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October 06, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-06

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The Arkansas Traveler



Sixty-Eighth Year
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

CTOEM 6, 19#7


Pro-Con: To P ledge or Not
Pledge, That Is The Question


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THE ADVENT of fall fraternity rush-
Sthe annual cr~y against rushing, pledg-
I fraternities in general has again made
year we' hear the familiar question,
oin a college fraternity; aren't they
ve; don't,ethey breedconformity in
action and dress; and, above all,
hey discriminatory against individuals
ups by their very nature?
swer to these charges, let us first con-
at fraternity room and board in most
no more expensive than in a dormitory
partment; often it is less. True, there
dues and occasional social fees, but
ne can be said of almost every lodge,
similar organization across the nation.
gaxd to conformity, while there may
eof a lii~iited, social nature, it is neg-_
vhen one realizes how insignificant con-
of this type really is. At the same time,
', a fraternity will encourage, not dis-
, study, free and sincere thoughts and
ible actions.
AY, FRATERNITIES are discrimina-
. if by this you mean the right of the
to wisely choose their own members,
they will live and work closely with
most of their college years. Examining
:ument more closely, one notes that the
rushing the fraternity also has this
eedom of choice when he chooses which
o rush- ad finally which one to pladge
nong the 42 on the University campus.
aily, these charges may have arisen
a imisunderstanding between what a
.ty can do for the college student, and
does not intend to 4o.
msibility, the realization of how to get
rith other people, and brotherhood are
y the most important elements which'
nity can bestow upon its members.
responsibility can become a reality be-
iving in fraternity which is operated by
house manager, and in which all im-
decisions are made by the majority
i of its members instead of a single
>ry administrator, will acquaint the
ual with the importance of- standing on
i feet.
nise, the ability to get along with other
a can be learned much more fully in a
ity where the brother is in close and
t 'contact with from 30 to 70 other
rs who are going through the same type
isition he is experiencing during his
THE MOST important single feature of
fraternity, and ,the fraternity system,
asting bond which ties each brother to
other during their college days, and
continues long after graduation, not
hold them together with one another,
o bring them back, year after year to
ma mater, the University.
hee then, makes no mistake when after
consideration he pledges the fraternity -
will help mold him into a useful, con-
us citizen after his days in. college are

I'E RUSHEE returning to a fraternity for a
smoker or dinner and perhaps in line for a
bid, should be aware of one fact: just as he
himself is wearing his new ivy-league suit and
has polished his shoes, so too the fraternity is
presenting its better side.
During rushing it is difficult for the rushee,
intent on remembering the names of actives he
has previously met, to assess the personalities
of any of the men with wh'iom he is talking.
In the same way they have trouble telling just
what he would be like to live with. The combi-
nation of freshmen trying to act adult and ac-
tives trying to "snow" the rushees reveal little
to either besides apparent social polish.
Other factors more concrete than personality
and also pertaining to the overall question of
compatibility should also be considered when
choosing the men with whom the rushee will
live for several years.
ONE OF THE MOST mentioned of these con-
siderations is the question of cost. Room
and board when combined with dues and pos-
sible special assessments generally total more
than their counterparts in the residence halls,
though it is debatable, and it remains an indi-
vidual matter whether the social advantages
,of fraternity membership are worth the price.
The external'trappings of fraternity life, the
traditions of class seniority and the relationship
of active to pledge often prove distasteful to
the independent-Lminded student. Whether or
not these, combined with pledge work sessions
and initiation, are worth putting up with is
likewise a matter for each individual-to pon-
der before pledging.
When discussing fraternities, the question
inevitably arises, "what about discrimination?"
Although today most, though not all, frater-
nities no longer carry written clauses restrict-
ing membership to white native-born Protes-
tants or whatever, it is still the case that mem-
bers of minority grops, while they may be "giv-,
en a good rush," stand little or no chance of
'being offered a bid by many houses. In this
situation, it must be noted, most locals must
follow a national membership policy, having
resort only to periodic summer conventions to
change policy, if they desire. This may or may
not be a matter of concern to the rushee con-
sidering his own bid, but should be thought
'While it is undeniably true that each person
is free to decide matters such as drinking for
himself, and that prejudice, drinking, "mickey-
mouse," and expense exist outside fraternities,
it must also be said that the fraternity, with
its traditions of brotherhood and seniority,
exerts more pressure toward conformity upon
the individual member than he is likely to
experience elsewhere. The independent person
would in all probability be happier in an
apartment, for example, where there is no par-
ticular pressure of social acceptance.'
THIS IS NOT to say that there are not many
people who find life in a fraternity attrac-
tive and even beneficial. For his own good,
however, each rushee should not let rushing
become an end in itself and pledging such a
matter of pride that he cannot effectively
evaluate for himself the question of whether
or not these are the conditions under which
he wishes to spend the remainder of his col--
lege dayT N


