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October 03, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-03

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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ried Haitians

Civil War


Faubus Holds to Ter
Of Plan for Integrati
Rejected By Presid(

o United States Embassy;
kdvocate Return of Marines
INCE, Haiti OP)--Alarmed by prospects of civil war,
the United States Embassy yesterday seeking per-
e United States.
Haitians openly advocated the return of United
et Marines occupied this Caribbean island from 1915
f peace and relative prosperity.
'isas to the United States steadily mounted into the
fro republic has been rocked by political turmoil and
cember. Six governments fell in quick succession.
iow under the rule of a military junta which seized
is latest unrest arises from the presidential eection
Sept. 22. Haiti's relations with the
United States took a bad turn this
ers week after the death of an Ameri-
can citizen in the hands of police.
i Had Heart Attack
enes Junta officials say the Ameri-
can, textile merchant Shibley J.
" Talamas, died of a heart attack
tioli when he struggled to reach a
machinegun while undergoing
questid-hng by police. The 300-
Fla. ()P) - The pound, six footer was held on a
tion yesterday charge of having guns after four
epudiated cor- Haitian police. were killed in a
veled at James mountain ambush.
eck and, other The United States Embassy in
y the AFL-CIO. Port au Prince delivered a formal
eport detailing note of protest to the sHaitian
on disclosures Foreign Ministry Tuesday.
e Rackets In- Disclose Note
ttee, was read In Washington; the U n i t e d
It took about States State Department disclosed
legates listened the note demanded that the lives
and property of other Americans'
pproval in Haiti be respected.
tes howled ap- It rejected the official Haitian
to expunge the explanation for Talamas' death
from the con- and said examination of the body
by two American doctors showed
wed anmove by he was beaten.
an Oakland, The note demanded "trial and'
o have Hoff a, punishment of Haitian officers"
named in the and employes responsible for the.
answer tp them assassination... ."

--Daily-Michael Kraft
OPENING A BRANCH-University President Harlan Hatcher officially unlocks the door to the Mott
Memorial Bulld ng, home of the University's Flint College. The one million dollar building was,
financed by Charles S. Mott who stands at the right of the memorial plaque.
Flint CollegeDedicated

SGC Restricts Area
Of Galens' Fund Drive
Galens, medical honorary, will not be permitted to solicit funds
for its annual city drive at either the State St. shopping area just
north of Campus, or the South University shopping area, up to Forest,,
Student Government Council decided last night.
These areas would be in addition to most University grounds,'
with the exception of East and West Medical Buildings, the Pharma-
cology Building, and Medical fraternities.
Joe Collins, '58, SGC president, told the Council, "If we are to.
maintain the concept of a campus chest drive," which is designed to
relieve students of the burden' of having to contribute to drives several
times a year, the Council must
prohibit . the drive, in primarilysua Ts we
students area.' "The Campus town'
area comes under this category, hesaid, because 90 per cent of t U C e i
business done in that area is by
University store area, west of For- est. B v JW .

Special to The Daily
FLINT-Both skies and smiles
were bright yesterday as Flint
residents witnessed the formal
dedication of tJhe Mott Memorial
Building which now officially
houses the University's Flint Col-
Students strolled across the
grass separating the Flint Junior
College and the Mott Building to
watch the colorful procession of
flags and academic gowns as offi-
cials and faculty members paraded
to the dedication ceremonies.j
Crowd Watches
Other students joined the stand-
ing room' crowd of 500 in Ballenger
Fieldhouse, shared by both colleges
and <heard Walter E. Scott, presi-
dent of the Flint Board of Educa-
tion declare "this now makes
Flint's educational program com-
plete from kindergarten to college
The Industrial community of,
about 170,000 was-one of the larg-
est areas in the country without
a four-year liberal arts program.
Given Ovation
When Flint College Dean David
M. French introduced Charles S.
Mott, 'whose one million dollar gift
financed the college's building, the
crowd rose and gave a standing
ovation to the 81-yr.-old Flint
philanthropist who said he "want-
ed to give the youth of this com-
munity an opportunity to attend
the University without changing
their residence."
Before presenting the keys to

