session.

,h Will

-Daily-DaVlU MI"
CALIFORNIA TO MICHIGAN-Sen. William F. Knowland (R-
Calif.) arrives at Hill Auditorium with Mrs. Knowland before
addressing a mass political rally last night.
Know land Asks Controls
For Labor Racketeers
Sen. William F. Knowland (R-Calif.) yesterday outlined an eight
point program he said is necessary to protect the rank and file la-
borer from abuses by part of his leadership.
He said, "No group in industry or labor should have the power.
to strangle the economic life of 168 million Americans when in so
doing they endanger the whole free world of-free men."
The: United States Senateminority leader told a mass Republi-
can rally in Hill Auditorium that revelations before the special Sen-;
<"ate Committee investigating labor
T T corruption, have. indicated the
u OS 0S e a tor need ofhprotection for union
. membership.
" Shocking Revelations
U M * 'l "I believe," he said, "that the
U r es-M issle American people, including the
rank-and-file of labor, are deep-
ly shocked by the revelations
Investigation growing out of the hearings."
The eight 'proposals include:
By JOHN WEICHER 1) Secret ballot for all union
Sen. William F. Knowland (R- 2) Authority for rank-and-file:
Calif.) urged a full-scale probe of members to recall incompetent
the United States mlis s ile and officers by secret; ballot.
satellite programs yesterday, but 3) Right of all union members
added that he did not think that to vote for' or against a strike
cuts in the budget, made last spring through secret .ballot.
had affected the program. 4) Adequate protection of wel-
The Republican Senate leader fare funds such as bank depositors
said an investigation "in the in- and insurance policy holders now
teests of national defense" is have.
called for, but that It must be bi- 5) Ample safeguards for man-
partisan and cover the entire de-, agement of initiation fees and
-velopment program since the close dues including accountings to
of World War II. union membership such as cor-
This country is not necessarily porations are required to make
behind the Soviet Union in missile to their stockholders.
development, he said. The United 6) Protection of union members
States has sent out some rockets from discrimination and reprisal.
of its own, while the .Soviet inter- 7) Preventing officials from
continental ballistics missile may getting the power to take over lo-
not be- operational at present, he cal unions without tembership
added. approval and continuing them-
The senator also said that he selves in office by creation of pa-
did no know if the United States per locals or extensive setting up
could develop at satellite and have of trusteeships over local unions.
it in operation in the near future. 8) Giving union members the
"The Army people think it can be power to correct arbitrary and un-
done," he added. lawful accounts of union officials.
Announces Candidacy
Speaking at a news .conference Sen. Knowland. who has re-
prior to his speech last night, Sen. cently announced his candidacy
Knowland said that in his opinion for the governorship of Califdor-
neither the arms budget cut or nia, spoke before a small crowd of
tight security measures on scien- under 500. The rally was spon-
tists had caused the United States sored by the University Young
to lag on satellite development. Republicans.
See MISSILE, page 3 See KNOWLAND, page 3

Tito Regime
BONN, Germany (AR) - Yugo-
slavia called the West's hand on
the German unity issues yester-
The Foreign Office announced
President Tito's Red regime plans
to recognize 'Communist East
Germany today.
It was a slap in the face for
the Bonn Republic and a chal-
lenge to the solid front the West-
ern powers have built up outside
the Soviet bloc against diplomatic
ties with Premier Otto Grote-
wohl's Moscow-allied government.
A formal break threatened in
relatidns between Belgrade and
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's
West German government has de-
clared it will cut diplomatic links
with any nation exchanging en-
voys with the Red rulers of the 18
million East Germans.
Adenauer's government, which
recently granted a 300-million
dollar, 99-year loan to Yugoslavia
and agreed to pay 60,million dol-
lars in war reparations, recognizes
only the Soviet Union among na-
tions having diplomatic ties with
East Germany.
The Foreign Office announce-
went came after- a four-hour'
meeting between Dusan Kveder,
Belgrade's ambassador to Bonn,
and Deputy Foreign Minister
Walter Hallstein.

