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September 16, 1957 - Image 22

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-16

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(ichigras Carnival
rings Gay Week
(Continued from Page 1)

Time for Everyone To Cool Ofdf

Dean Uses Varied Background
In Coed Administrative Position


lost people to his booth.5 Prizes
ere awarded for the most tickets
old as well as the quality of en-
The thousands who jammed the
eldhouse needed little encourage-
nent to play the various games of
kill or enter the show and refresh-
nent booths.
While costumed men and women
outines hour after hour to packed
resented singing and dancing
ooths, new lines quickly formed
.o see the next show.
Eating huge spools of pink cot-
on candy and munching hot dogs
r ice cream, gay groups of people
irst tried 'their hand at shaving
he soap off an inflated balloon,
vinning Michibucks at a pin-ball
nachine game, and then visited a
ark gambling casino, watched a
uriesque show, a ballet. The Mi-
hibucks could later be exchanged
or prizes.
On the second night, trophies
or winning floats and booths were
resented by University President
[arlan F''iatcher.
Rides Outside
Outside the fieldhouse, giant
ides lit up the sky in a panorama
f swirling colors. Excited screams,
houts, and laughter cut through
he nippy night air.
The entire Michigras was a great
uccess. Ticket sales topped the
stimates and even hopes of the
The guiding force for the big
veekend was a Central Committee
f some two dozen coeds and men
nder two general co-chairmen.
.entral Commnittee members head-
d 13 committees, most of which
ad large subcommittees.
A place on the Central Commit-
ee was secured through petition-
ng and interview during October.
Lt a mass meeting held a few
reeks later, students were able to
ign up to work on subcommittees.
Although the people who watch-
d the parade and crowded into the
ieldhouse Friday and Saturday
lights enjoyed .a carnival, those
vho had a hand in creating it say
hat they enjoyed it even more,
?etitioning for the 1958 carnival
vill be announced in The Daily.
;pring Weekend . . -
Alternating every other spring
vith Michigras, the University's
dg weekend is Spring Weekend,
vhich features the "Wolverine
)erby," "Skit Night," and a cam-
)us-wide poster contest.
The "Wolverine Derby" is an
il-campus Soapbox Derby, tra-
jitionally ruin on Geddes Road the

Saturday afternoon of Spring
Weekend. Men's and women's resi-
dence halls cooperate to build the
soapbox racers, and a woman's
house may enter a racer if it is
driven by a male student.
Prizes and trophies are awarded
not only to the winners, but to any
racer who manages to reach the
finish line at all! Awards are also
presented to the best-looking rac-
ing car. Prizes are awarded on
the basis of workmanship, origin-
ality and make of the car. The
best dressed driver who competes
in the race is also awarded a prize.
Two-Dollar Run
Each car is charged a two-dollar
entry fee, and any group may en-
ter as many cars as it chooses.
Racers must be built so that they
can clear the road by at least three
inches and not be ovei 45 inches
high. The cars may weigh up to
200 pounds, and cannot exceed
375 pounds when loaded. .
Skit night is also a highlight of
the - _kend. Again, men's and
women's residence halls combine
to submit skits, and these skits
are judged mainly for appropriate-
ness. Skits are presented on Fri-
day night of Spring Weekend in
Hill Auditorium.
Skits of unusual interest have
included head-hunting Amazons in
an "African Safari", a typical
freshman's life in "Little Lord
Flunkelroy," a take-off on televi-
sion programs in the "Happy Me-
dium," an interpretation that did
no justice to the opera "Die Val-
krie" and a new version of "HMS
Pinafore"-MSC Pinafore.
Al Capp Emceed
Traditionally, faculty members
have joined the festivities as they
present a short skit and a juggling
act. Last year the noted cartoonist
Al Capp was master of ceremonies
for Skit Night.
A campus-wide poster contest,
featuring much of the artistic tal-
ent on campus, is another tradition
of Spring Weekend at Michigan.
The posters are displayed on the
diagonal and a trophy is presented
to the winner at Skit Night. This
trophy was donated by an Ann
Arbor merchant and stands 20
inches high. On each successive
Spring Weekend, it passes to the
house that has entered the win-
ning poster.
Quality of the artwork employed
in the poster as well as the ap-
propriateness of the slogan to sup-
port Spring Weekend are the main
criteria for judging the posters..
Petitioning for general co-chair-
manships of Spring Weekend 1959
will be held next spring.

FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN - Each summer the University-run Fresh Air Camp pro-
vides underprivileged youngsters with recreation and a wholesome experience in group living. The
Fresh Air Camp is supported partially through an annual fnd drive under the auspices of Campus
Students Build UpTraditional Rivalry;
Alumni Return at Homecoming Weekend

