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October 12, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-12

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yted Panty Raid, Car-Roekings Enliven ig

-Daily-Wesley Kar
ALL'M UP-Backfield Coach Bump Elliott responds to tradition
ints and, rolls up his trousers legs at last night's pep rally.
e backfield coach was one of the three speakers who addressed
sstudents at the pre-game spirit booster. Cheerleaders and the'
rching band gave additional impetus to student feelings, pre-
ring them for today's contest.

WAIT FOR ME-Mounted on a fast bicycle, this junior po
makes a valiant attempt to head off raiders before they r
the hill. The usual attempts at staging a panty raid were th
by the readiness of University officials and 'M' Club membe
stationed themselves in strategic locations to prevent any ri
rance of the raid held two years ago

ROCK AND ROLL-Students gave the heave-ho to cars marked with MSU colors during
the "big game."

the eve of


Asian Flu Threatens Grid Squads;
Iish Army Renew Rivalry Today

Ex-'M' Gridder, Barr,
Appears at Talent Sh<

By The Associated Press
Many college football coaches
kept their eyes on infirmary bul-
letin boards Friday as the Asian,
flu bug sent players to bed and
threatened to put several teams
in low gear for this week's games.
While there were some can-
cellations of games, most major
teams were reported ready to car-
ry on, the most notable example
being Notre Dame.-
The Fighting Irish, had six
regulars including star halfback
Aubrey Lewis out during the week
but should be back today. A crowd
of > over 100,000 is expected at
' Philadelphia for the resumption,
of the Army-Notre IDame series,
broken off .10 years ago mainly
because of too great enthusiasm
by tle fans.
BEY LEWIS Army, which appeated vulner-
tkes off "bug" able to passes in last week's 27-13

A '


the of-
f Scotch,
at East
our, and
the local

Badgers Fac
By The Associated' Press
Wisconsin's Fadgers, a run-away
victor" over Marquette, and West
away victor over Marquette, and
Virginia, makd their Big Ten de-
but against a winless, but tough
Purdue club at Lafayette, Indiana.
The Badgers, who are rated now
as a surprising dark horse, rolled
up 105 points in their first tWo
games. This represents more points
than they scored in a nine game
season, last year.
However, Wisconsin: will start
five sophomores,' and its high-
geai'ed attack is expected to meet
stiff resistance from the rugged
Purdue line. The same line pushed
Minnesota all over the field last
week, but Purdue, was f i n a 11 y
edged,. 21-17.
Ohio State-Illinois
Ohio State is rated as a one
touchdown favorite, against Illi-
nois, in'a regionally televised game.
'The Ililni are hoping. to surprise
the Buckeyes, as they did when
the famed' J. C. Caroline was a
sophoinore, but Coach Ray Eliot is
still hunting for a full time quar-
Minnesota Coach Murray War-
at 11 P.M.

e Purdue
math left no doubt in the minds
of his 'charges about the monu-
mental task confronting them in
the Conference race when he ad-
monished them Monday that the
Northwestern eleven they meet
Saturday at Evanston "is a better
football team than the one that
tied you 0-0 on your own field last
With t h e s e words, Warmath
summed up the Minnesota-North-
western game. Rated a 10-point
favorite, Minnesota has only to
remember last year, when a weak-
er Wildcatteamknocked them
out of the Rose Bowl.
The nation will be focusing its
eyes on second string quarterback
Dick Larsen, of the Gophers, who
handled the Minnesota teom beau-
tifully, when All-American candi-
date, Bobby Cox ran out of' steam,
against Purdue.
Flu-ridden Iowa, fresh from two
straight wins, faces hapless In-
diana, who has not yet scored this
season. The Hawkeye's biggest
problem should be in training to
face the seldom seen Hoosier of-
Once Iowa has mastered the
defensive problemss, they should
have no trouble in disposing of
their opponents.
Cards DrOp
Dickson, 41