Pearson of Canada.
Awarded Nobel Prize
OSLO, NORWAY (A") - Lester B. Pearson, former Canadian for-
eign secretary, has been awarded the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize.
The prize amounts to $40,275.
In the United Nations last fall Pearson spearheaded a campaign
to bring peace totthe Middle East, where Britain and France had
joined Israel in an attack on Egypt.
Largely as a result of Pearson's activity a UN emergency force
was organized to separate the belligerents. This force still is on duty
in the Gaza area.
Pearson in June lost his Canadian cabinet job as a result of elec-
tions which brought the Conservative Party to power in Canada,
sweeping out the Liberals. He said %-
today in Ottawa he was thunder-. }
struck at the announcement. He 1
had not known of it
The prize was awarded by the
Nobel committee of the Norwegian O n I
Storting (parliament). *O I ta
The committee again decided
not to award the 1956 prize. The "
committee found no worthy candi- Troop Shifts
The committee, in line with cus-
tom did not say formally why ANKARA, Turkey ( .)- Tiinish
Pearson had been chosen, political circles spoke with mark-
Pearson, 60 years old, is the son ed restraint yesterday about the
of a Methodist minister. Born in surprise arrival of Egyptian sol-
Toronto, he got the nickname diers in Syria.
"Mike" with ta hospital unit in . The Turks appeared undis-
World War -I. turbed.
After a few years as a teacher There were strong indications
he entered Canada's foreign serv- that Turkey - recently engaged
ice in 1928 and became ambassa- in bitter exchanges with its left-
dor to Washington. In 1952 he ist Arab neighbor -,will study the
was President of the UN General troop movement ng- and serious-
Assembly. ly before saying anything public-
The news of the plan.e-guarded
landing Sunday at the Mediter-

Claim 80 Per C
Of Delegates Pic
To Rig Election
Hoffa, battling a barrage
eral court charges threate
loosen his tight grip *ov
Teamsters, was barred ye
from taking over as the
United States District J
Dickinson Letts granted
York Teamsters member g
10-day restraining order
Hoffa, 44, the union's pn
elect, from taking the rein
retiring Dave Beck.
Hoffa, due to face federa
tap conspiracy and
charges in New York toda
in Detroit he had "no co
whatsoever" on Letts' order

tiate Lab

In Ottawa

P e t i t i o n e r Ca g e d I l~
Charge V4
Held Illeg;



A convocation beginning at
,10:30 a.m. today in the Rackham
Lecture Hall will initiate a day-
long observance of dedication for
the Automotive and Aeronautical
Engineering Laboratories.
Chancellor Clifford C. Furnas
of the University of Buffalo will
deliver the main address at the
convocation which will be presid-'
ed over by President Harlan H.
Acting Dean Stephen S. Att-
wood of the engineering college
will speak on "The North Campus'
and Transportation" at a noon
luncheon at the League. Regent;
Otto E. Eckert will preside.
Students will be given an op-
portunity to view the new struc-
tures on North Campus during an
open house which will be held
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m, this after-
noon, and are also welcome to the
morning convocation.{
This evening, approximately
1,200 members of the Detroit See-
tion of the Society of Automotive
Engineers will gather in Hill.
Auditorium at 8 to hear Dean Att-
wood and James C. Zeder, vice-
pesident in charge of engineer-
ing for the Crysler Corporation
speak during their first Ann Ar-
bor meeting.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
is expected to be present for the
dedication, as well as ."Jimmy"
Doolittle, former Air Force gen-
Ike's Birthday'
Message Asks

ranean port of Latakia, 40 miles
south of the Turkish border, ap-
parently.caught the government
by surprise.
One Turkish source said about
5,000 Egyptians may have been
Estimates in Washington and
London were lower, ranging from
1,000 to 1,600.
Reports indicated most of the
men are in armored units.
Political circles said the Foreign
Ministry's reluctance to comment
is due primarily to the fact it has
as yet received no reports from
its own representatives on the
Thus, in this moderate Ankara
view, "some military expeditions"
between these countries might be

North Cam pus
WaterY Sytem
Bids Approved
Bids totalling $350,600 for ex-
pansion of the North Campus wa-
ter system were approved by City
Council last night.
Construction of the system will
begin today, according to Guy C.
Larcom, Jr., city administrator.
The work is expected to be com-
pleted by August, 1958.
A possible re-routing of United
States Highway No. 23 was re-
ferred to the council's working
committee. The revision would
move the route from Washtenaw
to Stadium and Main Streets, tak-
ing traffic away from the North
Campus and women's residence
A letter from Robert W. Burgess,
director of the Bureau of the Cen-
sus, was read at the meeting.
The letter stated that the Bu-
reau had not made a final decision
.in regard to counting students as
residents of college towns in the
next census. but was inclined to
do so again. This would increase
tax revenus to the city.
A local cab company's complaint
that students were causing diffi-
culty at the new State Street
traffic loop was brought before
council by Councilman M. Alicia
The council decided to have a
study made of the difficulties
caused by pedestrian and bicycle