Formerly social worker and
Army nurse, Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon is probably the
busiest woman on campus.
Through her office pass all plans
for orientation, housing, staff
counseling and women's activities.
When asked if she anticipated
any new problems with the in-
creased enrollment, Dean Bacon
laughed and said "always " How-
ever, she suggested that the inter-
viewer look across the street from
Alice Lloyd. There a new dormi-
tory, the answer to the problem, is
being built.x
Asked what causes most prob-
lems for freshmen women. Miss
Bacon says getting adjusted to life
away from home But she is quick
to add that large schools like the
University don't create any more
problems than smaller ones. She
points out that everything depends
on the person entering the school,
not the school itself.
A native New Englander, Dean
Bacon came to Michigan in 1950.
Previous to her appointment she
spent six months in England in
study of her PhD thesis problem,
a study of psychoanalytical ap-
proach to nonsense literature such
as that of Lewis Carroll.
Dean Bacon holds an assistant
professcrship in English at the
University, but she is too busy to
'make use of it in the classroom.
Past history indicates an active
life for the very versatile Dean of
Women. During World War II she
put to practical use nurse's train-
ing received at Bellevue Hospital,
New York City, and worked with
an evacuation hospital attached to
General Patton's third army.
After the war she attended
classes at Sorbonne in Paris be-
fore returning to the United
States. Already a graduate of St.
Timothy's School in Baltimore and
New York University, the Dean
had a Bachelor of Science degree
in Public Health Nursing when
she entered Columbia University,
Graduate School to continue her
studies in English Literature. She
received her Master of Arts with
high distinction in 1948.
For relaxation, Dean Bacon likes
to read. Her hobby is apparent
from her collection of historical
novels, especially those dealing
with British History. This past
year, Miss Bacon concentrated on
books concerning Zen Buddhism.
In her limited leisure time, Dean
Bacon enjoys listening to her;
favorite record collection, or
watching sports. An "avid fan,";
she never misses a Michigan home
football game.




At no other football game is ri-
valry so intense, the spirit and tra-
dition so apparent, as it is during
Homecoming Weekend.
The alumni invade Ann Arbor en
mass to take in the collegiate gai-
ety. All Saturday morning, crowds
build up .spirit as they wander
through streets viewing 'the dis-
plays built by all the dormitories,
fraternities and sororities.
Trophies are awarded to the
best displays that night. at a tra-
ditional dance held at the Intra-
mural. Building, climaxing the
Weeks of Work'
Weeks of work go into con-
structing the displays that adorn
the lawns. Displays must feature
some aspect of the rivalry between
the two schools that will face each
other on the football green.
Origin of homecoming displays
at the University is rather vague,
no one knows exactly when it be-
gan. There is no evidence of any
house decorations back in 1897
when the first Homecoming gameI

was played between the alumni
and varsity.
Just before the first World War,
there is a record of a contest for
displays which was limited ex-
clusively to campus fraternities.
This practice was, discontinued
during and immediately after the
war, but in the early twenties dis-
plays were again seen on frater-
nity lawns.
25th Year of Trophies
Trophies were awarded for the
first time in 1932, when silver cups
were donated by local merchants.
Theta Xi took the prize that year
with a display featuring a grand-
stand of Michigan fans cheering
as the Minnesota Gophers were
trampled into the ground.
Women played no part in the
contest until 1937 when Intra-
Fraternity Council challenged sor-
orities to compete with them.
For two years the contest was
abandoned due to the war, but it
was revived again in 1944.
It was at this time that the in-

dependent housing units were in-
vited to join in the competition.
All-Campus Dance
The all-campus dance oigin-
ated during the forties. Before
that time there had been individ-
ual house parties and dances. A
big name band is always brought
to campusfor the event.
The first foo tball game of
Homecoming Day is the Annual
Mud Bowl classic in which Sigma
Alpha Epsilon is matched against
Phi Delta Theta.
During the half time of this
game, the ban on campus queens
is lifted long enough to permit the
crowning of the Mud Bowl queen.
The beauty contest entries are
fraternity men sponsored by all
Later in the morning, the an-
nual St. Bernard chariot race
takes place. Occurring on the Di-
agonal, this will be the fourth an-
nual race between Delta Upsilon's
Brandy II and Lambda Chi Al-
pha's Major IV.I

... from New England, literature and football
l-M Sports Facilities Open
To Coeds, Men on Fridays
Every Friday night Intramural
Sports Building facilities offer fun, The I-M swimming pool s an-
relaxation and an escape from other big attraction. Men and
studies for men and women women must bring their own swim-
s ming suits but are furnished
From 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. on these towels there.
"co-ec"evenings,, the I-M build-
ing opens indoor sports to all stu- Skilled Instruction Offered
dents. Men and coeds may come Skilled supervision and instrue-
with dates, stag, or in groups and tion is offered by I-M and WAA
need only their identification cards staff members in all sports.
for admission. / Risky would like to see swim-
Mixed Teams ming meets scheduled in the fu-
Mixed teams participate in ture with teams composed of both
friendly rivalry in basketball, vol- men and women.
leyball and badminton. Handball, Like other University activities,
paddle ball and squash tempt the organization of such a pro-
others. Coed basketball and bad- gram is left to the students initi-
minton teams performed at the ative. I-M and Women's Athletic
I-M open house last March. Association staffs are glad to co-
Gymnastic events supply thrills operate with any programs for
and exercise, as well as an oppor- which they have the equipment,
tunity to increase skill. One of the Risky adds.
most popular with the students is As many as 500 men and coeds
the trampoline, says I-M Director participate in the sports each
Earl Riskey. week, he comments.




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--- IF'


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