victory over Penn State; is listed
as a slight favorite. The outcome
may well depend on how quickly
the Irish players have recovered
from the flu.
In this battle of eastern lead-
ers, the winner will most probably
go on to become the mythical
eastern champion.
Oklahoma, the nation's No. 1
team, reported its All-America
halfback candidate .Clendon
Thomas was expected to see some
action against Texas in the Cot-
ton Bowl at Dallas.
Thomas spent three days in bed
this week. Coach Darrell Royal
said 'mostof the Texas team had
the "sniffles" during the week,
but he expected most of the men
to be ready.
The Sooners who smothered
Pitt. and Iowa State in their first
two starts, generally are regarded'
as too strong, too swift and too
well-coached for their opponents.
But there's just an outside pos-
sibility that the combination of
flu and Texas could stop Okla-,
homa at Dallas.
Fifth ranked Duke meets 15th
ranked Rice in a night game. The
Blue Devils, working out of the
split T, will depend mostly on the
running and passing of halfback
Wray Carlton.
The Owl's who will be working
By The Associated Press
MIAMI, Fla.-The University of
North Carolina whipped Miami's
Hurricanes, 20-13 last night as
the big, agile Tarheel line throttled
five Miami scoring thrusts before
a crowd of 47,166 in the Orange
North Carolina scored afteronly
four minutes and 50 seconds with
Jim Schuler scooting 16 yards for
the touchdown. Bill, Blazer con-
verted and the Tarheels were never
They added another touchidown
in the second period on the slick
passing of Emil' Decantis and Ron
Marquette. Decantis papsed to
Marquette for 42 yards, putting
the ball on the Miami 33, and
Marquette tossed to Decantis for
the score on the next play.
Georgia 7, Tulane 6
NEW ORLEANS - Georgia de-
serted its strong passing game and,
unveiled a crushing attack last
night to defeat Tulane 13-6 before
30,000 fans.
George Washington 20, AF 0
darted to a pair of touchdowns,
UL± a A5,IiLL±nin O 9 2- U &JUIILLVp

out of the T will be basing its
claim to victory on the shoulders
of quarterback Frank Ryan, a
passer "par excellance."
Navy, hopes to regain some lost
prestige against California, to-
,morrow. After being upset by,
North Carolina last week, the
Middies will be trying to get back
on the winning trail toward the.
eastern title.
Texas A & M, third ranked in
the nation, meets Houston, a low-
scoring but tough team that has
been beaten by Baylor and Duke.
There could be'a possible upset in
this event. -
This weekend represents the
first really big' series of games.
Most of the sectional teams will
be playing within their league,
and a lot of top independent
teams are playing each other.

Terry Barr visited Ann Arbor
last night and appeared at the
annual "Varsity Night."
Freshman football coach Wally
Weber introduced Barr at Hill
Auditorium as an "inspirational
force on the Michigan team last
Barr is now a rookie with the
Detroit Lions professional football
team and Weber proceeded to "in-
terview" the former Wolverine
star before the capacity Hill Audi-
torium crowd.
Barr remarked that he is ex-
tremely happy to be playing ball
with the Detroit Lions because he
loves to play football and has been
a Lion fan for a number of years.
Kramer Highly Rated

the pro ranks the whole pr
is spent on details. As a defe
halfback, I spent the pr
w o r k i ng entirely on defe
plays to stop pass patterns.'
"The practices of the Lion
about two hours long," he
tinued, "one -half hour of
time is spent working individ
and also on punting and field
Lack of Enthusiasm
Barr also noted the lack o
thusiasm in the National Fo
League. "Every game is to be
ed and every plyer know
importance of the results c
pocketbook," he observed. "
is no such thing as the 'big.
in professional football and
player is more or less consi
on his own."
Barr said that when he
joined the Lions, he had
through a type of initiation I
veteran players before he wA
cepted as a pro. But once o
team he got much help froi
veteran players, defensive
back Jack C' ristensen in
"All the professional team
phasize a running gaie," he
"with passes thrown only to l
up the defense." He believe
running to, pass play ratio
75-25, although at times it g
close as 60-40.

