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October 12, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-12

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom










tmster Group
peals to Court
ge Asked for Hearing Barring
Ea from Assuming Presidency
4GTON (P) - A group of New York Teamsters members
ked for a federal' court order barring James R. Hoffa
aver the presidency of the labor uniion.
s for the group conferred twice in chambers during
United States District Jurdge F. Dickinson Letts on the
court put off a ruling until Monday.
have anything to say until then," Judge Letts told re-
dicated that the judge asked the attorneys to revise the,
oposed temporary restraining order they had prepared
ture..There was no indication one way or another how

Michigan Awai
Cross-State Fo

... Wolverine field general . . .,MSTJ captain.

... to test 'M' line ... leads Blue team


rneys - from the
ian & Schmidt -;

Washington and New York law firms
said they also will, go into the federalj
-- o +sn 'e n Ya1 11 u ~ ~ r~svioe r

I Okays


appeals court Monday morning to
have the Teamsters Union cited
for contempt of court.
Judge Letts two weeks ago is-
sued a preliminary injunction
against holding the. Teamsters
convention. 'The appeals court set
this aside, but with the warning
that the union should not go,
ahead with its convention if ille-'
gal delegates were seated.
aside, but with the warning that
the union should not go* ahead
with its convention if illegal dele-
gates were seated.
The contempt p r o c e e d i n g s
would be on the argument that
the convehtion was held with il-
legal delegates, in the face of the'
court warning..
The protesting Teamster men-
bers, along with Chairman John
McClellan (D-Ark)-ef--the-Senate-
Rackets Investigating Committee,
have charged many of the conven-
tion delegates were seated, de-
spite their having been illegally
chosen, to rig- the election for
Hoffa. McClellan said delegation
selection in many cases was scan-
Dave Beck, the retiring union
president said in New'York today
he was ready to resign and leave
the president's chair open immedi-
ately to Hoffa.,
Hoffa. faces trial on a federal
wiretap conspiracy indictment and
also is to be arraigned on another
indictment charging perjury be-
fore a federal grand jury.
D0cto rs Clim
Diet Affects
Human Mind


WASHINGTON (P) - Sputnik
may have company very soon.
A State Department spokesman
said .sterday the department
wouldn't be. surprised if. the Rus-.
sians launched another earth,
satellite at any time.
Press officer Jameson Parker
declined to elaborate on his s atey-
ment elicited at a news conference,
other than to say he was not
speaking hypothetically. This sug-
gests his statement might be based,
on secret intelligence.
Therehas been speculation that
the Russians would choose Nov. 7,
the 40th anniversary of the -Bol-
shevik revolution, to put a second
'hor' Tes, Qt
S uU Qf
Force fired an apparently highly
successful test of its Thor inter-
mediate-range ballistic missile yes-
terday from the Florida proving
Unofficial reports said the Thor
took to the air cleanly, zoomed
high above the stratosphere and
landed several hundred miles be-
yond the "'programmed" 1,500-mile1
range for intermediate missiles.
This suggested that the fIying
was intended to test range. with-
out any effort to drop the missile
on a specified target area far out
in the Atlantic Ocean.
' The test at the Cape Canaveral
Missile Center came during a
White House conference on the
missile program. In this meeting
were President Dwight D. Eisen-
hover, Secretary of Defense yNeil
McElroy, Deputy Defense .Secre-
tary Donald Quarles, and William
Holaday. the Pentagon missile
chief. The session was held prior
to a regular Cabinet meeting;
which Quarles also attended along
with McElroy.
The White House meeting fol-
lowed an announcement Thursday
night by the defense secretary that
testing of both the Air Force Thor
and the Army Jupiter missile will
be continued into next year.+

satellite in orbit. Barker's com-
ment was taken to mean the firing
could come sooner.
The first American satellite is
scheduled to go up next March,
after some test firings in Decei-t
Russia's baby moon was a week
old Friday.
New calculations at the Massa-
chusetts Jnstitute ,of Technology
indicated the satellite was being
outdistanced' in its racearound
the.earth by the third stage of the
rocket which launched it.
This rocket section, also in or-
bit, was estimated to be circling
the earth once every 96.03 minutes
-and to be picking up speed. An
earlier estimate put the satellite's
orbiting time at 96.1 minutes.
J. Allen Hynek, who is in charge
of the optical tracking program for
the Smithsonian Institution's As-
trophysical Observatory at Cam-
bridge, Mass., said the orbit of the
rocket was worked out in 21 sec-
onds by MIT's electronic "brain."
But days of observations and
preliminary calculations were re-
First Dionne
Quin't Marries
MONTREAL ;A) - The first of
the famous Dionne quintuplets to
become a bride was married yes-
terday at a simple Roman Catho-
lic ceremony.
Annette, 23, became the wife
of Germain Allard, 24, an agent
for a Montreal finance company.
Two of the four surviving
quints, Cecile and Marie, sat side
by side in front pew of the magni-
ficent Notre Dame de la Salette in
downtown Montreal. The. fourth,
Yvonne, was in a hospital with
flu. The fifth, Emilie, died in 1954.
Only 16 relatives and friends
attended the wedding. The doors
of the. church were locked before
pressed against the stained-glass
the ceremony. About 100 persons
doors, trying to get a glimpse of
the couple.