To TEditor A 1I

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Out of Step "."
To the Editor:
ACCORDING to John Weicher,
if we are to believe his edi-
torial of Thursday, everybody at
Princeton University was out of
step but Father Hugh Halton.
It is unfortunate that we do not
have, may never have, all of the
facts in the Halton case, but what
we do know seems to indicate
that Father Halton was deter-
mined to play the Faubus in the
life of Princeton President Go-
Associated Press News Analyst
expected to make a show of
unity at this session of the United
Nations General Assembly, but the
harshness of their reference to
interference by the West comes as
something of a surprise.
Heretofore, in the dispute be-
tween the United States and Syria,
Saudi Arabia has been advocating
moderation. Tuesday, however, her
minister of; state made an e-
bittered reply to Western expres-
sions of fear that the Communists
were preparing Syria for some
dangerous adventure.
He denied that Russia was pour-
ing arms into the Middle East to'
prepare advanced bases for her-
self. Such a suggestion is an insult
to Arab national honor, he added.
* * *
HE DENIED the right of other
nations to be interested in the
nature of Syria's government, say-
ing that was her business alone.
He lashed at efforts by either
side to draw the Middle East into
the cold war.
He denied the right of the UN
to inquire into Soviet arms ship-
ments to Syria.
At one point he denied the right
of both Russia and the West to
intervene or to join in internation-
al declarations regarding the Mid-
dle East, but at- most points he
laid the area's troubles to the
relics of Western imperialism.
He defended Arab relations with
Russia, and criticized Britain and
All of this indicates that Ameri-
can relations with even the most
friendly Arab states are extremely
delicate. And the Saudi Arabian
delegate mcgae it clear they will get
worse if the West continues its
effort to hold Syri up beforethe
UN as a horrible example of deal-
ings with Russia-

It seems certain that Father
Halton went far beyond the lim-
its of good taste in his attacks on
the beliefs, and his reflections on
the individual integrity, of certain
members of the Princeton faculty.
* * *
THAT Father Malton was mis-
cast in his role of Catholic Chap-
lain in an institution of higher
learning there is little doubt.
On a network television inter-
view during the controversy over
the appearance of Alger Hiss on
the Princeton campus, Father
Halton stressed the view that he
didn't feel that college students
were mature enough to decide on
such issues.
For a man charged with the de-
velopment of moral and responsi-
ble leadership at a leading Ameri-
can university to hold such views
is unfortunate; to advocate them
before a nationwide television
audience is extremely regrettable.
This' was clearly the point at
which Father Halton should have
been replaced by his religious su-
periors, eliminating the need for
the drastic action taken by Rob-
ert Goheen last week.
WITH HIS new-found leisure,
Father Halton might well take
time to re-read certain portions of
Cardinal Newman's Idea of a Uni-
versity. One passage in particular
-Newman's definition of a Uni-
versity - should prove helpful ...
"This I conceive tto be the ad-,
vantage of a seat of universal
learning, considered as a place of
education. An assemblage of
learned men, zalous for their
own sciences, and rivals of each
other, are brought, by familiar
intercourse and for the sake of
intellectualpeace, to adjust to-
gether the ;claims and relations of
their respective subjects of in-
"They learn to respect, to con-
sult, to aid each other. Thus is
created a pure and clear atmos-
phere of thought, which the stu-
dent also breathes, though in his
own case he only pursues a few
sciences out of the multitude."
* * *
IN SUCH an atmosphere, Car-
dinal Newman informs us, "A
habit of mihid is formed which
lasts through life, of which the
attributes are, freedom, equitable-
ness, calmness ,moderation and
wisdom . .."
The creation of such an at-
mosphere is a task of monumen-
tal proportions, and is the pri-
mary and continuous responsibil-
,.ity of every university president.
President Goheen has displayed
a wisdom far beyond his years by
recognizing the fact that it takes
only one dogmatic bull to wreck
his intellectual china shop, and
he has promptly put the bull out
to pasture.
-Jerry Fallon, Grad.

