4:1 a, t t
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ruversiy Newcomers to Follow
Wvamped 'Orientation Program.
ause~ of the rapidly expand-
iiversity population, new stu- tir
entering this fall will be
: by a greatly revampeds
ition program.
ntation 1957 will include
gistration during the sum-
nonths for 'approximately
ird of the freshman class,
Ing to Linda Green, '58, of
omen's League. Miss Green
ntation co-chairman with
Shapiro, '59, of the Union.;
Summer Orientation
For a six-week period between
July 7 and August 16, freshmen liv-
ing within a 250-mile radius of the
University will complete the ad-
ministrative part of their orien-
tation. This includes testing, coun-
seling and the paying of fees and
v registration for classes.
During this time, several groups
will stay for two day periods, Miss
Green said. Both men and women
will be housed in East Quadrangle.
Students who were not eligible or
able to make the summer visit will
begin their official orientation
-~period on Friday, September 13.
They will have most of the ad-
ministrative part of their orienta-
tion completed by the time the
summer group joins them on the
t following Monday.
Work and Play
The first three days will not be
Sall work and no play for those
who arrive on the-thirteenth, Miss
Green explained. When the first
group arrives, several social func-
tions will already have been
Freshmen will be entertained at
special dormitory mixers, and
transfer students will hold a mixer
at the League Snack Bar. On Sat-
urday night, there will be another
series of closed dormitory mixers
for freshmen, and transfer stu-
dents will be entertained at a rec-
ord dance in the Union Ball Room.
While this is going on, foreign
students will be learning more
about the United States. Miss
Green pointed out that because
'U President
To Hold Tea.
For Students
TIME TO MIX - Informal mixers like this will be on the Orien-
tation Week agenda, as newcomers to the University are intro-
duced to their fellow students and campus facilities in general.
of the language barrier, it would be
difficult for many foreign students
to enjoy themselves at mixers.
League Travelogues
The League, therefore, will spon-
sor several travelogues on the
United States for foreign students
that night and folk-singing will
Dormitory mixers will be held
again Sunday night, and on Mon-
day morning, the rest of the fresh-
man class will arrive to complete
their orientgtion which they be-
gan in the summer.
Monday night, the first mass
meeting of freshmen, transfer and
foreign studen'ts will be held at Hill
Auditorium. Newcomers will hear
a welcome address by President
Harlan Hatcher. An all-campus
sing led by varsity cheerleaders
and a small combo will be held af-
terwards on the Diagonal.
Another mass meeting is sched-
uled at Hill Auditorium Tuesday
morning when presidents of Stu-
dent Government Council, the
Union and the League will speak.
Varsity cheerleaders and Sports
captains will also appear.
Activity Open Houses
Open Houses are set for the af-
ternoon of Tuesday, September 17
at the League, Union, Student Pub-
lications and Student Activities
Building. Visiting students will be
able to see the activities and f a-
cilities these organizations offer.
Annual College Night is sched-
uled for Tuesday night at which
the deans of the many University
schools and colleges will address
their respective groups.
Contrary to previous years, how-
ever, this meeting will be a short
one, over at 8:00 p.m., after which
students will be free 'to go to the
mass Block 'M' meeting at Hill
The last mass meeting of the
orientation period will be on Wed-
nesday morning at which presi-
dents of Inter-House Council, In-
ter-fraternity Council, Assembly
Dormitory Council and Panhellenic
Association will speak. Winners of
the Lantern Night and IHC sings
will entertain the assembled stu-
A new innovation 'of the orien-
tation period will be held on Wed-
nesday afternoon with a "forum
session," Miss Green explained.
The men at the Union and the
women at the League will be brok-
en down into small groups who will
meet in sessions with campus lead-
At these sessions, conversation
will be encouraged on any topic
concerning the University about
which the student is curious.
"And we do mean any ques-
tions!" Miss Green commented.
"We're .prepared to answer any-
thing from explaining the struc-
ture of SGC to whether or not to
wear bobby-sox to a show on the
"Sisters" Tea.
During the time freshmen will
be attending the forums, foreign
women and their American "sis-
ters" will be entertained at a tea
in the League..