quired before the big computer
could go to work. This machine'
operates at the rate of 40,000 cal-
culations per second.
Other data produced by the
.computer showed the rocket- was
swinging in an orbit which brought
it as close to the earth as 143
miles and as far away as 583.
"These elements still are, eing
checked," Hynek said, "and cannot
he regarded as final as the orbit is
constantly changing minutely."
u~so M0,o,
Ready Now
' WASHINGTON (R)-The Ameri-
can satellite that this nation hopes
to put into the skies by next spring
is all ready to go right now, but
it will remain earthbound until
the rockets to get it up are finished
and tested.
John P. 'Hagen, director of this
country's earth satellite project,
told that to the National Press
Club yesterday. He said the 20-'
inch globe has undergone a 15-day
test under controlled conditions in
a complete vacuum and is ready
for flight.
Hagen said Project Vanguard is
behind, its working schedule, but
not behind in the goal of putting
the satellite into the skies during
the lnternational Geophysical
Year which extends from last July
1 to Dec. 31, 1958.
Hagen said the satellite oquld
have been launched before now
"but to the detriment of our scien-
tific goals and nilitary progress."
He said American scientists still
hope that Russia, a participating
nation in IGY, would give other
nations a full description of what
the Soviet Sputnik is learning in
its 16 orbits around the world each
But this far, he indicated, scien-
tific data from Russia has been
most scanty. He said the Russians
have turned over to the interna-
tional group of scientists just one
piece of paper.

Expect Second Red Satellite

Gro upAsks
UN Control
Of 'Moons'
The United States and 22 other
nations called on the United Na-
tions yesterday to make another
try at, a disarmament agreement
that would control such space
travelers as the Russian earth
The 23 nations presented a for-
mal resolution asking the UN to
reconvene the deadlocked five-na-
tion subcommittee on disarma-
ment "as soon as feasible" -and
give first consideration to Western
proposals. , r
West Supported
There was no mention of Indian
or Japanese suggestions for break-
ing the East-West deadlock, or any'
Soviet proposals. The 23 nations
made plain they were supporting
in principle the Western proposals
advanced in London last August
and rejected by the Russians.'
' But'it was clear that the Soviet
satellite now circling the earth
had cast its shadow on the lengthy
consultations that produced the
One of the main points called
for a "joint study of an inspection.
system designed to ensure that.
sending of objects through outer
space will be exclusively for peace-
ful and scientific purposes."
Immediate Controls Wanted
The United States has suggested
the study of control of outer space
objects be taken up immediately
without waiting for agreement on
other phases of initial steps to-
ward disarmament.
This wad not mentioned in the
resolution, and there were indica-
tions some of the sponsoring na-
tions were approaching this sug-
gestion with caution.
Informed sources said Britain,
Canada and France were still
studying the United States sug-
gestion. Those four nations and
the Soviet Union make up the
Disarmament subcommittee.
The 23-nation resolution will be
debated at length in the UN's 82-
nation Political Committee, which
must approve before it can be
passed on to the General Assem-

MSIJ Set as Six-Point Favorite
For Contest Before Sellout Cr
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's football season begins today.
Facing top-heavy odds and a power-laden Michiga
meatgrinder, t'he' spirited Wolverines will give it all
got, hoping it's enough when they start today at 1:
before 101,001 spectators in Michigan Stadium.
Actually, it will be the third game of the season
Maize and Blue, but "easy conquests of Southern Ca
and Georgia make those encounters look like practicE
compared with the battle they'll be waging today. Th
tans have won a couple, too,
having blasted Indiana, 54-0, .
and California, 19-0. Not yet Faiths Pr
scored upon,'the Lansing ma-
chine must loom all the more
potent to Michigan for this, ForRemo
the 50th renewal of one of the
bitterest rivalries in the na- Of Negro<
tion, and the Wolverines' first
Conference test.
The crowd itself provides a LITTLE ROCK, Ark.
pretty strong conversation piece, group, of segregationist
and everyone planning to attend ministers invited persomn
is urged to get an early start for faiths to' pray last night
the Stadium if he expects to view removal of nine Negro
the opening kickoff, from Central High Schoo
State is loaded. A point in In issuing a Ball for the
Michigan's favor is that only 38 ute prayer meeting to be
playes aperistton ytrav- the Central Baptist Chi
players are permitted on a tran downtown Little Rock, the
eling squad, for the Spartans isters said in a joint si
boast depth at every position. that the only solution to t
Boast Strong Line racial crisis 'i 'for the I
They will probably go with Sam gro children to return to
Williams and Dave Kaiser at the Mann High School wbg're
ends; Pat Burke and Fran O'Bri- gally and morally bel6ng.'
en, tackles; John Middleton and Horace Mann is a Neg
Ellison Kelly, guards, and All- school whieh the nineE
American candidate Dan Currie prior 'to this year. They
at center. going to Central High cla
Their backfield will consist of. der the protection of fe
Jim Ninowski at quarterback; troops ordered into Little
Blanche Martin and Walt Kowal- President Dwight D. Eisen
czyk at the halfs,- and Don Gil- The Baptist minister's
bert, fullback, with Kowalczyk the is akin to that of Gov. Or
real key to the strong running ast- bus, who told. a news co