'W.atchdogs' Neglect Duties

(Editor's Note - The Drew Pear-
son column today is written' by his
assistant, Jack Anderson. Pearson
will be back writing from Wash-
ington Tuesday.
WASHINGTON -The Congres-
sional atomic watchdog com-
mittee, supposedly in Vienna to at-
tents an international atomic en-
srgy meeting, is playing hookey
and gadding about Europe instead.
The congressmen requisitioned a
special Air Force plane to fly them
to the meeting, which is organiz-
ing a new international atomio
energy agency.
Russia and America are now
struggling in Vienna for control
Df the agency. The outcome will
determine not only which coun-
try dominates the world-wide7
atoms - for - peace program, but
whether American manufacturers
will gain the lead in the atomic
Yet some of the congressional
watchdogs took off for Copenhag-
en shortly after the conference
opened. They are spending the
weekend, sightseeing, then are
splitting into two separate junkets'+
-one heading for Moscow, the
ether for the Mediterranean.
S* *
.ole, the New York Republican
who is American candidate to be
director-general of the new agency,
deserted the Vienna meeting,
leaving lesser delegates to pro-
mote his candidacy. He and Mrs.
Cole' are scheduled to take the
junket to Russia at the same time
that Russia's atomic experts are
working hard in Vienna.
The committee's travel plans
have been guarded as jealously as
the atomic secrets in the commit-
tee safe. However, this column has

the plans marked strictly "for
committee use only."
Most committee members board-
ed a special Air Force plane for
Berlin Sept. 22, and got in a week
of sightseeting before the Vienna
meeting opened Oct. 1. They spent
three days rummaging around
Berlin, then were flown to London.
In fairness, 'they spent part of
their ' time inspecting England's
atomic energy facilities before de-
parting for Vienna.
Aboard the special plane were
Sen. and Mrs. Albert Gore (D.-
Tenn.),' Sen. John Pastore (D.-R.
I.), Rep. and Mrs. James Van
Zandt (R.-Pa.), and Rep. Mel
Price (D.-Ill.). Outnumbering the
congressmen were the escort offi-
cers, assigned to make their trip
Doing escort duty were Lt. Col.
Jerry, Jorgenson and Maj. Walter
Weddle, both Air Force; Adm. and
Mrs. Paul Foster and Bryan La-
Plante, Atomic Energy Commis-
sion; plus Tom Huff, State De-
partment. Also going along for the
ride were committee staff mem-
bers George Norris, Jr., Dave Toll
and Bruce Burris.
Though there was plenty of
room on the plane, some congress-
,men preferred to travel by slow-
er, pleasanter ship at additional
expense to the taxpayers. They
were Chairman Carl Durham (D.-
N.C.), Rep. and Mrs. Chet Holi-
field (D.-Cal.), Rep. and Mrs.
John Dempsey (D.-N.C.), with
staff director James Ramey. Con-
gressman Cole and his wife caught
a later Air Force plane to Vienna.
* * *
THE VIENNA meeting is ex-
pected to last most of October.
Yet some of the congressional
watchdogs, after putting in a to-

ken appearance, have already
flown the coop to Copenhagen.
From Copenhagen the Gores,
Coles, Holifields, Van Zandts and
Price will go to Moscow. Signed
up for the Mediterranean trip, in-
cluding a two-day cruise with the
sixth fleet, are the Dempseys, Dur-
ham and Pastore.
The escort officers will also split
up. Jorgenson and 'Huff will take
the northern junket, Weddle and
La Plante the southern.
The committee's confidential
travel plans call for the two. jun-
keting groups to "rejoin in Stock-
holm on Oct. 13 and then proceed.
together as follows: Brussels, Oct.
15; Vienna, Oct. 17; Paris, Oct.
19; Washington, Oct. 24."
The Gores, Van Zandts, Holi-
fields and Dempseys don't expect
to return in the special plane pro-
vided by the Air Force. They will
use other means which the tax-
payers also must finance. The
Holifields and Dempseys plan to
return directly from the Mediter-
ranean by ship.
"The best ship would seem to be'
the S. S. Independence," says a
confidential committee memo.
"Space was held on this ship un-
til Mr. Dempsey and Mr. Holifield
indicated that they preferred to
return on the S. S. United States."
The trip will probably go down
as the most expensive hookey-
playing the taxpayers have ever
financed. But far more serious,
it may leave Russia in the driver's
seat at the all-important atomic
energy meeting.
Note: Chairman Durham of
North Carolina, Democrat, origin-
ally objected to permitting wives
to accompany the committee. He
was overruled, however, upon the
strong insistence of Congressman
Cole, Republican of New York.


