Sixty Seven Years of Editorial Freedom,
Acme 2
See page 4
No. 16
an Flu
acks U
her 'Says More
Needed for Crisis'
Red Police
Fight Riot
rt to Hate
,y May Be
In Poland
i Flu of a mild nature has, reached epidemic proportions at
rsity. t
is the essence of a report which was sent to University Presi-
lan Hatcher yesterday afternoon by Dr. Morley Beckett,
ervice Director.
report said that, "there can no longer be any doubt about the
of Upper Respiratory Infection in epidemic proportions. It.
ident that a large percentage of these infections are caused
luenza virus of the so-called 'Asian' type."
'Mild Nature'
Emphasis in the report
rity of cases have been
was placed on the fact that the "great
of a mild nature." Dr. Beckett noted
that a great many of those in-
fected have not required any in-
firmary or hospital care.
Health Service saw the first in-
dicatiori of epidemic last Monday
w when a peak of 270 patients were
/ examined at the clinic; of whom
/approxiinately 90 per. cent had,
r Upper Respiratory Ilifection.,
1n Between Monday and Thursday
12,118 patients were taken care of
in the out patient clinic, "of which
Aian it is estimated that at least 90
:ise in the number of A
es around the country
d by the Public He
yesterday in its. we
The service estimated there was
jump of 200,000 new cases last
eek, bringing the cumulative total
nce early Jure to 422,650.
The previouA week's - summary
sted an increase of 100,000 cases
nd the week before that, 50,000.
Thus the number has doubled
self in, each of the last three'
ThO latest summary released
esterday covers only the week
riding last Saturday, and does not
aclude more recent outbreaks in
ew York City, where more than
0,000- persons are suspected to
aave the disease.
The service noted' that a large
umber of outbreaks were reported
i schools, based principally on
bsenteeism rates. School attend-
nice in New York City, for ex-
mnple, was down about 20 per cent.
eacher absenteeism-there was an
bnormal 7 per cent.
A Health Service spokesman said
8 deaths have been reported in
he continental United States in
nnection with the flu outbreak..
He said the disease probably has
eached epidemic proportions in
Jabama, Illinois, Michigan and
'regon, and possibly in California.
Waty Indictf
Plice Kill er
SCOTTSBURG, Ind. (P)-- The
cott County, grand jury will re-
ine considering Monday the re-
irning of an indictment for first-
egree murder against a young
exan accused of killing State
rooper William R. Kellems, 28
ears old.
Several local and state police
stified before the jury yesterday
ut the hearing was not complet-
The defendant, 26- ear-old Vic-%
r W. Whitley of Granger, Tex:,
as b r o u g h t to Scottsburg in
andcuffs from the Clark County'
il at Jeffersonville, Ind.
Whitley was captured near Ver-
on, Ind., Tuesday in a tremen-
ous manhunt by 250 policemen.
e surrendered, unhurt a few
ours after his partner, 36-year-
.d Ralph Taylor of Kenova, W
'a was shot to death in 'a gun
uiel with a North Vernon, Ind.,
olice officer.
The pair is accused of killing a
[ichigan state trooper, Dugald
ellot, Monday before Trooper
.ellems was shot, wounding an-
her Michigan trooper and also
ounding the North Vernon pa-
'olman who killed Taylor.
Health Service Director Dr.
Morley Beckett yesterday offer-
e4 the following advice con-
cerning personal care of Upper
Respiratory Infection:
If such symptoms as head-
ache, sore throat, cough and
chills are apparent and Temain
for several hours, students are
advised to remain quiet, not in.
dulge in any strenuous activ-
ities, and take plenty of fluids
and aspirin.
If these symptoms persist
and fever becomes high then
they should seek Health Service
per cent or approximately 1,800
complained of symptoms of Upper
Respiratory Infection."
Report to Hatcher
Dr. Beckett revealed, that the
r e p o r t was sent to President
IKatcher, five top administrators
and Dean Carl C. Furstenberg, of.
the Medical School to point out
that more money from the Uni-
versity may be needed to provide
the "essential services' required in
the present emergency."'
The report noted that it has:
been possible to see every student
who came to the clinic. o n l y
through employment of two addi-
tional Resident physicians of the
University Hospital. Also, the Hos-
pital agreed to admit students be-
yond the capacity of Health Serv-
ice Infirmary.
Although this provision has not
proven necessary as yet, the report
made it clear that if patients are
admitted tp University Hospital,
"it will entail additional expense
to the Health Service budget. .