Scott, Mott said surveys indicated
there were thousands of potential
students in 'the area who wanted
a University education but could
not afford it.
In accepting the blue and maize
tassled key to the building, Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
declared the college is a pioneer-
ing adventure in education!"
"Here is an attempt at coopera-
tion never tried before, as a major
University coordinates with a
thriving junior college," President
Hatcher pointed out.
Reds PropoSe
Weapons 'Ban
to Assemably
Poland, and Czechoslovakia said
yesterday they would bar nuclear
weapons from their territories if
East and West Germany would.
do the same.
Polish Foreign Minister Adam
Rapacki first made the offer in a
policy speech to .the United Na-
tions General Assembly. Czecho-
slovak Foreign Minister Vaclav
David joined in.
Rapacki declared Poland was
making its declaration after con-
sulting others in the Communist-
eight-nation Warsaw Pact. This
presumably included the Soviet



Beek was

s unsuccessful motion
a probe of the corrup-
'es against its leaders
led by -Thomas J. Hag-
ago, one of three can-
posing Hoffa for the
voting, Hoffa took the
floor to make a de-
he corruption charges
a. He had been accused
ate Rackets Committee
g union funds and us-
powers for leis own '

Ford Wis
As Yanks
Tip Braves,
NEW YORKC (M--Whitey Ford,
chunky New York Yankee, left.
hander, whipped Milwaukee's War-
ren Spahn' in yesterday's. World
Series opener, 3-1, while 69,476
basked in the warm sunshine of a
perfect fall afternoon.
Showing complete recovery from
the arm miseries 'that bothered
him during most of the regular
season, Pord held the National
League champions to five hits.
When the embattled Braves,
who went into' their first series as
8-5 underdogs, threatened, in the
si~th, Ford calmly blew .down three
of their roughest right-handed,
hitters-Hank Aaron, Joe Adcock
and Andy Pafko. The stylish little
man struck out Aaron and Pafko
and_ retired Adcock on an easy
grounder after )walking'the first
two batters.
Beating Spahn, Milwaukee's 21-
game winning ace, was an impor-
See 'YANKEES', Page 3

ilson Ready
,o Close Shop
t Pentagon
WASHINGTON (A')-Secretary
Defense Charles Wilson said
dbye to Pentagon reporters
terday at a genial news confer-
e where the discussion ranged
n goony birds to ballistic mis-
t was Wilson's 80th and last
don with the military corre-
indents. He announced his res-'
ation will take effect next
dnesday, ending four and one-
f eventful years as the nation's
ense chief.
Gave New Order
'he secretary also announced a
v Air Force order limiting pay-.
its to aircraft manufacturers
a strict monthly schedule in
er to hold down defense
[e said he thought the upward
nd of spending had been halted
that military expenditures for-
first quarter of the new fis-
year are estimated to be 300
lion dollars above the planned
ount necessary to keep within
38-billion-dollar ceiling.
t was apparent at the outset of
conference that Wilson, 67,
ited it to be' an easy-going,
e-and-take session.
'Jessie' Was There
[e brought his wife along and

Health Service Still Awaits
Shipment of Flu Vaccine
There is a hastily crayoned sign on the front door of Health
Service, which reads, "No flu shots until further notice" and Dr. Morly
Beckett, director, reported yesterday that the long awaited vaccine
supply has still not arrived.
Health Service's supply of preventative Asian Flu vaccine ran
out last week when dental students were given the last of the shots.
More has been on order from pharmaceutical firms since last
summer. But Beckett hopes that "we may have news within a few
days." Cases of "upper respiratory infection" have decreased markedly
since Monday when over 200 complaints forced Health Service to
CQinstitute an emergency program