Oh Men, Oh Women ... Peace

CE AGAIN, the male population of the
University has shown its lack of superiority
rying to affirm it.
iwhat can only be construed as a desperate
mpt to bolster sagging egos, they have
ied the Wolverine Club's petition for women
rleaders. They have even said the male-
rleader policy places them a niche above
r-apparently decadent-schools in the Big
,most of whom we must assume have long
sunk into the morass of femininity..
is not can original thought, but isn't it
that these frantic claims of supremacy
n to indicate exactly the opposite?
is, of course, a poor case. It is so poor,
act, that its proponents can do no better
1 argue the old saw about opening doors
putting on coats. Why, they ask, don't
ien do this for men?
[IS WOULD be equality? What girl has not
had doors slammed in her face as some
arior male saunters through it? What girl,
:g to put her coat on after class, has not
it torn from her hands by some specimen
nasculinity? -
Editorial Staff'
Editorial Director City Editor

However, if it requires such victories as that
of all-male cheerleaders for men to keep their
dignities intact, then women will be all for it.
It is the women who suffer when they are
forced to take up the vacuum left by men who
can't control things. We would be delighted to
turn the reins over to them again.
But men really don't want them.
Wayne Enrollment
Restriktion Questioned
WAYNE State University's decision to re-
strict enrollment only to"formally matri-
culated" students indicates the future of other
state supported schools.
With the increased number of-high school
graduates wishing to continue their educa-
tion, but with no corresponding increase in
facilities, pressure on the state's higher edu-
cational system is continuing to mount.
Wayne's steps to relieve the pressure by
closing its doors to students who have not been
admitted to the degree program, affects one
fifth of the student body.
This appears a drastic measure, especially
in an industrial community where many resi-
dents may want to take only one or two
courses. But additionally, Wayne is considering
elimination of its trial program for students
with weak high school scholastic backgrounds
or low scores on entrance exams.

Noblest Drama Mill of All

Daily Television Writer
I N ITS FEW years of existence,
television has exploited nearly
every aspect of the drama, occces-
sionally with success. To say that
various themes enjoyed a vogue
would be a bad 'extension of the
term. They were pillaged.
During their ascendency, there
was little rest for the second
generation American of the Bronx,
the unprincipled movie producer
or industrialist, and most service-
able, the courtroom and prison
drama. The average viewer must
have spent an aggregate two
months in stir last year. When his
debt to society was paid, he was
rehabilitated with Lawrence Welk.
While the prid3 of Actor's Studio
has set the pattern for Hollywood,
the second string has had a com-
parable influence on television. But
however enjoyable it may be too
watch Eli Wallach play Eli Wal-
lach, it hasn't been rewarding to
watch any number of other people
play Eli Wallach.
** *
THEY HAVE found their stead-
iest employment on the Kraft
Theatre whose producers have

The length of the show (one and'
one-half hours) provides the ob-
vious advantage of better plot and
character development, a luxury
which would have made many
good hour shows better (or bad
ones worse).
The most ingratiating feature
of the program is the avoidance
of the slough of trite moralizing,
which so characterizes television
dramatic shows, in favor of a
varied selection including several
delightful comedies, a commodity
of which most shows have been
extremely chary. Among the more
serious offerings Requiem for a
Heavyweight and The Coapedian
are memorable.
Nor do they share the reluctance
of other shows to do established
stage successes. Last week's pro-
duction of Topaze - was heavy
handed, but it made more sense to
present the work of a good author
badly than a bad author well. The
mania for original work has
strained the resources of the hacks
and left a vast amount of accom-
plished theatre untapped.
THIS CAN BE extended to non-

the now defunct Philco Playhouse
was superior), but was nonetheless
Drummers had an axe to grind--
the danger of our technology out-
running social sophistication-an
axe that has been ground before,
but is well worth regrinding if
done well.
It was difficult to escape the
influence of 1984 and Brave New
World, and didn't; yet it was imag-
inative and eloquent in its own
Indeed, this suggets the most
vigorous denunciation one could
apply: too contrived and self-con-
scious in the bandying of literary
quotes which were pertinent to
the thesis, but did nothing to fur-
ther the action. Laissez faire of
the intellect was also rather tedi-
ously endorsed.
*, * *
THE HERO, believably unheroic
in upholding individualism in a
totalitarian Utopia, was expertly
played by Sterling Haydn, a very
talented actor. He was supported
by John Ireland who was uncom-
fortable as a stereotyped foil to
the main character and Diana
Lynn, another stereotyped foil but