OTTAWA W)-Queen Elizabeth
II, resplendent in the gown she
wore when crowned, opened Can-
ada's Parliament yesterday amid
pageantry surpassed only by her
own coronation.
Thousands, perhaps as many as
50,000 cheered themselves to tears
as she and her husband, Prince
Philip, wheeled through town in
an open carriage to and from
"This is for all of us a moment
to remember," intoned the 31-
year-old monarch in her formal
address to, Parliament.
Children clutching tiny flags of
Canada and knobby kneed High-
landers in kilts yelled alike during
the tingling tableau.
Inside the gold-ceiling, wood-
paneled Gothic Senate chamber
some 900 notables. crammed a
space built for the 102 .Senate
The temperature, about 54 out-
side, climbed to the 80s in the glare
of TV and film lights bathing the
vaulted room.

... Nobel Prize winner

Asian Flu Reaches New High o

FauusTo Call Special
Session o Legislature
By The Associated Press
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.-Gov. Orval Faubus yesterday announced
that he expects to call a special session of the Arkansas Legislature
for the purpose of seeking a solution to the racial integration crisis
at Little Rock Central High School.
However, after making the statement at a press conference, the
governor later said that any session would not be called "for at least
" three weeks," and still was not an
absolute certainty.
Only seven Negroes went to
classes at Central High, where
United States Army and National
a C a m p usY Guard troops havebeen on guard
to enforce court-ordered racial in-
tegration since Sept. 24.
Secretary of the Army Wilbur
Brucker yesterday announced
plans to cut in half the number
of regular Army paratroopers at
Little Rock Central High School.
""'"~~''~ He also said the Army will dis-
'miss from federal control the bulk
of Arkansas National Guardsmen
who were federalized Sept. 24.
Court Rejecs
A -_ -.,.

Legal Matter
"It's a legal matter and wil
handled by the lawyers."
Letts acted on theplea of a
man group of New York Teams
that Hoffa was elected at
Teamsters convention at Mi
Beach, Fla., 10 days ago by d
gates seated to rig the voting
Godfrey P. Schmidt, an attox
for the rank - and - file gro
claimed more than 80 per cer
the convention delegates
shown by the convention proc
ings to have been illegally chi
under terms of the union's coi
tution to represent their local
the convention.
Plans Appeal
Martin O'Donoghue, repres
ing Hoffa and the union in
proceedings, indicated he plan
to-go to the federal appeals ci
in an- effort to get Letts' of
Oa'Donoghue had succeeded,
fore the convention started, in
ting the appeals court and
Supreme Court to block an ea
order of Judge Letts' to ban
convention from taking pla
also on charges that conven
delegates were handpicked.
In his. new order, Judge I
directed a hearing next Mon
for the Teamsters Union to s
cause why a preliminary init
tion should not be issued to
installing Hoffa and other n
elected Teamsters' officials.
The union also was requ
yesterday to show cause
Teamsters' funds should no'
tied up and a court master pu
charge with veto power over
union actions.
Police Accus
11 of Scalpin
State tickets
Nine students, a person clai
to be an instructor and an out
state visitor were charged by p
with scalping tickets after Sa
day's game with Michigan S
The supposed instructor gav
name as Martin Chandler Grof
and said he was in the architec
college. He pleded guilty in m
cipal court yesterday to chargE
ticket scalping. and was fined
and costs by'Municipal C o
Judge Francis L. O'Brien.
Students arrested were IJ
Beegle, Richard Blumenthal,
James Eubanks, Thomas Fra
Lloyd Hamady, Grad., Jerry L
'59, Maureen Silverman, Wil
Smink, '58Ed, and Stanley V

The current Asian Flu epidemic reached a new high on campus
yesterday according to Dr. Morley Beckett, Health Service Director.
For the first time since the epidemic began over a week ago a
few infirmary patients were transferred to University Hospital to
afford more space in Health Service Infirmary.
Dr. Beckett said that this measure was set up with the hospital-
weeks ago in event that Health Service became too crowded to handle
all students in need of infirmary treatment. "It is nip and tuck for
beds," he added.

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