e d

-Daily-wesley Kar
* managing editor

-Daily--Wesley Kar'
. .. business-manager
he Board in Control of Student
ications last night approved
appointments of senior editors
Gargoyle, campus humor mag-
rnfirmed. were Jean Willough-
'59, as Managing Editor, and
ien Lovewell, '58, as Business
ager Both had been serving
heir positions, pending official
he action was taken after a-
-ing at which both Lovewell
Miss Willoughby described
r plans for the publication.
he appointments had been de-
d since last May when the
'd "deferred" confirmation of
t o r i a 1 appointments. They
ed at that tine that their ac-
was not to be taken as dis-
'oval of the publication or the
orial applicants.

COLUMBIA, Mo. (P)-It may be
that human deficiencies in physi-
cal efficiency a ii d intelligence
sometimes attributed to heredity
are in fact caused by diet defici-
encies, researchers.said yesterday,
This possibility was advanced by
Dr. Albert G. Hogan at an Ameri-
can Medical Assn. Symposium on
"nutrition in pregnancy.".
Dr. Hogan, professor emeritus
of animal nutrition at the Univer-
sity of issouri, said experiments
he has conducted show that rats
receiving inadequate food tend to
produce, an unusually large num-
ber of defective offspring.
Dr. Ray H Eepner, associate pro-
fessor of pediatrics at the univer-
sity, said there should be investi-
gation- of the likelihood that poor
diets of expectant mothers may
cause abnormalities in new-born
babie He mentioned Dr. Hogan's
experiments with animals at the
university's college of agriculture.
Any type of defect that occurs
in humans can be produced in
animals by regulating the diet,'
Dr. Hogan said in discussing a
paper presented by Dr. .Joseph
Warkanv, professor of pediatrics
at the University of Cincinnati.

Both squads- operate with the
so-called "m u l t i p 1 e 'offense,"'
Brucker Says
Taylor Issue
'Riot' Orders
well 'D. Taylor was identified by
Secretary of the Army Brucker
yesterday As the man who sent
out the quickly rescinded order for
special training of troops to handle
civil disturbances of the. Little)'
Rock type.
That was one day after federal
troops had moved into Little Rock
to enforce a federal court order for
racial integration in the city's Cen-
tral High School.
Brucker said it called for four
divisions of the regular Army to
form special task forces of 1,000 to
1,200 men. Three' of the divisions
were located in the South. The
order mentioned the possibility of
"situations similar to that now
current in Little Rock."
The directive was personally..
killed by Brucker Sept. 26, within
hours after it became; publicly
known. Amid much confusion, the
Army clamped on a tight lid of
secrecy, hoping thus to avoid fan-
ning the controversy over use of
troops to enforce integration.
Thirteen Enter
Election Race
Thirteen petitions have been is-
sued by Student' Government
Council to date fbr its five .open-
Elections director Phil Zook-, '60,
reports that three SGC members

Wednesday he thinks- the on
lution to the crisis is withd
of the Negroes from Central
Faubus called out the Na
Guard at the opening of s
saying he did so to preserve
He ordered the guard to pr
the nine Negroes from eni
the school.
Other prayer services w
held today under sponsorsl
85 or more churches of all f
Other churches throughou
state. and nation will take
Rev. Dunbar H. Ogden Jr.,
ident of the Greater Little
Ministerial Assn., .said mc
the city's large churches wil
part. He said the approxir
85 participating ihclude 15.
Negro congregations.
World New
By The Associated Press
Orval Faubus said last nig
would cost approximately 24
Ilqn dollars to keep federal'
stationed at Central High S
f or the rest of the school yE
Gov. Faubus told= a report
is not much concerned abou
cost, and is leaving that to
dent Dwight -D. Eisenhowe
"It's his responsibility,"
governor said. "He got hi
into this mess. Let him get
self out."
* * -
reign of West Europe's only
munist government endedy
The Red regime vacate
grey, stone governnent cas
the tiny republic of San M
peacefully, vowing that "So
ideas willtriumph again."
* I~*


Rally, 'Raid,

Varsity Night Arouse Fans

A feeble attempt to stage a
panty raid last night was quickly
brought under control by "M"
Club members and University of-
Approximately 150 students
rocked cars and blocked traffic
in their march to the women's
residence halls. Any car bearing
M i c h i g a n State stickers was
rushed by the shouting, cheering
One, "daring: group" attempted
to enter a local theater. Milling
about the entrance, they knocked

Cuban Rebels'



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