There were many difficulties in
planning, organizing and prepar-
ing for the cooperation needed to
make the Flint College a reality,
he said. "However, a university is
not simply a spot on the map but
an intellectual dedication that
should benefit all," President Hat-
" cher added.
Dedication ceremonies ended
See related story on page six
with the "Yellow and Blue," played
by the University Symphony band,
as the Flint students struggled un-
familiarly with the Alma Mater.
But spirit was, evident a few
minutes later when the gown clad
dignitaries and the shirt sleeved
audience marched to the two story
building to watch Mott unveil a
plaque in memory of his parents,
gesture to the building and declare,
"Here it is, now go to it."
West Said,
.Arab Unity
Saudi Arabia yesterday blamed
Western nations for Middle East
tension and called for a United
Nations "hands off" policy toward
Ahmad Shkairy, minister of
state for Saudi Arabia, told the
82-nation General Assembly "It
is the policy of the West that is
destroying ties with the Arabs."
Not UN Affair
He proclaimed Saudi Arabia's
full solidarity with Syria and as-
serted shipments of Communist
arms to that country is no busi-
ness of the UN.
He called for the U'N to estab-
lish an agency to "facilitate the
repatriation of Israelis to their
former homes." He said, "We do
not intend to throw the Jews to
the sea," but wish them "a bet-
ter and happier life ii their
homelands, where they can settle
under UN auspices."
Heads Delegation
Shukairy ,is a Palestinian Arab
who represented Syria at past UN
sessions. He is head of te UN
delegation for Saudi Arabia,
whose King Saud is regarded by
the ,United States as a friend in
the Middle East. ,
A British spokesman said the
speech "can hardly be regarded
as a helpful contribution to the
affairs of the UN, with particular
reference to the Middle East,"'
Shukairy denounced as "sheer
fallacy" a suggestion by British
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd
that the Soviets may be establish-
ing a forward base in the Middle
East by an arms buildup in Syria.
Youths Ending
Visit to China
LONDON (R) - Sixteen young
Americans wound up a six-week
tour of Red China by smoking a
peace pipe at a farewell luncheon

Attitude Good
Collins explained that Galens
attitude toward Campus Chest was
quite good this year. "And they
may well, we are led to believe,
come in with us on the drive"'
The campus area as now defined
is bordered on the north by Ann,
the west by Maynard, the south
by Hilland the east by Forest and
SGC has the power for such
legislation because, of its approval
power over all student activities.
There was no objection by any
Council member to the change.
At the same meeting, SGC set
up a committee to look into revi-
sion, possibilities of the Daily's
SGC election supplement.
Want Content Say
Since the Council pays for the
supplement, the Council felt,, it
should say what goes into it. Scott
Chrysler, '59, objected to t h e
Daily's present method of asking
the candidates questions which he
said was unfair. He said candi-
dates should just be asked to pre-
sent their platform.
Collins told the Council that the
athletic department will request
I-D cards be shown with football
tickets for all games.
However, he did note, that while
most student tickets were not
transferrable, band football tickets
were, marked especially so they,
could be transferred.
He said there might be an in-
consistancy here, which the Coun-
cil could look into.
.Makes Recommendations
At the same meeting, J a-n e t;
Neary, '58, executive vice-president
announced the six council recom-
mendations, t h r e e juniors and
three seniors, for the Lecture Com-
The, Juniors are Maynard Gold-
man, SGC treasurer, Allan Still-
wagon and, Richard Taub; the
seniors include Joe Collins, Daily
Editor Peter Eckstein and Ron
Shorr, SGC administrative vice-
Vice-president for student af-
fairs, James A. Lewis, will chose
one member from each group to
serve on the committee.

Student Government Council
last night endorsed the concept of
women cheerleaders.
Action came after Lou Susman,
'59, president of the Wolverine
Club, requested the action from
the Council, as well as letters from
each of the ex-officio members.
The presidents of the four Uni-
versity housing groups were the,
only members to vote against the
Backed by Revelli
Susman told the Council that
William D. Revelli, University di-
rector of bands, had recommended
women cheerleaders after he had
rejected the request for a person
dressed as a wolverine to appear
on the field.
According to Susman, a brief
has been filed with the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics,
which would consider the request
Newt Loken, coach of gymnas-
tics, felt the women involved were
excellent gymnasts, Sussman said,
and were fully qualified for the
He also told the Council Dean
of Men Walter B. Rea approved
the request, while Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon was uncommitted.
The group had to work out items
of dress such aslong skirts and
style of sweater.,
Frequent Request
Dean Rea told The Daily that
the request for women cheerlead-
ers has occurred two or three times
in the last four years.
He explained that the Univer-
sity has been "traditionally con-
servative" about such matters. For
instance, he said, "we don't have
girl drum majors, baton twirlers,
pom-pom girls or a campus queen."
And the decision is actually up
to a great many groups, he noted.
This includes the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics, the 'M'
Club, the managers club'and many
other groups. "And you can be
sure," he said, "that alumni will
be for keeping the situation as it