League Night, Wednesday even-
ing, is the last official orientation
function, says Miss Green. At this
!pen house, coeds will have a
chance to see the many League ac-
tivities including League offices
and Womens Judiciary functions.
They also will be entertained by
numbers from Junior Girls play
Frosh Weekend.
In preparation for the - large-
scale program orientation leaders
underwent a spring training per-
iod last spring, Miss Green re-
marked. They will have another
half day's briefing before orienta-
tion begins this fall.
Dean Bacon
Greets Coeds
With Advice
Stresses Importance
Of Right Study Habits,
Activities, Counsel
Dean Speaks .. .
Dean of Women Deborah
'Bacon has these words of advice
to incoming freshmen.
"In May and June, the Amer-
ican skies-echo with good advice
to graduating seniors. In July
and September, they ring again
with equally good advice to in-
coming freshmen. We will be
happy to start a new year and
a four-year cycle with the
freshmen women of the class
of '61.
"I have only three pieces of
advice to you before you start
this major project of so much
meaning and potential.
"(1) The number of freshmen
womenat the University of
Michigan who turn in good
grades on Janury 30 by begin-
ning to study on January 15 is
distinctly limited. If, by each
Sunday night, you have com-
pleted the week's assignments,
you will experience little aca-
demic difficulty in your years
as a Michigan undergraduate.
However, nobody but yourself
is going to turn this idea into
a steady program of successful
(2) Concerning extra-curric-
ular activities: Cultivate the
Golden Mean: You miss much
of the meaning of college life,
you deprive yourself of real fun
and friendships, if you fail to
become an active participant in
one or two activities in your
house this fall. But pick these
two or three projects with dis-
crimination. Don't rush around
in everything. Overparticipation
means shallow participation; a
squeaky wheel on campus is
not necessarily a Big Wheel on
(3) If you have a genuine
problem facing you-academic
or financial or emotional or
health-it stands to reason that
there must be somebody at the
University of Michigan who is
more of an expert on the sub-
ject than your freshman room-
mate. There are many areas of
college life in which your fresh-
man friends can help more than
anyone else in the world.
But they are not the best
authority on course substitu-
tions, dental repair, budgeting
for a University life, etc. Con-
sult the experts who are all
here to help you solve situations
as they arise. If you do not
know whom to contact, or
where to find him, the special
counselor on your floor or
House Director does know the
varied resources of this great
Again let me assure you of
our pleasure in having you start
this magnificent four-years of
your life with us, this fall at
W~omen's Activities Center at League
WITHIN THESE WALLS of the Women's League, both men and women study, relax, learn to play
bridge and dance or take part in campus activities.
Assembly Coordinates Activities
For Independent Women Students
When she enters the University,
every freshman woman student
automatically becomes a member
of the Assembly Association.
An organization for all inde-
pendent coeds, Assembly tries to
orient them to University tradi-
tions and regulations and coordi-
nate their activities.
The group works to achieve
these ends through the Assembly
Dormitory Council composed of
house presidents, one representa-
tive for every 60 women in each
house, and the Assembly Board.
Open Meetings
ADC meets at 4 p.m. each Mon-.
day in the Student Activities
Building. Mary Lou Anteau, pub-
lic relations chairman of Assembly
extends a "standing invitation"
to anyone on campus who wishes
to attend.
Here every woman who lives in
a residence hail or league house
can bring her opinions or com-
plaints for action before a repre-
sentative body.
Women living in, co-operative
housing units express their views
through the Co-op Council. The
second vice-president of Assembly
has a seat on this board.
Assembly Committees
Assembly committees offer coeds
an opportunity to participate in
extra-curricular activities. " Spe-
cial Projects Committee guides I'
Hop, A-Ball, and Spring Show.
I-Hop, first dance of the school
year, is held in October. A-Ball as
presented during the spring.
Inter-House Council - Assembly
sponsors Spring Show and brings
a "big name" show to the campus.
Last year Ted Heath and his band
were featured.
Profits For Charity
Profits from this production
went to the financial aid of. a
Hungarian woman student at the
Assembly also sponsors a Big
Sister-IAttle Sister program to
help orient new freshman women.
