to ... 21 N. Ca.'olina
. . .. *l17 Navy.....
Notre Dame. 26
... 0 |1Purdue
* S * S S
* S * S S
40 Wisconsin .
0 W. Virginia,
Penn State .
. 13 1 Indiana .... 0.0'
..13 1
a tty'
See page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
[I, No. 17
illlr .
cret Code
ing Sent
tellite Hard To Spot,
.Visual Methods
3HINGTON (P) - Russia's
making earth satellite sped
i and around a fascinated
today, sending what may
sages in secret code back to
ators in the Soviet Union.
circled the glove every 96.2
s, 560 miles in space, the
m world's scientists knew it
ere because they could pick
radio signals.
Seven Times a Day
they experienced great diffi-
in spotting it visually. Al-
i there were some scattered
> that it had been seen, these
isputed, and there was some
that it might never be
I except by Russians.
satellite's course around the
from north to south brings
r the United States seven
every 24 hours as the earth
)eneath it.
American scientists said the
-launched sphere was send-
ck coded messages that they
nable to decipher.
Prevent Observation
imbridge,,Mass, astronomer
was obvious the Russians
osen to launch the satellite
i an angle to the sun as to
t visual observations in the
e were a number of reports
ztings from different part,
United States but officials
Smithsonian Astrophysical
atory in Cambridge said the
noon is not yet visible to ob-
in this country.
panese scientist said he saw
,tellite by telescope as it
over ,Niigata, 160 miles
sorthwest of T -n He said
"barely visible"though
brighter than he had ex-
-Daily-Robert Snyder
SATELLITE'S PATH-The solid black line shows the approximate
path the Russian satellite is travelling around the earth. The
broken line Is the proposed orbit of the satellite the United States
will launch neat spring.
Rilssia's Rocket Progress
Reflected in Earth Satellite
Russia's launching of an earth satellite indicates their lead over
the West in rocket development, two University experts said yesterday.
American' scientists And government officials have expressed
surprise at the size of the sphere and the height the Soviets claim
it is revolving around the earth. Leslie M. Jones, of the Engineering
Research, Institute, said' "the Reds obviously have a tremendous
rocket program to shoot a satellite so heavy so far up." The Russians
have reported the. ball to weigh
I84 }pounds. Jones said this is eight
or nine times the weight of the
United States' planned satellite.
~- He said the United States is
Upset. uver :e
,U pse O vepla~aing to 'send its sphere to a
minimum height of about 250 to
300 miles. Russia has said hers
'R eds 'M 0 n is revolving around the earth 560
miles high.
WASHINGTON (A)-A demand United States satellite chief John
was heard yesterday for a con- P. Hagen said the Russian rocket
gressional investigation of why may have been "close to" an inter-
Russia beat the United States into continental ballistic missile.
the realm of space with. an earth Jones said the satellite may have
satellite. been launched by something "in
It was voiced by Sen. Stuart the ICBM range." But he added
Symington (D-Mo.), long-time that Russia has given no indica-
critic of Eisenhower administration tion how .it developed the rocket;
policy in the military and scien- they may have had a separate pro-
tific fields. gram while we are adapting com-
Stirs Rivalry See RUSSIA'S, page 8
Riot Squads
Again Quell
Angry Poles
Use Noise Bombs
To Disperse Crowds
WARSAW ()-Communist riot
police charged angry crowds in
Constitution Square again last
night with tear gas and noise
bombs in new disorders after two
nights of student freedom upris-
The students, targets for beat-
ings and bombings Thursday and
Friday nights because they pro-
tested suppression of their paper
"Po Prostu," stayed off the streets
last night.
Public Angered
But their anger at government
and party heads had spilled over
into the general population.
Crowds gathered in Constitution
Square, scene of violent attacks on
the students Friday night.
The riot squads moved into the
square from their stations. The
crowds picked up stones and bricks
from wartime rubble areas and
hurled them at the steel-helmeted
The police then charged with
noise bombs antear gas grenades.
The crowd gave way, then re-
formed in defiant-groups of about
50 each on one side of the square.
Traffic Continued
Other, groups clustered in the
courtyards of undamaged homes
in neighboring streets.
The police threw a cordon
around the square.
But even while the gas clouds
billowed, traffic kept moving in
the area of the Warsaw Polytech-
nic School, center of the student
A western witoess said the Con-
stitution square rioting began when
a crowd of boys, 12 to 15 years-old,
threw stones at 'the police.
At least 10 policemen and 15
civilians have been injured in the
three nights of rioting. Some hos-
pitals refused to divulge any in-
formation about casualties.
Dulles' alks
With Gromyko
Called Helpful
WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles and
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko announced after a long
conference yesterday that they had
held 'helpful" talks on major
East-West issues including . the
Middle East and disarmament.
Dulles, it was further reported,
brought up to Gromyko what he,
called the need for reunification of;
Germany but the Russian ministeri
declined to talk about that prob-
lem on the ground that it was not
a proper subject for him to discuss.
A communique said that four
major topics were discussed. 7
They were listed as the Middle
East, disarmament, the situation
in Europe, and United States-Sov-
iet contacts.