The first of the Thomas Spencer
Jerome Lectures for 1957. will be de-
livered under the auspices of the Uni-
versity by Prof. Sir Frank E. Adcock of
King's College, Cambridge, on Tues.,
Oct. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. The general subject of
the lectures will be "Roman Political
Ideas and Practice," and that of the
opening lecture "Early Rome." $
George Jessel opens Lecture Course
Thursday night. The University Lec-
ture Course offers a bill of seven dra-
matic presentations and discussions of
public questions. The first number
will bring George Jessel, master of
show business, to Hill Auditorium
Thurs., 8:30 p.m. Others on the series
include: Senators John Bricker and
Albert Gore in a discussion of 'atomic
energy, Oct. ,22; a pre-Broadway" pres-
entation of the historical ,drama "The
Rivalry." starring Raymond, Massey,
Agnes Moorehead and Brian Donlevy,
Nov. 14; British actor Emlyn williams
in an entertainment from the works
of Dylan Thomas,. Nov. 22; Senators
Hubert Humphrey and Thruston Mor-
ton in a discussion of our foreign pol-
icy, Feb. 10; Director of the U. S. Infor-
mation Agency Arthur Larson, Feb. 24.
and Senator Paul Douglas in an un-
rehearsed interview< with three Wash-
ington correspondents. March 3. Season
tickets are available through Thursday
with single admissions to all programs
going on sale Wednesday 10 a.m. Stu-
dents are granted a special rate for
the complete course of $3.W, second
balcony, unreserved. The Auditorium
box office is open daily except Sunday.
Faculty, Recital: Frances Greer, so-
prang,'will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Tues.,.
Oct. 8, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
in the first faculty recital of the cur-
rent academic year. She will be ac-
companied by Eugene Bossart, pianist.
Compositions by Boyce, Leveridge and
Mozart, Debussy, Poulenc, Hahn and
Gaubert; a group of English songs, and
Cineo Canciones Populaces Argentinas
by Ginastera. The general public will
be admitted without charge.
Academic Notices
The Seminar in Mathematical Statis-
tics will meet Mon., Oct. 7 at 2 p.m.
in Room 3209, A.H. Prof. Q. M. Hus-
sain of Decca University, Pakistan will
discuss some of his research in the de-
ign of experiments.

To the Editor:
IN HIS discussion of Princeton's
withdrawal of recognition from
Father Halton, your editorialist
shows the strength, of his belief
in freedom, of religious expression,
What he fails to show is a de-
tailed knowledge of the conduct
which prompted the University's
Understandably, President Go-
heen has not wanted to rehearse
the details of this conduct in an-
nouncing the University's deci-
sion, and very few of its particu-
lars have appeared in press ac-
* 0 *
Halton's charges against the Uni-
versity and its faculty extends far
beyond the realm of religious be-
lief. Only a minor part of that
when the University refused to
sorry_ record was his. behavio~r
interfere with the plans of a stu-
dent group to bring Alger Hiss to'
the campus.
It might be noted that Prince-
ton's refusal to revoke the student
invitation to Hiss showed a lively
committment to freedom of ex-
pression in the university commu-
Nor can Iagree with the 'sug-
gestion that in reviewing Father
Halton's conduct, P r i n c e t o
should have deferred to the judg-
ment of his church superiors.
Any university must ultimately
decide for itself the difference be-
tween free expression and slan-
-Donald E. Stokes, Grad.
Rah Rah! . . .
To the Editor:
YIPPEE! I am so excited about
the girl cheerleader idea that I
can hardly sit still.
That's exactly what we need
around here - girl drum majors,
baton twirlers, pom-pom girls and
campus queens, along with a per-
son dressed up' as a wolverine to
jump up and down on the field
and clap his hands and turn som-
Really, the idea of making this
institution suck its thumb and
play jacks is too much. I hate to
blast, anyone who has the good of

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