Early in the fall, Assembly and
IRC sponsor exchange dinners
between men's and women's resi-
dence halls through the Social
Committee. Made up of both men
and women, it arranges blind
dates for the dinners and spon-
sors mixers between dorms.
Fortnite, annual competition
among coeds in residence halls, is
held under Assembly guidance.
each fall. Coeds work up short
skits and present them for the en-
tire campus. Trophies are awarded
to winning houses and scholarship
cups are presented to deserving
This year Assembly added Cir-
cle, an honorary which recognizes
women for outstanding work in
their respective residence halls.
Also under Assembly auspices is
the House Service Committee.
Members of this committee work
with Leonard Schaadt, Business
Manager of the Residence Halls,
to make living more comfortable.
Committee was responsible for the
installation of milk machines in
some. of the dorms, choices of-
fered at meals and room and
board changes.
Assembly President, Betsy Alex-
ander urges each freshman to read
the .handbook mailed to her dur-
ing the summer.
Favorite Spot
To Socialize,
Study, Relax
Campus Committees,
'Extra-Curric' Classes
Meet Here Every Day
"I'll meet you at 10 o'clock to-
morrow morning for coffee in the
That phrase is almost tradition-
al for the Michigan League is not
only the center for all women's ac-
tivities but a favorite social spot
as well. Through its many and var-
ied services, every coed can play
an integral role in campus me-
chanics or just have a good time.
A favorite place for coffee breaks
or committee meetings, the League
snack shop is open from early
morning until late each afternoon.
From opening to closing, hours'
there are bridge enthusiasts, the,
players and onlookers.
Center of Coed Activities
At the beginning of the yer.
the League is the center of wom-
en's orientation activities Its Oi.t
entation Committee helps to ac-
quaint transfer students and fresh-
men with campus life.
During the semester, bridge les-'.
sons, free for all women students,
with a small fee for men are held
at the League.
League also sponsors dance
classes. A professional teaches men
and women to waltz, fox trot, and
swing to Latin rhythms in classes
for beginners, intermediate, and
advanced dancers. There is aga n
no fee for women and a slight fee
for men.
Working with men from-the
Union, League members sponsor
Christmas and Easter parties for
patients in Ann Arbor hospitals
and nursing homes. Parties use
local campus talent and put on
musical and variety shows in dif-
ferent wards.
Tutor Services
The League provides a tutor ser.
vice. Students may sign to teach
or be taught.
International Committee of the
League works closely with the In-
ternational Student Association. A
League representative+ helps for-
eign students become familiar with
University life and American cus-
Study rooms on the second and
third floors some with music piped
in, provide an atmosphere for re-
laxation or study.
Such groups as the Panhellene
Association and ROTC units use
the League ballroom for dances.
Wedding receptions and teas are
often held in the Ann Arbor Room.
The University plans to enlarge
the snack bar and provide more
room space in the League during
the next few years. Expanding
facilities, administration officials
say, will help to mieet the increas-
ing enrollment.
'Big Sisters' Help
Dorm Counselors.
Advise Freshmen
Glee Club, Choral Groups
Perform Locally, Nationally
All University students will have
an opportunity to meet Presideni
and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher at openi
houses held throughout the year
in the Hatcher home.
One outstanding feature of the
open houses is that hostesses from
the League act as guides and take
students on tours of the historic
Hungry Michiganites will have
a chance to eat fancy cakes and
cookies and chat informally with
the President and his wife over a
! cup of coffee or tea.
Informal Entertainment
Informal entertainment is fea-
tured and ranges from bands to
quartets to pianists.
At every open house a campus
group or residence is invited as
special guests, although the event
is still open to the rest of the
Foreign students from the In-
ternational Center are especially
invited to come and get acquainted
with American students.
Following a tradition set many
years ago, house mothers, resi-
dence directors and wives of fac-
ulty pour tea and coffee.
Started With Ruthven
Student open houses started
early in President Ajexander Ruth-
ven's 22 years of office and soon
grew to be a University tradition.
Later the social committees of
the League and Union took over
the task of organization. Since that
time, men and women students
have served as hosts and hastesses
and introduced guests to the
The oldest building on campus,
the President's home has had a
long and dignified tradition.