Gromyko said that he thought
the conversation "was useful" in
clarifying the relative positions of
the Washington and Moscow gov-I
ernments on the problems dis-
26-0 in Home Open
To Gain
-Daily-Charles Curtiss
BOWERS BATTLES BULLDOG-Michigan end Dave Bowers (84) catches short pass from Quarter-
back Stan Noskin and moves to Georgia 15 yard line before being'tackled by Dave Lloyd (50). Action
took place in first period4
SBecome Visible
ge scientists said
41 be seen only in
;ions at
ition to
said it
er parts
ong it will continue to
ough the heavens in its
ith orbit was a subject
reatest speculation. Esti-
nged from a few days to
to sit in a chair
nd listen for a half-
ady beep beep beep
tellite as it travels
of the way around
s was reported last night by
Lowell Kelly, of- the psy-
y department, as he sat by
ortwave equipment in a sec-
oor roon of his home.
Heard It Eight Minutes
E Kelly heard the radio
nitter of the satellite for
about eight minutes previ-
-about the time it takes for
tellite to pass out of line of
.'Kelly, a radio ham, at-
es the ability of the signal
heard for a half-hour to'the
nce of the heavi-side layer.
is the layer 'that bounces
ave radio signals back to
making long distance radio
inication possible.
one really knew wh'at was
to happen," he remarked,
e satellite is the first object'
Lradio transmitter, that has
>utside the heavi-side layer
lies from 100 to 200 miles
The Soviet feat also stirred the
hot embers of rivalry between the
armed services. Rumbling were
heard from backers of the Army
that if that branch of the service,
had charge of the satellite pro-
gram, it could have beaten the
Russians to the punch. The Navy
has principal responsibility for the
baby moon.undertaking.
Meanwhile the White, House in-;
sisted there was no race and that
the Soviet satellite launching came
as no surprise. Press. secretary
James C. Hagery, who gave out
this word, did not elaborate on his
"no surprise" remark.'
"Serious Matter"
Sen. Symington, a former sec-
retary of the Air Force and a
member of the Senate Armed Serv-
ices Committee,,gave his views ii
a telephone interview from Mis-
"This isa very serious matter
that cannot be laughed off," he
Relating the satellite launching
to Russia's claims of great progress
in the military missiles field, Sen.
Symington said:
"Unless our defense policies are
promptly changed, the Soviets will
move from superiority to suprem-
acy. If that ever happens, our posi-
tion will becoie impossible."
'Sen. Symington said he would
ask Chairman Richard Russell (D-
qa.).of the Senate Armed Services
Committee to call in top defense
officials and scientists for ques-
Power Head
Dies at Home1
' To, Give
Awards of $1,000 apiece will be
granted tomorrow night to five
faculty members to denote dis-
tinguishel achievement. -
Recipents will be announced at
Smeeting of faculty membersand
their wives as they gather to hear
President Harlan Hatcher's annual
state of the University message at
8 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Au-'
The awards - were provided by
the Alumni Fund of the Develop-
ment Council which will be repre-
sented by Dewey F. Fagerburg,
Chicago attorney and chairman of
the board of directors of the De-
velopment Council.
Little Rock
Still Calni
capital city in the old South was
under military occupany yesterday
for a second weekend.
A couple of minor ruckuses in-
volving the occupying troops mar-
red an otherwise placid scene.
One regular Army paratrooper
tangled with a teen-aler during
the night, on the campus of Cen-
tral High School, center of a great
integration crisis.
Mingle with Citizens
Two off-duty paratroopers were
picked up by city police during a
disturbance at a fair.
By contrast, scores of other par-
atroopers mingled with local citi-
zens ,on a polite if not friendly
Central High was closed, its
green campus patrolled by a skele-
ton guard of troops, its corridors
and classrooms silent until Mon-
Finish Second Week
Nine Negro students, the first
ever integrated in Little Rock,
finished a second week of classes
Friday. Some of their days at
Central have been hectic. Others,
like Friday, have been quiet.
A 19-year-old alumnus of Cen-
tral claimed he was knocked down
Friday night by a paratrooper's
rifle and menaced with a bayonet.
The youth, Robert King, with
four companions, left a dance at
the high school field house for a
quick smoke..
Michigan Outdoes Sherman
In March Through Georgia
Michigan duplicated Sherman's march through Georgia yesterday
and added a few fillips of their own,
- Sherman did it with an army; Michigan did it with just a football
team, but.the Michigan eleven had by far the more colorful supporting
During the day, the kind sportswriters are fond of calling "perfect
for a football game," 73,000 people and over 12,000 musicians combined
in a side show that matched in '
numbers and color something from "
the dreams of Cecile B. DeMille-as
Things, Were Good Haifa Tries
The football game was perfect;
the Michigan marching band wasR
impeccable; and the aggregation y
of high school musicians were
awe-inspiring, if not always flaw- fn-
less in their playing. eam ster
The new State street traffic loop
confused its share of out of town
visitors, but policemen placed at MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A)-James
major intersections managed to R. Hoffa worked yesterday to get'
keep traffic moving smoothly for rival Teamster Union factions to
a football Saturday. close ranks and gird for a coming
More Music battle to avoid expulsion from the
South' Quadrangle continued AFL-CIO.
last year's tradition by blasting Dave Beck, retiring union presi-
footballnsongs and jazz records dent, proposed a 10-million-dollar
from windows. Teamster battle fund to be ready
Theoretically, increased enroll- for use against rival unions in the
ment should have brought an even event the Teamsters are ousted
See.BANDS, page 2 from the parent labor body on
Soph Noskin Sewr
Twice in First Ha
Shatu sky Tallies."'