19 Admitted
Facts and figures included in the
report showed that 219 patients
were admitted to the infirmary as
compared to 113 for the same
period a year ago. From Monday
through Thursday of this week
the averagenumber of patients
at 7 a.m. in .the Infirmary has
been 43, as compared to 22 for
the same period of time a year
ago." This is in a capacity of 56
Dr. Beckett said there is still no
word on preventive vaccine.
WARSAW, Poland () - Com-
bined forces of Polish Red police,
security troops and militia men
from workers ranks fought down
a new student uprising for freedom
here last night.
The students, still apparently
unta'med, taunted the antiriot
forces with shouts of: "Gestapo,
The forces used clubs and tear
gas and noise bombs as the vio-
lence spread beyond the student
sphere to Poles of other ranks.
Second Night
They broke up groups of stu-
dents at the Warsaw Polytechnic
school for the second straight night
and smashed a demonstration out-
side, the Communist party ad
commtteewas reported in emer-
gency session.
People from other walks of life
joined the milling crowds after
the first police assault on students.
The steel-helmeted riot police
first released tear gas \grenades
to break up taunting students
groups, then wielded rubber trun-
cheons on individual students
trapped in courtyards and other
Police on Guard
Black-capped security police
patrolled key points throughout
the city as the students gathered
in the Polytechnic great hall for
last night's meeting.
Despite threats of punishment,
the students massed again, to pro-
test suppressipn of the student
newspaper, "Pro Prostu," and the
Tough treatment police gave them
at their first rally Thursday night.
The paper has been harsh in criti-
cizing recent Communist party
and government policy.
Truckloads of steehelmeted
factory-militia, carrying clubs,
poured to strategic spots in the
city to back up the Communist
Wi7est Delays
The Western Powers yesterday
held back a resolution endorsing
their disarmament proposals so
they could get the broadest pos-
sible bacing before submitting it
to the UN General Assembly. d
Some informed diplomats had
predicted it would be handed in
here yesterday. But a United States
source told a reporter it would be
delayed till Monday at the earliest
to give a few prospective sponsors
time to get instructions from home
enabling them to sign it.
He said it would have "in the
neighborhood of 20" sponsors cov-
ering a wide geographical range.
That would constitute almost a
quarter of the '82 delegations sit-
ting in the Assembly. But the reso-
lution would need a two-thirds
vote for final passage.
India, Japan and the Soviet
Union have in rival resolutions
that would have the Assembly
call for suspension of nuclear tests,
subject to inspection but prior to
actual disarmament.
WINNING SMILE-Waving in front of a poster depicting outgoing
Teamster President Dave Beck, Jimmy Hoffa greets convention
delegates. Hoffa was elected president of the giant union yesterday
by a margin of 3-1 over the votes of all competitors.W
Hoffa Elected President
By Teamster, Delegates"
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - The
white student body, of Central
High School yesterday quietly ad-
mitted nine Negroes into their
midst for a 10th day of integrated
Gone were the outward signs of.
teen-aged restlessness that built
up all week and reached a climax
in Thursday's walkout of 75 anti-
integrationist white students.
The demonstration was an ad-
mitted failure and there was no
attempt yesterday to push it fur-
The demonstrators were sus-
pended for three days. Neverthe-
less, attendance was reported at
1,725 out of the maximum 2;000,
only 58 below Wednesday't peak
There was silence, too, on the
political fron#.
Gov. Orval Faubus, storm cen-
ter of one of the greatest South-
ern crises since reconstruction
days, had nothing to say to re'-
porters who met him on his way
to his office.
Ike Stands Firm
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
apparently stood on his mandate
to Gov. Faubus issued earlier in
the week. The White House de-
manded that Gov. Faubus un-
equivocally guarantee law and or-
der in Little Rock and pledge no
further obstruction to the first
integration. program in the' city's
In return, the President said,
he will withdraw regular Army
troops from Little Rock and turn
back ' to Faubus the federalized
Arkansas National Guard.
Sixteen rifle - carrying guards-
men escorted the nine Negroes
half way across the campus yes-
terday morning. There four para-
troop regulars met them and es-
corted the youngsters through the
main ehtranceq
As usual, about 100 white stu-
dents lounged on the steps lead-
ing to the entrance, awaiting the
opening class bell. Thursday and
the day before, they hooted and
jeered the Negroes, and e v e n
sought mildly to block their en-
Byrd Decriesi
Army Secre'y
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. P)--Stub-v
by, square - jawed Jimmy Hoffa
yesterday took over full control
as president of the giant Team-
sters Union and pledged to turn
the organization into a "model of
trade unionism."