Since 1951 President and Mrs.
Hatcher and their two children,
Robert and Anne Linda, have been
Built in 1850, it is located'-on the
original 40 aca-es which com-
prised the campus.
The President's home was one
of five houses built in 1850 cost-
ing $45,000, an extravagant sum
to many in those days. The five
Men's Glee Club...
As oldest singing organization on
campus and second oldest of its
kind in the country, Men's Glee
Club has gained national recogni-
tion in coast to coast appearances.
In addition to concert tours, the
96-year-old Club has made radio
shows, appeared in a movie short,
and recorded college songs for a
national company.
Glee Club, under the direction of
Prof. Philip A. Duey, made a four
week concert tour of Europe in
the summer of 1955. The Club gave
16 concerts i'n the Netherlands,
Germany, Switzerland and France.
Tour began with a command
-Deborah Bacon
Dean of Women
, .
Michigras, Spring Weekend To Set Holiday Mood for All
Two of the University's biggest
and longest planned weekends-
Michigras and Spring Weekend are
held in the spring of alternate
Michigras .
A gala carnival weekend, with a
giant parade and two nights of Big
Top atmosphere in Yost Field-
house, Michigras is scheduled to
take the campus spotlight next
Presented under the auspices of
the Women's Athletic Association
and the Union, Michigras 1958 will
send its profits, *as in previous
years, to charities.
Profits For Charity
In 1956, money netted from con-
cessions in the Fieldhouse and out-
door rides went to the University
Fresh Air Camp, which provides
recreation for underprivileged
youngsters, the Fund for Retarded
Children and the World University
Service, an organization that
works with the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and.Cultur-
al Organization to aid students all
over the wonrl
performance before Queen Juliana
of the Netherlands and included an
appearance at the Fourth of July
celebration at the American Em-
bassy in Rome.
Last spring the Club toured the
West Coast where members per-
formed before capacity audiences
in major United States cities.
Members ended the year with a
Spring Concert in Hill Auditorium
before University students, faculty
and Ann Arbor residents.
The Club is presently planning
a centennial celebration in 1959
when members hope to tour Europe
On the roster of Club graduates
are such names as Thomas E.
Dewey, former governor of New
York State, and Stuart Churchill
a tenor with Fred Waring's Penn-
The Glee Club is a student man-
aged, self-perpetuating organiza-
tion; say student officers. They are
completely responsible for man-
aging concerts and tours.
All University men are invited
to tryout during the first week of
fall classes.
Choral Union...
A collaboration of four local
churches for a performance of
Handel's "Messiah," established
Choral Union in 1879.
Since then over 2,000 towns-
people and University students
have sung in the group. Many of
the 300 present members are grand
children and great-grandchildren
of former members,
The Union has performed great
oratorios and many operas adapted
for choral use. It has participated
in May Festival, an annual musi-
cale, since its origin in 1894.
In this year's May Festival, the
group performed two "Messiahs"
and sang "Aida" and "Five Tudor
Portraits" by Vaughan Williams.
Michigan Singers...
Concert appearances on campus
and tours of the United States
typify the Michigan Singers' eight
years on campus."
Composed of some 50 advanced
voice majors and graduate students
"Confusing, bewildering, compli-
cated"-that's what life sometimes
seems to freshman coeds.
Assembly Association, independ-
ent women's organization, tries to
eliminate that "lost feeling" with,
a Big Sister-Little Sister program.
Operating in all the underclass
dormitories, the central committee
is headed by Marjorie Shook '59.
Helps Coeds Integrate
A big sister's most important job
is to help integrate her little sister
in house and campus activities.
During the summer, each big sis-
ter writes her freshman a letter of
introduction. To make things a bit
easier for the newcomer, she ad-
vises her on how much money she
will need to cover food, books and
house dues for the first week. Since
clothes play such an important
part in any girl's life, "big sister"
will also give her freshman the
latest scoop on campus fashions.
Before a new freshman arrives
on campus, housing units have al-
ready planned get-acquainted pic-
nics and parties for the sisters, and
the big sister introduces the new
coed throughout the dormitory.
. Teaches 'U' Regulations
-.v ..