The Milwaukee Braves in theirl
first World Series, as redresenta-
tives of "Sudsville," brought to the
West the first World Champion-
ship since 1948 when the Cleveland
Indians downed Boston, who' are
predecessors of the present Mil-
waukee nine.
They accomplished this feat in a
pressure-laden seven game series
which the bookies and sportswrit-
ers predicted would go to the
perennial champions, the Newv
York Yankees.
They reasoned that since Mil-
waukee was new t o Series play,
except for Red Schoendienst, War-
ren Spahn, and Del Rice, and the
Yankees made a habit of partici-
pating in the post season classic
that the Braves would fold under
the terriffic presure.
However, Milwaukee stars Lew
Burdette, Hank Aaron, Eddie Mat-
hews, Wes Covington aid Johnny
Logan to mention but a few were
not willing to concede $9,0Q0 per,
winning player because of some
Fabulous Fielding

York. In the fifth game which the
Braves won 1-0 the 'key play was
Mathews' two-out single in the
sixth. On that play Mathews hit
an. infield bounder to Jerry Cole-
man, who came in slowly to pick
,t up and threw the ball to first in
a lackadaisical manner, which al-
lowed Mathews the, precious sec-
on'd he needed to beat out the
hit, Aaron and Adcock then fol-
lowed with singles that spelled de-
feat for-the Yanks.
Kubeck's Error Hurts
In the seventh game Tony Ku-
beck with one out in the third
inning threw away a double play
ball which allowed Milwaukee to
score four runs and wrap up the

... gridder returns to speak


Braves Outplay Old Pros,'
Biring Crown to 'Sudsville'

its first rehearsal of the s(
Prospective members who would
like to audition should attend:
2:30 P.M. Sunday, Oct.
Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hil

The former 'M' halfback also
remarked that his Michiganteam-
mate, Ron Kramer, is ' i g h ly
thought 'of in the pro league.
"When Detroit played the Green
Bay Paickers last week, there was
a lot 6f information on Kramer
in the scouting report," Terry re=L
"The biggest difference between
pro and coll~ge football is the
specialization requir'ed by the pro-
fessional teams," he added. "In
practice at, Michigan, 'the after-
noon was spent working both of-
fensive and defensive plays but in


'r--- - i{o jrnr nri rrr+

-N.Y. Times



Dial NO 2-3136

Mathews, Logan,.Aaron and Cov-.
ington fielded almost flawlesly and
Yankee pitching couldn't dull their
bats. Covington made two catches,:
that you had to see to believel
which saved the second and fifth,
games for the real thorn in the'
Yankees' side, Burdette.
Burdette, relying 'on low "junk"
ball pitches completely throttled i
Bomber bats and became the ninth1
'pitcher to win three games in a!
Series. He accomplished anotherI
feat in shutting out the Yanks in I
24% consecutive innings.
If anyone choked up it was New

When the experts start looking
for a turning point in the World
Series of this year they will prob-
ably point to the fourth game
which the Braves won in ten inn-
ings. If they had lost it the Yanks
would have had an almost insur-
mountable 3-1lead in games.
In the ninth inning the Braves
blew a 4-1 lead on a two out, '3-2
count, three run homer by Elston
Howard. In the 10th. inning the
Yanks came back with another run
and at that point it looked like
Milwaukee would have to wait un-
til next year.
In the last of the 10th the
Braves established once and for all
that they weren't going to choke
up. In. a thrilling climax that had
Milwaukee fans goggled-eyed, the
Braves fought back fQr three runs
with the big blow, a two run homer
by Mathews.
With that psychological lift Mil-
waukee went bn to make history.


Who were the women who tistpd
his life and love...igniting
the fame of his
genius, driving him
to immortal fame?
This is the true
story of'the
fabulou {}.
Lon Chcney!




Y .

--Herald Tribune
-Sat. Review -


By The Associated Press
ST. LOUIS-The St. Louis Car-
dinals yesterday released two of
the oldest active players in or-
ganized baseball.'
Those to feel the axe where
catcher Walker Cooper, 42, who
had been in baseball for 26 years
and 'pitcher Murry Dickson, 41, a
22 year vet.
General Manager Frank Lane
said they were dropped to make
room for the younger Cardinal.
players coming up from the mi-

one a tning 6ti-yarn punt re-
turn, as underdog George Wash-
ington shot down the Air Force
Academy, 20-0, last night before
President Eisenhower and some
12,000 other fans at Griffith Sta-
Jerry Power, a substitute half-
back, raced 27 yards for GW's
other touchdown
Other Football Scores
Missouri 7, SMU 6
Eastern Michigan 39, Central

cinemna y4I4
TONIGHT at 7 and 9 P.M.
SUNDAY at 8:00 P.M.
A . - I. A 4



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