The 44-year-old target of labor
scandal charges was elected chief
officer of the one and one-half
million-member union by a tre-
Girard Says
He Lured,
'Shot Woma
MAEBASHI, Japan (P) - Wil-
liam S. Girard told a, surprised
judge today there was no mistake
in a fellow soldier's statement
that Girard lured a Japanese wo-
man brass picker into firing range
Sand shot her.
A few minutes later, however,
Girard denied he was ever in a
foxhole with Specialist Victor
Nickel last Jan. 30 when Girard
shot and killed Mrs. Naka Sakai.
Judge Yuzo Kawachi was open-
ly upset by Girard's statements.
Nickel's statement, made last
week at an outdoor session of the
court at the firing range death
scene, was read in court yester-
It said Girard stood up from
the foxhole they occupied, called
to Mrs. Sakai and waved her to-
ward him before shooting at her.
The statement said Girard fired
at another brass picker before
calling to Mrs. Sakai.
Nickel also said that after the
killing Girard suggested moving
the machine gun they were guard-
ing and that Nickel moved it
about 25 feet farther away from
where Mrs. Sakai lay.
Artificial 'Moo
Fired 560 Mile
Soviets Claim Victory over U.S.
In Race To Launch First Spher
MOSCOW (A)-The Soviet Union announced today it h3
world's first artificial moon streaking around the globe. 560 mi
in space.
A multiple-stage rocket launched the earth satellite yes
the Russians said, shooting it upward at about five miles per
They said the satellite, a globe described as 23 inches in di
and weighing 185 pounds, can be seen in its orbit with glass
followed by radio through instruments it carries.
NBC Gets Signals
Radio signals on the wavelength of the Soviet moon-so
as a deep "beep, beep, beep"-were picked up by electronic en
of the National Broadcasting Co.,
in New York and the British "
Broadcasting Corp. in London. IU S* O f Ili
In thus announcing the launch-
ing of the first earth satellite "
ever put in globe-girdling orbit rrn p H
under man's controls, the Soviet
Union claimed a victory over the ,- e*}
United States. Se eni
The two big powers ,had been in k I1IW &
a hot but mainly secret race to be
first to probe the high space realms WASHINGTON(P) - C
with spheres laden with instru- American congratulationsY
ments. th R ss n l -night -
mendous margin of nearly 3-1
over the combined vote of two
In the final count, 1,208 widely
cheering delegates voted for Hof-
fa, 313 for William A. Lee and
140 for Thomas J. Hagger'ty.
Lee and Haggerty, both from
Chicago, had campaigned for a
cleanup of the corruption condi-
tions charged to the union.
The delegates thus chose to ig-
nore the charges against Hoffa,
retiring union President Dave
Beck and other Teamsters bosses.
They had been accused of help-
ing themselves to vast sums from
the union's rich treasury and
abusing union powers.
The charges against Hoffa in-
cluded associating with known
hoodlums and racketeers.
Hoffa, denying the charges 'as
a smear, said he and the Team-
sters U n io n ."have just come
through the most vicious attack
any group of workers has ever
experienced. Never in history has
so much outside effort been ex-
erted on the internal affairs of a
free organization."
Health Cards
Available Soon
Student Health Insurance policy
holders who registered before and
during registration will be able to
pick up their identification cards,
starting 'Monday at the Student
Activities Building, according to
Scott Chrysler, '59BAd.
All other identification cards
will be available at a later date.
Chrysler added that any student
still wishing to buy Student Health
Insurance can do so at the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg. every week
day from 3 to 5 p.m. or by mailing
their orders before midnight
An average of 40 applicants a
day has brought the total number
of applicants to 5,000 so far, said
ry Byrd (D-Va.) said yesterday
the Army has rejected his request
for a copy of the "stepped-up riot
training" order issued the dayaft-
er federal troops were sent to,
Little Rock..
The Army canceled the order
the next day and has refused to
make it public. Generally, it
alerted Army forces in the South
to step up training for riot duty.
Sen. Byrd, .second-r a n k i n g
Democrat on the Armed Services
Committee, said he was "shocked
and amazed" at Secretary of the
Army Wilmer Brucker's denial of
his request for a copy of the or-
'Brucker said in a letter to Byrd:
that release of the requested doc-
ument was governed by principles
set forth by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower during the Army-
McCarthy hearings, three years
First Launching
The Moscowannouncement said:
"The successful launching of the
first man-made satellite makes a
tremendous contribution to the
treasure house of world science
and culture .. .