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan introduced sopho
passing whiz Stan Noskin to
fans at the Stadium yesterda
the youngster sparked the
minded Wolverines to a4 26-0
tory over Georgia.
The !Wolverines ran up a
touchdown lead in the first
which saw Noskin score twi(
short runs, and then cappe
scoring with an 85 yard drive
in the final period.
Veteran right halfback
Shatusky shared the'spotlight
Noskin, tallying Michigan's
two touchdowns on a dazzlir
yard second period gallop wit
intercepted pass and a six
dash around end.
Michigan Passes Click
The Michigan offense reeld
311 yards against theesophon
studded Georgia eleven, but
surprising part of this total
the healthy 173 yards gane
passing.The Wolverines, not
erally considered a passing I
clicked, on 12 of ;2 " atte
through the air, '.
Quarterbacks Jim VanPelt
Noskin shouldered the burde
the aerial game, VanPelt hi
on seven .out of ten for 2 .
and Noskin making good fiv
of nine for 81 yards. ,
It was Michigan's passing, ri
than its ground game that' p
the team out of the hole on r
occasions. The winners gained
138 yards on the ground.
Noskin Sparks Offense
The passing attack-was in
mental in setting up the W
ines first and last touchdc
After the running game
bogged down twice, Noskin eni
the game after Michigan
taken the ball to midfield on
third play sequence.
He promptly made an auspi
debut by topsing a 20 yard
to halfback Brad Myers ori
See NOSKIN, page 6
Dj ilas Given
Added Term
By. Yugoslav
slavia UP)-Milovan Djilas fc
vice-president and wartime
rade-in-arms of President
was sentenced yesterday to
more years in prison.
He was convicted of cre
hostile propaganda against
njunism and the Ygoslav go
ment abroad by writing and s
gling out of Yugoslavia his
"The New Class."
The book, published in New
in August, depicts omnunis
a system in which the'masse
exploited by a-bureaucraticrt
class r
Djilas, 46 years old, alread
serving a three-year priso
tence on charges of cona:
against the Yugoslav governi
After a one-day closed trial
five-man court imposed a
bined term of nine years. He E
have received a maximum
tence of 20 years.
Siamese Girl
NBC Opera Gives Concert Tonight
No Change
In Epidemic
Health Service reported no
change in the number of cases of
Upper Respiratory Infection yes-
Dr. Morley Beckett, Health Serv-
ice Director, reported 'on Friday
that mild doses of Asian Flu'had
reached epidemic proportions on
A Health Service nurse said that
three or four Asian flu patients
were admitted to the infirmary
yesterday-and that the number of
patients seen in the outpatient
clinic is about the same as it has
been throughout the week. The
average number is about sixty per
Schools Hope
Flu Slackens
By The Associated Press
Sehnn1 noiiic hnned nvear the
corruption charges.
Will Work Hard
But Hoffa, now in full command
of the one and one-half million
member Teamsters organization,
said he is opposed to Beck's plan
and intends to work hard to keep
the Teamsters inside the AFL-CIO
Hoffa was overwhelmingly elect-
ed by a 3-1 margin as Beck's suc-
cessor by Teamster convention
delegates yesterday and actually
is to take over from Beck on Oct.
Plainly irked at Beck's proposal,
Hoffa said he would never "fire the
first shot in ir' civil war in the'
American labor movement," and
there would be time enough, when
and if the Teamsters got booted
out of the AFL-CIO, to plan then
what retaliatory actions and funds
may be necessary.'
Involved in Scandals
Hoffa and Beck are -deeply in-
volved in scandals developed in
Senate Rackets Committee hear-
ings. Both have been labaled by
the AFL-CIO's powerful Executive
Council as corrupt and unfit to
remain in organized labor.
Hoffa said he hopes to get -the
AFL-CIO to reverse its findings
and withdraw a threat tn nnnd.
Kelly first heard the earth
at 12:05 yesterday- morn-
had earlier listened to a
cast of a Russian news
ntator, speaking in English,
ve the approximate time of
ellite's appearance in the
n hemisphere.
nrn a .'I a a -
The NBC Opera Company will
present "The Marriage of Figaro"
in concert form at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium..
The production, the opening
concert in the Extra Concert
Series, will be produced by Samuel
Chotzinoff with musical direction
done by Peter Herman Adler.
Cast for the opera includes: Su-
sanna, the countess' maid, Judith
Raskin; Marcellina, an aged dame,
Ruth Kobart; Figaro, the Count's
valet, Mac-Morgan; and Countess
Almaviva, Marguerite Willauer.
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