Adams Hiii
At Pull-Ou
filO f 5Solierli
Tensio1i Increase
Over Negro Stud
At Central High Sc
LITTLE ROC1 , Ark. (i)
Orval Faubus stood fast yes'
on terms of a school integ
compromise already firmly i
ed by President Dwight ' 2
The governor left the next
up to the White House. "'ve
until it hurts Gov. Faubus
Although neither the gos
nor President Eisenhower b
an inch, Sherman Adam,
president's top assistant, si
Troops Still Patrol
"In our opinion a basis.4'
found for an early withdraw
federal force from Little 1
Federalized National G'
troops again patroled Centra
School, where tension rose
yesterday over the classroom
ence of the first nine Negroe
admitted to a white school in
Rock.. 1
Two whitestudents spok
plan to make school life so:
able for the six Negro gir
three boys th t they won't
to continue in Central,
Two of the Negro 'boys
shoved about and kicked by
male students in the schoo
ridors during ,the day. Ho
the two, with their seven
classmpates*, energed at, the
the day with no visible mark
the encounter.
A court effort to rid Little
of federal troops was lau
during the day by Mrs. Ma
Jackson, vice president of th
Segregationist League of C
High School Mothers.
During the day also, Gov.
dore McKeldn of Marylan
cused Gov. Faubus of d
crossing four Southern 'gov
who worked out Tuesday's
promise that fell through. x
intended to end federal tro
cupancyin Little Rok.
Rise Stevens
Opens Conc4
Series Toni,
Metropolitan Opera star
Stevens will open the Chort
ion Concert series at 8:3C
today in H'ill Auditorium.
The program will feature
by Handel, Grieg, Mozart,
group of contempgorary A
songs.,A piano selection fro
bussy's "Revel" will ;be ply
Miss Stevens' accompanist
Shomate. The program w
concluded with selections
Bizet's "Carmen."
Replaces Lily Pons
Miss Stevens is replacini
Pons in the c'oncert opening
Pons is ill and was 'advised 1
doctor not to sing.
The "First Lady of Oper
Miss Stevens is often called,
her debut at the Prague
House in the title role of
Popular Artist
She was the first Ame
born star of the Metropolita
era to appear in a world pr
of the Italian Opera at Mil
Scala Opera House.-

Holding the distinction of
the highest selling recordin
tist in the classical field
Miss Stevens also appears
larly on many television an
dio shows. She has starred :
motion pictures "The Cho
Soldier" and "Going My W

World News Roundup
X-RayC Moon Camera Planned . .
WASHINGTON - Russia plans to put an X-ray camera in one
of her baby moons for a new look at the sun, a Soviet scientist said
It would see an eerie picture. The sun's face might be invisible
except perhaps for dimples of sunspots. Only. X-rays in the sun's
tremendous atmosphere - which reaches to the earth -- would be
visible. Such a study could explain some mysteries of the sun.
Russia's Dr. Sergie M. Poloskov gave no time table for the moon
carrying an X-ray camera or. other special kinds of equipment. It is
being worked on, he told a conference of International Geophysical
Year scientists.
Denies Report About Navy . .
WASHINGTON - The Defense Department yesterday denied
pblished reports that -United States Navy planes were ordered to
shoot down an unidentified plane spotted over 6th Fleet units in the
Mediterranean last week.
It did say an alert was sent to one commander telling him of

for handling them.
Numbers High
The number of cases is still
much higher than is usual for this
time of year, Beckett said, but
"the situation is not out of hand."
Other schools throughout the
country are experiencing the same
trouble as Health Service-no vac-
University of Oklahoma, which
has been hit by more than 500
cases of the virus since Sept. 8 has
no vaccine on hand and has had
Students Advised
Although no sign of the disease
has been detected at the University
of N o r t h Carolina, University
health officials there have advised
students to get on private physi-
cians priority vaccine lists because;
no supply is expected there until
early next year.
The University of California,
hardest hit with 2,000 cases, re-
ports that there is no vaccine

Trench Dug for Cable.

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