"Artificial earth satellites will
pave the way for space travel and.
it seems that the present genera-
tion will witness how the freed
and conscious labor of the people
of the new ;,Socialist society turns
even the most daring of iman's
dreams in to reality ...
Now Revolving
In a special bulletin early this
morning, the Soviet Tass agency
said the Russian moon "is now
revolving around the earth at the
rate of one circuit every hour and
35 ,minutes."
The launching occurred just
three months and four days after
the opening of the International
Geophysical Year.
Moscow reported the satellite
can be seen with the simplest kind
of telescope glasses. Its velocity
,was given as something like five
miles per second at a height of
about 560 miles above the earth.
To Launch More
The broadcast saidthe Russians
plan to launch several more earth
satellites in the next year. It
declared the developments will
open a way for travel to the
Moscow said the satellite is fit-
ted with steel radio transmitters
continuously sending signals earth-
ward on the 15 and 7.5 meter wave
lengths and easily received by a
broad range of amateur sets.
Its announced weight of about
185 pounds is more than eight
times the weight of a projected
U.S. earth satellite.
San, Marino
Rebels Against
SAN MARINO (P) - A charge
that Italian Communist leaders
want to turn San Marino into a
seconii Hungary arose in this tiny
republic's stalemated "October
revolution" last night.
Waving a white handkerchief,
a leader of the. San Marino's be-
leaguered Red regime paid a 30-
minute visit yesterday to four men
of the provisional anti-Commu-
nist government in an abandoned
steel mill close to the Italian bor-
An informant at the provisional
headquarters said the envoy,
Communist Vittorio Melloni of
the Grand Council - Parliament
- did not come to make any deal
but burst into tears and told the
group Italian Reds "are prevent-
ing us from reaching the accord
'e .cusul I asi nign aite
Moscow announcement that S
scientists had succeeded inlauz
ing an artificial moon.
The congratulations were
tended by Dr. Lloyd Berknei
American official of the Intel
tional Geophysical Year.
The occasion was a coc
party. at the Russian Bmb
given for those attending a sa
confernece of the IGY.
Dr. Berkner, who is the rep
'on earth satellites and rocket
a special .commttee of the3
said he had ,earned from a'
dispatch of the Russian annot
He offered hiis congratulai
while Dr. A. A. Blagonravov
other Soviet scientists at the j
beamed in appreciation.
In another recognition of S
success, Dr. Joseph Kaplan, el
man of the United States Nat
Committee for IGY, said: "
amazed that in the short
which they had to plan-obvi1
not any longer than we ha
think it was a remarkable ach
ment on their part."
iturks Den.,
Red Charg<
ANKARA (A)-Turkey t o
sharply rejected Soviet charg
planned aggression against S
and publicly challenged Moscc
abandon its own Middle East
The Turkish government
leased the text of a letter :
Premier Adnan Menderes to S
Premier Nikolai Bulganin clain
"subversive actions in Syria1
reached a culminating point.
"This country -: Syria - is a
ing itself speedily and far be
its logical defensive needs," I
deres said.
"Or rather it perhaps is I
turned into an armament-'c
eventually to be used by other
"If establishment of the
friendship based on mutual
between our two countries is
sired as you state in your r
sage," the Turkish leader
"discontinuance of a policy
sued in the Middle East and
pecially in Syria would gr
contribute to this end."
Menderes' letter was inr
to. one from Bulganin Sept. 1
cusing Turkey of threatenin
provoke a. third world war
massing troops on the Syrian'
der for what is called an An
can planned attack.
Hatcher Tall
Of ' Status
University President Ha
T-To - -m gil ria bi
14 i
Wolverines, Bulldogs Clash in Stadium Opener
Associate Sports Editor
Captain Jefferson Beauregard
Davis, a name from the old South,
wilj lead a determined Confederate
band of Georgia Bulldogs in the
mammnth Michigan Stadium this
show for
they have two losses to
their efforts (26-7 to
TexAs and 9-6 to Vanderbilt), Du-
fek reports the Bulldogs have lost
to .strong clubs.
Last week, Georgia outgained a
touh fnst Vanderbilt team by
ran through a spirited drill in the
empty bowl.
Rauch reported that the Georgia
team has "improved considerably"
in the last two weeks. "Many of
our sophomores had the first game
butterflies in the Texas game," he
said "hut with this famnp hhinA
rid ~